Starting From The Equal Opportunity To Become A Saint

Chapter 1 Your Good Brother Liu Siqi Is Online!

Chapter 1: Your good brother Liu Siqi is online!

"Hit him hard for me!"

"A poor bastard who dares to covet the woman I'm interested in, he's just asking for trouble!"

"He's retreating!"



The sound of punches and kicks filled the air as Liu Zimo curled up, covering his head, enduring this storm-like attack.

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes...

After an unknown amount of time, when the attack stopped and the thugs left, Liu Zimo was covered in blood, lying motionless on the ground.

A long while passed.

When he woke up again, he found himself in the intensive care unit of a hospital.

Opening his eyes, he looked at the white sheets, blankets, various needles and tubes inserted into his body, and the quiet and bright white room in front of him. Liu Zimo's eyes showed a hint of surprise and confusion.

"Is this a dream or an illusion?"

Liu Zimo muttered to himself.

"It seems that I'm seriously injured this time. I'm starting to see illusions!"

"Yes, yes, during the twelfth siege, it seems that I was hit on the head by an illusion monster. I must have been affected by illusion magic!"

"I didn't expect the illusion magic of that illusion monster to be so exquisite. The environment in front of me is so real, even the smell of disinfectant is so vivid..."

"But in today's Daxia, where can you find a hospital with such complete equipment, and such a quiet and peaceful medical environment?"

"All of this has completely changed since the catastrophe thirty years ago..."

While Liu Zimo was contemplating how to break the illusion and return to himself, the door of the intensive care unit suddenly opened, and a white-clad angel in a nurse uniform walked in.

Seeing Liu Zimo with his eyes open, the young nurse was visibly stunned, and then quickly walked to the bedside with a happy expression on her face.

"Liu Zimo, can you hear me?"

"Liu Zimo... Look at my hand, how many fingers are there? Can you see clearly?"

"Nurse, nurse, quickly inform Dr. Liu. Liu Zimo in bed three has regained consciousness!"

While examining Liu Zimo's consciousness, the young nurse also pressed the pager at the head of the bed to report the situation to the head nurse.

Meanwhile, Liu Zimo stared blankly at the nurse standing in front of him.

Liu Meimei?

Isn't she the nurse he met at the central hospital thirty years ago?

He didn't expect to see her in this illusion.

Could it be that because he had a good impression of her back then, the impression was so deep that he even thought about confessing to her, and that's why the illusion used her?

Unfortunately, that illusion monster miscalculated.

When the catastrophe first broke out, the city hospital was hit the hardest, and Liu Meimei, as a nurse at the hospital, was directly affected on the first day of the catastrophe.

After hearing the news, Liu Zimo was truly sad for a long time.

Now, that illusion monster actually wanted to use someone who had already passed away to confuse him. The flaw was too obvious.

Liu Zimo clenched his teeth, trying to boost his spirit and force himself to wake up from the illusion.

He had experienced similar illusions before and naturally knew how to break them.

However, this time, no matter how hard he bit his tongue to stimulate his spirit, or silently recited the "Soul Suppressing Spell," or even used his mental secret technique, the environment around him remained unchanged.

Liu Meimei, the biggest "flaw" in this illusion, still stood vividly in front of him, and even leaned down to touch his forehead.

Liu Zimo's brows furrowed tightly, feeling that he had underestimated the abilities of that illusion monster.

Seeing Liu Meimei getting closer, Liu Zimo instinctively wanted to dodge.

But the intense pain and weakness in his body made him unable to get up, so he could only watch as Liu Meimei's right hand reached towards his forehead.

It was at this moment that Liu Zimo suddenly noticed a mini lock floating above Liu Meimei's head.

It seemed real and illusory, floating above Liu Meimei's head like a virtual reflection.

The lock was unlocked, and the lock plate emitted a faint white light. As Liu Meimei approached, the lock's reflection became more solid.

"Indeed, all sorts of strange things always appear in illusions!"

Liu Zimo muttered to himself, while once again biting his tongue to shake his spirit.

Now, he just wanted to quickly break free from the illusion in front of him.

After all, the battle was still ongoing, and every minute he spent here would increase the danger to his body outside the illusion.

The demonic beasts outside the city will not show mercy to his subordinates, and he does not want to become food in the mouths of those damn demon cubs, nor does he want those damn demon cubs to invade the city!

"Hey! Liu Zimo, what are you doing? Why is there blood at the corner of your mouth?!"

At this moment, Liu Meimei obviously also noticed Liu Zimo's abnormality, especially when she saw blood seeping from the corner of Liu Zimo's mouth, she became even more nervous.

