After ignoring Gaia and Alaya, Lu Xiaoqian left the Xingyue world and returned directly to Song Shuhang and Bai.

"Is everything done?"

Song Shuhang raised his eyebrows. Joan of Arc was still being discussed in the group.

She was sent to Tokisaki Kurumi by Lu Xiaoqian, and Tokisaki Kurumi has lived in the world of One Piece, so now she is taking Jeanne to understand the world view in One Piece.

Yes, she has lived in the world of One Piece, not Whitebeard's world, but Lu Xiaoqian's real world.

For some reason, before Lu Xiaoqian could react, Tokisaki Kurumi had already established a good relationship with Nami and the others.

"It's done, it's just a small world."

Lu Xiaoqian smacked his lips. Gaia and Alaya said that the void race that marked their world was a void race called the Pegasus. According to them, the Pegasus masters who controlled their world possessed indescribable terror. strength.

Lu Xiaoqian wanted to rant on the spot, the indescribable terrifying power, these words really sounded good.

Isn’t that just being ignorant?

He wanted to see if that big boss of the Pegasus clan would really come to him for a moon-shaped world.

"Okay, what are we going to do next?"

Song Shuhang put his hands on the back of his neck and looked at Senior Bai beside him.

"Shuhang, Lu Xiaoqian, I want to go back to the Star Spirit Clan, is that okay?"

Looking at the gentle and jade-like Bai, Lu Xiaoqian and Song Shuhang both shrugged, and then the three of them turned into three streams of light and returned to the original world.

Isn't it the clan of the Star Spirit Clan? With Lu Xiaoqian and Song Shuhang in the background, how can someone be hurt so badly?

For the first time, Song Shuhang was extremely excited to be able to support Senior Bai, whom he respected and believed in.

He thought of someone provoking someone for no reason after the Star Spirit clan, and then he crushed them forcefully, giving Senior Bai a lot of face!

Bai seemed to have noticed Song Shuhang's excitement, and after a slight smile, his eyes became dull.


The Star Capital of the West, the homeland of the Star Spirit Clan!

An old man who looked like a standing rabbit was bent over, holding a cane in his hand. He raised his head and looked at the stars in the sky, his eyes full of memories.

"Great Elder."

A middle-aged man with a small silver-white horn on his forehead walked in. His eyes were red, his eyes were sharp, and his aura made people shudder.

"Greedy Wolf, have you found out?"

The great elder turned around and his voice was very calm.

"It has been found out that there is indeed a strong man who is several times or even countless times stronger than Shang in the Jörmungandr clan, and he is also from the Jörmungandr clan! According to the information passed back by my clan, it seems that that lord is The ancestor born in the void!"

Greedy Wolf spoke very quickly, telling everything he knew in just three or two seconds.

The great elder looked calm, but Greedy Wolf could feel the fear in his eyes.

"How many years?"


Greedy Wolf was a little confused. This great elder was the strongest in the clan and also the oldest.

If it weren't for the dislike of trouble, the current leader of the Star Spirit Clan would belong to the Great Elder, not to him.

"I mean, how many years has it been since we became one of the three tribes?"

The Great Elder raised his head again, his eyes filled with memories.

"I can't remember clearly."

Greedy Wolf shook his head. He could no longer remember clearly. After all, too much time had passed, too long ago.

It has been so long that he can no longer remember what the patriarch who led his clan to the status of the three hegemonic clans looked like.

"Hey, after all, we don't have enough background."

The great elder smiled bitterly, and there was something in his words.

Greedy Wolf didn't speak, but silently clenched his fists.

There is no way, the great elder is telling the truth. Even he, the most powerful among the clan, cannot stand upright and speak when facing the Star-Eating Dragon or the Jörmungandr clan!

"Bai Yue, you're back."


Greedy Wolf suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with fear.

He looked at the great elder, hoping that this was just a joke made by the great elder.

But it was obvious that the great elder did not mean to joke.

"No! I'll take someone to send him back!"

Greedy Wolf became excited. Bai Yue was one of the pillars supporting their clan. Only if he still transformed into Yue Chen could the clan not fall off the altar!

Moreover, Bai Yue is back, will Bai Yang be late?

The words she said when she left were not spoken casually.

