Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 331 Atletico Madrid is very strong, but I wish them to realize their dream of the Champions

"We are ahead, He Sai! We scored first!"

In front of the Chelsea bench, which was already completely boiling, Holland hugged Mourinho passionately and kept shouting, looking very excited!

If it was just about winning an FA Cup, Holland wouldn't be so excited at all.

After working with Mourinho for almost two years, he has already won two Premier Leagues and two EFL Cups. Holland has seen all the storms.

But what Chelsea are doing now is a great undertaking that is destined to be engraved in the history of the Premier League!

If Chelsea successfully wins the FA Cup, the Premier League will be the first super team in history to win the domestic treble!

And every member of Chelsea, not just the players, but coaches like them will also be talked about and praised by those who come after as part of the glorious history!

Mourinho understood very well the excitement of his assistant at the moment. He first comforted Holland, and then turned to signal the young players on the bench to stabilize their emotions.

On the field at this moment, Li Ang, who briefly vented his passion, faced his excited teammates, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and made exactly the same action as Mourinho.

"Hey, hey! Listen to me, brothers... Let's celebrate briefly first, then clear our heads, don't get too excited, and stay focused on the game!

I know it's not easy to do this, but we have to bring this championship trophy back to Stamford Bridge! Don't give Arsenal any chance of a comeback!

There is still a long period of time left in the game, so we take our time and grasp the victory step by step..."

Li Ang's restrained reminder made other Chelsea players who gathered around quickly calm down.

Yes, this game is still quite a while away from the end.

In such a final, apart from passion, the more important thing is to be patient and try not to make mistakes and give your opponents a chance.

It’s not yet time to celebrate freely.

As Li Ang said, they want to bring the championship trophies back to Stamford Bridge one by one after this season is truly over!

Until then, they can safely celebrate.

Chelsea must have the last laugh, and they will have the last laugh!

Chelsea's players did not celebrate for long.

It can even be said that the scene of them briefly celebrating and then encouraging each other to return to their own half was beyond the expectations of most neutral fans!

Mourinho stood on the sidelines with a satisfied and gratified smile on his face.

On the other side of the coaching bench, the sadness in the corners of Wenger's eyes looked a little more intense.

"This can actually be regarded as an unconventional goal. Szczesny has done his best in saving, but Ibrahimovic's reaction and Leon's shot selection at the last moment are so appropriate!

We can no longer blame Szczesny, and the players on Arsenal's defense are already trying their best to prevent this goal from happening.

But countless unexpected and uncontrollable events are also an indispensable and exciting part of football matches.

Unfortunately, luck may not be on Arsenal's side today. I hope Arsenal's players can regain their strength and get over the impact of this conceding goal as soon as possible..."

The commentator of England's Sky Sports said a few words for Arsenal in a relatively neutral manner at the moment.

But in an important final, especially against a team as strong as Chelsea who have been undefeated all season.

It is not easy at all to quickly adjust your mentality and regain your morale.

After the game restarted, Arsenal's players were originally worried that Chelsea would pursue the victory to increase their offensive firepower and strive to further expand their lead in the first half.

However, Chelsea did not attack as passionately as they expected. Instead, they very calmly shrank their formation and decisively chose to stick to the half court.

This scene made the Arsenal players and Wenger feel relieved and a little disappointed.

It seems that Arsenal can slowly adjust their status and tactics without worrying about Chelsea's fierce offensive.

But the calmness and calmness shown by Chelsea today also made the entire Arsenal team feel greater psychological pressure!

Your opponent is stronger than you, but at the same time, he is more tolerant and clear-headed than you. He would rather stay step by step than give you more chances to reverse.

This situation is undoubtedly very cruel to the weaker Arsenal.

Wenger was once again caught in a dilemma, but in the end, he still failed to get rid of his old habits and still chose to wait until the game entered halftime before making major tactical changes.

Chelsea's players on the field were even less anxious.

