Starting From The Equal Opportunity To Become A Saint

Chapter 4 A Great Opportunity From Jiang Tianxiong!

Chapter 4: A Great Opportunity from Jiang Tianxiong!

After settling the matter, Jiang Tianxiong didn't stay long in the hospital room and quickly bid farewell.

After getting into the car with his accompanying bodyguards, Jiang Tianxiong spoke softly and instructed the beautiful secretary sitting in the front seat, "Suxian, say hello to Ah Hu. The issue here has been resolved peacefully. As for the preparations we made before... well, let's keep them for now, in case that kid changes his mind!"

"I understand, Mr. Jiang," He Suxian nodded respectfully.

"Also," Jiang Tianxiong spoke again, "inform Master Zhao to come to the Tianhe Club. There are several high-quality medicinal pills for martial artists in today's transaction, and we need Master Zhao's help to inspect them."

He Suxian nodded again and, seeing that Jiang Tianxiong didn't say anything else, took out her phone to make the necessary arrangements.

While He Suxian was making a phone call, the driver, Lao Wang, had already started the car and slowly left the city center hospital, heading straight for the Tianhe Club on the outskirts of the city.

At the same time.

In the hospital's monitoring room.

The notification sound in Liu Zimo's ear didn't stop after Jiang Tianxiong left. It continued to ring incessantly.

[Your good brother Jiang Tianxiong has encountered a great opportunity and triggered the 'Heaven's Thief' innate talent. The opportunity is evenly split, and you have received half of the financial gain, RMB+20,000.]


[Your good brother Jiang Tianxiong has encountered unexpected wealth and triggered the 'Heaven's Thief' innate talent. The opportunity is evenly split, and you have received half of the windfall, RMB+3,000,000.]


Indeed, the amount of opportunity Liu Zimo gained from Jiang Tianxiong not only didn't stop, but there were signs that it was becoming more and more abundant.

What's even more impressive is that Jiang Tianxiong seemed to have just made a windfall and directly shared three million RMB with Liu Zimo!

Is this the money-making ability of a big boss? It's truly amazing!

Liu Zimo couldn't help but feel a little excited.

In just a short period of time, he had unexpectedly earned nearly five million in windfall from Jiang Tianxiong, and the amount of this windfall was still increasing.

Five million!

In his two lifetimes, Liu Zimo had never been so wealthy.

Compared to that, the person he had previously locked onto, Liu Siqi, was far inferior.

Unable to help himself, Liu Zimo cast a slightly disdainful glance at Liu Siqi, who was right in front of him.

From the current situation, his ability could only bind three "good brothers," and it was clearly a waste to use one of them on an ordinary person like Liu Siqi.

"Release the binding!"

Based on his experience of binding Jiang Tianxiong just now, Liu Zimo focused his gaze on the green lock above Liu Siqi's head and his thoughts surged.

However, there was no response at all.

The unlocking sound he imagined didn't happen as expected, and the green lock on Liu Siqi's head remained locked.

Seeing this, Liu Zimo couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

It seemed that this kind of binding was irreversible, or maybe he was using the wrong method to unbind.

Regardless, before he found the correct way to unbind, he couldn't easily waste the last available binding slot.

Having lived for thirty years, Liu Zimo knew too much about the people and events of the future. There were countless people in this world who were even more impressive than Jiang Tianxiong. He needed to carefully consider who to use the last binding slot on.

But before that, he had more important things to do.

That was to settle his father and younger brother in advance, ensuring that they would survive the upcoming calamity in a month's time.

Yes, one month.

The current date was October 11th, and in one month, on November 11th, 2033.

A great change in the celestial phenomena, a calamity of monsters. The entire San Yuan, the entire Da Xia, and even the whole world would be thrown into chaos.

Countless monsters would descend from the sky, and the animals in major cities would also undergo monstrous transformations, ruthlessly attacking and devouring anyone they saw.

According to the statistics released by the Future Federation Statistical Bureau, on just November 11th, 2033, nearly three billion people worldwide would die.

Among them were Liu Zimo's father and younger brother.

If it weren't for being falsely accused and sent to prison three days earlier, Liu Zimo, who was still recovering from his injuries, would have suffered the same fate.

Therefore, although Liu Zimo felt resentful towards Jiang Tianxiong and his son, he had to admit that it was their plot that indirectly saved his life.

This is also the reason why Liu Zimo, after being released from prison, only secretly beat Jiang Shijie half to death without taking his life.

As members of the human race, their common enemy is the foreign demons!

