Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 51: anger

After we got to the communication room, the son-in-law's holographic projection was waiting for us in the room. "You have finally arrived. Now look here." The wall across from us turned into a display screen, and three people's information was printed on it, two men and one woman. The clothing should be a scientific researcher or a doctor.

"Who are these three?"

The virtual image of the son-in-law pointed to the woman in the first photo and said, "She's called Yamada Hideko, female, 33 years old, native to Japan. But she is Chinese, and her parents moved to China in her generation. He is currently a first-level researcher at the Longyuan Special Materials Research Institute, and he has several key technologies needed by large immigrants. "

"Did she run away with the information?"

"That is not the case, but the situation is similar. She left the experimental base of the Seal of the Seal some time ago and then disappeared."

"Do you want us to find her?" Rose asked.

"Not only to find it, but to make sure she didn't copy the information."

"Where's the toilet paper unit? Why let us do it?"

"Fuck. We're asking you to provoke you? Don't you always call us toilet paper troops, okay?" The door suddenly opened and two guys in urban combat uniforms came in. The leading one is the oldest Ding Jian of the toilet paper unit. "Several major powers are like neuropathy these days. Agents are messing around the world. Your B-arms have never known the aftermath. Lao Tzu took someone to wipe you every day. They even called us toilet paper troops. Lao Tzu Haven't said you yet! "

The real name of the toilet paper unit should be called "Dragon Edge Special Evidence Elimination Unit". Of course, the job is to deal with all the evidence that should not be left, such as witnesses. As for what they said about the B unit, the land is our biological creatures. Long Yuan's first biochemical unit was the Butterfly and Da K B1 units, and later it was established and subsequently improved. Until now the Dragon B13-B troops. Because these units all use B as their code name, the toilet paper unit calls us to install the B unit to counteract our nickname.

Rose smiled and said, "You mean you can't be busy right now, so we have to do the task, right?"

The son-in-law corrected: "In fact, except for the members of the B13 formation of the Dragon clan that Ziri brought into the game. All B-headed biochemical troops are out in the field, and your B13 is not just as simple as playing a game. Your game plays a role of blinding the eyes of the enemy, and it is also disrupting the enemy's economic and social system. In addition, your actual body has always assumed the function of the experimental body, and it can be said that it does not delay. But I happen to monitor You ca n’t work in the game for the time being, so let ’s take you out to the field while you are idle. This is the rational use of human resources. ”

"So okay!" I sat back on the sand and said, "Tell me what we need to do."

A virtual image of Nu Wa points to the picture on the lower wall. "This woman is your job. Find and bring her back."

"What if that happens?"

"Then, as usual," the son-in-law said calmly.

"Ok we see. But what about the other two?"

"These two guys are for your subordinates. You do n’t have to dispatch all of them together. It ’s better to work separately. You two and two or three people are almost the same. Too many people are inconvenient. To be honest, now in China Not as quiet as before. Because the immigration plan needs to be advanced, all countries are crazy and cause trouble for other countries. Even if our country is better managed, it still can't stop the crazy harassers. So no matter what you encounter Don't be surprised at all, in which case the country is no longer capable of everything! "

Ding Jian tilted Erlang's legs and said, "If someone told me a year ago that China would mess up like this, I would n’t believe it. But it is true. When I went out to work two days ago, I met several brothers of the National Security Bureau. .It is said that they are also busy dying there. Last week they have killed more than 300 foreign spies, which is more than the total number of spies caught in the previous decade! "

The young man who has been following Ding Jian said: "The retreat is imminent, and the hidden spies are useless. Naturally, they are trying their best to spare the heat. Fortunately, our country has always been strictly managed. These spies can only be manufactured for the time being. Some vicious cases. It will not affect the exhibition of the whole country. We are now going where the fire is going, and reducing the losses as much as possible. "

Rose suddenly asked, "Didn't our country send someone to make trouble in another country?"

"How could it not be sent? I heard that the King Snake troops were all out, good guys. But there are more than a thousand people! I don't know what can be done. It's best to blow up one or two of their migrant ships. That ’s fun! "

Rose to Ding Jiandao: "You still have to be careful not to let other people blow up our boat. One less boat is the loss of more than 100,000 people. Can't help it!"

