Lingyue's move passed through the two stunned monsters next to them, and then they fell down without any injuries, but they lost the breath of life.

Aizen and Lu Xiaoqian, who are proficient in souls, immediately discovered that the souls of these two monsters had disappeared.

Even if Beria's method is used again, there is no way to regenerate these two monsters.

"Everyone has taken action, Thanos, why don't you take action?"

Tony looked at Thanos who was stuck on the spot. While speaking provocative words, his body was also covered with the latest mecha!

Before coming, he hurriedly changed all his weapons.

After all, weapons used against humans and aliens cannot deal with huge monsters!

The arms were put together, and a terrifying laser shot out from Tony's palm. This move had the connotation of a laser cannon!

The laser swept across three small magma lakes, and the magma that exploded in an instant attracted the attention of dozens of monsters around them.


Several monsters around the magma lake were more or less successful, but only one poor crayfish was fatally injured and died.


In the distance, sitting on Ultraman Seven, watching his younger brother crush Dyna and the first generation Beria in the center of the battlefield, he immediately noticed the terrifying explosion.

If Whitebeard and Lingyue's attacks are inconspicuous but deadly, then Tony's attacks are not fatal but very conspicuous!

"It looks like the Lord is here. If you two don't take action, I will make a fool of myself~"

Lu Xiaoqian shook his head, jumped up and turned into a golden light.

"Yasaka Nino Macatama! (Eight-foot Qiong Magatama)"

Endless light bullets swept across the outer battlefield. Every time the light bullet penetrated the monster's body, the outside of the battlefield was filled with their wails!


Purple-black lightning came from the center of the battlefield, and Beria's oppressive body appeared on the periphery of the battlefield. This also meant that the center of the battlefield was about to shift!

"Who do I think it is? Seven's son, Ultraman Zero!"

Looking at Zero, who was the most conspicuous, Beria had a disdainful sneer on his lips, and at the same time, he was filled with anger.

Zero stared at Beria in front of him. The heroic figure he saw in the memory copy was gone. The corners of his eyes were upturned, his mouth was cracked, his face was very vicious, his body was black and red, and his hands had completely turned into something that could tear everything apart. The sharp claws and his hunched waist make people feel very uneasy!

"Beria! Where is my father!"

According to the King of Ultra's calculations, the main battle has ended long ago. It seems that Beria is dealing with subsequent supporting companions. Cero is very worried about his father.

Although he didn't understand why his father didn't recognize him, blood was thicker than water, let alone light!

"Father? Oh, Ultraman Seven! Hahaha~ You have a good father~"

Belial scratched his head with his sharp claws, seeming to be thinking, then raised his head and laughed.

Staring at Zero with cold eyes, everyone could feel the rage in Beria's eyes!

"Zero! You and I are the same! But our results are different~"

Beria inserted the gigabit combat instrument in his hand on the ground, opened his hands to show his body.

"You are a warrior of light, the future of the Kingdom of Light! You are the successor that that idiot Kane is optimistic about! What about me? What am I? I am a criminal who has been locked up in prison for tens of thousands of years!"

"Why? Both of us were exposed to plasma sparks, why did it become like this?"

"You have a good father who can help you withstand all this, but I don't."

Beria's calm words were filled with resentment towards Zero.

This also shows why Beria will stare at Zero and cause trouble later. He is not convinced!

Why was he expelled from the country just because he wanted to gain the power of plasma sparks? When he was exhausted, his body was invaded by Reblondo's soul, and he became what he is now.

But Zero, who had the same thoughts and actions as him, was able to comfortably stay on the King Star and accept the training of that king!

Just because Zero's father is Severn?

With this idea in mind, during the battle, Beria made unequivocal moves, defeated Severn in an instant, and then brutally killed Severn!


Faced with the question of Beria, who knew the future, Cero didn't know how to answer for a while.

"That seems to make sense, but in the universe, everything is determined by power, Beria."

Lu Xiaoqian fell down and stood on top of Zero.

Unexpectedly, Zero's head is very suitable for humans to stand on. Not only is it not smooth, there are "armrests" on both sides!