Seeing that Arsenal did not want to launch a pressing offensive in the final stage of the first half, they felt comfortable holding on to the 1-0 lead until the midfield press period.

Facts have proved that the tactical design made by Chelsea's coaching staff against Arsenal today was quite successful.

Even at the beginning of the game, Chelsea was taken aback by Arsenal's high-position pressing tactics.

But there are still ways to deal with it in the tactical plan given by Mourinho.

This is undoubtedly the greatest confidence for all Chelsea players to play the game with peace of mind!

During the 15 minutes of the halftime break, Mourinho also quickly gave two sets of tactical plans to counter Arsenal.

"At the beginning of the second half, we can still let go of the offensive initiative first. The more critical time point for us is in the 65th minute!

It is impossible for the Arsenal team to maintain high-intensity high-pressure play after the 65th minute, so at this time point, we can take over the rhythm of the game more easily.

Of course, if they don't grab the offensive right at the beginning of the second half, then we will increase our ball possession rate and we must stay calm!

It is them who should panic at this time, not us. If we hold the ball, sooner or later they will have to press us. After they press us, we will do what we do best..."

When Mourinho stood in the middle of the locker room arranging tactics, his eyes flashed with confidence.

Li Ang finally nodded calmly, his mood still relatively relaxed.

Again, he will always trust Uncle Psy's tactical arrangements and on-the-spot adjustments.

This has nothing to do with Mourinho's current reputation and prestige within the team.

The fundamental reason is that Li Ang and Mourinho have teamed up to create the most brilliant football record.

Together they won six crowns, overturned Barcelona's dominance of La Liga, and even completed the feat of defending the Champions League!

For Li Ang, Mourinho no longer needs to prove his tactical insight and adjustment skills to him.

For Mourinho, Li Ang is the core player who best understands his tactics and is most worthy of his trust in his coaching career.

On the playing field, they have complete trust in each other.

So at this moment when Mourinho issued a tactical instruction, Li Ang's first reaction was to implement it thoroughly.

If such a tactical arrangement is wrong, then Li Ang also believes that Mourinho off the field can make corrections and adjustments in time.

It's that simple.

The 15-minute break passed quickly. While Chelsea re-formulated their tactical plan, the entire Arsenal team once again unified their tactical thinking.

The game restarted quickly in the second half. Arsenal did not immediately start the game and increased their offensive intensity 100%.

Instead, they first chose to slow down the pace of the game, seemingly to postpone the time of the final battle.

But this was also expected by the Chelsea players.

Li Ang decisively chose one of the tactical plans given by Mourinho, and he and Kroos consciously increased the time of possession of the ball in their own half.

This can be regarded as one of the most commonly used tactics of "Cosmic Barcelona" back then.

To a certain extent, increasing the time of passing and controlling the ball in one's own half after taking the lead can indeed better wear down the opponent's will and protect one's own defense.

Back then, Barcelona had this technical confidence. If their opponents couldn't bear to press forward, they could take the opportunity to attack quickly.

No matter whether other neutral fans would think this so-called "pass and control" style of play is too boring and rogue.

Barcelona did use such tactics to defeat countless powerful enemies in that era.

As one of the coaches who is most familiar with Barcelona's tactical system and style of play, it is not surprising that Mourinho would let his team practice such tactical routines.

His character is very practical, and Chelsea's players are also very pragmatic.

As long as such a routine is useful in the game, it's not a bad idea to use it occasionally.

So a rather funny scene appeared in the live broadcast of the game at this moment.

Chelsea, which used tough play to defeat Barcelona in two consecutive seasons, is now using Barcelona's best pass-and-control tactics to deal with Arsenal...

Many neutral fans even feel that this scene is quite ridiculous!

But at this moment, the Arsenal players on the field did not have the complicated emotions of the fans. They just felt uncomfortable!