Once the two stars, the sun and the moon, are lost, the Star Spirit clan will instantly fall to the level of a hundred clans, and will definitely be completely suppressed by the Star-Eating Dragon and the Jörmungandr clan!

"Send? Where to send?"

The great elder looked at Greedy Wolf and silently shook his head.

"This is the fate of our Star Spirit clan. Back then, our ancestor changed his fate against the will of heaven, so we would have been here long ago."

"Go and gather all the clan members. We are waiting for Bai Yue's return in the clan territory."

"Besides, I'm also waiting for Bai Yang's return at any time."


In the Star Capital of the West, Lu Xiaoqian looked at the city in front of him and suddenly felt extremely novel.

"Senior Bai, aren't we back on Earth?"

Song Shuhang's mouth twitched. What did he see?

A bustling modern city!

You know, the Northern Star already seems to be an ancient city on the Earth. They thought it was imitating the Earth. Who would have thought that the Western Star directly copied the Earth's cities.

The neon billboards all over the street, the dazzling streets, and the high-rise buildings with obvious layers all give people a sense of civilization.

Another point is that the ethnic groups living in Xizhidu have limited their body size to two meters!

“Very nice city.”

Lu Xiaoqian whistled and turned his head to look around. Although the people coming and going had different faces and appearances, they all had one thing in common.

That’s a satisfied smile on your face!

This smile is not the smile of the controlled people on Dressrosa under Doflamingo in the One Piece world. With Lu Xiaoqian's strength, it can be easily seen that this smile comes from the heart.

Even the most developed cities on earth cannot do this.

"How are we going to get to the land of the Star Spirit Clan? This place is too big, Senior Bai, how about you lead the way?"

Song Shuhang was a little hesitant. If he forcibly changed his body shape, he would definitely be able to find the clan of the Star Spirit clan. However, except for the Star-Eating Dragon and the Jörmungandr clan, all races in the Western Star City consciously abide by the rules. Song Shuhang Don't want to draw too much attention to yourself.

"I do not know the way."

Bai looked at the streets around him, but he didn't feel familiar at all. Since there was no Star Spirit clan in his memory, he didn't know how to get to the Star Spirit clan's territory.

"Don't worry, someone will show us the way."

Lu Xiaoqian chuckled and focused on a corner in the distance.

Song Shuhang also followed Lu Xiaoqian's gaze and looked over. It was a girl wearing a golden dress with a particularly deserted face!

"No way! Senior Lu Xiaoqian!"

Song Shuhang opened his mouth as if he could eat a fist.

He shuddered and moved away from Senior Bai beside him without hesitation.

If you want to say why, it's because he remembered the tragic experience in the past!

Once, when Senior White fell into seclusion, he put makeup on Senior White and even gave him a female hairstyle due to the frustration of Soft Yu. Then Senior White regained consciousness and let Song Shuhang enjoy the roller coaster.

Song Shuhang didn't want to experience this kind of tragic memory again, even if he was now far more powerful than Senior Bai.

Yes, that's right.

The girl in golden palace dress who appeared at the corner of the street, if she cut off her neck, her head would be no different from that of Senior Bai who put on makeup!

If anything, Senior Bai is handsome as a man, while the girl is soft and beautiful as a woman.

"Yue, you're back."

While talking, the girl had already walked in front of the three of them.

She completely ignored Lu Xiaoqian and Song Shuhang beside her, and her eyes were fixed on Bai.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you."

Just when Song Shuhang was extremely excited, Bai suddenly shook his head. This girl did not exist in his memory.

Song Shuhang only felt that his Senior Bai's mind was not very good. This girl who looked very similar to him must be the one mentioned before, Bai Yang!

Even if you have no memory, don’t chat like this!

Thinking in his mind, Song Shuhang started the live broadcast without hesitation, and then used the camera system of the dimensional chat group to take pictures of the scene in front of him.

He thought if he posted Bai Yang's photo to the Kyushu No. 1 group, would it cause an uproar?

Yu Rouzi will definitely pester him and let him take her to the original world!

I don’t know if ordinary people would have any problems coming to the original world.

However, Yu Rouzi is a child of heaven, and she should not have any problems because of her emotions and reasons, right?

If that doesn't work, you can bring Miraiko over, and then let Soft Yu synchronize Miraiko's feelings, and prevent Soft Yu from committing suicide.

