Starting From Supporting Qian Renxue To Plunder the Heavens

H-687 Who cares how many bowls of noodles Liu Zi has eaten!

Looking at "Lu Xiaoqian" who appeared in the venue with a smile on his face, Lu Xiaoqian, who was watching the live broadcast, couldn't help but touch his cheek, and then said extremely narcissistic words while other members on the side couldn't help laughing.

"Well, even if I become a card, I'm still handsome~"

Less than half a month has passed since the duel competition, and card duels have become a hot topic in the dimensional chat group.

Everyone has also moved from cards from various worlds to fixed cards in Yu-Gi-Oh. Many people even went to Yu-Gi-Oh World to buy cards to form their own perfect deck.

Kaede Honjou even defeated Seto Kaiba in the Yu-Gi-Oh World with an ordinary [Mortal Bones] deck, which directly plunged Seto Kaiba into despair that was difficult to recover from.

An unknown little girl can beat him, maybe he is not suitable for playing cards?


In the lush jungle, a few horses stood quietly.

The group of people looked at the horse-drawn train approaching in the distance, with smiles on their faces involuntarily.

"Brother, here we come! Looks like a fat sheep!"

"Well, wait a minute."


[Ding, welcome Zhang Muzhi to join the dimensional chat group! 】

[Everyone, come and say hello to him! 】

Two notification sounds spread throughout the dimensional chat group, directly interrupting Accelerator and Kurosaki Ichigo who were dueling.

Accelerator: "Tch, I can summon the Cyber ​​Ultimate Dragon right away. Are there new people coming? What is the new people's world like? A world of passionate battles?"

Accelerator was a little helpless. He had a bet with Ichigo Kurosaki, and the bet was worth a thousand points. He was also planning to buy something for Final Fantasy after winning. Now it seems that free prostitution is impossible.

But if a new person joins, there is a high probability that a time traveler or a reincarnation will appear. If the new person is not strong enough, he should be able to get a lot of points by helping him?

So with this idea in mind, Accelerator was the first to come out and welcome the newcomers.

After Accelerator, many people also welcomed him and started a dimensional chat group to popularize science among newcomers.

Come be my son: "Gu la la la~ Newcomers can check the group announcement carefully, so that you can get familiar with the dimensional chat group earlier. In addition, @Zhang Muzhi is welcome to join our big dimensional chat group family!"

I'm not the richest man: "The name Zhang Muzhi is very similar to @Wang Ye from your side."

Wang Ye: "Well, the surname Zhang is considered a common surname in our country. There is a high probability that the newcomers are from the Chinese country of Earth in another world, but they are not from what era."

Li Yunlong: "It doesn't matter what era it is, if it's a kid... fighting in modern times, we, Old Li, will be the first to help the newcomers!"

Seeing the newcomers joining the group, Li Yunlong started shouting loudly without saying a word.

It is also worth mentioning that because the power Li Yunlong mastered was so powerful, it was impossible for him to go to the logistics hospital.

Originally, Li Yunlong thought he would find some way to get in touch with Tian Yu. Unexpectedly, the headquarters made a direct call and transferred Tian Yu to the Second Division to serve as Li Yunlong's personal nurse.

After a lot of back and forth, these two people actually became a couple!

And after they became married, Li Yunlong also read the copy of memory with Tian Yu, and told Tian Yu that he would definitely get rid of his bad temper in the future, and the relationship between the two would be better than the future development of the original world!

The topic has gone too far. When he saw the name Zhang Muzhi, he didn't know why Li Yunlong always felt that there would definitely be a topic between the two!

After all, it was rare for families to give their children names with such profound meanings. In Wang Ye's modern world, most people chose names just by casually seeing an idiom or a poem.

Under Tian Yu's interpretation, Li Yunlong knew that Mu represented the ancient state animal husbandry, which meant transcendence.

This is not a name that ordinary families would give!

Zhang Muzhi: "Is this heaven or hell?"

In Goose City, Zhang Muzhi looked at the light curtain that suddenly appeared in front of him, and for a moment he forgot the pain in his heart.

If it is really magic magic, is it possible that Xiao Liuzi can be brought back to life!

Because he wanted to relieve his inner pain, Zhang Muzhi did not let his brother stay by his side. Instead, he locked himself in the house alone, so no one noticed anything strange about him.

