Starting From Supporting Qian Renxue To Plunder the Heavens

H-Six hundred and sixty-three. Fill the cup?

"Hey, hey, why is this happening?"

The man who was still holding the torch dropped the torch in his hand and took two steps back, with a look of fear on his face.

As the person closest to the execution ground, he saw Lu Xiaoqian walking out of a blue vortex, as if the god from the sky had descended!

"Why did a strange man appear next to Joan of Arc? How did he appear? Is he trying to save Joan of Arc?"

"No! He will be burned to death together with Joan of Arc!"

The lively discussion made Lu Xiaoqian feel very harsh.

I don't know since when, even though he still considers himself a human, Lu Xiaoqian no longer likes the human race very much.

Compared with the races in the original world, humans can be said to have all the advantages and all the disadvantages.

Being good at creation and daring to explore are the advantages of human beings.

Chasing fame and fortune and scheming are the shortcomings of human beings.

There are fights between races, fights between countries, fights between nations, and even countless conflicts between individuals.

As if others feel sorry for themselves when they are alive, all humans are wearing spiked armor, ready to embrace those who open their minds at any time.


Lu Xiaoqian said one word softly, and everything around him froze.

People's shouts, boiling flames, clouds floating in the sky...

The only thing that can still move is human thoughts and ideas!

Boundless fear enveloped the hearts of the onlookers, and they roared two words crazily in their hearts, devil!

Only demons, only demons would do this to them!

Aren't angels supposed to bring them warmth and lead them to the kingdom of heaven where they can enjoy themselves? The one who is detrimental to them is definitely the devil!

The devil has come to save Joan of Arc!

Feeling the psychology of the crowd, Lu Xiaoqian chuckled and put all this in the dimensional chat group.

Come be my son: "Hey, this is the human heart."

Whitebeard sighed, if it's good for him, he's an angel, but if it's bad for him, he's a devil? It’s really a pretty good criterion.

I'm not the richest man: "Humanity has developed for so many years, and this kind of thinking has never been discontinued. When I was about to stop the arms trade, how many people wanted to kill me. What's funny is that they bowed to me before, just like a dog . Just because I could throw them a bone before, but now I’m not going to give them a bone.”

As a top rich man, Tony has a more thorough understanding of this point.

Accelerator: "So, no matter it is an ordinary world or any other world, power is always everything. Without power, it is empty talk. How do you expect those ignorant mortals to agree with you? Oh, don't make me laugh."

Accelerator was very disdainful, he completely dismissed the thoughts of these people.

If it were placed in front of him, it would be fine if he didn't say anything, but if he dared to show any signs of it, don't blame him for being too ruthless in Accelerator's actions.

You know, he is an "evil party".

Looking at the discussion in the group, Lu Xiaoqian chuckled, took Jeanne's hand, and then came to a barren mountain in a blink of an eye.

"Ah, where is this place!"

Joan of Arc panicked, her feet were unsteady and she almost fell down. Fortunately, Lu Xiaoqian was holding her up.

She looked around with a surprised expression.

You were clearly in the fire scene just now, why are you here all of a sudden?

Lu Xiaoqian chuckled, then raised his head and looked at the sky, frowning slightly.

"This is a wasteland, please wait a moment."

A terrifying aura directly oppressed Joan who wanted to ask, and she couldn't breathe. She raised her head in horror, and what she saw was the sky that was covered with dark clouds in an instant, and the golden thunder and lightning like a giant python shuttled through the sky. Among the dark clouds, it feels like the end of the world!

I'm not the richest man: "Damn, even the live broadcast gives me a feeling of oppression. Is this Gaia, Alaya!"

Tony was speechless. This was just a live broadcast. This depressing feeling could actually make him feel uncomfortable through the live broadcast.

There is no Gaia in his world, Alaya.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "It should be that the restraint force appears."

Violating the normal trajectory of history, the world will repair and interfere with history.

Lu Xiaoqian saved Joan of Arc, and the impact it would have in the future would be extremely far-reaching, and there was no room for restraint.

In the void, a small black dot spun and landed on the ground.

A red figure slowly appeared, and Lu Xiaoqian raised the corners of his mouth and sighed softly.

