The new timeline of Apocalypse nine years ago, Jean Grey first exploded the Phoenix Force in this universe and tore apart Apocalypse, the strongest mutant at that time. She has Omega-level telekinesis and telepathy, and deservedly became the strongest mutant. Relying on her power at this critical moment is obviously a very wise choice. Nightwalker, Quick Shadow and Phoenix Girl appeared on the damaged spaceship. Nightwalker and Quick Shadow were responsible for saving the commander, while Phoenix Girl was responsible for repairing the spaceship to buy more time for her teammates. Quick Shadow had just found the commander, and the strange energy in the space seemed to sense something and attacked Phoenix Girl uncontrollably. Phoenix Girl, who was at the tail of the spaceship, faced all the strange energy. Strangely, these energies were not aggressive at all. When they approached Phoenix Girl, they were automatically absorbed by her body.

Like a black hole, all the energy disappeared in just a few seconds. The spaceship also exploded completely when Fast Shadow and Night Walker disappeared with the commander. Phoenix Girl's body, which was blown up by huge energy and a little damaged, floated in space and was repaired by her subconscious telekinesis.

A portal opened, and a pair of strong arms caught Jean Grey's body.

Yu Hui looked at the cracks on Jean Grey's body that were slightly broken by energy. The cracks were emitting a faint light and were slowly disappearing.

"Is it because two fragments of the Phoenix Force are in one person's body at the same time that the body cannot fully bear it, which leads to cracks?"

Yu Hui murmured to himself. Although he was questioning, he was sure that this was the only possibility.

He pressed his hand on Phoenix Girl's forehead without hesitation. The moment of contact, a slight Phoenix Force began to be transmitted into Yu Hui's body through his arm.

The Phoenix Force was transmitted faster and faster, as if it had found a more suitable host than Jean Grey, and began to invade Yu Hui's body with an impatient momentum.

Deadpool was floating in space next to him, and his body was ruthlessly crushed by the Phoenix Force during the transmission process, and then slowly healed himself. He never stopped mumbling, but there was no medium in space and it could not reach Yu Hui's ears at all, allowing Yu Hui to quietly enjoy the continuous energy absorption.

This situation lasted for twenty minutes. Under Yu Hui's unconscious control, the three people landed safely from space to the ground. Yu Hui finally heard Deadpool's nagging, and the two Phoenix Forces in the body of Phoenix Girl Jean Grey were also absorbed by him.

"Hey! Can you leave me here? I've had enough! Your torture is enough!"

Deadpool looked at Yu Hui with resentful eyes. He had had enough of the torture of the Phoenix Force in these twenty minutes.

The body is constantly decomposed and restored. Although the decomposition of the body is not very painful, the neurons are restored one by one and connected one by one, and the whole body will feel itchy, which is really uncomfortable.

Yu Hui is in a good mood. He opened the portal to a new world and looked at Deadpool.

"Do you know? You have a very important functional role by my side."

"What is it?"

Deadpool asked curiously.

"After your body is severely damaged, you can meet death briefly before recovery. I have a deal with her. I need to contact her at any time. You are a good messenger."

After Yu Hui finished speaking, Deadpool retreated in fear.

"You devil! How can you think of such a vicious and cruel thing! Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

Yu Hui smiled slightly.

"I just want to ask her if she needs to take back the clone. Go and ask for me."

Hearing Yu Hui's words, Deadpool turned and ran, but could he escape? Obviously impossible.

Yu Hui raised his hand and squeezed the air with a little force. Deadpool, who was running away, had his bones broken and his body split open. His soul left his body and headed for death.

Yu Hui vaguely saw Deadpool in the shape of a light blue soul, giving him the middle finger.

Yu Hui didn't care. He waved to Deadpool and used some tricks to let Deadpool hear some words.

"Beep beep! Deadpool's time-space microphone is activated! He is doing his job professionally!"

"Damn bastard, I must complain to my sister Death!"

Yu Hui vaguely heard such a voice, but he didn't care. He took Deadpool's recovering body and stepped into the portal.


The main universe of the comics (Ea


(Note: This universe is the universe where the X-Men and the Avengers exist at the same time in the comics, not the X-Men movie universe.)

In space, the superhero Nova, carrying a long blue tail, exerted all his strength to head towards the earth, because he had a very important message to give to the Avengers, and his message might save the earth.

Nova looked behind him several times, and there was a dazzling light chasing him behind him.

At an unknown distance, a yellow-orange flame was burning in space. It was roughly the shape of a phoenix, flying towards the earth at an incalculable speed.

Nova's speed was very fast, and he arrived on Earth very quickly.

But he did not slow down at all when he arrived on Earth. He shot down several planes in a hurry, crashed several buildings, and killed countless ordinary people invisibly, causing a lot of losses. Finally, he fell on the road and fainted.

After an unknown period of time, he opened his eyes and saw a group of burly men.

Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Thor and Black Widow looked at Nova lying on the ground, who was struggling to speak.

Captain America quickly supported him.

"It... it's coming!"

Nova passed out again after saying this.

A group of superheroes quickly took him back to the headquarters, and when Nova woke up again, after a round of questioning, they finally understood what they were about to face.

The White House.

Facing a group of senior American officials, Iron Man and Captain America were talking about the news they had received from Nova.

"At this moment, a powerful energy entity is approaching the earth, that is the power that the mutant Jean Grey had before, the Phoenix Force!"

"We need to stop it, and this requires uniting all the forces on Earth!"

At this moment, the screen in front of everyone issued an emergency prompt, and the same power as the Phoenix Force broke out in the mutant's utopian Messiah.

"It seems that the mutants are very problematic! We need to find them immediately!"

Captain America immediately gave an order, and this order was immediately approved by the senior officials.

In this way, the mutants, who would voluntarily face genocide no matter which universe they were in, were once again subjected to an American-style search by the Avengers simply because of the energy explosion of one person in their own homeland.

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