However, because they were all born in this ancient starry sky, now, just like if they cannot go to the big world in other areas, these aborigines are also completely restricted and cannot leave this ancient starry sky.

According to the captain's memory, this ancient starry sky is actually divided into five regions: southeast, northwest, and middle. It is a "world" where technology and cultivation civilization coexist.

The place where he is now is a remote area in the East District called Sea Realm. The most peculiar thing here is that there is a strange existence called the "Dark Sea".

The dark sea of ​​the sea is divided into three large parts, which are controlled by the three major families of the sea. The sea where he is now belongs to the Ling family.

"There is a special mineral in the darkness, which is said to be an excellent material for refining weapons."

Su Ye muttered, but it was obvious that he, who owned the world, still had some disdain for this so-called excellent material.

"Fortunately, the captain also has a lot of knowledge about the operation of the spacecraft in his memory. Judging from my current grasp of his memory, I can still barely fly this spacecraft." Su Ye muttered to himself. stand up.

He did not expect that the first thing he did after arriving in this ancient starry sky was to become an "interstellar pirate" and directly rob a spaceship.

Of course, if Su Ye doesn't hijack him, there is nothing he can do. After all, if he wants to leave this place, he must use the jump ability of the spacecraft. Otherwise, even the strongest men at the peak of the Three Disasters will not be able to break out of this place.

Su Ye took a short rest, and after his mental strength was almost restored, he took a token from the captain.

The authorization level of this spaceship is not that high. There is no master recognition system, so it will not be bound to the captain character. You only need to carry the captain's token to directly control the dominance of this spaceship.

Su Ye glanced at the captain who was still unconscious at this moment, and immediately waved his hand. Covered by this powerful spiritual energy, Su Ye directly ended the captain's life.

After Su Ye's actions before, even if the captain wakes up, he will become like an idiot. Instead of letting the captain live in confusion, Su Ye feels that it is better to free him directly.

What's more, Su Ye also knew in his heart that if this happened to him, the captain would obviously not be able to leave him alive, so Su Ye had no mercy at all at this time.

"Transfer the highest power and transfer the highest control power to me." Su Ye said while holding the token.

Immediately afterwards, Su Ye heard a cold voice.

"Authorization successful."

This feeling gave Su Ye a sense of familiarity, as if he was chatting with the system now.

"Completely block the passage of the spacecraft, allowing only me to pass through. At the same time, the entrance and exit of the survival cabin are completely blocked." Su Ye obviously knew the spaceship the most, and it was definitely the deepest in the spacecraft.

"The order is being carried out."

"The order has been carried out."

A moment later, the voice of the spacecraft's artificial intelligence came to Su Ye's ears.

Naturally, only Su Ye could hear the authorization voice, but the people in the spacecraft could still see the changes, especially in the main cabin, where there should be four people controlling the flight, detection and attack of the spacecraft. After seeing the changes in the spacecraft, they immediately wanted to contact the spacecraft's warning.

But what surprised these four people was that the spacecraft actually took away some of their management rights, and they were unable to have any effective influence on the changes in the spacecraft.

"This...what the hell is going on?"

"The spaceship is malfunctioning? Class C artificial intelligence is coming out?"

"At this juncture, why hasn't the captain returned yet?"

The four people couldn't help but frown nervously and kept talking about it, but unfortunately, no matter how nervous and worried they were now, it was of no use.

The same tension and panic also arose in the hearts of every guard. At this time, many guards even wanted to directly open these blocked hatches with force. However, it was a pity that none of them had reached the peak of the minor three disasters. Naturally, There is no way to break the blockade here.

At this moment, a large screen suddenly appeared in front of Su Ye. This screen was brought to Su Ye by the artificial intelligence of this spaceship, which was what those in the cab just called "Class C artificial intelligence", so that Su Ye could be more precise. It’s good to have a clear look at the situation in each area.

"Guys, if I were you, I wouldn't continue to struggle, because this struggle is of no use."

Su Ye tried his best to play the role of a "pirate" at this time, and his voice sounded a little crazy.

Under the transmission of artificial intelligence, the sound directly spread to every corner of the spacecraft. Everyone who was still thinking of various ways to contact the spacecraft's blockade was stunned for an instant. Many guards looked at each other, obviously not satisfied. Understand what is going on.

"I will only tell you two things now. The first is that your captain was killed by me, and I have obtained the highest authority on the spacecraft."

As soon as Su Ye said these words, almost the entire spacecraft was about to explode. All the guards' faces were full of surprise. Apparently they did not expect that their captain could actually be killed because of his strength. , What makes them feel even more helpless is that at this time, they don't even know who killed their captain.

"Damn it, is it him?"

"This voice is so annoying, it must be that person's voice."

"Oh my God, how could it be his? Then...didn't we lead the wolf into the house? Didn't we kill the captain in disguise?"

"That's not right. If he is strong enough to kill the captain, why would he still be captured by us? Aren't we already killed by him?"

When the guards who brought Su Ye to the spacecraft heard this, their expressions became extremely surprised.

It's just that they heard Su Ye's voice very clearly, even if they didn't want to believe it, it didn't help.

Obviously, most of the people on the spaceship were loyal guards of the captain. After hearing Su Ye's words, they immediately used various means to bombard the spacecraft. It was a pity that their strength was too weak. There is an invisible protective film on the spaceship. Evolvers whose strength has not reached the peak of the three minor disasters or above are obviously unable to break through the defense here.

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