"Dimension, chat group... you can see through the past and the memory copy of the future! It would be great if it could appear earlier!"

Zhang Muzhi hammered the wall so hard that his hands bled!

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Zhang Muzhi...can I call you, Zhang Mazi?"

On a certain beautiful island beach, Lingyue gently caressed the little dolphin on her hand, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

She didn't expect that the person joining the dimensional chat group this time would be Zhang Mazi!

You know, this "Zhang Mazi" created an unparalleled movie image in the country of his previous life!

Zhang Muzhi: "Whether it's Mu Zhi or Mazi, it's just a code name. The leader of the group can naturally call me whatever he wants."

Zhang Muzhi studied abroad. Although he had no idea about chat groups, the obvious title of group leader still allowed him to understand the gold content.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Have you entered Goose City?"

In the room, Zhang Muzhi's whole body trembled, and a trace of surprise and shock flashed in his eyes.

Could this group leader really be able to see through the past and the future?

Zhang Muzhi: "I entered, but I regret entering!"

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Xiao Liuzi, have you left?"

Zhang Muzhi: "The leader of the group is really clever. I wonder if the leader of the group has a way to bring the dead back to life!"

When Zhang Muzhi sent this message, his whole body was already trembling.

He prayed silently in his heart that if there was really a way to bring the dead back to life, he would have to bring Xiao Liuzi back even if it cost him his life!

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Hey, is it too late to join the group?"

Lingyue's words made Zhang Muzhi's heart sink. Is it possible that such a magical chat group has no way to bring back the dead?

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "Zhang Muzhi? Let the bullets fly?"

Lu Xiaoqian, who was leisurely eating melon, blinked. Damn it, why did this person join the chat group?

Li Yunlong's addition surprised Lu Xiaoqian. Now Zhang Muzhi has arrived. How about recruiting Zhang Lingfu, Zhou Weiguo and others as well?

This is outrageous!

Dimensional chat group Dimensional chat group, shouldn’t it be a two-dimensional chat group?

Lu Xiaoqian finished his daily rant, and then typed a string of words with one hand.

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "Resurrection and other things cannot be simpler. Lingyue, you send out the memory copy first. After I finish eating the melon, I will go and devour the world where the bullets fly, and then let Kuang San go away." Let’s go.”

Kurumi Tokisaki: "Ah la la~ It's a great honor. I just hope that Sir Lu Xiaoqian can think of Kurumi at other times like this~"

Tokisaki Kurumi's seductive tone did not move Lu Xiaoqian at all, and even Lu Xiaoqian continued to eat melon without any expression.

Only children want it all, but adults know they can't stand it.

Of course, Lu Xiaoqian is a child in behavior and an adult in psychology.

Although he is still single, he is not ready to get involved in the dimensional chat group. This is not good.

Zhang Muzhi: "Really, can it really be resurrected?"

In the room, Zhang Muzhi was pacing back and forth excitedly. He wanted to tell his brothers the good news, but he was afraid that something would go wrong. He had better wait until Xiao Liuzi was resurrected!

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Don't worry, the person who promised you is the most powerful boss in our group, and we are just a little weakling~"

Lingyue complained about herself mercilessly.

To be honest, isn't the Dimensional Chat Group my golden finger? Why did I feel something was wrong after Lu Xiaoqian joined!

Just outrageous!

Silently continuing to be a tool for publishing, Lingyue uploaded the latest memory copy.

[Ding, the group leader Lingyue uploaded a small memory copy: Let the bullets fly! 】

A small memory copy. This kind of memory copy has not appeared for a long time. Remember the last time it appeared, it seemed to be the world of A Xing?

So, this is also a so-called movie world?

Everyone dived into the memory copy. Zhang Muzhi also thought about it for several minutes, then gritted his teeth and dived in.

The room fell silent, leaving only a few cicadas chirping from outside.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Mu returned to the room with a complicated look on his face. He sat on a chair and took a sip of water to relieve his inner excitement.


In the end, he killed Huang Silang and avenged Xiao Liuzi!

Even if Xiao Liuzi was not resurrected, he still had his revenge!

"Master Tang... Mabond, did you betray me?"

