Starting From The Equal Opportunity To Become A Saint

Chapter 2 Talent [Stealing The Sky], Share The Opportunity Equally!

Chapter 2: Talent [Stealing Heaven], Sharing Opportunities!

City Central Hospital.

Outside the Intensive Care Unit.

Liu Yi paced anxiously back and forth in the corridor.

It had been a full eleven hours since he received the notification and came to the hospital, but he still hadn't been able to see his son. He had been from the operating room to the ICU, but never got a chance to see his son.

The receptionist nurse told him to wait patiently, saying that he would be notified when the patient's condition stabilized and he could go in to visit or accompany him.

But how could he calm down?

His son was lying inside!

A perfectly fine college student had been beaten into the ICU, and he didn't even know if he was alive or dead. How could he be at ease?


The door inside opened, and a pretty little nurse walked out and headed straight towards Liu Yi.

"You're Liu Zimo's family, right?" the nurse asked Liu Yi.

Liu Yi's spirits lifted, and he quickly approached, saying, "Yes, yes, yes, I am Liu Zimo's father, Miss Nurse. How is my son now? Can I go in and see him?"

"Liu Zimo just woke up a moment ago, and his injuries are basically stable, so there is no longer any danger to his life," the nurse said. "You can go in and take a look, but he is currently sleeping and should not be disturbed. Remember to be quiet."

Liu Yi nodded repeatedly, and the worry that had been hanging over him finally settled down. He also couldn't stop thanking the various gods and Buddhas he had worshipped before.

It's good that he's safe, it's good that he's safe!

Following behind the nurse, Liu Yi changed into sterile clothing as requested, and then made his way to Liu Zimo's intensive care room.

At this moment, Liu Zimo was fully awake, sitting cross-legged on the bed, with a serene expression, breathing in a rhythm of nine short breaths and one long breath.

He was using his most familiar technique, the "Extreme Dao Breathing Technique," to regulate his qi and blood, continuously healing his injuries.

The "Extreme Dao Breathing Technique" was an Earth Grade martial art that Liu Zimo had exchanged from the military martial arts library with thirty years of military merit, after the outbreak of the demonic calamity.

It was also the highest level martial art he had cultivated, and the one that best suited his own physique.

Using breath to nourish qi and blood, using qi and blood to refine true essence, and then using true essence to nourish the flesh and bones.

His body was currently seriously injured, with varying degrees of damage to his bones and organs.

If he were to receive normal medical treatment, he wouldn't be able to get out of bed without three to five months of rest.

But the "Extreme Dao Breathing Technique" could transport qi and blood, burn fat, extract energy, and continuously nourish and repair the damaged bones and organs in his body.

The reason he was able to sit up so quickly was the effect of the "Extreme Dao Breathing Technique" after five weeks of operation.

This was also because his body was currently too weak, and he hadn't undergone systematic development and training before, otherwise the effect would have been even better!

"Hey! Liu Zimo, how did you sit up?!"

"Hurry, lie down quickly! Do you have any idea how serious your injuries are? This is really reckless!"

As soon as she entered, Liu Meimei saw Liu Zimo, who should have still been asleep, sitting up, which startled her and changed her expression.

What should we do now!

This guy had previously broken five ribs and had internal bleeding in four of his organs. Dr. Liu spent the whole night pulling him back from the brink of death.

If he sits up like this again and his bones shift or his internal injuries start bleeding again, it will be a big problem!

His current physical condition cannot withstand another major surgery!

Liu Meimei hurriedly ran over, anxiously trying to help Liu Zimo lie back down.

"No need!"

Hearing the commotion, Liu Zimo slowly opened his eyes and looked at Liu Meimei, who was approaching, and softly stopped her:

"Nurse, I'm almost fine. Go tell the attending doctor that I want to be discharged today!"

Saying that, Liu Zimo flipped over and actually stood up, then walked to Liu Yi, who was following behind Liu Meimei.

"Dad, sorry to make you worry!"

"But it's great to see you again!"

Liu Zimo looked at Liu Yi with reddened eyes, excitedly greeting his father.

It's been thirty years!

He never expected to have the chance to face his father like this again.

Long time no see, Dad!

It's great that you're still alive!

At this moment, although Liu Zimo couldn't fully accept the reality of being reborn thirty years ago, it felt good to see his father before the disaster again.

Anyway, he had tried all the methods he knew to escape the illusion, and since they were all ineffective, he could only try to accept it.

If this is really thirty years ago and he has truly been given a second chance at life, Liu Zimo doesn't want to leave any regrets.

"You little brat, you scared your old man to death!"

"Just now outside, I thought I would be sending a black-haired person to the afterlife and never see you again!"

"As long as you're okay, that's all that matters!"

Seeing his son standing in front of him, not seriously injured or on the verge of death, Liu Yi finally let go of his worries and forcefully patted Liu Zimo's shoulder, his eyes becoming red.

Liu Zimo's mouth twitched.

That pat just now almost burst open the wound he had just closed up.