Just when Song Shuhang was thinking wildly, the girl standing in front of Bai smiled.

At that moment, it was like flowers blooming in spring in March, and the heaven and earth seemed to have lost their color.

Not to mention the members of the dimensional chat group watching the live broadcast, even Lu Xiaoqian felt his heartbeat for a moment.

"I knew you would definitely forget about me."

The girl raised her head. There was one difference between her and Bai, and that was their height.

I don't know why, but in this city where people are generally two meters tall, the girl's height remains around 1.7 meters. Although it is tall for humans, it is unusually conspicuous here.

"Well, let me introduce you. My name is Bai Yang, your sister."

Bai Yang stretched out his hand, and Lu Xiaoqian frowned slightly. He could feel that when Bai Yang stretched out his hand, there seemed to be endless heat raging in her body, but Bai Yang seemed not to feel it.

"It's interesting. What did this so-called Star Spirit clan do back then?"

Lu Xiaoqian felt that he should change his name. He should be called Xiaoqian Holmes, or Xiaoqian Doyle.

With just a few words and a little energy flowing, he felt that he had grasped the truth of that year!

Watching Bai Yang and Senior Bai successfully shake hands in the dimensional chat group, countless people were secretly blessing her, hoping that Senior Bai could retrieve his memory and recognize his sister.

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "Retrieve the memory? Forget it, I'm afraid those are terrible memories."

Lu Xiaoqian's words stopped everyone's discussion. They didn't know why Lu Xiaoqian would say such disappointing words.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "It's terrible? I remember that when Shang was talking, he described that Senior Bai and his sister were talking about the future sacrifice of the Star Spirit clan. Maybe the past is too tragic?"

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "No, that's not what I'm talking about."

Lu Xiaoqian sighed softly, and walked to Bai Yang's side, looking at the girl who was pecked like an eagle from heaven.


With a silent chant in her heart, the terrifying suction force absorbed the raging flames from Bai Yang's body. When the first ray of flame left Bai Yang's body, she showed an expression of great pain.

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "I'm afraid that back then, the Xingling clan directly penetrated these two siblings into the world's meridians."

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "And how can two ordinary members of the Star Spirit Clan withstand the power of the stars in the heavens and the world? Therefore, there is a high probability that in order to control the sun more stably, the Star Spirit Clan can obtain the sun. The power of the sun. Bai Yang has endured the burning of the true fire of the sun and survived to this day."

After countless eons of burning, Bai Yang, except for Bai Yue, has no heart.

The dimensional chat group was silent.

The amount of information in what Lu Xiaoqian said was so huge that everyone needs to sort through their thoughts.

Accelerator: "Being burned in the true fire of the sun until today?"

Takaita Kyosuke: "Wait a minute! If I remember correctly, many, many eons have passed since Bai Yang was sacrificed, right?"

What is the concept of time in universe?

The time from the birth of a universe to its destruction is the universe.


The more you imagine, the more unimaginable it becomes!

Miyano Shiho: "I don't know what the true fire of the sun is, but what I know is that the temperature of the sun's surface is as high as 6,000 degrees, while the temperature of the core reaches 15 million degrees!"

Miyano Shiho: "You know, even the temperature of the magma is only about 1,500!"

Did you take a bath in magma 10,000 times stronger to this day?

And Bai Yang is not taking a bath in one sun, she is taking a bath in countless suns in the universe!

Some cosmic energy is so powerful that the sun is also extremely powerful, and even the value far exceeds people's knowledge.

Ao Bing: "That's not how it works. The Demon Clan's Heavenly Palace was above the Sun Star back then, and the Sun's True Fire was also the talent of the Golden Crow Clan, and it was enough to destroy the world."

The fact that ten suns were in the sky and almost destroyed all races in the prehistoric continent can be found in any copy of the prehistoric memory.

The world is different from the world, and the sun is naturally different from the sun.

Butterfly Ninja: "Perhaps the Celestial Spirit Clan has a special method to isolate this kind of heat?"

The butterfly ninja cautiously proposed an idea, but was quickly refuted by the attentive group members.

Yuzaki Hoshizora, who had been paying attention, immediately stood up and expressed his views, and his views were in line with what most people thought.



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