Starting From An Egg, I Evolve Through Devouring

Chapter 133 Go to the Kunlun Market! (4/5)

Chapter 133 Go to the Kunlun Market! (45)


What does it mean?

Duling Xiao and the others' eyes trembled slightly, but they felt as if they became more and more confused the more they asked.

In the darkness, the voice continued to come out.

"Hey, in short, we are also human beings. The detachment we talk about is too far away for you, but our purpose naturally coincides with that of human beings."

"If we have ulterior motives, the human world can be destroyed in an instant."

He was very realistic.

But it convinced most of the people present.

These few existences had made a move at the very beginning. The four great disaster kings who appeared at that time were powerful and disrupted the world, but they were as fragile as playthings in their hands.

Xiao Duling's eyes flickered slightly, but he had nothing to say.

Is there still no usable information in the result?

At this time, another figure in the darkness suddenly spoke.

"Li Yan seems to have appeared."

"What is Li Yan? Is it the one who attacked Su Ye in the 100,000 mountains?"

Governor Liu asked, and at the same time, he thought about the disaster-level beast they saw in the 100,000 mountains, which was extremely powerful.

"A disgusting race that seems to be inextricably linked to certain ancient existences. In short, this existence must be eliminated."

"I'm a little worried. After Su Ye obtains the things in the various mountains, will those beings be aware of something? At that time, if the space of the Hundred Thousand Mountains surfaced, the sleeping things inside... ..."

That existence hesitated to speak.

"Luo Shen has already made an agreement with Tianzhi, if that space is born, then Tianzhi will walk out of the Hundred Thousand Mountains and eliminate all dissidents."

When they heard that Tianzhi was born, they were relieved for a moment.

If it was Tianzhi, then everything would naturally be solved.

They naturally had great trust in Tianzhi's strength.

Especially for them, Tianzhi should be more against the return plan, so they are relieved.

"Okay, that's about it, you don't have to think too much, it's a good thing for you to wait for us to transcend... Hey, forget it, don't say much, you go back, and send some evolutionists to Kunlun Ruins and Gang At Mount Des, at least the martial law of human beings can open a green passage to that person."

A group of human chiefs left the scene one after another.

Duling Xiao sighed. Although he didn't know whether what these guys said was true or not, he felt that there was really no need for these few existences to deceive humans. Given the current weakness of humans, they did not seem to have much May have ulterior motives.



He sighed inwardly again.

Immediately left here.


After all the supervisors left, those beings in the darkness were still talking.

"Where is Luoshen? Why don't you see her?"

"She went to shelter Su Ye."

"Hmph, Luoshen is really reckless. The last time she cut off the arm of a strange beast, she was already contaminated with karma. If she recklessly kills the ancient existence, then the karma is too heavy, and she will definitely die in time."

As soon as the voice fell, several people fell silent.

"Luo Shen knows how to measure."

"hope so."

Some beings snorted coldly, and then continued to say: "Continue to strengthen your defenses. If the return plan is successfully cracked, then everything is just the beginning. Those ancient clans will wake up one by one, and those four beings will also emerge. Various ancient great clans will also appear on this land, and at that time, it will be the collision of the two eras."

"The current era of still too weak..."

If their words were left outside, it would definitely be a peerless secret and cause an uproar.

"Hey... If Su Ye breaks the game, what kind of relationship should we maintain with him?"

"If the game is broken, then he will be the only variable caught between the two eras...too involved, so he can only be attached or accompanies." At this time, a gentle voice sounded.

"Hmph, getting involved? Fenghuang, you are still so timid."

"Everything in the world follows the trend."


A snort of disdain ended the meeting.



The sky and the earth are vast, and above the western border, the continuous and surging mountains are like a dragon lying prone, majestic and majestic, which makes people feel the majesty and majesty of the territory.

And Ersha took a day to go directly from Tiannan to Xijiang.

Su Ye was shocked.

Especially this guy is still alive and well, it doesn't seem to feel any fatigue at all!


Behind him, the red-eyed ape collapsed completely, seeing that he had finally arrived in Xijiang, and fell to the ground with a bang.


The second idiot jumped up and down beside the red-eyed ape, that's a shame!

Silly monkey can't do it!

Tell you.

Kung fu.

This dog claims to be number one, no one dares to claim number two!

Ersha felt that he had the meaning of existence. Since he left the Shiwan Dashan and started to hurry, Ersha felt that he had found the meaning of life!

The red-eyed ape couldn't take it anymore.

Hit hard.

But Su Ye didn't pay attention to these two people. He looked at the vast western border, but he already felt the aura emanating from the Kunlun Ruins, which made his mind shake slightly.

"Second idiot, let's go on and prepare to step into the Kunlun Ruins."

Ersha groaned, and continued on his way after the red-eyed ape regained his strength.

Soon they rushed to conquer Kunlun Ruins.

A piece of rolling mountains, the lower part is lush, slightly greenish yellow, the upper part is covered with thin snow, the two poles are distinct, the vast desert is in the distance, the atmosphere is majestic, the sky and the earth are the same color, the solitary smoke goes straight up, and it has the momentum of a long river and the setting sun, which is full of majesty. Majestic!

Is this the Kunlun Ruins?

The legendary mountain.

Su Ye sighed slightly.

up the hill!


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