Starting From Sword Art Online

Chapter 152 Login to ggo

Ye Yi saw Sister Yu go to the instrument and operate it, then turned to look at himself and said:

"Then take it off! Ye Tu"

Ye Yi was stunned by Sister Yu's inexplicable words, and then looked at her with a little embarrassment and said:

"Sister An Qi, this, this is not good!"

After speaking, she took two steps back subconsciously. With Ye Yi's obvious expression and the way she helped Ye Yi recover, Sister Yu quickly understood what Ye Yi meant.

She stepped forward and directly knocked Ye Yi on the head, and said angrily:

"All day and night, all I think about is a mess, just stick the electrode pads for you. Besides, when you were hospitalized, I had already seen your whole body."

Even the daring Ye Yi had experienced this battle. After all, he had only had a little intimate contact with his six confidantes. "Four, five, seven", but no one would say such blatant words.

Ye Yi who was defeated embarrassedly replied:

"Sister An Qi, can you just take off your upper body?"

Ye Yi's embarrassed and hurried appearance made Sister Yu's mouth curved into a charming arc. She pretended to put out her index finger against her chin and muttered slowly:

"However, the clothes on the lower body will block the electrodes!"

Seeing Ye Yi's obviously nervous expression, Sister Yu's style of painting immediately changed:

"But it doesn't matter if the lower body is attached or not! After all, it's just monitoring your heartbeat and the like."

Ye Yi breathed a sigh of relief and was seen by Sister Yu, she couldn't hold back the "puchi" and laughed out loud.

Although it was a little embarrassing, Ye Yi, whose IQ was still online, quickly understood that Sister Yu said this on purpose. Ye Yi, who wanted to understand, looked at Sister Yu helplessly and said:

"Sister An Qi, you haven't seen each other for so long, so start teasing me when you meet me?"

Sister Yu stopped her sweet laughter, blinked her eyes lightly, and said:

"Yes! After all, someone at that time swore that he would come to see me often after that!"

Ye Yi checked his memory and found that he seemed to have actually said this sentence, but he just said it casually at the time, but I didn't expect Sister Yu to remember it!

This naked hint to Ye Lai made his scalp tingle, after all, it was the hardest to endure the grace of a beauty. If Ye Yi is single now and doesn't have many confidantes, he might be very happy to show his affection.

However, the reality is not so much if, the current six confidantes plus Shino who is about to meet in the game, and the later Alice, makes Ye Yi feel like he is in the Shura field all the time.

The thousands of thoughts in his mind made Ye Lai dare not talk nonsense at all. In view of the lessons from the heart-to-heart talk with He Xing, he didn't want to cause so many peach blossom debts.

He sat on the bed quickly, took off his shirt and said with a smile:

"Then please Anqi sister"

Although Sister Yu was talking about this matter in a joking tone, she still had some small expectations in her heart, and Ye Yi's change of topic made Sister Yu know that the younger brother Ye Yi in front of her didn't have any superfluous thoughts about herself, and sighed inwardly. One sound:

"Maybe this is the legendary fate!"

Sister Yu immediately cleared her mind, and after agreeing, she began to stick electrodes of various sizes on Ye Yi's chest.

Then he said lightly:

"Okay! That's it"

Hearing her words, Ye Yi picked up the AmuSphere by the bed and said:

"Then I'll get on the horn! Probably four or five hours in there.

Sister Yu, who was operating in front of the instrument, looked back at him with a smile and said:

"Okay! I'll take a good look at Ye Yi's little brother's body, go and go!"

Obviously it is an estimate, but Ye Yi, who is a Chinese, always feels a little wrong, but fortunately Yelai is not such a tangled person, he gestured to Sister Yu with an OK gesture, then fell on the bed and said. The classic line that is said almost every day:


Immediately afterwards, Ye Shuang's eyes began to turn dark, and the last scene was that Sister Yu looked at herself and gestured with a cheerful smile on her face.

And at this moment in a single apartment in Tokyo, Shino is talking to his grandfather on the phone:

"Well! I'm fine, I'm used to it at school, and I've made friends."

After Shino finished speaking, an old concern came from the other side of the phone, and after listening carefully, Shino pretended to answer with ease:

"It's okay, it doesn't happen often recently.

"Well~ I know, grandpa should also pay attention to his body, don't catch a cold! I will go back during the winter vacation.

"Hey, goodbye then!"

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, she was not as relaxed as she had just shown. After lying on the bed for a while, she reached out and picked up the AmuSphere at the head of the bed and put it on her head, shouting with a lot of thoughts. :


Just when Ye Yi and Shino logged into ggo at the same time, Shinkawa Kyoji, who was at home at the moment, was sitting at the computer desk watching the discussion on the ggo forum...

The thread he read was discussing the most famous "Death Gun" some time ago. Everyone was actively discussing the fact that the two top players who had experienced Death Gun had not logged in for almost a month. Although this matter was a bit scary, Everyone still didn't pay too much attention.

After all, this thing has no basis, it seems to be fabricated out of thin air, so most of the netizens in the forum are in a mocking tone.

This relaxed discussion and tone made Shinkawa Kyouji Mi die, and a dangerous light flickered in her pupils, which reflected the bright screen on the screen.

After a while, Shinkawa Kyouji didn't seem to be bothered about anything anymore, he turned to open a computer file, and several avatars popped up directly on the screen.

And the heads of two people have been covered by a huge red cross. Looking closely, the two are [ZXED] and [Cod Roe], who were discussed in the forum just now and have been missing for a month.

Shinkawa Kyouji didn't pay attention to the avatar frames of the two people. He moved the mouse 5.5 to the right, and the picture on the screen was frozen on a man with ice blue hair, wearing a green tight-fitting combat uniform, and holding a huge distance gun in his arms. girl.

If Shino herself is here, she must be exclaimed, because she is too familiar, the owner of this image is herself.

This beautiful and moving image seemed to attract Kyouji Shinkawa, he subconsciously stretched out his hand and rubbed it lightly, but what he came into contact with was a hard screen.

But he didn't care at all, the corners of his mouth almost opened to an exaggerated arc, and the white teeth flashed a white luster under the light of the screen, which looked so eerie in this dim room.

Okay, the old rules are good, all the handsome, handsome, dashing and romantic readers of the party, please vote for your flower comments to my little reader, thank you very much!

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