Starting From The Equal Opportunity To Become A Saint

Chapter 5 Martial Arts Foundation Building, Full Of Surprises!

Chapter 5: Martial Dao Foundation Building, Surprises Abound!

Central Hospital.

Liu Zimo had already been transferred to a regular VIP ward. While waiting for the examination results, he sat cross-legged on the bed, silently practicing the Extreme Dao Breathing Technique.

With each inhalation and exhalation, he absorbed the spiritual energy into his body, refining his qi and continuously healing his injuries.

At this moment, a small amount of spiritual energy had already returned to the air on Earth. Although the concentration was far from what it would be thirty years later, it quietly improved the physical condition of some martial practitioners.

After the calamity of the demonic invasion, Liu Zimo had struggled in the end of the world for nearly two years. It was only after stepping onto the path of martial dao and practicing the corresponding breathing technique that he truly felt the existence of "spiritual energy."

He also learned from the mouths of those martial dao seniors that this special spiritual power had appeared on Earth two years before the demonic invasion.

However, only martial practitioners who cultivated the martial dao breathing technique could perceive and utilize this spiritual energy.

It was during those two years that many martial practitioners who had been trapped at their limits and unable to break through collectively advanced and made great progress.

This was what allowed these powerful martial practitioners to step forward and turn the tide at the critical moment when all electronic devices failed and the human weapon systems were destroyed after the demonic invasion.

It was also after that event that martial dao became the main means for humanity to resist the demonic invasion. Martial dao flourished, and every surviving human aspired to become a martial practitioner.

There were rumors that the appearance of spiritual energy was actually a precursor and omen of the demonic invasion.

Because after the demonic invasion, the amount of spiritual energy on Earth also increased exponentially.

By thirty years later, the concentration of spiritual energy in the air had reached about fifty times that before the catastrophe!

Under the nourishment of this spiritual energy, human martial practitioners made rapid progress, and many strong individuals emerged.

Just before Liu Zimo's rebirth, there were already at least ten master-level martial practitioners in the Golden Body Realm and saint-level martial practitioners in the Fetal Breath Realm in the entire federation.

In addition, stimulated by the spiritual energy, ordinary people also awakened various abilities. The number of ability users in major cities and gathering points continued to increase.

With the rise of martial practitioners and ability users, humanity was able to grasp a glimmer of hope in the end of the world surrounded by demons, preventing them from being completely wiped out.

And at this moment.

The demonic invasion had not yet arrived, and the concentration of spiritual energy in the air was still extremely thin. Ordinary people couldn't perceive it, only martial practitioners who had practiced the breathing technique could sense its existence and absorb and utilize it.

Guided by the Extreme Dao Breathing Technique, Liu Zimo focused his mind and absorbed the spiritual energy in the air, gradually merging it with his own qi and blood. This not only enhanced his physical condition but also continuously repaired his body's injuries.

Beside him.

Seeing that her son was fine, Liu Yi's mind relaxed, and she fell asleep on the accompanying bed next to him, occasionally snoring.

After being mentally tense for a whole night and not sleeping for more than ten hours, she was truly exhausted.

After about an hour or so.

Nurse Liu Meimei rushed into the ward and woke up Liu Zimo, who was in meditation.


Liu Zimo pointed at his father on the accompanying bed and made a quiet gesture to Liu Meimei.

Liu Meimei nodded understandingly, stuck out her tongue, and waved the examination form in her hand. She lowered her voice and said softly,

"Liu Zimo, all your test results are out!"

"Congratulations, your body has recovered extremely well. Dr. Liu said it's nothing short of a miracle!"

"And, if everything goes well, you should be able to be discharged in about a week!"

Liu Meimei looked amazed.

Even though she had already read the test results more than once, she still found it incredibly unbelievable.

In just one night, a patient who had suffered serious injuries and undergone chest surgery had almost completely healed!

What else could it be if not a miracle?

She had been a nurse in the intensive care unit for over five years, and this was the first time she had seen someone recover so "rapidly"!

"Thank you."

Liu Zimo nodded slightly and reached out to take the examination results handed to him by Liu Meimei. He wasn't particularly surprised.

The Extreme Dao Breathing Technique itself had a powerful self-healing function, and the injuries on his body were nothing compared to what he had experienced in the battle to defend the city.

"Liu Nurse, if I were to say that there will be a drastic change in the world a month from now, and nearly half of the people on this planet will die in a single day, would you believe me?"

Liu Zimo casually placed the examination form on the bedside and chatted softly with Liu Meimei.

After all, she was the first "familiar" person he saw after waking up, and Liu Zimo didn't want to see her end up like she did thirty years ago, perishing on the first day of the demonic calamity.

"The end of the world?"

"Are you trying to be the savior?"

Liu Meimei looked at Liu Zimo suspiciously.

This guy, although his body had recovered for the most part, it seemed that his mental issues hadn't improved much. Could he be biting his tongue again?

Clearly, the scene of Liu Zimo biting his tongue to commit suicide in the intensive care unit had left a psychological shadow on Liu Meimei.

"Heh, just kidding!"

"I do want to be a savior, but I need the opportunity and ability, don't I?"

Seeing Liu Meimei looking at him as if he were a mental patient, Liu Zimo couldn't help but laugh and no longer mentioned anything about a world-changing event or a demonic calamity.

He knew that no one would believe him until the disaster truly arrived. They would only see him as a mentally disturbed person, talking nonsense.

"That's right!" he thought.

The nurse's face finally returned to normal, and she softly persuaded him, saying,

"Even if there really is a doomsday, it's not our concern as insignificant people. If the sky falls, there will be taller people to hold it up. Right now, you just need to focus on recovering from your injuries."

