Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 332 I heard that you are good at running? As luck would have it, we are also good at running

"Okay, did Li Ang really say that? Ha... This is in line with his temperament. Then let me return this sentence to him. I also wish Chelsea will realize their dream of the Champions League next year~

This final is different. It can be said that fans have not seen a team like us on the stage of the Champions League final for a long time. The showdown will be exciting and I am looking forward to it.

We have prepared well and you will see a fully prepared Atletico Madrid on the day of the final. The pain from last year has now become our motivation to move forward.

Of course, the tactics must be kept secret first. The experience of facing Mourinho is always unforgettable. I will have a drink with him after the Champions League final, no matter whether I win or lose..."

When Li Ang's interview after the FA Cup final was transmitted to Spain, Simeone, who was leading the team to prepare for the game, also gave a generous response when interviewed by the media.

But just like Mourinho now, when a reporter asked Simeone about his tactical arrangements for the Champions League final, he laughed and refused to talk.

Chelsea, in London, is a first-come-first-served location.

After winning the FA Cup, the Chelsea team only had one day of rest, and the next day they played an early team training match at Wembley Stadium.

The FA is certainly opening the door to Chelsea at this time.

However, the media in England were very dissatisfied.

Because Mourinho directly chose closed training, no reporters were allowed to film and interview Chelsea's training content at this time.

Not only the team training matches at Wembley Stadium, but also Chelsea's subsequent preparations at the Cobham training base are completely confidential to the outside world.

The last six days of preparation and rest went by very quickly.

Atletico Madrid started preparing for the Champions League directly after finishing La Liga.

They have no other games to play, so compared to Chelsea, who also played a cup final, they have an extra week to prepare this time.

But everything has to look at both pros and cons.

The Atletico Madrid team is definitely more rested, and they also have more time for tactical preparations and drills.

But these days, they can't make appointments with other strong teams to play games, and can only play in-team training matches at most.

Therefore, the feeling of the Atletico Madrid team's game is basically incomparable with Chelsea.

This can be regarded as a major advantage for Chelsea in this Champions League final.

Of course, all the analysis and discussions before the game are only on paper. The specific preparations of the two teams can only be seen in actual games.

On the morning of June 5, Simeone led the team to arrive in London ahead of schedule.

Atletico Madrid and Tottenham have negotiated in advance about renting a training venue this time.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Atletico Madrid team, which had completed their daily training, also took the bus to Wembley Stadium to complete their training.

Having reached the Champions League finals in two consecutive seasons, today's Atletico Madrid can be said to be completely reborn compared to the team from the same city that Li Ang was familiar with at the beginning.

The biggest difference is not just the position changes of several starting players.

But Simeone has successfully integrated his tactical style and temperament into the current Atletico Madrid team.

At first, his tactics were not compatible with him, and players who did not agree with his tactical concepts have already left Atletico Madrid.

At this point, Simeone and Mourinho are actually very similar. Their personal tactical characteristics are very strong, and they both agree on the same thing in the team.

As long as they gain 100% trust from the team's top management, they can use their own tactical will to transform a team into an iron-blooded team with rapid performance improvement.

With the same focus on defense, the same emphasis on fighting for space on the court, he can also make quick and sharp counterattacks.

This Atletico Madrid and current Chelsea do have a lot in common.

Both teams can also use unique pressing and counterattacking styles to torture their opponents in their respective leagues.

Therefore, a large number of fans of the home team who have been tortured by these two teams are now very "gloating".

They can't wait to see the exciting scenes of Atletico Madrid or Chelsea being tortured by their own style of play!

The tense atmosphere before the Champions League final gradually filled the streets of London.

Li Ang, who had been silent for almost six days, also updated his social media on the morning of the Champions League final.

He did not clearly express his determination or mood at the moment, but released a series of dates and numbers.

May 29, 2011, August 17, 2011, May 19, 2012, May 25, 2012, August 31, 2012...

After the date was updated to May 30, 2015, Li Ang only posted an emoticon of touching his chin as if thinking.

At first, many fans did not understand what Li Ang wanted to express.

But when a Li Ang fan posted the cup final that year represented by these date numbers, a large number of neutral fans instantly understood.

"Damn it, I let this guy pretend again! He has never lost in all the cup finals he has participated in since his debut!"