"Don't worry about this. The construction site of the spacecraft is completely closed, and the investigation is strict. It is calculated that mobile terrorists don't want to mix in to bomb the ship."

I went to the printer next to the wall and printed out the information on the wall, and then said, "Then we go to the task first. Are you two looking for us or son-in-law?"

"They are looking for me. You go first." The son-in-law said casually and began to discuss other matters with the two of them.

Rose took my arm and walked, "This world is really crumbling!"

"I feel so confused."

Rose leaned her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes slightly. "I understand what you mean."

"What else are you worried about?"

Rose opened her eyes and shook her head. "Maybe I think too much. Forget it, don't mention this. All three tasks are more troublesome. Who do you want to go?"

"Let them decide for themselves, let's not let us arrange everything?"

I walked to the training ground while talking to Rose. The members of the Dragon clan really consciously train here. Everyone stopped seeing us coming in. Skott came over and asked, "Is there a mission again?"

"How did you know?"

"Elder son-in-law every time we know that we are offline, we take our labors. Don't even think about it. Let's say it! What is this time?"

I passed him the other two documents. "Look for or execute. In addition, if there is a leak, you have to clear everything that should not spread out."

"What about the execution scale?"

"You own it."

Skott asked in surprise: "Aren't you with us?"

"I also have a task. Now it ’s all over the place, and there is a serious shortage of manpower. So we have to work separately. Ling, Yeyue, and Frost, the three of you are following me. You and Weiner are each in charge of a task The two of you are the captains. The others decide whether or not to attend, and which team to attend. However, I recommend that each team should not have more than ten people, and it is not convenient. Many people stay in the base to cooperate with the researchers. Experiment, or do your own tactical training or whatever, you decide for yourself. "

Rose suddenly cried, "Darts, go with us, too."

The dart like a fox immediately hit the rose. Although this little guy does not have a human-shaped body, his intelligence is definitely not lower than that of humans.

"Okay. Let's do our own work."

The four of them took the rose together to the equipment room and took some portable small arms, mainly flying knives and miniature electronic equipment. After we found the equipment, we found a pair of casual clothes again. It was more conspicuous to wear the same clothes together. So we tried to find some clothes that looked different. Find a road opener from the garage. This is a large off-road vehicle with a total of three rows of seats and a standard capacity of eight people. This guy was chosen mainly because it was strong enough, it was a civilian armored vehicle. In case we have a special situation, we can at least block the bullets.

"Show me the address." Ling drove. She likes driving.

Rose sat beside her and passed the map to her. Ling glanced and said, "You are all seated."

Shuangxue grabbed the handrail nervously. "What are you doing? Don't mess around! Wow ..."

Although the road opener weighs nearly four tons. But the power is scary, and the speed is not much slower than a sports car. Under Ling ’s crazy driving technology, this huge iron guy ran out on the road like a rhino, and saw that our car automatically retreated to the side of the road, for fear of being hit.

With a long brake, the opener stopped precisely in front of the gate of a three-story villa-style building. We all wiped the cold sweat. Frost Xuexin said with a daunting voice: "I recommend that Shenlin drive better when I go back."

"Agree." The others raised their hands in agreement. Sitting in Ling's car is just killing. Even though our bodies are like humans, sitting in a car driven by someone else is even less secure, not to mention the car is still dangling!

Rose pushed the door and jumped out of the car to look at the building next to it. "That's where the last show of Yamada Hideko appeared. Let's go in and see if there is any clue."

Ling had stood in front of the door of the house. Then I closed my eyes and felt it. "The room was empty, at least there were no large living creatures. There was a surveillance camera by the door, connected to the community security line, and I have cut off the screen."

"Very good." I walked to the door handle and turned it, and clicked the door lock completely unscrewed by me.

This is a Japanese-style house, and the furnishings inside are all structures that are very popular in Japan. The ground was clean and there was a lot of wind in the room, indicating that the windows somewhere were open. The furnishings are still in their original location, there are no signs of struggle, but it does not look like the owner is leaving, because we found a lot of daily necessities in the room, and there were a few fresh tomatoes on the kitchen stove. If Yamada Hideko deliberately absconded, it is impossible to clean up the house before leaving, and if someone came to arrest someone, it should naturally leave some traces. Everyone entered the room and started to check each room separately. Everything was normal, as if the owner went out to work in the morning and would return at noon.