When the joy of the final revenge gradually faded away, Zhang Muzhi thought of the second child who died in the memory copy again. He made up his mind that no matter what, he could not let the second child go to the mountains to ambush!

Moreover, he must find out the traitor!

At this time, there was already a lot of discussion in the dimensional chat group!

Li Yunlong: "Damn! This Huang Silang deserves to be killed!"

As a warrior who has experienced many wars and has been through blood, Li Yunlong cannot bear the existence of people like Huang Silang at all. It is precisely because of the existence of such people that the bones of the Yanhuang people cannot stand straight!

You can't even afford to eat, but you're such a fool!

And if Li Yunlong read it correctly, Zhang Muzhi's era was not far from the war period!

It can even be said that the war has just ended!

Just after victory, this kind of vampire and parasite appeared!

Accelerator: "Tsk, the people of this Goose City have been exploited and become numb!"

Looking at the ordinary people in the memory copy, Accelerator somehow thought of the ordinary people in Academy City.

They are much better than the people in Goose City.

Wang Ye: "To be honest, the conversation between Mu Zhi and Sister Hua left me completely stunned."

Wang Ye: "She didn't dare to hate Huang Silang who bullied and persecuted her, nor did she dare to target him, but she dared to point the gun at Zhang Muzhi who had always treated her favorably."

Wang Ye: "Sure enough, if a good person wants to be rewarded, you have to look at the target!"

The king also lamented that in the beginning, human nature is inherently good.

These two sentences, six words, have enlightened many children.

But who could have known that these six words were a complete joke.

Human nature is inherently evil.

Why are there so many laws stipulating what cannot be done, but no laws stipulating what should be praised when done?

Because the rulers all know that to do evil, you don’t need to learn or even be instructed. You just need to move your brain and hands when the time comes.

This is human beings, no matter how kind they are, there is always a dark spot in their hearts.

The lotus flower emerged from the mud but remained unstained. Aren't its rhizomes still ugly and stained by the mud?

There is also Xiaoliu, he is the young man with the brightest future in the entire team.

His three views and thoughts have not yet been completely fixed, so Zhang Muzhi said that he would send him to study abroad. He wanted to let Xiao Liuzi live a bright life that was completely different from theirs.

But it is a pity that people with evil intentions will not tolerate people with good intentions!

Who cares how many bowls of noodles Xiao Liuzi actually ate?

All they want is for Xiao Liuzi to die!

Only if he dies, and only if Zhang Mu and his group dies, those people will not be called bad people.

Zhang Muzhi: "We will talk about Sister Hua's matter later. To be honest, my mind is confused now. In addition to resurrecting the six sons, I also want to ask you to help me analyze who betrayed the second child!"

In the entire memory copy, the only thing that Zhang Muzhi found puzzling was the death of his second child.

The second son went out to do things exactly as he ordered.

At that time, only Master Tang, also known as Ma Bond, was known.

If it was Mabond who snitched, he should know about it.

And even if Ma Bangde said it, it would take time for Huang Silang to make arrangements. How could his ragtag group of people catch the second son in the mountains in such a hurry!

I'm not the richest man: "Huh~ Zhang Muzhi, let me analyze it for you. Whether it's right or not depends on you."

I'm not the richest man: "Let's start the analysis from the back. Do you still remember the whistle Mabond blew during your battle against bandits?

He kept saying no, but he blew you away.

Who taught him his whistle?

In the county government, the only people he can come into contact with are you brothers and Sister Hua.

I think there is only one answer, and that is Sister Hua.

After all, the whistle is your team's special contact password, and it's impossible to tell them to Ma Bond, who they don't trust at all.

Since it is impossible for them to tell, it can only be Sister Hua. I think it was the second or third child who accidentally revealed your contact information when contacting Sister Hua, and then Sister Hua pretended to be interested and tricked out the contact. The method and password were then told to Huang Silang or Ma Bond.

After learning the whistle's contact information, it was too easy to find the second child hidden in the mountains.

All he had to do was blow the whistle twice to tell him that the operation was cancelled, where to gather, etc. The second brother would not have any doubts at all, and would even go to the gathering without any preparation.

At that time, if you wanted to deal with the second child, you only needed to shoot secretly. "

I am not the richest man: "Sister Hua is not a good person, you are right!"


·(End of this chapter)

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