The tactical adjustments made by Wenger during the halftime period also required them to restrain their emotions and give up the initiative to attack first.

The purpose of this is to lure Chelsea to press out and continue the attack. If Chelsea invests troops on the offensive end, they will have more opportunities to counterattack.

But now that Chelsea has the ball, they pass the ball in the backcourt? !

This is completely inconsistent with their tactical expectations during the midfield stage!

So what are they going to do now?

Should he press forward to regain the ball and take the initiative to attack, or should he continue to be calm and just watch Chelsea kill the game time?

Arsenal's players on the field had to start to get anxious. At this time, Wenger looked at Chelsea's almost helpless ball control and was still in awe.

Mourinho felt the murderous look in the eyes of the old man next door.

But he remained unmoved and acted as if he hadn't seen it.

This is actually how tactics are used. If you can make your opponent feel anxious and depressed, your side will be more than half successful.

Want Chelsea to take the initiative and make mistakes?

That is absolutely impossible!

If Arsenal can really endure it, then Mourinho will be considered great.

Other teams may not feel very comfortable with the 1-0 score, but Chelsea doesn't mind using such a score to win an important final!

Chelsea's confidence was absolutely abundant when they fought hard to defend until the end.

There's really no need to rush!

The Chelsea players on the field were not in a hurry at this moment.

But the more they calmed down, and as the game time went by, the entire Arsenal team became more and more anxious.

Before Mourinho could wait for the time point for Chelsea to develop during the half-time break, Arsenal couldn't help but kick off the final battle.

In the 60th minute of the second half, Arsenal once again resumed their high-pressure style and took the initiative to push into Chelsea's half to fight for the ball!

When Li Ang saw this, he was also very bachelor and kicked directly in the backcourt, returning the ball to Arsenal goalkeeper Szczesny.

Seeing this scene, countless Arsenal fans in front of the TV broke the defense and started yelling!

"You're a real dog! Are you really not going to give me a chance? Isn't this such a ridiculous thing to do!"

Tens of thousands of Arsenal fans at Wembley Stadium also booed Li Ang.

But this is nothing to Li Ang, who was booed by nearly 100,000 fans at the Nou Camp.

Where is this, and this is part of Chelsea's tactical plan.

Don’t you Arsenal want to attack the ball?

Come on, I’ll give it to you directly!

Remember to attack in a big way. You must attack in a big way and leave no regrets.


Except for Ibrahimovic who was still in Arsenal's half, almost all the other Chelsea players retreated to their own half at this moment.

This kid Chamberlain was just about to roll up his sleeves and have a big fight, but the next minute he was shoveled out of the sideline by Li Ang with the ball!

It was impossible to be injured, and Li Ang did not go towards others, but the pain of head-on confrontation was definitely inevitable. Chamberlain's head was buzzing as he lay on the turf!

Li Ang used a tough defense to plant a shadow in the hearts of all Arsenal offensive players.

Even though he received a stern verbal warning from the referee on duty, Li Ang still felt it was a good deal.

The defensive effect of his demonstration was reflected in the game situation, that is, Arsenal's offensive rhythm, which was about to speed up, suddenly stagnated.

Wenger was naturally furious and complained excitedly to the fourth official.

However, Chelsea did not need Mourinho to take action personally. Holland was the first to rush forward and ask the professor if he could not afford to lose.

The professor is actually a person of temperament. He rolled up his sleeves and wanted to have a "theory" with Holland.

Finally, under the pull of other coaches on both sides, Wenger and Holland said goodbye in an elegant and easy-going manner and returned to their own coaching bench.

After some troubles, the head coach paused the game again, ran to the sidelines and sternly warned the coaches of both teams, telling them not to cause trouble again.

Uncle Bird couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he saw that the professor didn't get the ruby ​​battle card.

But the incident on the sidelines delayed the game for a while, and he was quite satisfied.

After this commotion, when Arsenal really picked up the offensive rhythm, the game time had already reached the 70th minute.