"This is a great way to express confidence, I like it!"

"Hey guys, I counted, Li Ang has won 11 cup championships since his debut! This is really an exaggeration, he has just turned 24 years old now!"

"Well, although I know the name of the English Community Shield is very small, you shouldn't count it out, brother, so Li Ang now has 12 cup championships in hand."

"Then let Atletico Madrid interrupt Li Ang's record of winning the cup as long as he reaches the cup final. This is really terrible..."

Li Ang's social media update sparked enthusiastic discussion among fans who had been holding back for almost a week.

And Li Ang does have the capital to survive.

No one as strong as Melo could achieve 100% victory in the cup final, but he did it, and the opponents he faced in the final were not weak.

Atletico Madrid is indeed strong enough, but if we really want to compare, there is still a strength gap between Atletico Madrid now and Barcelona in 2012 and Bayern in 2013.

The stronger opponent Li Ang has already passed, and there is no reason to show weakness to Atletico Madrid now.

Moreover, they have already reached the Champions League final. If we don’t work hard to boost the morale of the whole team at this time, then when will we have to wait?

I usually keep a low profile and build up my character, just to perform stably on today's final stage.

Li Ang is absolutely confident in the strength of his teammates and the tactical arrangements of the coaching staff.

But now many of his young teammates have never played in the Champions League finals, and even Ibrahimovic has no experience in the Champions League finals.

So in terms of mentality, Li Ang feels that it is necessary to add some information to his teammates so that they don't have to be too nervous and must be confident first!

Facts also proved that his work was not in vain.

Although he was teased by Mourinho, when everyone took the bus to Wembley Stadium in the afternoon, Li Ang could clearly feel that the atmosphere in the team on the bus had eased.

This is completely different from the overly serious atmosphere on the court when they trained yesterday.

After changing equipment in the locker room and warming up before going out on the field, Liang squeezed Hazard's shoulders and joked to make him relax.

"I'm counting on you on the offensive end today, Eden. Don't look at how bad the media hyped Atletico Madrid's defense before the game. You have to believe me. I've played against them before, and you can definitely do it. Overwhelming Juanfran offensively..."

After being fed another dose of chicken soup by Li Ang, although Azar still felt nervous in his heart, he felt really relaxed emotionally.

After some banter with several other young teammates, Li Ang gradually stopped smiling and devoted himself seriously to the final warm-up session before the game.

Today's Champions League final, copyrighted TV stations or online platforms in various countries will start live broadcast earlier than before.

Therefore, fans from all over the world have basically seen the tail end of the warm-up session between the two teams.

After the warm-up, the players from both teams quickly jogged back to the tunnel.

They will seize the last moment to mobilize their morale, and the game is about to start. The eyes of fans all over the world are focused on Wembley Stadium today!

Radio 5 also sent a large commentary and interview team to the scene today.

He Wei and Xu Yang, two old commentary partners from Channel 5, gave live commentary today.

Because of the free broadcast, most fans in China still choose to watch the live broadcast of Channel 5 today.

After reaching the point, players from both teams began to follow the referee team's footsteps onto the court.

And He Wei promptly interrupted Xu Yang's chatter and took the time to introduce the starting situation of the two teams tonight to the domestic audience.

"Okay, the majestic Champions League theme music is over, and the real war is about to begin!

Neither Chelsea nor Atletico Madrid have won the Champions League yet, so no matter which team wins tonight, dear viewers, we will witness the birth of a new Champions League champion!

Here is Chelsea's starting line-up today:

The trident on the offensive line is Ibrahimovic and Hazard Braune, who we are very familiar with.

In the midfield, the iron triangle of Kroos, Matic and Li Ang also made an unexpected start.

On the back line, Terry and Thiago Silva formed a double central defender, with Bertrand as the left back and Azpilicueta as the right back.

The starting goalkeeper is Cech.

As for Atletico Madrid, because Griezmann was injured for the season in the Champions League semi-finals, Raul Garcia will replace him in the starting striker position today.

Atletico Madrid's other starting striker is Diego Costa.

In the midfield, Gabi and Thiago stayed in the middle today, and the left and right midfielders were Koke and Arda Turan respectively.

In the defense, Godin and Miranda form a double central defender, and the left and right full-backs are Felipe Luis and Juanfran.

