After the joint meeting of friends (power), coercion (benefit), and inducement, many kings were covered in sweat and light-footed when they left Mariejoia!

Right in front of them, a jailer with a maniacal smile on his face lightly drained the lifespan of a group of human traffickers captured by the government, and then pulled out their souls and steamed them on the flames.

Because the scientific research institution has not yet been fully established, these human traffickers can only bear this kind of criminal law until the scientific research institution is established and fully manned.

East China Sea, Cocosia Village, Hermione sat on the shore enjoying the cool sea breeze.

Today is the death anniversary of Bellemere, and Nami wanted to come back to pay her respects, so Hermione took all of them to this rapidly developing town.

Because the relationship between Luffy and Nami was not taken into consideration when they captured the East China Sea, the revolutionary army did not vigorously develop Cocosia Village.

After the coalition government was established, Cocosia Village was already much more self-sufficient than other villages, and the coalition government could only provide some support and help secretly.

For example, there are more than twenty villages on the island where Cocosia Village is located, all of which were ruled by Aaron.

The sea train of the East China Sea, the train station on this island, is in the former Aaron Paradise!

This has also brought countless outside tourists to Cocosia Village, as well as the trade of various commodities.



"It looks like everyone is doing well."

In the world of Box Garden, looking at the white clouds floating above his head, Lu Xiaoqian held a piece of wild grass in the corner of his mouth. He chewed the root and felt the bitterness in his mouth. Lu Xiaoqian slowly closed his eyes and lost his mind in the chat group.

There had been no water for two days again, and Lu Xiaoqian realized that he didn't seem to have missed anything.

Several people in the group from the daily show were diving, Aizen was discussing wild conjectures with Tony, and Thanos was also involved.

It seems that Aizen is also interested in the infinite stones?

However, it seems that during the conversation, Tony and Thanos still had something to hide about Aizen.

After all, this is an out-and-out ruthless person!

Sero: " @[Group Leader] A confused little newbie, the group leader... There seems to be something wrong with my world..."

Suddenly a Zero appeared in the discussion, and the discussion in the group stopped instantly.

[Group Leader] The confused little Mengxin said: " @Zero, what's wrong, Zero. In your world, there is a strong man like the Ultra King, what will happen?"

Lingyue shook her feet twice, a little confused.

In terms of world level, Zero's world should be the top one at the moment. With an existence like the King of Ultra, what can happen?

There can't be some reincarnation time traveler who dares to go there and cause trouble, right?

Zero: "The Beria of my world... seems to be a time traveler?"

I’m not the richest man: “Pfft!”

Tony spit out a mouthful of red wine. He knew who Beria was, but he said that Beria was a time traveler?

Is this because he's afraid that the big boss isn't strong enough and is intentionally cheating?

Zero: "The battle in the Monster Cemetery has been over for several days, and I just received the news that my father's head dart was also shot down by Beria. And according to King Ultra's calculations, Beria There are two men in the hand who are no less than his."

Zero: "Now, the King of Ultra sensed a dark riot somewhere and rushed over to deal with it. I was on my way to the Monster Cemetery alone, but something didn't feel right."

[Group Leader] The confused little Mengxin: "Let me take a look..."

[Ding, a special mutation has been detected in the Ultraman world, and the mission is being released...]

[Ding, it has been detected that the Abyssal Reincarnator appears in the Ultraman world: Falcon. The cause of the mutation has been identified and the mission was successfully released! 】

[Mission goal: Kill Beria who has absorbed the memory of the reincarnation: Falcon. 】

[Task requirements: This task can be completed by six members (except Zero). 】

[Task reward: one million points (reasonably distributed among all participants), and a grand lottery in all the worlds. 】

When Lingyue posted the tasks from the task panel to the group, all the divers couldn't help but come out and bubble.

