Starting From An Egg, I Evolve Through Devouring

Chapter 132 Existence in the Darkness! (3/5)

Chapter 132 Existence in the Darkness! (35)

Xiao Xinran looked at her father with some incomprehension, why did she suddenly agree when she resisted so much just now?

what's going on?

But now she has no time to think about it, she is very excited, she can finally follow Su Ye to those great secrets that can touch the evolutionary era! Is the day finally here?

It's so good!

But suddenly she turned around.


"Where did you go?"

She looked back and saw that Ersha was rushing away with Su Ye on his back, as if turning into a black wind and fleeing away. It was only for a short while. Follow Su Ye and the others, and immediately turn around and run away without saying a word! Now Ersha just ran away without a trace.

As for what?

Xiao Xinran was stunned, lost her mind, and wept bitterly.

Big smelly dog, don't you just say you are ugly?

woo woo woo.

"I can't help it... At present, all tools in the human world should not be able to catch up with the speed of that big dog. That big dog was like a sharp arrow in the 100,000 mountains that day. formed a barrier."

Xiao Xinran was devastated.


Su Ye sat on Ersha's body, and Ersha ran so fast.

It's like having a rocket on your ass.

As for...

Su Ye was helpless, didn't they just say you were ugly, and they were right.

How old is the dog, so you can't have a little B number in your heart...

It's just that what surprised Su Ye was the attitude of Duling Xiao, who had previously refused to let Xiao Xinran follow, why did he suddenly agree to let her follow?

What did you feel?

Su Ye thought about it.

Could it be because their trip was being supervised secretly by a strong human being?

That's why Duling Xiao let Xiao Xinran follow him at ease?

Su Ye also remembered that when he first stepped into Tianshan Mountain, the White Snake King seemed to feel some kind of energy, and then immediately fled in terror.

Su Ye thought for a while, and he understood a little bit.

But at this time, the red-eyed ape was panting heavily behind him, his red eyes were about to dim, but they became even more blood red, and he gritted his teeth.

This silly dog.

What are you doing so fast!

Hammered lightly!


While running happily, Ersha yelled mockingly at the panting red-eyed ape behind him, his shouts full of mockery.


At this moment, a comprehensive meeting has been held in the Human Central City.

This is a meeting full of strong human beings.

In the huge conference room, there is an oval rosewood table tens of meters long, surrounded by people. Among them, the four governors of the central city are sitting in the deepest place, followed by the governors of the major cities, and then After that is a group of border city governors.

And the deepest part is extremely weird.

It is clear that the lights are on, but the depths are dark, as if there is a magnetic field, blocking the light here, and only a few figures can be seen faintly, sitting in the deepest part, although these figures are just quietly Sitting down made the governors below shudder.

There is an invisible pressure spreading, people dare not look directly, and there will be a feeling of suffocation spreading.

"Su Ye, the breaker, has stepped into the territory of the western border and is about to approach the Kunlun Ruins in the western border. At that time, he may meet the crane of the Kunlun Ruins."

Duling Xiao's voice was calm, and he said the news they had now.

"Shenhe has always maintained a neutral position, so it should not hinder the plan."

The figure in the darkness seemed to nod slightly.

"After Kunlun Ruins is Mount Gangdise, and after Mount Gangdise is Changbai Ruins."

"When everything is ready, then the key to breaking the game will appear."

"At that time, everything will be revealed. The layout of ten thousand years ago, the so-called return plan, and even some horrible existences will show a trace at that time."

As soon as these words came out, the entire meeting room fell silent.

"What should we do?" Governor Liu said slowly after pondering for a long time.

"We have become grasshoppers on the same rope with Shiwan Dashan and Su Ye, so help Su Ye."

The voice of the figure in the dark seemed to carry a magical power, and after listening to it, there was an inexplicable impulse to convince.

But Duling Xiao's heart was cold, and he was silent for a long time.

But he was frowning. He looked at the existence in the darkness, and then at the governors and governors who were in the meeting but were in the dark about the overall situation. very struggling.

After a long time, he finally seemed to have made a decision, and immediately stood up directly.


The chair made a sound, and everyone's eyes were on him.

"My lords, I'm a rough person, and I'm outspoken. Today I have something to say."

The figure in the dark looked at him, a pair of eyes like a hollow that swallowed everything, after a long time.


"My lords, what is the purpose? I mean, what exactly do you want to do? Ten years ago, the world changed drastically. Alien beasts rose from the earth, and human beings were in danger. The appearance of a few lords prevented many human beings. The city was devastated by alien beasts, for which human beings are most in awe and grateful."

"However, what kind of agreement did the adults negotiate with those strange beasts, and what kind of conspiracy did they have with the existence in the 100,000 mountains? We human evolutionists don't know anything about this. The eyes follow orders."

"With all due respect, my lords, are you trustworthy?"

"We human beings are desperately fighting for it, desperately starting to evolve, to stop some illusory overall situation, will it be nothing but nothing in the end?"

Xiao Duling seemed to be desperate, his eyes fixed on the figure in the darkness.

Everyone looked at Duling Xiao with constricted pupils. These things were indeed like thorns in their hearts. They didn't know anything about the so-called overall situation, and they seemed to be in a fog about the conspiracy between the adults and Shiwan Dashan , in the mist.

However, how dare Duling Xiao dare to speak out against the case like this, expressing his feelings directly!

"Whether the adults are human or not, we don't want to know. We follow the advice of the adults to develop the future, but we are always afraid. For humans, the most terrifying thing is the unknown."

That pair of eyes stared at Duling Xiao, as if they wanted to devour him. An inexplicable and terrifying sense of oppression pressed straight down, making Duling Xiao feel cold and even suffocated. Compared with this existence hidden in the darkness, even ants can't match it!

But he still stared, staring into the darkness.

no way!

These people are really going to be driven crazy.

I don't know anything about the future, I just know the overall situation of the future.

If they can't see hope, what are they fighting for?

The figure in the darkness seemed to sigh suddenly, with a bit of helplessness in his voice.

"We... for detachment."

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