Rose walked back to the living room and said, "It seems that Hideda Yamada has left for less than two days. Otherwise, the half-cut tomato in the kitchen should have all gone out."

Yeyue walked back and said, "Someone was standing on the roof, the tile was broken and some tiles moved obviously, and it was just this two days thing."

Frost stepped out of a bedroom and said, "The window here has been pried open from the outside. But I am not sure if it has been left recently. Also, there are fingerprints on the window sill, I have already seen it, and the information Ueyamada's fingerprints don't match, and it's not her husband's or son's. The size of the fingerprint should belong to an adult male. "

We suddenly received a signal from the dart and quickly walked to a room on the second floor. Yeyue Xun walked over and raised the big bed, and something like a dart appeared under the bed. We didn't touch the thing, we just held it up with the electromagnetic force field. I let it float in front of us, and then I checked it carefully.

Rose smelled it at a distance: "This is a narcotic bomb, which can numb an elephant in the first place. And this is the ammunition that has been shot. There is a smell of blood on the needle, it should be a hit, but I don't know why It will fall. It should be hanging on the target.

Yeyue went up and looked at him and said, "This hits my forehead, it should be blocked by the bones. Look, the needle has been bent slightly, and there is bone residue on it."

"Well, now there is an important clue." Ling suddenly found a slightly sunken area from the door. I also found a small layer of oily skin on it, which should have been caused by someone's body.

I carefully picked up the oily skin and smelled it, then said, "This thing is Japanese land." Our sense of smell can distinguish the slight difference in the proportion of elements in biological tissues. People in different countries have slightly different odors in their body tissues due to different areas and living habits. If the guy hit by the door is a long-term lurking Chinese person, I ca n’t smell it, but the owner of this skin is apparently only after coming to China, and the taste has not changed. I shook that piece of skin on the nose of the dart. "Can you track it?"

The dart nodded. "You can try it." Although the dart looks like a fox, he has human intelligence and a human-like vocal cord structure. Of course, speaking is not a problem.

Trained dogs can track targets with the aid of scent, and darts have no intelligence to know how to track scent, not to mention that he has a better sense of smell than dogs. It's not just darts. Even our noses are more spiritual than dog noses, or we can't find the oily skin on the door.

After leaving the villa, darts will guide the direction. Because the odor signal itself is not strong, and the time seal of the throne is a bit long, it is very difficult to track down, and even some places have to go back and forth for a long time to find the direction. Fortunately, we finally found our way. Following the odor, almost all of them came to the suburbs to find the source of the odor.

"It seems to be in this neighborhood." Now we can smell our noses without using darts.

"Go in and talk." I drove the car into the community, and followed the very strong odor all the way to the villa area in the center of the community. This residential area is surrounded by ordinary multi-story buildings, but the central area is villas.

"Why is the smell so scattered?" Rose asked.

"It seems that this guy often changes places in the community!" I looked at the villa in front of me and a seven-story residential building not far away. "The other person probably has two residences, as if they often come and go. The scent information shows that the target has the same route."

"Where shall we go first?" Yeyue asked.

"Look at the numbers first," Rose said.

At the suggestion of Rose, we stopped the car first, and then walked around the villa on foot. Ling lowered his head and said, "There are seventeen people in the room, two of them are dead, and one is in a coma. There are many security systems in the room, and they are not domestic."

"It's not easy to start here, and there may be a lot of movement. Let's go and see the other target first."

We walked to the residential building not far away and followed the smell to the fourth floor. After feeling a little, Ling said in surprise: "Four people. Three have died, and one child is alive, but only three years old. There are no electronic products."

I looked at the keyhole of the security door. Think about giving up the position to Frost. Frost Xue pressed a hand to the door lock, and then saw that the door lock quickly drew a layer of frost, and then spread quickly around. Frost pushed the door slightly. The door opened in response to a not too loud noise. The cold has cracked the door lock.

