According to Lu Xiaoqian's perception, if the energy of all the universes in his body exploding at the same time is compared to 1, then the annihilation power that Lu Xiaoqian can display after Jörmungandar's physical talent bonus is at least 10!

This is also the reason why Shang and the three elders left instantly. Once Lu Xiaoqian didn't control it well, the annihilation could swallow them all in an instant.

Shang himself never thought that his brother, the universe within his body, was so powerful that he could not even compare to one ten thousandth!

"Congratulations, brother, for unlocking the original skill. Although many races in the original world can use this move, only I, the Jörmungandr clan, can exert its greatest power."

Seeing Lu Xiaoqian take back the annihilation particles, Shang was the first to come up and congratulate him. With the addition of Lu Xiaoqian, the strength of the Jörmungandr clan will undergo earth-shaking changes!

"Well, thank you."

Lu Xiaoqian nodded to Shang. If it weren't for Shang, he might have to see other races perform this trick before he could imitate it, but he definitely wouldn't have been so smooth at that time.

"Brother, let's go back to our clan first?"

Shang asked.

Lu Xiaoqian shook his head and looked at Senior Bai beside him.

"I will accompany Bai Yue to the Star Spirit Clan to solve his problem first. After we have solved the problem, we will return to the clan. In fact, if there is no need for me to take action, I do not intend to stay in the clan forever."

He prefers to explore than staying within the Jormungandr tribe.

"Okay, there is nothing in the clan that needs to trouble my brother for the time being. If he is free, he can go back to the clan and sit for a while." Shang nodded. He knew very well that compared with the Jörmungandr clan's place that he can see at any time in the future, , Lu Xiaoqian definitely wanted to find out some of the secrets of the original world first.

After saying goodbye, Shang left with the three elders.

In the dimensional chat group, everyone congratulated Lu Xiaoqian on his improvement in strength. This is the strongest leg in the group. Even if he is walking sideways in the void, he must be hugged!

[Ding, congratulations to Jeanne Darhk for joining the dimensional chat group! 】

[Everyone, come and say hello to her! 】

A prompt made everyone who was congratulating stop chatting. Everyone was surprised. The time interval between newcomers joining the group was relatively long this time.

It’s been two months.

Come be my son: "Gula la la~ I wanted to congratulate Lu Xiaoqian on your great strength, but I didn't expect a newcomer to come. @Jeanne Darc, the newcomer can check the group announcement, so that he can Understand the general content of the dimensional chat group!”

I am not the richest man: "What kind of world do newcomers come from? Magic side, technology side or cultivation side?"

Godzilla: "Perhaps, the newcomer is on the monster side like me?"

Sero: "There is basically no possibility. Judging from the newcomer's name, there is a high probability that it is the naming style of a person in a world like Tony who lives in a world like Black Usagi Hakoniwa."

Dagu: "Sero means that there is a high probability that it is a world where the technology side and the magic side coexist."

Wang Ye: "Hey, hey, Tony, are you real or fake?"

Takaita Kyosuke: "Uncle Tony, don't you even know Joan of Arc?"

Azusagawa Sakuta: "Ask Futaba, Jeanne, Joan of Arc, who made great military exploits during the Hundred Years' War between England and France, was called a Catholic saint, and received revelation from God. The person joining the group this time is a big shot. ah!"

Miyano Shiho: "Oh? Although I am not very interested in these things, the title of Catholic saint is obviously not for ordinary people."

I'm not the richest man: "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to those people. I just asked Jarvis to check and found out that this person also exists in my world. But it is obvious that the new person cannot be from my world." joined."

Takaba Kyosuke: "That should be Joan of Arc from other worlds. After all, the histories of many earth planes are similar, and the existence of Catholic saints is also normal. It's just that the world of newcomers is extremely powerful or very ordinary."

Takaba Kyosuke: "If it is a powerful world, then a Catholic saint who can achieve great military exploits is absolutely powerful, but if it is an ordinary world, there is a high probability that he is an ordinary general."