"Oh? Human?"

Only then did Beria notice Lu Xiaoqian, who had just released thousands of light bombs, but it could be seen from his nonchalant eyes that he did not take Lu Xiaoqian and others into consideration at all.

"Gula la la~ Looks like you're being ignored."

Whitebeard inserted Cong Yunqie into the ground, folded his arms in front of his chest, and stared at the monsters surrounding him.

"let me help you."

Thanos stands behind Whitebeard. His fighting power is very strong, but it is not easy to display in this kind of siege. After all, he only has one Infinity Stone now.

He's not afraid of anyone in one-on-one situations, but if there are too many flies, let's leave it to AOE!

The light of the power gem shrouded Whitebeard's body. Whitebeard only felt his body warm, and then the power of waving his arms suddenly doubled!

Click, click, click!

The sound of the mirror shattering resounded in the air. Before Beria could react, a powerful force overturned him. When he stood up, all the first batch of monsters that surrounded him had been turned into pieces!

"What's going on... In that ignorant human's memory, Zero doesn't have such a helper!"

Even if the strength has not been fully restored because it has just been resurrected a few days ago, the monster will still be a monster after all. Can only humans kill monsters instantly?

Whitebeard took a breath. The attack just now consumed a lot of his energy, but the results were obvious.

About a dozen snarling monsters became fertilizer in the monster graveyard!


While Beria was in a daze, Zero said nothing and rushed towards Beria with a punch. Zero, who was trained in physical arts from Leo, had few opponents in close combat!


Beria looked at the attacking Zero and roared, pulling up the Gigabit Combat Device on the ground and rushing over, hitting Zero's fist with his stick.

The shock wave spread, and the sand and dust on the ground rose up, creating a small battlefield.

"Everyone, let's take action and try to save some energy. After all, the two assistants mentioned in the mission have not yet appeared."

With a chuckle on Aizen's lips, he slowly walked toward the battlefield, and a strange wave spread out from his body.

The two monsters, who were about to step on it to death, suddenly looked at each other for some reason, and then started fighting without saying a word.

Not just these two, all the monsters next to Aizen seemed to be guided, and they killed their companions!

Looking at the tall monster in front of him, Aizen slowly raised his hand.

The terrifying spiritual pressure turned into a winding dragon in an instant. The shock wave tore apart the three monsters and disrupted the surrounding gravity!

A dozen large craters appeared on the edge of the battlefield. Beria turned his head thoughtfully and saw that a corner of the battlefield was already empty!


Taking advantage of the moment when Beria was distracted, Cero punched Beria in the chest with a punch filled with scorching bright flames. At the same time, a jet-black light covered Cero's fist!


Beria clutched his chest and took a dozen steps back. He stared at Zero in front of him with some disbelief in his eyes.

its not right!

He knew everything that would happen in the future from that human's memory!

He also knew that was what was bound to happen!

but why?

Why does Zero have such a weird but powerful human companion!

Why couldn't he suppress Zero in the battle?

Could it be that after being imprisoned for tens of thousands of years, he was really useless? !

No, he is Beria!

With a sinister laugh, Beria waved the gigabit combat instrument in his hand, and two purple rays of light burst out from the combat instrument!

"Yefu! Mephoras, tear these humans apart for me!"

Lu Xiaoqian, who was paddling and using lasers to kill monsters one by one, looked at the huge life form that suddenly appeared in front of him, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

The rugged appearance, the body like an Ultra Warrior, the head resembling Seven's bid, the energy crystal shining with black and red light on the chest...

Is this the legendary No. 1 monster that won’t cause quarrels among mystery fans at all? !

Leaf rot!

A terrifying monster that can never be killed and can learn all the opponent's skills!

In the setting of the Creation God Garden Valley, it has no consciousness, no soul, no emotions, no wisdom, no thoughts. It only has the instinct to unconditionally copy all external interference and return it. All its behaviors are instinctive feedback. Behavior.

I don’t know what kind of capabilities it has in this real world!