The goalkeeper is Courtois, who continues to be on loan from Chelsea this season. "

As soon as He Wei finished speaking, the players from both teams had basically completed the pre-match ceremony.

Leon winked at Costa when shaking hands with him.

But Costa gave him a curled expression.

The two are also old friends on the court. Although they haven't met on the court for almost two years, they know each other's playing style well.

The fans at the scene did not wait long. As soon as the time came at 19:45 that night, the referee, holding his watch, blew the whistle to start the game!

Chelsea, which mainly played the 433 formation at the beginning of the game today, took the initiative to spread out the formation and launched a probing attack against Atletico Madrid.

This situation is something Simeone is very happy to see. In terms of pure offensive competition, his team is indeed no match for the current Chelsea.

Especially when striker Griezmann is still missing due to injury.

Atletico Madrid are very good at defensive counterattacks, and the players on the Atletico Madrid field will also feel very comfortable.

Originally he thought Mourinho would not give him this opportunity, but now it seems that Chelsea is still a bit arrogant...

There was a hint of joy in Simeone's eyes, and on the playing field, Atletico Madrid's starting players also quickly and skillfully switched to full-line defense.

Chelsea's attack quickly penetrated into Atletico Madrid's half.

At least on the surface, Chelsea now completely controls the rhythm of the start of the game, and has also formed a suppressive trend against Atletico Madrid.

But fans who are familiar with Atletico Madrid's style of play know this.

Atletico Madrid's two wings, which are now retracted into the half court, are like two charged fists. They are contracting to better exert their force.

Without Griezmann, Atletico Madrid's counterattack connection in the midfield and frontcourt may be affected.

But with Diego Costa, the current top center, as the fulcrum in the frontcourt, Atletico Madrid's counterattack system is still quite complete.

Atletico Madrid, which deployed a four-man midfield, blocked the middle of the midfield.

Li Ang took the ball and made several breakthrough attempts, but under the hard double-teaming of Gabi and Thiago, he still failed to forcefully break through Atletico Madrid's defensive shackles in the middle.

In terms of feelings, Li Ang feels that Atletico Madrid is the only team in Europe that can compete with Chelsea on the defensive end.

Atletico Madrid's defense is very oppressive, and their emphasis on space is basically the same as Chelsea's.

Both teams like to use strong running and frequent defensive backs to create strong defensive sides in local spaces.

If they just attack hard, they will be like Real Madrid in the last round. Not only will they be exhausted on the offensive end, but they will also have to be wary of Atletico Madrid's quick counterattacks.

Li Ang soon felt confident. In the 7th minute of the first half of the game, he made a tactical gesture to press down on his teammates.

Then the Chelsea team, which had just been aggressively attacking, suddenly changed its style and gradually slowed down the pace of the game.

Mourinho stood on the sidelines and made tactical adjustments to recycle the formation.

The tacit understanding between master and disciple gave Simone a bad idea in his heart.

Chelsea only took away the rhythm of the game for just 7 minutes at the beginning, and when the situation was not right, they decisively switched to stable control of the field.

The countless fans in front of the TV were dumbfounded by this saucy move.

It is not uncommon in football to adjust tactics in a timely manner when the early start does not work.

But Chelsea only attacked for less than 7 minutes before decisively shrinking their formation. Wasn't this attempt too short?

Atletico Madrid's players on the field also looked at each other.

Chelsea began to play possession of the ball in the midfield, so should they continue to defend meaninglessly, or press out to fight for the ball?

This tactical multiple-choice question was thrown to Simeone by Mourinho.

In other words, from the beginning, the Chelsea team had no intention of completely overpowering Atletico Madrid on the offensive end.

This short offensive test has allowed Chelsea players to understand the state of Atletico Madrid's game today.

The only multiple-choice question in tactical games has always been to find ways to drag your opponents into competition in the areas you are good at.

Atletico Madrid is also good at counterattacking, so Chelsea will not be able to press hard for a long time and give Atletico Madrid a chance.

Since it is not easy to determine the outcome in one fell swoop, let's make a fuss in the area of ​​consumption that Chelsea is best at!

I heard that Atletico Madrid are very good at running?

What a coincidence.

We at Chelsea can also run!

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