The Mutant Utopia Messiah.

The X-Men were talking on the rooftop, and the topic was Hope, who had just exploded with the power of the Phoenix.

Cyclops said.

"Since Scarlet Witch said that there are no more mutants, no more mutants have been born, and our tribe is facing an unprecedented disaster."

"Hope is our only hope. She has the power of the Phoenix like Jean. The purpose of my training her is to make her mature as quickly as possible and revive our mutant tribe."

Many X-Men finally understood Hope's true mission, and nodded in agreement with Cyclops' words.

At this moment, the White Queen's face changed and she looked down.

"Someone has invaded Messiah!"

Everyone looked down and found Captain America holding a shield chatting with the confused Hope on the beach below.

Everyone jumped down immediately and walked towards Captain America.

"What are you doing here!"

As the captain of the X-Men, Cyclops questioned Captain America vigilantly.

Captain America explained calmly.

"The Phoenix Force is approaching the earth. Her target is Hope. I need to take her away for protection and research."

Cyclops disagreed with this statement.

"How can you confirm that the Phoenix Force was attracted by her? Is it just based on the Phoenix Force that Hope just exploded? This is too hasty! It's like you think that we mutants are born dangerous elements and want to capture us for research!"

Captain America narrowed his eyes slightly.

"So you don't agree with me taking him away!"

Cyclops chuckled disdainfully.

"We mutants can solve the mutants' problems ourselves. You are not worthy of our trust!"

Captain America's eyes became serious.

"Then...Avengers, assemble!"

As Captain America finished speaking, a huge flying aircraft carrier that had been invisible in the sky appeared, and many members of the Avengers appeared.

They were Doctor Strange, the Stone Man, Ant-Man, Spider-Woman, Wolverine, Hawkeye, Red Hulk, Luke Cage, Mockingbird, Iron Fist, Iron Man, Black Widow, Spider-Man, Black Panther and Daredevil.

They were ready to fight and started a global live broadcast, as if they were going to fight in the name of justice.

The war was about to break out, and Cyclops was the first to emit a powerful laser from his eyes, shooting down the aircraft carrier, causing a large number of superheroes who had no ability to fly to fall into the sea.

Cyclops turned around and gave orders to the White Queen.

"Emma, ​​protect Hope!"

"But Hope has the right to make her own choice."

"She doesn't have it now!"

Cyclops' words hit Hope's heart hard, and her eyes dimmed.

The White Queen could only listen to Cyclops' words, took Hope's hand and ran.

In a steel fortress built next to the cliff, there were several young mutants, who looked at the war below through the window. Without enough ability, they could only watch silently here.

The White Queen broke into the room and threw Hope to these mutants.

"You keep an eye on her! Don't let her get into trouble!"

Then the White Queen turned and left, but she didn't notice that a trace of purple lightning began to flash in the room.


In space, Thor, who was blocking the power of the Phoenix, seemed to see the huge fire phoenix in front of him and seemed to have a slight change in his eyes.


As soon as the White Queen walked out of the steel fortress, she saw Iron Man chasing here.

She was about to use a mental attack, but suddenly an inexplicable energy appeared, blocking the White Queen's spiritual power.

"This is my defense against psychic attacks. You can't resist it!"

An electronic voice came from the Iron Armor. The White Queen felt a pain in her brain. She took advantage of Iron Man's unpreparedness to turn her right arm into diamond and hit Iron Man's abdomen.

Iron Man just recovered, and Magneto followed him.

As soon as Magneto activated his ability to dismantle Iron Man's armor, Iron Man shot out another energy, which was an energy that could offset Magneto's ability.

The three of them immediately started fighting, and this scene was transmitted to all parts of the world by the camera.

Quicksilver, who was resting at home, ran out immediately after seeing it, and calculated his speed and the distance to the target place.

"Can arrive in 3.47 seconds!"


Inside the Iron Fortress.

Yu Hui walked out of the portal, holding Deadpool's body in his left hand, and grabbing Hope with his right hand.

A few seconds later.


It's the fourth fragment. The one in space should be equivalent to the fifth fragment. It seems that there is another Jean Grey in this universe... It seems that this universe is really good! "

Yu Hui threw Hope away, and his figure disappeared in a flash. When he reappeared, he grabbed a fist wearing a green glove.

Magneto was surprised to see his son's fist hitting him being caught by an unknown man, and immediately used his ability to run away and distance himself.

"Who are you!"

Iron Man behind Yu Hui asked vigilantly.

Yu Hui exerted a little force and directly crushed Quicksilver's hand bones and threw him aside.

Turning around and looking at Iron Man.

"If you can make a seal, you won't ask me such a question. ”

Yu Hui had no partiality for Iron Man, who was not his apprentice.

Just as Iron Man was about to raise his hand to use the energy beam in his palm, Yu Hui used the telekinesis of the Phoenix Force to grab Iron Man tightly, and crushed his armor in an instant.

The phantom of the dazzling Phoenix burst out from Yu Hui's body, accompanied by a powerful telekinesis that no one could match.

The four fragments of the Phoenix Force brought many abilities, among which telekinesis was the most dazzling.

The powerful telekinesis used by Yu Hui to use the phantom of the Phoenix instantly controlled all life on the entire earth.

No matter whether they were ordinary people, superheroes, or super villains, everyone found that they could not move their bodies now, and could only think, constantly spit out sweet words and watch the battle between the Avengers and the X-Men on TV in a dull manner.

Using telekinesis to grab Quicksilver, Magneto, Iron Man and the White Queen, Yu Hui flew high and slowly landed on the main battlefield.

"Who are you! What are you doing! Let us go! "

On the battlefield, Captain America and Cyclops confronted each other, Red Hulk and Colossus confronted each other, and there were countless confrontations like this, which seemed to be stopped by the pause button.

Their postures were varied, far more than action movies.

Yu Hui landed between Captain America and Cyclops and looked at them carefully.

"Hmm~ Standard strong and handsome physique, it can be said to be a standard hero appearance."

"Who are you! What are you doing!"

Captain America once again used the only mouth that could move now to question Yu Hui in a strong tone.

Yu Hui was very confused. Could it be that this guy was confident enough in his 50-50 physique that he had the courage to question himself in a strong tone here?

"Do you know someone named Kakashi?"

Yu Hui had a strange question.

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