"My acquaintance, it's a pity that the hard-working guardian can't do what he wants this time."

As if hearing Lu Xiaoqian's voice, the red figure stopped ten meters away from Lu Xiaoqian.

"Are you not from this era?"

Although it is a question, it uses an affirmative tone.

After all, standing in front of the Heroic Spirit Emiya was Lu Xiaoqian wearing a modern suit, which was incompatible with this world.

"So what?"

Lu Xiaoqian, who originally thought about leaving directly, suddenly became interested. If there was anyone in Xingyue World who could interest him.

The stupid king can be counted as one, and the street lamp king can also be counted as half.

Tohsaka Rin's words are already boring as a strong man who is not shy about women, and then there is this heroic spirit Emiya Shirou!

So he didn't mind spending a few minutes chatting with Shirou Emiya. After all, it would take time for Gaia and Alaya to understand his origins.

"Hey, that's troublesome. Are you deliberately trying to interfere with history? It's really a headache. If you can do such a thing, it's not easy to solve."

Heroic Spirit Emiya Shirou muttered words of complaint, but his eyes instantly turned cold. He raised his hand, and a spinning sword appeared in his hand.

Astonishingly, it is the eccentric sword of Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes of the Moon-shaped World!

Of course, this deviant sword only has its shape, not its meaning.

"Although I feel like you won't agree, can I trouble you and send the saint behind you back into the fire?"

Lu Xiaoqian shook his head helplessly. If the level gap was too big, if he didn't take the initiative to release his momentum, in this small world, even a heroic spirit would dare to use a knife or a gun against him.

"Hey, I knew it would be like this."

Heroic Spirit Guard Palace Shirou let out a long sigh, pointed his sword at Lu Xiaoqian and stabbed him.

This scene shocked everyone in the group.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Is this Red A crazy? Dare you take action against Lu Xiaoqian?"

Wang Ye: "Hey, what a brave little brother~"

Takaita Kyosuke: "What is the red A? But it seems that you don't need to know. If you dare to attack Lu Xiaoqian, he should be dead."

[Administrator] Song Shuhang: "Well, I have become curious about that world."

In the barren mountain, Heroic Spirit Guard Shirou was kneeling on the ground with his Guili sword. He looked at Lu Xiaoqian who was very close at hand, but he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

A moment, just a moment!

The deviant sword in his hand didn't even touch the man in front of him, and he was almost killed by an unknown attack.

Emiya Shirou had reason to believe that if it weren't for his mercy, he would definitely be dead!


A huge force fell on Shirou Emiya. His body shook suddenly, and then he suddenly raised his head. The movement was so violent that Lu Xiaoqian worried about whether there was something wrong with his neck.

Emiya Shirou's eyes were filled with horror, who exactly is this person!

Even his big boss, Alaya, who is a human consciousness, said he would give in!


Another extremely terrifying aura suddenly appeared, and the aura that appeared this time was even more terrifying than the aura that fell on Alaya before.

The aura condensed into a huge and blazing ball of light directly next to Emiya Shirou.

As Shirou Emiya's expression changed, a word without any emotion was uttered from the ball of light!

"I am Gaia."

I'm not the richest man: "What the hell? Is this Gaia? Isn't Gaia the legendary goddess of the earth, the mother of the gods? Even Zeus is her grandson!"

Tony felt that he couldn't accept it. Isn't the legendary Gaia a goddess? How could it be a ball of light?

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "No, the Gaia of this world refers to the will of the earth. Alaya does not represent the eighth consciousness, but the will of mankind."

Lu Xiaoqian explained briefly, and then continued to face the ball of light in front of him.

"Why, what's the matter? The will of the earth, Gaia."

Lu Xiaoqian glanced at Shirou Emiya. Alaya's power still remained in him. It seemed that this time the restraint power came out.

"You are not from our world, right. You are from the void world."

Gaia's words still had no emotion, but they shocked Emiya Shirou beside him.

As an employee, Emiya Shirou still knows a little bit of inside information, such as what is outside the world.

The man in front of me actually comes from outside the world!