Personal grievances are insignificant in the face of the immense hatred and crisis of the extinction of their clan!

"Xiaomo, why are you daydreaming again?"

"Let's go, Dr. Liu has already prepared the examination list, I'll take you for the examination!"

Liu Yi held a thick stack of examination forms in his hand and pulled Liu Zimo to go for the examinations one by one.

Behind him, Nurse Liu Meimei followed, obviously bringing the examination forms to Liu Yi.

But is such a thick stack of examination forms a bit too exaggerated?

Even if the examination fees are reimbursed by the Jiang Group, there is no need to conduct so many tests, right?

It seems that Liu Siqi really wants to treat him as a guinea pig!

Liu Zimo wanted to refuse, but he couldn't resist his father's insistence, so he could only obediently follow behind and go through each examination.

Fortunately, during the examination process, Liu Meimei, as an internal staff member, followed along the entire time, so there was no need to wait in line, saving a lot of time.

However, even so, all the examinations took about an hour.

11 o'clock in the morning.

Tianhe Club in the western suburbs of Sanyuan City.

After sending off the last group of guests, Jiang Tianxiong returned excitedly and went straight to the underground secret room of the club.

At this time, Secretary He Suxian, Security Captain Jin Hu, and the martial arts consultant of the Jiang Group, Zhao Lao, were all waiting here.

Seeing Jiang Tianxiong enter, Zhao Lao first congratulated him with a cupped fist and said, "Congratulations, Chairman Jiang. With this 'Body Tempering Pill' and the three precious medicines, Chairman Jiang can finally make up for the missing Innate and officially step into the martial arts!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Tianxiong couldn't help but burst into laughter.

He didn't expect that even after surpassing the age of destiny, he would still have the opportunity to step into the martial arts and extend his life.

It was not in vain that he had been planning for more than ten years, spending nearly one billion in expenses, constantly making friends with all kinds of extraordinary people. Today, his long-cherished wish was finally fulfilled!

"Thanks to Zhao Lao's help, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have had the chance to obtain such a miraculous elixir."

"Next, I will trouble Zhao Lao to protect me. After the matter is done, I, Jiang, will definitely show my gratitude!"

Jiang Tianxiong cupped his hands towards Zhao Lao, then glanced at He Suxian and Jin Hu beside him, nodding to indicate his gratitude. After that, he walked to the center of the secret room and sat cross-legged on the incense cushion, ready to take the elixirs.

First was the 'Body Tempering Pill'. This small pill alone cost Jiang Tianxiong a whopping thirty million in cash.

It was said that this pill had the effect of regulating qi and tempering the body, and it was the supreme elixir for martial artists to cultivate their bodies and lay the foundation for martial arts.

Next were two wild ginsengs weighing over one hundred and fifty taels each, as well as a drop-dead gorgeous red blood fruit.

Wild ginseng had the effect of replenishing qi and nourishing blood, which was self-explanatory for martial artists.

As for the red blood fruit, it was even more miraculous. It was a rare treasure discovered by the martial arts world in recent years. It had the extraordinary effect of strengthening the soul and slightly improving one's martial aptitude. It was extremely rare.

These four precious medicines and elixirs were the opportunity for Jiang Tianxiong, at the age of fifty, to step into the martial arts.

In order to gather these four treasures, Jiang Tianxiong not only spent a lot of favors, but also directly spent nearly one hundred million in cash.

Sitting on the incense cushion, Jiang Tianxiong took a deep breath, looked at the four treasures placed in front of him, and slowly took the 'Body Tempering Pill', crushing the wax seal on the surface of the pill, and directly put it into his mouth.


The pill melted as soon as it entered his mouth, turning into a hot stream that freely flowed through his stomach and intestines, quickly spreading to every part of his body.


Jiang Tianxiong couldn't help but shudder. His whole body felt warm and comfortable, with no discomfort anywhere. He felt as if he had returned to his youth, full of strength and vigor.

At this moment, Zhao Lao's voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Tianxiong's ear, "Chairman Jiang, your martial foundation has been established. Please immediately take the remaining elixirs."

"After that, concentrate and calm your mind, and use the 'Mind Guarding Technique' I taught you to refine the medicinal power. Whether you can directly break through to the Copper Skin Realm depends on this one move!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Tianxiong quickly gathered his mind, took out the remaining three precious medicines one by one, and swallowed them.

When countless forces of qi and blood surged and surged in his body, he decisively activated the breathing technique in the 'Mind Guarding Technique' to guide and refine these external forces of qi and blood.

(End of this chapter)

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