"But please, don't think about hurting yourself again. Even if not for yourself, think more about your family!"

Liu Zimo nodded in agreement and was about to say something else when suddenly his body trembled. He felt a warm current surging in his stomach.

Immediately after, Liu Zimo heard a familiar prompt sound in his ear:

[Your good brother Jiang Tianxiong has swallowed a tempered body pill, solidifying his foundation and achieving success in cultivation. He has triggered the 'Stealing Heaven' innate talent, sharing half of the cultivation increase from the opportunity. Martial foundation +5, Martial cultivation +1.]


The blood and qi in Liu Zimo's body surged instantly.

His originally foundationless body not only became extremely stable in an instant, but also gained an entire year's worth of cultivation strength for no reason at all!

Activating the Extreme Dao Breathing Technique, he quickly assimilated the added blood and internal energy, and all of his injuries were completely healed in an instant!


Liu Zimo clenched his fists tightly, feeling the long-lost sense of power resurfacing.

This reminded him of the feeling when he first took the Tempered Body Pill and officially stepped into the martial path.

Life transitioned, thoughts sublimated, and he felt that only at this moment did he truly control his own body!

Liu Zimo was pleasantly surprised.

He never expected that Jiang Tianxiong, this "good brother," would bring him such an unexpected surprise!

This was the Tempered Body Pill, a divine medicine for nurturing the body and laying the foundation for martial cultivation, especially for ordinary people who had not yet entered the martial path and possessed extraordinary talent.

In his previous life, due to his limited martial talent, Liu Zimo had been unable to build his martial foundation through normal means and become a true warrior.

In order to exchange for a Tempered Body Pill that could improve his physique and allow him to step into the martial path, he had fought monsters and completed missions, accumulating two years' worth of military achievements before finally achieving his goal.

And now, without doing anything, this opportunity came out of nowhere. How could he not be ecstatic?

Being able to consolidate his martial foundation before the calamity of the monsters arrived, coupled with the various martial secrets he had mastered in his mind, Liu Zimo was full of confidence.

This time, even if he relied solely on his own strength, he was confident that he could create a bright future and protect his father and younger brother.

"I really didn't expect it!"

"My Stealing Heaven ability can actually evenly share the cultivation increase obtained from the opponent swallowing the pill, quietly sharing the benefits. This ability is simply heaven-defying!"

Liu Zimo was amazed and gained a new understanding of his "Heaven-stealing" ability. Previously, he thought his ability could only share the wealth earned by his "good brother," with limitless financial prospects.

Now it seems that he underestimated the power of the "Heaven-stealing" ability. Not only can he share the opponent's martial arts cultivation and foundation gained from taking elixirs, but this is more than just limitless wealth, it's basically cheating!

Liu Zimo's astonishment had not yet subsided when the prompt sounded again:

[Your good brother Jiang Tianxiong swallowed a hundred-year-old wild ginseng, solidifying his foundation, skyrocketing his vitality and blood, triggering the 'Heaven-stealing' innate talent, sharing half of the vitality and blood increase, martial arts foundation +3, vitality and blood +300.]

[Your good brother Jiang Tianxiong swallowed a two-hundred-year-old wild ginseng, solidifying his foundation, skyrocketing his vitality and blood... martial arts foundation +3, vitality and blood +500.]

[Your good brother Jiang Tianxiong swallowed a red blood fruit, strengthening his bones, improving his martial arts aptitude, triggering the 'Heaven-stealing' innate talent, sharing half of the martial arts aptitude increase, martial arts aptitude +3, spiritual power +5.]

The continuous prompts left Liu Zimo stunned!

He never expected that the previous [Body Tempering Pill] was just the beginning!

Jiang Tianxiong had actually prepared so many precious treasures for himself in order to step into the martial arts world.

Not to mention the complete increase of eight hundred units of vitality and blood, and the more solid martial arts foundation.

What's even more impressive is that Jiang Tianxiong had found a red blood fruit before the catastrophe occurred, which could enhance his spiritual power and martial arts aptitude!

No wonder he was able to thrive in the apocalypse in his previous life.

It turns out that even before the catastrophe, Jiang Tianxiong had already built a very solid martial arts foundation and even strengthened his spiritual power and martial arts aptitude to a certain extent.

The ability to make money!

Truly extraordinary!

Now, Liu Zimo could be considered to have borrowed Jiang Tianxiong's light. Without doing anything, he quietly took half of the opportunities gained by the other party.

Moreover, Liu Zimo had the Earth Grade cultivation technique to refine the increase in vitality and blood he obtained, maximizing the transformation of these stagnant vitality and blood into his own cultivation strength.

As for Jiang Tianxiong, who had just entered the martial arts world, it was uncertain whether he could gather highly advanced martial arts techniques at this time. His efficiency in refining vitality and blood would definitely be inferior to his own.

It should be noted that before the catastrophe arrived, martial arts were far from prosperous. The major sects and aristocratic families were accustomed to keeping their martial arts scriptures tightly guarded.

Even if Jiang Tianxiong had money, he would never be able to obtain true martial arts inheritance from these people.

Normally, Jiang Tianxiong could at most gather some ordinary Mortal Grade or even Human Grade martial arts techniques. As for Royal Grade, Profound Grade, or even Earth Grade techniques, it was not even worth thinking about.

And the conversion rate of vitality and blood for martial arts techniques below Royal Grade was at most ten percent. Being able to retain and refine ten units of vitality and blood energy out of a hundred units was already the limit.

Compared to Liu Zimo's 【Extreme Dao Breathing Technique】, which had a conversion rate of ninety percent, the difference was not just a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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