Pig-headed boy: "Obviously, people who are not strong enough have to give up on this mission. First of all, they have to fight in the space of another world. Secondly, those hundred terrifying monsters plus Beria, who is known as the Dark Emperor, are really too much. It’s too scary. If you don’t pay attention and fall into the darkness, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

Haibara Ai: "Yes, we can blend in with ordinary tasks, but for this kind of task, our strength is still too weak."

The beautiful girl scientist shook her head in the laboratory. For them, the most reliable way to improve their strength is to sign in and grab the red envelopes that the big guys in the group sometimes give out.

At least, now that she has mastered the two-color Haki, she can press the former nightmare Belmode to the ground and rub her!

Gin has been slaughtered, so it can't be rubbed!

[Group Leader] The confused Xiao Mengxin said: "I did a careful calculation and found that there are not many people in the group who can participate in the mission."

[Group Leader] The confused Xiao Mengxin said: "Those who have the strength to protect themselves are Whitebeard, Lu Xiaoqian, Aizen, Tony, Thanos, me, and Black Rabbit, there are seven people!!"

The rest of Hongmao, Xiao Yan, Nalan Yanran, Xiaozhi and others all have strength, but they don't have the ability to participate in this mission.

Black Rabbit: "Ah, Black Rabbit has no way to participate in this mission~ Now the community is having a friendly gift match with another community, and Black Rabbit is serving as the referee. It is expected that there may be no time for several days."

The black rabbit who had been diving for a long time suddenly appeared. Master Shiroyasha took them on a trip, and they are having fun now~

She has to attend the Fire Dragon Festival next, so she probably won't have time, and after leaving the Little Garden, she probably won't be able to show much of her strength at all.

[Group Leader] The confused Xiao Mengxin said: "So, are the six of us left?"

This time, as if it was a predetermined decision, there was no big carousel.

In Soul Society, looking at the dark blue vortex appearing around him, Aizen had a faint smile on his lips.

"It's a bit difficult to handle. If I leave, Mirror Flowers and Moon in the Mirror may not last long. But, it doesn't matter~"

On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard drank the wine bottle in his hand freely, and then looked at the dark blue vortex that appeared in front of him and comforted Marco, who was a little nervous.

"Gu la la la~ Marco, keep an eye on the ship, I'll go see what other worlds are like first!"

Mentioning the Naginata Kumokiri, Whitebeard's body emitted terrifying fluctuations.

In the Marvel world, two whirlpools took away two people.

On the side of Xiaoting, Lu Xiaoqian also became interested and stepped into the dark blue vortex. When Lu Xiaoqian took a look at the scene, he had already appeared in a blue transparent ball.

Next to him is a white beard that is more than six meters tall, and next to him is the most conspicuous Thanos, who is more than two meters tall.

Lingyue still looked lively and well-behaved, but the fluctuations emanating from her body made several people around her raise their brows slightly.

"Gu la la la~ It seems that the group leader has made a lot of progress in this period of time~"

The last time they met, Whitebeard could still clearly feel that Lingyue was at his limit, which was at most the level of deputy emperor. Now it seems that apart from her current self, there may be no rival for her in her world.

"The white-bearded old man has also improved a lot~"

Lingyue's smart eyes also showed surprise. As the leader of the group, she has a lot of authority and benefits, and she has made a breakthrough to this point.

Can Whitebeard reach the top of their world just by relying on sign-ins and rare mission points?

He is truly a legend!

Lu Xiaoqian looked at Aizen, who was looking curiously at the world outside the blue ball of light. His signature gentle smile made it impossible to see through his true face behind the mask.

"What's wrong?" Lan Ran turned his head and looked at Lu Xiaoqian with a smile.

"I was wondering what you would look like if you didn't smile." Lu Xiaoqian sat casually on the ground on the light ball and looked up at Zero, who was dragging the light ball flying outside.

Well, he is worthy of being a racing rabbit. This handsome appearance has inspired the God of Creation Valley and led to a new generation of LED ultra-lights!

Moreover, some of Cerro's mid-term operations also served as a guiding light for future generations.

All of them are debt kings!


