Starting From Sword Art Online

Chapter 153: The re-encounter in the game

After passing through the splendid light band in front of him, after entering the account password, Ye Yi's eyes darkened again and when he opened his eyes again, he had appeared in front of a square.

There are rough-faced men talking and laughing in groups of three or five. The HP gauge within the viewing angle appears in the lower right corner, and the MP gauge disappears directly. Instead, some wind speed and temperature appear in the lower left corner. etc. data.

The brightly lit wasteland city-style buildings, along with the noisy voices in his ears, all made Ye Yi exclaimed in novelty:

"Completely different from alo, this is a world that emphasizes killing each other!"

Saying that, Ye Yi wanted to step out of this birth point, and was going to find Shino as a novice guide for him. But when Ye Yi took the first step, he seemed to remember something and looked directly at the glass beside the birth point.

I saw Ye Yi's image clearly reflected in the glass, and the handsome boy with silver hair and red eyes was basically the same as his real image.

After seeing his appearance, Ye Yi nodded with satisfaction, his tone was obviously relaxed and said:

"Fortunately, 16, not as girly as Kirito's younger brother, but still the familiar taste of the familiar formula, a man should have the handsomeness of a man!"

Just when Ye Yi was intoxicated by the glass, a man with a shaggy beard in a hood suddenly popped out behind him. After seeing Ye Yi's image, he opened his mouth with a missing front tooth and said excitedly. :

"Oh!!! This character is from the M9000 series, right!"

These words made the intoxicated Ye Yi come back to his senses, and quickly turned to look at the unshaven man, but he didn't care about Ye Yi's eyes, and said excitedly to himself:

Really "rare! This is rare!"

After speaking, he stretched out three fingers, stared at Ye Yi and said:

This "handsome guy, I have 3M points, can you sell my account to me!"

Ye Yi was completely stunned by his words, he was stunned for a while, and then he said with tears in his eyes:

"This is an early character, and it was converted from other games, and it has a different meaning to me, so I don't want to sell it."

After saying that, regardless of the eager look in the man's eyes, he hurriedly pushed him away from the cold and walked towards the street as if he was running for his life.

The man in the felt hat who was staring at Ye Yi's back watched Ye Yi about to disappear and shouted loudly:

"If you change your mind, please contact me!"

Ye Yi, who had already walked fast enough, sighed, and then increased the speed and directly merged into the crowd and walked into the bustling street.

Ye Yi, who was on the street at the moment, looked up at the various buildings in the city and the advertisements on the OLED screen above, and set himself two goals:

Find Shino first and let her teach the experience in ggo.

2. Play the [BoBJ contest in the original book, and then defeat [Death Gun], expose their secrets, and send these bad stars to prison.

Just when Ye Yi was staring at the high-rise building, he suddenly realized that there were ggo players unknowingly surrounding him.

At this time, they were pointing and pointing around themselves, which made Ye Yi, who originally liked to be low-key, a little numb. After all, it was not a wonderful experience to be watched as an ornament.

So he quickly lifted his foot and walked forward to get away from the group of players surrounding him. How could he know that walking down this street, Ye Yi found that no matter where he went, he was pointing at him.

There should even be a few things that made Ye Yi disgusting. Some ggo players may have played this game of yang and yin for a long time, which led to some problems with their sexual orientation, and even whistled at the male character Ye Yi.

Ye Yi didn't care about the mentally retarded, he just wrote down their appearance, and after dealing with Shino and Death Gun, he decided to give these gay guys who disgusted him a good memory.

"Just kill it and retreat! After all, I'm not a devil!"

Ye Yi thought silently in his heart, and then he observed the environment left and right, he didn't know where he was going down this street now, and he didn't know the year of the monkey and the month of the horse even if he searched aimlessly!

So Ye Yi stretched out his hand to open the system menu bar, called up the map of the city, and checked it out while walking. But I don't know if it's a prank from God or his peach blossoms. Shino, who he couldn't find for a long time before, just when he was looking at the map, Ye Yi inadvertently put it on Shino.

The subconscious strength is not low, both of them ran after each other, Shino raised his head to question each other, Ye Yi wanted to raise his head and apologize to each other.

So the two raised their heads at the same time, and their eyes began to meet. Shino was shocked the first time he saw Ye Yi, the image of the handsome young man in front of her was too familiar.

That kind of unique charm seems to be engraved in his mind and lingering, and it is still a little warm when he touches the palm that he has pulled up.

Originally, he thought that the teenager was a passer-by in his life, and Shino was still a little uncomfortable. After all, in the past 16 years, he was the only teenager other than his relatives who gave him a different feeling.

The delighted Shino subconsciously said:

"It's you!!!"

Ye Yi had already recognized Shino through this familiar face and icy blue hair, but after all, the two of them only met once, so it would be too much to recognize him immediately.

So our actor Yi pretended to be confused and asked:

"You are?"

The Shino in the game is obviously very different from the real one, she looked at the doubtful Ye Yi and asked happily:

"Well, is your name Ye Yi?"

Our best actor, Yi, immediately looked wary and glanced at Shino. Ye Yi's look made Shino hurriedly 457 to explain:

"Ah! That.. I have a friend named Ye Yi who looks a lot like you.

Ye Yi retracted his vigilant expression, looked at her with a playful look, and said:

"Why didn't I know I had a friend like you?"

These words were equivalent to indirectly admitting that he was coming at night, and the smart Shino immediately knew that the avatar manipulator in front of him was Ye Yi who rescued him in the afternoon.

The happy Shino immediately sorted out his thoughts and said slowly:

"Well, I'm the girl you rescued in the afternoon. You left in a hurry. I haven't introduced myself to you yet!"

Ye Yi showed an expression of sudden realization at the right time, and then quietly listened to Shino continue:

"Meet again, my name is Asada Shino, nice to meet you, Ye Yi-kun!"

After listening to the girl's self-introduction, Ye Yi showed a triumphant smile. He looked at the girl's star eyes gently and said:

"Meet again, my name is Ye Yi, nice to meet you!"

Thank you 180***8779 for your monthly ticket support.

Thank you BSG75 for your 1000-point VIP reward, I will add more later, thank you for your support.

Finally, one more word, please all handsome readers to vote for your flower comments, thank you very much!

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