"Oh? I didn't expect you to react so quickly? Can you tell what my true form is?"

Lu Xiaoqian became interested. He could feel that the world was not big, but it was extremely complicated.

All life forms seem to be gathered on the earth, and there is very little intelligence on other planets.

The so-called will of the earth, Gaia, can actually represent the will of the world.

Gaia and Alaya together can even be said to represent a universe.

For the consciousness of a world, the existence of the void is extremely terrifying, because there is no telling which void creature will completely devour or destroy its own universe.

"You can save Joan of Arc, but you cannot place her in this world."

Gaia didn't guess, or it already knew it, but didn't want to say it.

Lu Xiaoqian chuckled, and the emotion in his eyes disappeared.

Regarding Shirou Emiya, he could chat more if he was interested, but for a so-called restraint, I'm sorry, you don't have the qualifications yet.

After casually glancing at Gaia, Lu Xiaoqian curled his lips and pulled Joan of Arc directly through space and into the void.

Jeanne looked at the void beneath her feet and screamed, feeling extremely fearful in her heart.

After all, if people are not down-to-earth, they will really feel panicked.

"Multiple worlds?"

Lu Xiaoqian casually sent the screaming Jeanne to Tokisaki Kurumi's side. Lu Xiaoqian told Kurumi Tokisaki in the group to take good care of Jeanne, and then became interested in the many spheres in contact with each other in front of him.

The so-called multiple worlds are worlds that are related to each other similar to the dozens of universes in the hands of Quan Wang.

This kind of world is generally similar, except that the chosen ones are different.

"Are Gaia and Alaya the same entity in multiple worlds? No wonder, the general void race is really reluctant to destroy such a strange universe. It seems that other void creatures have marked this world, otherwise Gaia It can’t be that arrogant.”

Lu Xiaoqian looked at the rotating beautiful world sphere and nodded with satisfaction.

Boundless figures filled the void. Lu Xiaoqian opened his mouth and swallowed the world directly.

It doesn’t matter who you are interested in this universe, if you don’t accept it, just come to him!

Along with a grunt, another terrifying world appeared next to the Marvel world. Its size was even as big as the Comprehensive Comic World!

"Okay, the entire Xingyue world has been swallowed up by me. I really want to see it. Now that I put Joan of Arc in this world, what can you do to me?"

Returning to the same place again, Lu Xiaoqian smiled lightly and looked at Gaia, who had transformed into a child, and showed a bright smile.

Corresponding to this smile was Gaia's face that collapsed from despair!

Gaia is desperate, and just as desperate as she is is Alaya.

These two suppressive forces never thought that one day their world would be forcibly swallowed up!

"My lord, do you know that our world has a master?"

Although she felt a little ashamed, Gaia calmly moved out of her backstage, even though Lu Xiaoqian had never heard of the race she mentioned.

I'm not the richest man: "It's okay now. Let's see if Gaia dares to pretend in front of boss Lu Xiaoqian. The world will be swallowed by you."

I'm not the richest man: "Speaking of which, this moon world is in the body of boss Lu Xiaoqian, right? It seems to be next to my world?"

Thanos: "Yes, I can feel that there is a huge universe next to our universe."

Thanos, who had not appeared once in ten thousand years, suddenly came out and shocked Tony.

Sure enough, even Thanos would show up for this kind of thing.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Tsk, what a pity."

Miyano Shiho: "What is the regret for the group leader?"

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "What a pity for those heroic spirits and masters in the Xingyue world, they are all candidates who may join our dimensional chat group!"

Lingyue didn't know how to complain. After being devoured by Lu Xiaoqian like this, I'm afraid there won't be another person in the Xingyue world who joins the dimensional chat group.

What about Saber, whom she likes, and Jin Shining, who wants to beat her up?

She has been looking forward to it!

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "Are you stupid? If you want to see them or chat with them, just go across the world and find them. Do I have any restrictions on you?"

Lu Xiaoqian couldn't complain in his heart. It's not like he couldn't cross worlds. If Lingyue wanted to see Saber, she just had to go to Xingyue World to find her. It was much more convenient than randomly pulling people in the dimensional chat group.


·(End of this chapter)

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