Monkey King: "Saint? This word is very common on earth!"

Sun Wukong felt a little emotional. Whether it was Accelerator's world or the new members of the group, they all seemed to be called saints.

In the world of Journey to the West, there are only six people who can be called saints.

Two of them are still his enemies.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: " @Jeanne Darc, the new member has received the group announcement."

As the group leader, Lingyue has naturally seen a copy of Joan of Arc's memory. This is Joan of Arc from the FATE world, which is the FATE world with many parallel universes.

She was very curious about what time point Joan of Arc was at now.


Being tied to the stake.

Looking at the increasing amount of firewood, Jeanne clasped her hands together and prayed silently in her heart.

After experiencing so many battles, she has long been accustomed to death and is accustomed to death.

So although there was a trace of fear in my heart, more of it was relief.

She closed her eyes, and for some reason, a chat interface appeared in her mind, which lifted her spirits!

In the dimensional chat group, many people were chatting. Although Joan didn't know how to read, she could easily understand everyone's speech, which shocked her.

At this moment, she had an inference in her mind. She believed that this was God’s will!

"Could this be the Lord's curtain? Knowing that I am about to reach the end of my life, it no longer just gives me revelations, but actually appears in my mind and communicates with me?"

A touch of excitement appeared in Joan of Arc's heart. What could make this saint more excited than the Lord's curtain?

Seeing the person with the word "group leader" inside calling her name, a thought flashed through Jeanne's heart.

"Is this the Catholic God?"

Joan of Arc wanted to respond, but she didn't know how to read and didn't know how to answer her master. At this moment, she was so anxious that she was sweating!

Just when Joan was struggling, she suddenly discovered that everything she wanted to say was reflected in the chat interface of the dimensional chat group, and she could send it out at any time without typing.

After hesitating for a moment, Joan of Arc still sent out the first sentence.

Jeanne D'Arc: "Is this a revelation from God? I didn't expect that at the end of my life, I would not only listen to the voice of the Lord, but actually be able to communicate with the Lord and the angels. This is my greatest honor. !”

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Lord? Angel? The God of Death dare not speak."

Godzilla: "The Destroyer dare not speak!"

Zero: "The giant of light dare not speak. Speaking of which, Godzilla, when did you become the destroyer? I remember that you are not the guardian of the earth?"

Godzilla: "Destroyer is the codename given to me by humans. I thought it was pretty good, so I took it and used it."

Sero: "So that's it."

Kurumi Tokisaki: "Master, I am not as powerful and almighty as my lord~ The elf of time, Kurumi Tokisaki, would like to say hello to the saint, do you want to be my attendant?"

As soon as Kuang San came out, his seductive words made people feel speechless.

There used to be a Whitebeard who wanted to take in a son, but during this period Whitebeard stopped talking about taking in sons and daughters. As a result, another Tokizaki Kurumi appeared who was crazy about taking in Lu Xiaoqian's followers.

This person is crazy obsessed with Lu Xiaoqian. For her, Lu Xiaoqian is her master, but it's a pity that her master doesn't intend to bless her.

Ainz Ooal Gown: "Hmm... Are you all claiming your own race? Then the undead dare not speak."

Hermione: "You are an undead, you are just a skeleton. Magical girls dare not speak. Even I admire the story of Joan of Arc!"

Hermione comes from the British Empire, so she naturally knows about the existence of Joan of Arc. This female Catholic saint has always been the idol of many women.

Jeanne Darc: "???"

Looking at the series of races, Joan fell into silence.

The giants of light sound decent, but the destroyers, undead, witches, and elves are not the races that should exist in heaven!

Could it be that she had made a mistake and what appeared in her mind was not the Lord's curtain, but the guidance of the devil?

When she thought of this, Jeanne fell into a sad silence. She opened her eyes, looked at the dense crowd around her, and bit her lip involuntarily.

Could it be that her Joan of Arc was about to be abandoned by God?

After a moment of silence, Joan exhaled and returned to the dimensional chat group.