A dark cry came from Ye Fu's mouth, and dozens of darts suddenly shot out from his head, aiming at Lu Xiaoqian who was standing on the ground.

Looking at the dart that was bigger than his own body, Lu Xiaoqian couldn't help but complain.

With so many darts, are you going to become bald?

In the original Saiwen TV, every time Saiwen sacrificed his head dart, the camera did not focus on Saiwen's head. Only when he finally fought against the two-headed bird, Saiwen had no strength and went up to chop him with the headdart ice axe. At that time, I was ridiculed by some people for being bald.

"Ice Barrier!"

He raised his hand and deployed several ice shields to block the attack route of the head dart. Lu Xiaoqian opened a small portal in the air with a wave of his hand.

"Let's have a side dish first! Laser!"

Lu Xiaoqian pointed with his finger, and a laser instantly penetrated Ye Fu's head, leaving a hole in the huge skull.

Ye Fu's movements stopped, but within two seconds, Ye Fu shook his recovered head thoughtfully, stretched out his clawed hands, and dozens of rays of light shot out from his hands, which were more powerful than The laser that Tony released before is powerful!


Looking at the motionless ice barrier, Lu Xiaoqian's eyes became interested. In his eyes, Ye Fu had turned into a very fun toy!

"Then, next, let's see the power of ice! Ice Cube·Bad Mouth!"

A giant ice bird tens of meters long appeared in front of Ye Fu. After easily breaking Ye Fu's light, it directly collided with Ye Fu.

After the smoke and hail dissipated, what remained in place was an ice sculpture of Ye Fu.

"Next, Meteor Volcano!"

Lu Xiaoqian raised his hands, and the huge fist of magma covered the battlefield. The hot magma caused many monsters to be affected and turned into ashes.

Beria, who was already being vaguely suppressed by Zero, also saw the battle not far away, but he had no way to do it. Instead, he needed to think of leaving a little further away. After all, the coverage of Magma Fist also included their battlefield. literature fan

"Damn it! Does this human being not care about his companions? In such a large area, the monsters are dead, but those humans..."

Beria shut himself up. In his eyes, he clearly saw that Zero was hit by a magma fist, but he was unscathed!

"Idiot! You are 20,000 years too early to defeat us!"

Zero wiped his nose disdainfully, sighing in his heart at the strength and wit of his senior.

Under the restrictions of the dimensional chat group, group members cannot harm each other, so seniors can safely use such a wide range of attacks!


In the battlefield on Ye Fu's side, the ice cubes shattered into dregs, but quickly condensed again.

The appearance of the leaf rot that came out of the ice cube actually changed!

It no longer looks like a ferocious monster, but is similar in size to a combination of Ultraman and a human. Apart from the terrifying muscle armor, it is almost the same as the ordinary Dark Ultraman!

On Ye Fu's chest, the muscle armor exuded a terrifying cold air, and Ye Fu's head that resembled Zero also turned into a domineering head like a rock after solidified magma!


Ye Fu moved his body, and then the armor on his chest emitted cold air, and a lifelike ice bird shot towards Lu Xiaoqian!

Violent mouth!

Lu Xiaoqian raised his hand and shattered Baozhi's mouth with a golden light. Looking at Ye Fu's current appearance, he felt very satisfied.

This guy wants it!

"I won't play with you now. I'll train you later!"

Lu Xiaoqian licked his lips, and then a purple ripple appeared in his palm.


An air door opened on the top of Ye Fu's head, and a hand with purple light pressed on the top of Ye Fu's head.

"Strange, why do I feel like I've forgotten something? By the way, how is the battlefield over there?"

After Beria punched Zero, he looked thoughtfully at the empty battlefield. Lu Xiaoqian stood in the center of the battlefield. In front of him was someone at the same height as him, who was constantly waving his arms. Toy stuff?

Hey, who would place toys on the battlefield?


Tony's hand slipped and he almost missed shooting the ray aimed at the monster onto Thanos who was standing aside.

"Is this... the legendary Childlike Fruit? It's scary enough!"



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