He really is his biological father, still so careless and rough. Faced with a seriously injured son, he doesn't even know how to be gentle.

While silently complaining in his heart, Liu Zimo casually glanced at the faintly glowing virtual lock shadow floating above his father's head, understanding it in his heart.

If this is not in the illusion, then it means that he has awakened some kind of ability after being reborn, allowing him to see this strange phenomenon hovering above others' heads.

But he doesn't know what specific function this ability has.

【Your good brother Liu Siqi coincidentally encountered a windfall, triggering the 'Heaven Thief' innate talent, and the opportunity is evenly split. You receive half of the windfall amount, RMB+1000.】

At this moment, a pleasant prompt sound suddenly sounded in his ears, causing Liu Zimo's mind to stir.

Here it comes again!

He remembered that when he just woke up, he seemed to have heard this kind of prompt sound, but at that time he thought it was an auditory hallucination and didn't take it seriously.

But this time, he really heard it!

"Heaven Thief" innate talent?

Opportunity evenly split?

One thousand yuan?

Is this my innate ability?

It seems to have a promising future!

Liu Zimo silently analyzed in his heart, but the information he currently knows is too little, so he didn't come to a specific conclusion.

"And this Liu Siqi, isn't he the attending physician I met at the hospital this time? When did he become my good brother?"

Liu Zimo quickly determined who the "Liu Siqi" mentioned in the prompt sound was.

At the same time, some of his vague memories before falling asleep began to fully recover.

After being injected with a sedative, Liu Zimo remembered that he seemed to have seen the green lock shadow hovering above Liu Siqi's head, and a strong impulse to lock it surged in his heart.

In a daze, he seemed to really hear the sound of a lock closing.

Could it be that at that time, his ability was triggered, turning Liu Siqi into his "good brother"?

Should he try again?

Liu Zimo looked at his father and Liu Meimei not far away, looking at the white lock shadows floating above their heads, feeling a bit eager to try.


The door opened, and Liu Siqi and the head nurse Bai Jingjing walked in one after another. Seeing Liu Zimo standing in the room as if nothing had happened, the two of them were stunned.

"Liu Zimo, you... you can get out of bed?!"

Liu Siqi exclaimed, quickly walking up to Liu Zimo and looking at him incredulously from head to toe.

As Liu Zimo's attending physician, Liu Siqi knows better than anyone else how bad Liu Zimo's condition was before.

Five broken ribs, varying degrees of bleeding and damage to the lungs, liver, spleen, and heart.

The extent of Liu Zimo's injuries is such that it is already considered fortunate that he is alive. There is absolutely no reason for him to be able to get out of bed and walk so soon, right?

What a miracle!

A gleam of light flashed in Liu Siqi's eyes, full of excitement.

I've heard before that there are some lucky individuals in this world who can tap into their body's hidden potential in moments of life and death crisis. Could Liu Zimo be one of these lucky fellows?

Liu Siqi's mind surged, and he couldn't help but think of some medical miracles that have occurred in the field in recent years.

Some people survive falling from tall buildings.

Some people can regenerate their severed limbs.

And there are even those who seemingly have no breath left, but come back to life the next day.

All these things, Liu Siqi had only heard about them before, but he never expected to witness them firsthand today!

Liu Zimo's astonishing recovery ability displayed now cannot be explained by normal medical knowledge.

What a lucky guy!

This can be considered a blessing in disguise, right?

"Dr. Liu, you've seen it too. I'm fine now, so I should be able to leave the hospital, right?"

Seeing Liu Siqi staring at him in a daze, Liu Zimo directly asked him to be discharged, while his gaze inadvertently glanced at the green lock of hair on top of Liu Siqi's head.

Sure enough, the lock that was originally open had tightly closed and locked.


Liu Siqi snapped out of it and shook his head repeatedly.

"No, no, no, you can't be discharged now. I need to do a full-body examination on you. Until I'm sure you've fully recovered, I can't let you leave the hospital!"

[What a joke, Mr. Jiang from Longtai Group is about to come. If he sees this kid jumping around, he'll think I was deliberately deceiving and extorting him. Won't I be in trouble? Can I still receive the 100,000 yuan red envelope peacefully?]

[Also, this kid has awakened such an astonishing recovery ability. He's definitely excellent material for scientific research. How can I just let him go so easily?]

Across from Liu Siqi, Liu Zimo blinked in astonishment.

He saw that Liu Siqi's mouth didn't move, but he could hear Liu Siqi's voice constantly ringing in his ears, and the content seemed to be Liu Siqi's inner thoughts.

What is this, mind reading?

Is it really that miraculous?

Compared to the true reasons Liu Siqi wanted to keep him, Liu Zimo was more shocked that he could hear Liu Siqi's thoughts.

Thinking back to how he didn't hear a single thought from his father or Liu Meimei before, Liu Zimo naturally attributed this ability to his "Heaven Stealing" supernatural power.

After all, the current Liu Siqi has been "locked" by his supernatural power and has become his "good brother." It seems reasonable that there are no secrets between good brothers, right?

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(End of this chapter)

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