Joan of Arc: "Excuse me, there is a sky here...what's the matter with my name?"

Originally, Joan of Arc wanted to struggle and ask if there were any angels here.

If there are angels, it means that the Lord has not given up on her yet.

However, as soon as she opened her mouth, she realized that her name had changed. The word "Saint" in front of Joan of Arc made her very nervous.

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "I changed it for you. After all, more group members know Joan of Arc than the name Jeanne. Speaking of which, you just said that your life is coming to an end, right?"

Joan of Arc: "Yes, I am about to return to the arms of my Lord."

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Let me translate for her, I'm about to die."

This translation is concise and clear, and many people in the group can only type a series of ellipses to express their speechlessness.

I am not the richest man: "According to the information investigated by Jarvis, Joan of Arc was indeed burned at the stake after being caught in history."

I am not the richest man: "If my calculation is correct, Joan of Arc should be either caught and imprisoned now, or she is being burned at the stake."

Accelerator: "Interesting, interesting! This time, the person who joined the dimensional chat group turned out to be a dying member?"

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Joan Arc, I have sent you the operation method. Please turn on the live broadcast and let us see your current situation."

Joan of Arc thought for a moment, and then started the live broadcast.

Although she is illiterate, it does not mean that she is stupid.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to become a heroine of France with the so-called revelation from God.

During the live broadcast, Joan of Arc was surrounded by dry firewood. If there was even a spark, Joan of Arc would disappear from the world in an instant.

Accelerator: "Huh? Is it already so serious?"

Yue Yongge said: "Don't worry. If you join the dimensional chat group, we are a family, and everyone will protect you."

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Who is going to save Joan of Arc? This time I am afraid it will be Lu Xiaoqian and you who go. After all, you have seen this world."

Lingyue's tone was very serious, and Lu Xiaoqian and the other three people who came out of the void also nodded.

Apart from them, there is really no one who can save Jeanne from that world.

After all, if Jeanne is saved, the future of that world will be greatly changed.

There are also other parallel spaces that have been changed at the same time. To this extent, only the three of them can do it. Otherwise, once the earth consciousness of that world takes action, there is a high probability that those who go will be left behind.

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "Let me go, Gaia, Alaya can't resist me. If I can, I will directly devour the moon world. In this case, even if I save Joan of Arc, I won't be able to resist." What impact does it have on that world?”

I just don’t know what kind of void race is standing behind the huge FATE world with multiple parallel universes!

After seeing Lu Xiaoqian's words, everyone realized that the world where newcomer Joan of Arc was seemed to be very powerful.

I am not the richest man: "Gaia? Alaya? The legendary mother of the earth and the eighth consciousness?"

Tony smacked his lips, does this thing really exist in other universes?

But it’s not a big deal. I’ve seen many other strange universes, and it’s just a daily shock.

Takaba Kyosuke: "If it is really the legendary god, then it may be necessary for senior Lu Xiaoqian to make a trip. Otherwise, there is a high probability that other people who go will be left there."

Takaba Kyosuke scratched his head. He was still thinking of being the first to jump out and rescue Jeanne. Now it seemed that it was better to quietly watch the big boss's operations.

In the void, Lu Xiaoqian chuckled, nodded to Song Shuhang and Bai, casually opened a space passage and walked in.

He has obtained Joan's consent and can enter her world at any time.

At this time, at the execution ground where Joan of Arc was, there were already people with faces full of hatred holding up torches and lighting the firewood.

The flames that suddenly rose caused cheers from the people around them, as if they had done something that made God happy.

Joan of Arc stood in the center, feeling the steaming heat. She slowly closed her eyes, then her body trembled slightly and she opened her eyes again.

The young man in a decent suit stood quietly in front of her, and the flames that seemed to be able to devour everything could no longer pose any threat to her.

"Is this God?"

Jeanne murmured softly in her heart.

The civilians watching outside the fire scene suddenly went into an uproar when they saw Lu Xiaoqian. They couldn't understand how Lu Xiaoqian appeared there.


·(End of this chapter)

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