The truth is that the enemy is in danger.

Captain America didn't understand what Yu Hui meant at all, but he couldn't stop questioning Yu Hui in a righteous tone.

"Listen, kid! We are fighting for the future of the Earth. Something terrible is approaching the Earth. You must know that you can't resist it. Let us go immediately. Only we can stop that disaster!"

It was a completely righteous statement, but if you listen carefully, you will find that it is full of selfishness.

"You said that only you can save this Earth, right?"

Captain America was puzzled, but still replied firmly.

"Of course! Because this is our responsibility! We have the power!"

Yu Hui smiled.

"You have power, right? Then why don't you let everyone on the planet have this power, and let them fight this disaster with you?"

Using telekinesis, Yu Hui directly raised his hand to completely dismantle the steel fortress just now. With his mind carefully controlling every bit of metal that was dismantled, he began to recall the huge mutant transformer.

Insufficient materials were directly dismantled from the flying aircraft carrier. In just a few seconds, Yu Hui made a mutant transformer that was exactly the same as the X-Men universe, to everyone's surprise.

Focusing all the cameras around him on himself, Yu Hui tidied up his appearance.

With a microphone in his hand, Yu Hui once again started his second best speech.

Of course, the first best thing is to become stronger.

"I'm very happy to introduce myself on this battlefield. Hello everyone! My name is Yu Hui, an ordinary civilian, just like all of you ordinary people sitting in front of the screen."

A typical speech to close the distance. Although everyone who witnessed Yu Hui's ability being used on themselves sneered at Yu Hui's words, they were powerless and could only watch this scene obediently.

"I believe all of you in front of the screen have heard what Captain America said just now. He said that because they have power, they have the responsibility to protect you. Do you agree with this statement?"

"I believe that most people agree. There are even countless people who regard them as idols, heroes, and greatness."

"But have you ever thought that all of you who are watching this scene in front of the screen also have the responsibility to protect yourself! Is it possible to bear the same power as them! Do you also want to gain an ability beyond ordinary people!"

Yu Hui paused for a moment. He carefully sensed that countless people had silently said words like "want" in their hearts.

"Of course! You may doubt yourself and think that powerful power is something you cannot obtain because you do not have the qualities to be a superhero. All those who think so turn your heads and look at this!"

Yu Hui pointed his finger to the sky. As he pointed his finger, a huge screen appeared in the sky, and all cameras were aimed at the screen.

The first video on the screen was a peaceful office with white-collar workers working hard, but suddenly the screen changed and the office was engulfed in flames from a huge explosion. When the screen stopped, the white-collar worker in the picture had been burned to death by the flames, and the superhero Nova who caused all this appeared on the screen.

As soon as the screen stopped, another peaceful scene began to appear, followed by the same ending as the previous video, with ordinary people killed by the destruction caused by the superhero.

A dozen videos were played on the screen in the sky, all with the same content, but there were also some differences, such as in several videos, ordinary people in peaceful scenes would suddenly use their unique abilities to avoid the sudden disaster.

The screen disappeared, and Yu Hui continued to speak.

"I believe you have seen it! These idols of yours are not so omnipotent, and they cannot keep you safe. Only when you have the power to protect yourself at critical moments can you get a chance to survive in this world."

"I will tell you some secrets. In fact, all of you on the entire earth may have died several times, but when you are resurrected, your memories are completely deleted. After you are resurrected, you only remember that the heroes have protected you again, but you will never remember that your life is just a number that can be restarted countless times in the hearts of these heroes."

"Think carefully again now, do you need this power!"

"The machine behind me is a machine that can awaken superpowers for all ordinary people. It is the only way for you to obtain the capital to protect yourself.

"I believe you all yearn for democracy, so let's use this machine or not in the most democratic way." Yu Hui walked into the machine and pointed his finger at the sky. A huge screen lit up again in the sky. As the camera was pointed at the screen, everyone saw a bar chart with two options, one was yes and the other was no. "From now on, everyone in the world has the right to choose. From three seconds on, as long as someone says yes, it will be recorded by the chart, and if they say no, it will also be recorded by the chart." "Three... two... one, start! "

As soon as Yu Hui finished speaking, the pillar representing willingness rose like a rocket, leaving unwillingness far behind.

Then unwillingness also slowly began to rise, with a momentum to catch up with willingness.

Yu Hui smiled slightly, he knew that those who immediately said yes must be very dissatisfied with the world today, and those who said no were the beneficiaries of this world, and most people were hesitant.

At the same time, countless heroes silently said no, Yu Hui waved his finger and recorded this scene.

The changes in the statistical chart suddenly stopped, and the camera was aimed at Yu Hui again.

"I believe that He Duoran is hesitant, so I suggest you watch these videos. ”

Another screen opened, and the camera was pointed there.

The scenes of superheroes saying they were unwilling were played one by one. They might be worried about the stability of the earth, but this was not recorded by the camera.

After the superheroes finished speaking, various wealthy businessmen from all over the world said they were unwilling.

After the video was played, the camera was pointed at Yu Hui again.

“I believe everyone can see why these people said they were unwilling, because they are either superheroes with superpowers that can do everything, or they are the beneficiaries of this world, so of course they are unwilling.”

“Let me tell you a secret. This machine is a super machine that can turn ordinary people into mutants, but it has been specially modified, because the mutants it awakens have almost no chance of becoming freaks, so you can rest assured. And think about it carefully, gaining powerful superpowers is the only possibility for you to break through your current social status. Even if you don’t awaken powerful abilities, your children may gain powerful abilities. Everything is possible to be gambled! "

The statistical chart began to change again, and the voices of global willingness broke through the sky. Yu Hui pressed the start button in the hopeful eyes of everyone in front of the screen.

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