Starting From An Egg, I Evolve Through Devouring

Chapter 329 Members of the Void Palace!

"Deputy Commander, all eighteen energy cannons were damaged to varying degrees under the impact just now. The most serious damage has exceeded 30%."

"The power fluctuation just now was also detected. It is a space attack, and it is also a very high-level space power attack."

This news is completely bad news for the deputy chief. The maintenance cost of these energy cannons is very high. Just because of his misjudgment, these energy cannons suffered such heavy losses, he can't say no. To blame, if he couldn't come up with a good explanation, he would be killed by the family.

Su Yehui's high-level space power attacks shocked him even more. You must know that even some low-level space attack methods are very rare, let alone high-level existences. This is a kind of The representative of the identity, and as far as he knew, there was only one place in the ancient starry sky where high-level space attacks could be performed.

"Oh my god, he from the Void Palace?"

There were many powerful forces in the ancient starry sky, and the Void Palace was one of them, and its strength was also considered to be very advanced. There once was a powerful family that offended the Void Palace, and the result was that the entire family destroyed.

Although the Ling family is somewhat famous in this area, there is still no comparison with Void Palace.

Thinking of this, the deputy chief's face was covered with cold sweat. This Void Palace was not something he could offend. The deputy chief immediately asked the staff at the control center to report the situation here to the family.

But what makes this officer feel helpless is that not only is he in a daze now, but even the staff here are also in a daze. He shouted several times at the top of his lungs, and only then did these people react. For fear that there was something wrong, they hurriedly reported it to him. The family sent a message.

At this time, in order to stabilize Su Ye, the deputy commander immediately walked out of the control center. "Young hero, this is all a misunderstanding. Please show your respect." As he said this, the deputy commander's face showed There was also a nervous expression on his face.

He could clearly see how Su Ye dealt with the energy cannon just now. In the early stages of the Great Tribulation, his strength was not as strong as Su Ye's, and he could not withstand the energy cannon's bombardment. To be honest, after what he had just done The deputy chief was really worried about the matter, fearing that Su Ye would be unhappy after seeing him at this time and attack him directly.

Su Ye's expression was as usual at this moment. The Void Bell's attack just now had indeed consumed almost all the spiritual energy in his body. Fortunately, the soldiers in the assault ship were quite strong and provided him with a lot of spiritual energy. , At this moment, Su Ye still has three-quarters of his peak strength.

If he wanted to deal with the deputy chief in front of him, Su Ye was more than capable.

Originally, Su Ye thought that at this time, the deputy commander wanted to go out in person to fight him. Therefore, after seeing the deputy commander appear, Su Ye was indeed ready to attack as soon as possible.

But what surprised Su Ye was that the deputy chief actually said such words this time.

"Is it a scam?" This was Su Ye's first reaction, but Su Ye immediately wiped out this thought. You must know that this person's status is still very high, and this is the Ling family. If he is the deputy chief of the Ling family, If he is so groveling to himself here just because he wants to kill him when he is not prepared, then this guy will probably lose all his face.

Obviously he wouldn't do that.

Su Ye did not answer, but stared at the deputy commander silently, preparing to remain unchanged in response to any changes, to take a closer look at what the deputy commander was planning to do this time.

"Um... I don't know what to call this brother. We had misunderstood before. We didn't know that the experts from the Void Palace came to our Ling family, so they took action directly against you, brother." When he said this, the deputy chief He was also staring at Su Ye carefully, as if he wanted to see some clues from Su Ye's face.

After all, he couldn't tell whether Su Ye was from the Void Palace or not.

But what made the deputy chief feel helpless was that Su Ye's expression was very cold from beginning to end. It looked as if his face was covered with a thick layer of ice. Just seeing it , which made the deputy chief feel chilled all over.

It was Su Ye's reaction that made the deputy commander even more convinced that Su Ye was probably from the Void Palace. According to rumors, the masters of the Void Palace were all very cold and powerful beings.

Although Su Ye didn't show any expression on the surface, he was a little surprised in his heart.

"Void Palace?" Su Ye murmured secretly in his heart, feeling slightly dazed. He quickly searched his memory and found some information about the Void Palace from the previous captain's memory information.

Due to the captain's status, although he also knew the situation of the Void Palace, the content he knew was very sparse.

But for Su Ye now, it is enough. Su Ye knows from his memory that this Void Palace ranks tenth among the stars-like forces in the ancient starry sky, but this place The ranking of ten is not a true expression of their strength.

You must know that the top 9 ranked forces all have countless disciples. It is precisely because of this that the overall strength of the entire force has been greatly improved. But this Void Palace is different. In the Void Palace , there is only one palace master and nine sect masters, and apart from that, there are no more disciples.

It is precisely because of these few people that the overall comprehensive strength of the Void Palace has dropped to tenth.

Someone once made statistics that if purely based on personal strength, this Void Palace can definitely be ranked in the top five. As for where it is, it is unknown.

"I see, I can exert the power of the void. This is indeed very similar to the description of the Void Palace. This place is also remote. Although science and technology are advanced, no one has seen the masters in the Void Palace. Even with the use of technology, There is no way to search for it, which is why this misunderstanding is caused."

After figuring out the reason, Su Ye suddenly laughed evilly in his heart.

Sometimes, the information gap can bring a lot of benefits to Su Ye. He just happened to lack a spaceship to play with, so this guy came directly to him.

Su Ye believed that as long as he was "confirmed" as a "member of the Void Palace", the Ling family would definitely satisfy his request in order to curry favor with him.

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