"Are you biting your own tongue?!"

"Quick! Let go, you can't do this..."

Just as Liu Meimei was shouting in panic, the door of the ward suddenly opened, and Doctor Liu Siqi and Nurse Bai Jingjing rushed in upon hearing the sound.

Seeing Liu Zimo's current condition, the two of them did not dare to delay for a moment, and quickly rushed to the bedside, forcibly prying open Liu Zimo's mouth.

"Liu Meimei, what are you still doing? Administer 10mg of sedative intravenously, quickly!"

"Oh, oh! I'll go right away!"

Upon hearing Doctor Liu's instructions, Liu Meimei finally reacted and hurriedly opened the nearby medicine cabinet, taking out a syringe of sedative and injecting it into Liu Zimo's vein.

Soon, the medicine took effect, and Liu Zimo's consciousness gradually became drowsy.

Before falling into a deep sleep, he seemed to see the doctor and the nurse above their heads, each with a shining little lock.

The difference was that the lock on the doctor's head seemed to be green, while the lock on Nurse Bai Jingjing's head, like Liu Meimei's, was all white.

What was even more bizarre was that upon seeing the little lock emitting a green light on the doctor's head, Liu Zimo felt an impulse to lock it.

And with the rise of this thought, he seemed to hear a faint "click" in his ear.

It was the sound of a lock closing!

The lock hook that was originally open on the doctor's head actually closed directly and locked!

At the same time, a faint prompt sound seemed to come from Liu Zimo's ear:

【Binding successful! Your good brother Liu Siqi is now online! Currently bindable targets (1/3)】

At this point, Liu Zimo's vision went black, and he fell completely into a coma.

"Nurse Liu, what's going on? Why did the patient bite his own tongue? Did you say something that upset him?"

Seeing that Liu Zimo had fallen asleep, Liu Siqi finally breathed a sigh of relief and asked Liu Meimei with a somewhat gloomy expression.

Liu Meimei looked aggrieved, "Doctor Liu, I didn't say anything, as soon as he woke up, he turned into this state, I don't know why!"

"Doctor Liu, Meimei is an experienced member of our department, she wouldn't make such a rookie mistake. It might be a problem with the patient's mental condition."

The head nurse came out to speak for Liu Meimei and also asked Liu Siqi for instructions: "Since the patient has already woken up, should we notify the family to come and visit?"

"No rush," Liu Siqi shook his head. "Observe for one night first. If he wakes up again and exhibits self-harming behavior, inform me immediately!"

After speaking, Liu Siqi turned and left the ward.

Returning to his duty office, Liu Siqi looked around to make sure no one was there, then took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, is this General Jiang?"

"Yes, yes, Liu Zimo has already regained consciousness. Currently, his vital signs have stabilized and there is no longer any life-threatening danger..."

"However, his mental condition seems to have some problems. He should have suffered a great shock and is exhibiting stress reactions. Yes, just now he even attempted to bite his tongue and commit suicide..."

"I understand, General Jiang, rest assured, with me here, I will definitely not let anything happen to him. If there is any further news, I will notify you immediately!"

The call ended, and a satisfied smile appeared on Liu Siqi's face as he sighed softly.

"Just a phone call, and I've earned a hundred thousand yuan. This money is really easy to make!"


The sound of a message notification rang out, and Liu Siqi opened his phone to see a notification of a deposit of one hundred thousand yuan in his bank account, causing the smile at the corner of his eyes to deepen.

A big client is indeed a big client, so wealthy and generous, actually transferring the money so quickly.

At the same time...

Liu Zimo, who had already fallen into a deep sleep, also heard a pleasant notification sound in his ears.

[Your good brother Liu Siqi has fortuitously encountered a windfall, triggering the 'Heavenly Thief' innate talent. The opportunity is evenly split, and you have received half of the windfall amount, RMB+50,000.]


Liu Zimo suddenly opened his eyes, forcibly invigorating his spirit, completely breaking free from the control and influence of the medication, and fully awakening.

"The 'Awakening Technique' is still effective! Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to wake up so quickly!"

"But why am I still in the hospital now?"

"This shouldn't be, the 'Awakening Technique' is a Profound Grade spiritual secret technique. Once successfully activated, it can break through the majority of illusions and nightmares. So why haven't I completely freed myself from the shackles of the illusion?"

Liu Zimo looked around in disbelief.

Now he was starting to doubt whether he had really returned to thirty years ago, to a time before all the tragedies had occurred!

(End of this chapter)

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