In the universe, Zero, who was flying rapidly, couldn't help but shudder. He always felt like someone was speaking ill of him behind his back.

"Beria! It must be him!"

Poor Beria, in the Monster Cemetery, he didn't even know that he was taking the blame!

In the ball of light, Thanos and Tony looked at each other, but they were not as relaxed as if they were chatting in a group.

After all, these two people should be opposites in the memory copy.

"Our mission this time is to kill Beria. I looked at the memory copy and found that this guy is really difficult to kill. Even if he dies, he can be resurrected, right?"

Tony found a topic to break the weird atmosphere between him and Thanos.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he attracted everyone's attention.

"Indeed, out of curiosity about the so-called universe, I have read all of Zero's [memory copies]. Beria among them is really not easy to kill~"

As a villain BOSS with his own charisma, Beria has many die-hard subordinates. Even if he dies, he can be dug out and resurrected by special powers.

He is a terrifying and ruthless character.

"According to my opinion, we should just kill him. It does not mean eradicating the roots. After all, this person's vitality is very tenacious. In his soul, there are fragments of Lebrondo's soul. ah."

Aizen spoke his own thoughts, which were also the thoughts of many people present.

Even Lu Xiaoqian didn't have the confidence to completely obliterate Beria. There were too many ways for this guy to resurrect.

His subordinates are all over the universe, and someone will appear out of nowhere and resurrect this guy with a gigabit combat device.


Gigabit combat instrument?

Lu Xiaoqian touched his chin. This thing is a good prop. How about taking it away and collecting it?

Some relatively powerful people have various hobbies, but Lu Xiaoqian found that he had no hobbies at all, and even beauty was all about beauty. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was the strongest salty fish!

Now, he wants to add a hobby to himself!

It feels very good to collect weapons or props from your defeated generals and build a hero grave!

And in the future, the Hero Tomb can be opened appropriately and used as a dungeon for some aspiring young people to complete dungeons. It would be a good entertainment project to watch and play in it!

Lu Xiaoqian's eyes gradually brightened. He was no longer the kind of passionate young man who would rush in when he saw inheritance or relics, but he could be the kind of golden-fingered old man who laid out relics or relics!

Just when Lu Xiaoqian was conceiving the Hero Tomb in his heart, a strange star similar to a Möbius strip appeared in the distant universe!

Monster graveyard!

"Seniors, we are coming!"

As Cero, who has only been in the group for a short time, there is nothing wrong with calling the people in his group seniors.

"Gu la la la~ Everyone, get ready!"

Whitebeard's strong body stood up, exuding a vague and terrifying domineering aura.

The Cong Yunqie in his hand has given birth to terrifying concussions and fluctuations!


The scene in front of them shuttled back and forth, and everyone appeared on a desolate land.

The magma lake in the distance looks like small magma pits in the eyes of the roaring and fighting monsters.

"I, take action first!"

Whitebeard grinned, his eyes full of fighting spirit as he looked at the figure that was incomparable to the giants!

These guys are much more powerful than the giants!

Cong Yunqie held it in his hand, and a transparent shock wave enveloped the blade. The veins on Whitebeard's arm popped out, and his forehead also looked like " # "!

【Air shock】

The most iconic move, and also Whitebeard's strongest move, the shock wave shattered the void, and the space made a "click" sound like a broken mirror.

Then, I saw three monsters in the distance instantly turned into pieces, and the two monsters fighting on the other side were stunned by fright!

"King Red, Telestone, Asteron... Mr. Whitebeard is still so strong!"

Lingyue looked at the three monsters that had turned into pieces in the distance and couldn't help but clapped her hands.

Then, a long sword shining with ice blue light appeared in her hand.

"Split the soul, break the soul!"

Dark light covered the surface of the long sword, and Lingyue smiled lightly, but what everyone felt from her long sword was the wave of death!

"It seems that her world is very strange~"

Lu Xiaoqian rubbed his chin and then put his hand down.



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