The professor finally came to his senses and shouted that he had been fooled!

But the wasted game time could not be regained. Looking at the last 20 minutes left, the professor felt cruel and asked all the offensive players on the bench to go to the sidelines to warm up!

The final battle of the FA Cup final has finally arrived.

The Chelsea team was well prepared, but they resisted for several minutes but did not feel the huge defensive pressure as expected.

"Their physical strength can no longer hold up!"

Li Ang made a conclusion in his mind. Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked right into Cross's eyes, which were looking at him tacitly.

Chelsea's two midfielders quickly reached a consensus at this moment.

The next minute, facing Cazorla who was holding the ball and advancing to look for opportunities, Li Ang suddenly attacked!

Cazorla did not dare to be careless and passed the ball horizontally to Ramsey who came over to support him.

But almost at the same time, Kroos, who had been lagging behind before, suddenly moved forward and intercepted the ball before Ramsey!

After successfully intercepting Cross, Cross took advantage of the situation and advanced with the ball. Cochran, under Tulalang's command, immediately pressed forward to interfere with Cross' dribbling.

However, Cross had no intention of playing 1-on-1 with Cochran. After seeing Li Ang also speeding up, he directly stuffed the ball into the open area in front of Li Ang!

Arsenal had been aggressively attacking before, but now they were suddenly counterattacked by Chelsea. For a moment, they were unable to get back to defense quickly!

And when Li Ang faced Tulalang, who was fighting and retreating, he simply did not give the veteran midfielder a chance to continue to delay time.

The ball passed to him by Kroos was relatively early, and he did not choose to stop the ball, but instead stepped forward vigorously and accelerated further!

Tulalang was almost passed by Li Ang in one step!

However, Li Ang's trip to the ball this time also caused him some trouble, because Monreal had already abandoned De Bruyne and rushed towards the football decisively.

The football is moving away from Leon and towards Monreal.

No matter how you look at it, Monreal's probability of getting the ball first is far greater than that of Li Ang.

Li Ang didn't have time to think too much at this time, let alone waste time worrying.

He just kept squeezing his physical energy, constantly bursting forward at the limit of speed!

In the end, before Monreal touched the football, Li Ang successfully poked him with his foot!

Just half a step faster, Li Ang poked the football to the right!

De Bruyne had already given up hope on Li Ang grabbing the ball.

Fortunately, when the surprise came, his first reaction was quite quick. He took the football in time and pushed the ball towards Arsenal's bottom line.

After a quick observation, De Bruyne sent a well-placed cross.

But this time Ibrahimovic was stared at very hard by Mertesacker, and the two of them took off almost at the same time in the middle of the penalty area!

In the end, Mertesacker, who occupied a better defensive position, successfully pushed the football outside the penalty area.

The next second, Mertesacker's national team teammate Kroos appeared in the live broadcast!

Countless Arsenal fans shouted in horror!

But Kroos, who was about to take the ball and shoot directly, was extremely calm in the next moment and faked a real dunk, passing Koscielny who saved him to defend him!

Cross's technical connection movements are very fast.

Before the other Arsenal defensive players could react, he took advantage of the situation and sent a diagonal pass to the back of the Arsenal penalty area!

This overhead through ball was not very fast, but it avoided Mertesacker's defense zone just right.

And under Tulalan's desperate reminder, Monreal failed to withstand Leon's terrifying impact after all, and was thrown to the ground!

Szczesny's footsteps moved very fast, but Li Ang's action of shaking his head to attack the goal was completed even faster!

In a flash of lightning, Li Ang, who pushed forward to complete the sprint, couldn't even stop his steps, and finally strode across Arsenal's half-court baseline!

The moment he looked back, the football had hit the net behind Arsenal's goal, and his teammates were all extremely excited and rushed towards him!

