Tony's analysis is quite reasonable, at least Zhang Muzhi feels that this is the most reasonable explanation.

"So, Sister Hua can't stay."

Recalling the memory copy, Zhang Mu made up his mind about the change in his team's mentality since Sister Hua appeared.

Even if this woman is as beautiful as a fairy, she must be killed!

Your own brothers are the most important!

"And Lao Tang... eh."

Zhang Muzhi sighed, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it in one gulp, with a murderous look in his eyes.

He was originally kept to fight against Huang Silang, but now it seems that he is no longer needed!

"Without Sister Hua, it's impossible for the third child to have any objections, and the fourth child and the others won't have any other ideas. Oh, it's really heartbreaking!"

Zhang Muzhi smiled helplessly, then got up and walked out of the room.

Zhang Muzhi: "Thank you for your help and analysis. Muzhi has benefited a lot. Thank you in advance!"

As a learned person, Zhang Muzhi knows that gratitude is a good quality.

I'm not the richest man: "Tsk, Mu Zhi, are you ready to take action against Huang Silang and the others?"

It can be seen from Zhang Muzhi's words that he seems to have made up his mind to fight Huang Silang to the death.

However, this is the most unnecessary choice, right?

Lao Li: "Hey, brother Mu, what are you going to do? Are you going to play to the death with that Huang Silang?"

Tony was not the only one to see that something was not right with Zhang Muzhi's situation. Even Lao Li could tell that Zhang Muzhi had made up his mind.

It was impossible for Zhang Muzhi to give up on resurrecting Xiao Liuzi, but it was even more impossible for him to give up on taking revenge on Huang Silang.

So he decided to start with Ma Bond and Sister Hua first, so as to avoid problems behind him!

As for those Hu Wan, Wu Juren, etc., he will not let them go!

Zhang Muzhi: "It's too early for the fish to die and the net to be broken. Muzhi just wants to make some preparations for future battles."

Zhang Muzhi: "At least, I can clear up the remaining problems here first."

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Well, if I remember correctly, now is exactly the time when Huang Silang is preparing to host the Hongmen Banquet. Are you planning to attack Huang Silang at the Hongmen Banquet?"

Lingyue was a little curious. With the strength in Zhang Mu's hand, it was definitely possible to kill Huang Silang, but it was completely unnecessary.

Zhang Muzhi: "Well, if Huang Silang dares to host this Hongmen Banquet for me, don't blame me for turning my back on guests!"

Long before, he had asked his second son to find out the internal situation of Huang Silang's fortress. As long as he wanted to, he could drag Huang Silang to hell with him at any time.

After reading the memory copy, Zhang Muzhi had great confidence in killing Huang Silang, and he was certain that as long as he did it correctly, he could kill Huang Silang without harming his own life!

After all, Huang Silang's men are all young men, and they will follow whoever has the upper hand!

Lao Li: "Hey, why are you so worried? Aren't you going to that Hongmen Banquet to get some money, gold or something, and @I'm not the richest man to buy some arms. If it doesn't work, we, Lao Li, will give you some." That firepower is much stronger than the fire stick in your hand."

Lao Li, who had enjoyed the pleasure of unlimited firepower, decided to share his pleasure with Zhang Muzhi. After all, it was all about fighting. There was no difference between fighting warlords and fighting invaders. They were both evil things that harmed the people.

In comparison, these warlords and landlords are worse than the invaders.

Lao Li really couldn't tell which one was more sad and pitiful: the invaders who carried out the three-light killing died with resentment, or the landlords who exploited and exploited their servants and lived in indifferent lives.

Zhang Muzhi: "In the group, can we still give away arms?"

What are arms? In this era, they are the lifeblood!

Whoever has money and arms is the boss.

As for people, they are caught in large numbers and given to stutters. Nowadays people dare to take on God.

Lao Li: "That's for sure. Let me tell you, we, Lao Li, were also a pauper before, but now we are a rich man~"

Outside, Lao Li is now a studious student. With the help of Zhao Gang and Tian Yu, he, Lao Li, is about to become an intellectual.

But in the dimensional chat group, Lao Li still prefers to show his true nature.

Zhang Muzhi: "What's the price of the weapons?"

A big event is about to happen, and Zhang Muzhi has some thoughts in his heart. If there are really arms for sale in this magical chat group, then he can buy some.

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "Hmm... Looking at the chat between you two, why do I feel like this group is going to disappear?"

After eating the chilled watermelon, Lu Xiaoqian couldn't help but complain.

Blatantly peddling arms and so on, if this was done in the previous life, it would definitely be banned in an instant.

But who left the dimensional chat group unattended.

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "Zhang Muzhi, don't rush to buy arms or anything like that. You probably don't have the capital to buy them. The hard goods flowing in the group are points, and this thing is the most useful. As for gold and silver treasures, then They can all be made casually. @Lao Li, Lao Li, you also had a bad idea. Tony just wanted to help you when he sold you arms, otherwise you really thought that money was still useful to Tony. "

Lu Xiaoqian complained that for everyone in the Dimension chat group, money is just a series of numbers. It is enough to use it, and they really don’t pursue it.

Even Ah Xing, who used to love money the most, now only takes his wife and children to travel all day long.

Yes, the mute girl gave birth to a pair of twins, a boy and a girl, for A Xing, who happily showed off to the group for a long time.

This is the most common way of life among group members.

Zhang Muzhi: "Okay, Mr. Administrator."

Zhang Muzhi sighed, then calmed down and looked at Ma Bond who was walking towards him.

It looks like the Hongmen Banquet is coming!

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: " @Zhang Muzhi, I am going to integrate your world, and then just let Kurumi go there. @Tokisaki Kurumi, you have to absorb a little of that world. Time, don’t go too far.”

Lu Xiaoqian didn't let Kuang San take action in Ah Xing's world because he was afraid of directly destroying Ah Xing's world.

Now in Zhang Muzhi's world, Lu Xiaoqian decided to let Kuang San take action directly. After all, it can be said to be from the same era as Ah Xing's world and is the most suitable for integration.

When the time comes, wouldn't it be better to just ask Ah Xing to help Zhang Mu, and let him start from Echeng and gradually liberate the people in many cities?

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Yes, sir, Kurumi understands."

Tokisaki Kurumi licked his lips, looked back and smiled, inadvertently revealing the mysterious Keke Emperor.

"Well, I haven't tasted the taste of time for a long time."

She stood on the rooftop, her every frown and smile full of temptation, but it was a pity that no one appreciated the beautiful scenery.

Not long after, Lu Xiaoqian easily located the world of "Let the Bullets Fly" based on Zhang Muzhi. This world was unexpectedly small, with only a single solar system.

Not to mention the Milky Way, even the surrounding star systems do not exist, there is only one sun and a few major planets.

After casually absorbing the world, Lu Xiaoqian changed the laws of the world, and then opened a space door for Tokisaki Kurumi.

Here Ma Bangde is discussing the Hongmen Banquet with Zhang Muzhi. He thinks there are some problems whether he goes or not, but at least he can get some benefits by going.

Zhang Muzhi just looked at him coldly and responded in a tone of voice, but what he was thinking about was how to kill this guy quietly.

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