Starting From Sword Art Online

Chapter 151 Ready to log in

The screams in the memory resonated, and Shino, who was holding the model gun, also let out a scream, followed by a violent tremor, and even Shino's scream turned into a vibrato.

With the acceleration of the heartbeat and the trembling of the body, the originally bright white light seemed to have turned bloody, and the ferocious face of the man in the peaked cap of childhood appeared in front of him.

Shino, who saw this vision, couldn't hold on any longer. She couldn't hold her body back and fell to the ground. The metal model gun fell on the wooden floor, making a clanging sound.

It was followed by the sound of Shino's heavy and fast running, followed by the sound of violent vomiting.

After a while, Shino, who finally recovered, opened the door and returned to the room. She found a piece of white cloth to cover the model gun, picked it up, put it back in the drawer of the desk, and closed it.

Then he turned his head and saw his abnormally pale face in the mirror, sighed and said in a low voice:

"It looks so bad

Then he walked to his bedside, followed directly, and muttered to himself with pain in his tone:

"Help me, who comes, save me"

In the pain, Shino unconsciously recalled the boy named Ye Yi after school, his gentle voice and breath like the warm sun, and his smile like bathing in the spring breeze.

The dark pain in his heart seemed to be dispelled a little, and Shino, who was confused, sighed:

Really ", it's really warm!"

Ye Yi, who helped Shino in the afternoon, was sitting on a motorcycle at the moment, looking at the large characters in Metropolitan Central Hospital and remembered the conversation with Asuna last night.

After 440 told Asuna that she was going to transfer this account to ggo, Asuna's beautiful and cute face flashed incredulous, she asked in a hurried tone:

"Huh? Ye Yi doesn't play alo anymore?"

Ye Yi was obviously taken aback by her comprehension ability, and then quickly explained:

"No, it's not like this! It's only a few days, and it will be converted back soon.

Ye Yi's explanation did not convince Asuna, she asked again with suspicion:


Ye Yi knew that he couldn't hide it from her, so he said helplessly:

"There are some things that need to be known, so I have to go to other VRMMO games to find out the news."

Ye Yi's explanation made Asuna even more puzzled, she tilted her head and looked at Ye Yi and asked:

"Inquiring about the news? Didn't you do it several times with a new account before this? Wouldn't the props return to zero after the conversion? Why do you have to do that?"

Ye Yi definitely couldn't say that he was going to save Shino, so he had to pull out Kikuoka as a shield, and said helplessly:

"Not from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications."

Although Ye Yi didn't finish her words, Asuna also knew who it was, she replied hesitantly:

"If it's Mr. Kikuoka's request, there may be no way, but I always feel that (bgff) has that person, is it okay to fully believe him?"

Ye Yi chuckled lightly and said:

In fact, "I feel the same way, don't worry! I know it.

After receiving Ye Yi's answer, Asuna no longer bothered about this matter, she stretched out her palm to cover the back of Ye Yi's hand, and said in a gentle tone:

Try to "come back early! Because this is the only place in our home."

Ye Yi shook his head after hearing this, stared at Asuna and said slowly:

"Where there is you, is my home."

These touching words of love made Asuna's face flash with blush and joy. She leaned gently against Ye Yi's arms, put on a little yukata, and the three of them enjoyed the sweetness that belonged to them.

The sweetness between Ye Yi and Asuna was broken until Liz and the others below called them. Ye Yi looked up at the castle floating in the air, the place where his dream began, with a firm tone. said:

"Trust me, I'll take care of it all and come back, just to investigate a little bit about what's going on inside GunGaleoline."

Recovering his thoughts, Ye Yi walked into the hospital with his feet raised, and quickly followed the location that Kikuoka sent him to a room door and stopped.

Then he knocked on the door, said something to disturb him, then pushed the door and entered. When Ye Yi stepped into the room, a capable female voice rang in his ears:

"Hello! Ye Tu, long time no see!"

Ye Yi followed the source of the voice, and a royal sister wearing a nurse hat was smiling at him with her hands on her hips. Ye Yi was obviously stunned when she saw this royal sister, and then showed a smile:

"Hello! Long time no see, Sister An Qi"

Ye Yi's name made An Qi's face even more smile, she leaned directly towards Ye Yi, rubbed Ye Yi's body immediately, and kept muttering in her mouth:

"Remnant~ You've grown a lot of meat! But it's not enough! Have you eaten well!!

It's embarrassing that Ye Yi's cheerful personality has been fooled, and he replied embarrassingly:

"There is delicious food, I will listen to what Sister An Qi says!

Sister Yu squeezed his arm again with a smile and said:

"The mouth is still so sweet! With this handsome appearance, I don't know which girl should be cheaper! It's better to be cheaper than my sister!"

Ye Yi was a little embarrassed by the bold and explicit words, he quickly changed the subject and said:

"By the way, Sister An Qi, why are you here?"

Seeing Ye Yi's embarrassment, Sister Yu secretly laughed in her heart for a while, and then heard that Ye Yi was obviously looking for a topic, so she accepted Ye Yi's words and replied:

"I've heard from the civil servant with glasses that he is investigating a virtual network for the government? You've only been back for less than a year, it's really hard!"

"Then he also said that he wanted me, who was in charge of Ye Yi's rehabilitation, to check the equipment, so he replaced all my classes today, and it seemed that he had already agreed with the head nurse. He really deserves to be a person with state power! "

Having said such a long list, Sister Yu paused and concluded:

"All in all, please take care of me for the time being! Brother Ye Yi"

After she finished speaking, she blinked at Ye Yi and stretched out her right hand. Ye Yi felt a little headache and stretched out his right hand to hold her right hand and said:

Each other ", also ask An Qi sister to take care of me!"

After speaking, Ye Yi politely let go of Sister Yu's little hand, as if he remembered something and asked:

"By the way, didn't the civil servant with glasses come?"

Sister Yu nodded slightly:

"Well, but he asked me to give you a message

Saying that, she took out a piece of paper from her breast pocket and handed it to Ye Yi, Ye Yi took the paper and opened it and saw a sentence:

Just send the report to the mailbox I have been using, and all the funds will be paid to you together with the remuneration after the task is over. Although I know you are a rich young master, this is also what you should give for your help, so remember to ask for it.


Although you and the beautiful nurse are in the same room, don't let your youthful impulses erupt!

Ye Yi directly crumpled the piece of paper into a ball of black lines and stuffed it into his clothes pocket. With a twitching corner of his mouth, he glanced at Sister Yu who was looking at him innocently, and said in an embarrassed tone:

"Ah! Then I'll be online right away"

Sister Yu didn't think much about it, but when the bespectacled civil servant said something difficult, she answered in a brisk tone:

"Hmm~ OK! It's ready!"

Saying that, he took the lead and walked towards the instrument beside the bed.

The fourth update! There are about 11,000 words in total, but there are not enough words to urge the update, so I can't get the money, and I can't return it to the readers. Feilu took it himself.

Even if I knew that I couldn't get enough money, I still wrote four updates, which is a worthy reminder to readers!

If you can vote for a reward in the future, I will not miss the number of updates that I should give, I hope you can understand me.

The rest of the readers, please vote for flowers! Let the black and white uncomfortable heart feel more comfortable! Please (funny),

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