"Good goal! Kroos dunked past Koscielny! The pass went in! Li Ang's header -!!! The ball went in!!! The goal went in!!! Li Ang scored twice! Chelsea in Wenzhou Leading Arsenal 2-0 at Bulli Stadium!”

"Oh this goal!!! It's the 74th minute of the game! Li Ang's goal almost killed the suspense of the game! Kroos passed the ball beautifully, and Li Ang also hit the ball beautifully. This cooperation is so tacit!"

Zhan Jun and Zhang Lu celebrated passionately in the PPTV studio!

On the playing field, Li Ang also opened his arms and hugged Cross who was the first to run towards him!

"I said it! Tony! You're going to win it all here! We're going to fucking win it all!"

"Of course I believe you! This is also an important reason why I am here!"

The two hugged each other and just had a passionate exchange of words when they were overwhelmed by the swarm of teammates.

At this moment, Wembley Stadium was just like the second half of the previous EFL Cup final, almost completely becoming a sea of ​​celebration for Chelsea fans!

As soon as the goal was scored, Chelsea fans felt completely at ease!

How to lose?

The score and situation are perfect. Just tell us, why did Chelsea lose? !

However, compared to the fans who have completely let themselves go, the Chelsea players on the field and Mourinho standing on the sidelines still need to calm down in the final game time.

Arsenal's players are in a very bitter mood at the moment.

What made them even more desperate was the substitution adjustments Mourinho made before the game restarted.

Ashley Cole and Maguire came on, replacing Bertrand and De Bruyne!

At the same time, Kallas, Ramirez and Lampard also continued to warm up on the sidelines.

Chelsea must defend with all their strength!

Arsenal also started their difficult offensive battle with only a little game time left.

However, as time went by, Cavani, who was at the forefront of Arsenal's formation, became increasingly less confident of reversal.

The professor replaced Giroud and Walcott in the last 10 minutes of the game.

These are also Arsenal's last two trump cards on the offensive end.

Wilshere has just returned from injury, and sending him up at this time will hardly be a threat.

With Giroud beside him to share the offensive pressure, Cavani finally had a chance to breathe.

In the end, Arsenal relied on simple long passing tactics. I really got some shooting opportunities.

However, these shots were basically started with great reluctance.

Cech was still in very good condition today, and his saves were very solid, and he did not give the Arsenal forwards a chance to make up the shot.

There was only 4 minutes of stoppage time in this game, and Mourinho also replaced Hazard with Lampard at the last minute.

The formation directly changed to 541, and Chelsea, who placed four midfielders in front of the penalty area, used impeccable defense to kill Arsenal's last hope of comeback!

When the referee blew his whistle, the first team in the history of the Premier League to win three major domestic championships in England in a single season was officially born!

For the second time this season, they celebrated winning the cup at Wembley Stadium. Chelsea players performed a group skate and kneel celebration in the stadium with familiarity!

Arsenal's players either sat down on the turf, or put their hands on their waists, looking unwillingly into the stands.

At this time, they actually don't want to stay in this stadium that makes them sad.

But they still have to accompany them in the following award ceremony, so they can only endure and pray that the award ceremony will end as soon as possible.

Li Ang also comforted the Arsenal players he knew.

For example, old friends Mertesacker, Cazorla, and Ramsey.

Regardless of whether he wins or loses, he will spend some time catching up with acquaintances after the game.

However, when he was interviewed by reporters after the game, he put away the gentle smile on his face and put on that formulaic smile.

"This was a difficult game and we didn't win easily. Arsenal is a strong opponent. My first goal today was indeed due to a lot of luck. Fortunately, I seized the opportunity.

Still missing two goals or assists? Okay, but to be honest, I'm really not interested in breaking the record of 80 goals in a single season...

Because I know Chris and Leo have both had better numbers in the past, and I still have a long way to go compared to them.

Talking about the Champions League final, Atletico Madrid is a very strong team...

But I wish them to realize their dream of Champions League next year~"

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