As soon as we opened the door, we smelled more **** than before. At this concentration, even normal humans can smell it. Since it was confirmed that no one was in the room, we pushed the door directly into the bedroom. I saw two old men lying on the bed in the middle of the bedroom, and the black sheets under them had shown that they had died for some time. But what shocked us was a little boy squatting by the bed.

Seeing that we came in, the child turned and looked at us in doubt, then put the little chubby hand in front of his mouth and made a quiet gesture, and then whispered, "Shh ... grandpa and grandma are asleep, don't wake them up. Now, Dad is asleep, and Mom is not at home. "

Listening to the child's innocent words, and then looking at the corpse of the old man posing beside the bed, we have a feeling of being blocked. Our dragons are just weak. Not without feelings. This child is too young to understand what death is, but we understand it. It is because of the child's innocence and ignorance. We feel even more sad.

Rose responded the fastest, and she suddenly smiled and asked, "We are colleagues of your mother's work unit. She knows that grandparents and dad sleep at home and are afraid that you have nothing to eat alone. Let us take you to eat and talk to my sister. Will you leave? "

The little boy looked at the grandparents in bed with some hesitation. Then he turned his head and swallowed, and nodded strongly. The death time of the old man should be the throne of the Seal of God the night before. The child had not eaten Zhaoxi for at least 24 hours. For a child. It is of course hungry and uncomfortable not to eat for such a long time. But he didn't cry hungry, nor did he "wake up" grandparents. What a sensible child!

"Come, my sister takes Xiaokang to eat." This child is the child of Hideko Yamada, and we have pictures of him on our profile. The male corpse in the next room has been confirmed to be Yamada Hideko's husband Tang Wei. The pair of elderly people are either Tang Wei's parents or Yamada Hideko's parents.

Rose first went downstairs with the child in her arms, and we continued to check the room. It has been rummaged here, and the traces are obvious. However, the other party may soon find what they are looking for, so there are not many places to be turned and it is not too chaotic. And the child seems to have cleaned the room, but he is too young, and there is not much difference between cleaning and not cleaning!

"Look at this." Yeyue found a photo album containing mostly photos of the two elderly people, including photos of the couple and children of Yamada Hideko, and from the photos, the elderly should be Tang Kangdi's parents, and Yamada It seems that Xiuzi's parents are not in Nanjing.

Ling looked at it: "This must be the home of Hideko Yamada. The other party hijacked their couple and children to find something here, and then left together. As for the villa, it may be the stronghold. These guys are really smart , Understand that the most dangerous place is the safest place. Even if there is a dead body, criminals will not think that they are hiding in this community. Unfortunately, our noses are too good. "

"Go and see the villa now!"

"What about the child?" Frost asked. "If we take care of him alone, our operations staff will be reduced."

Yeyue said indifferently, "Do you still use us to deal with these people? I can do it alone."

After going downstairs, we asked Rose to drive the child to eat something, and the dart was left in the car. Although the child is very sensible, after all, it is easy for the adult to leave the family and get emotionally out of control. There is a cute little fox beside him who can be more stable.

We only approached the villa after the car left, and the other party was very alert. We've been around the villa before, and the other party should be watching us at that time. Now we appear again, and we are immediately alert. We could hear the sound of a rattling from the outside. Of course, the other party thought we couldn't hear the sound, and they didn't even know how many people were in the room, and where everyone was.

The four of us approached the house from the corners of the house and did not give each other any chance to escape. I was in charge of the main entrance, but when I walked up the aisle in front of the door, a car suddenly drove out of the side house. The car stopped between me and the house. A stylishly-dressed woman stuck her head out of the window and shouted at me: "I said you can't be quiet at night? It's not just your family around you! Even you ... "

The woman's words were interrupted by a dull sizzling sound, and the car glass between me and the house was broken. The woman who was still screaming at me before screamed, and a bullet took one of her arms away. Large pieces of meat. The man on the front seat of the car was beaten into a honeycomb on the spot, and a man and a woman sitting on the back also screamed and hid under the window. These first-come bullets came from small automatic weapons, with a high rate of dispersal, and almost none of them were directed at me. But a bullet suddenly broke the window glass on the roof and flew over my forehead. This was a sniper weapon, at least a rifle with a sniper function.

The bullet snapped to an inch of my forehead, the bullet was crushed into a discus, and then it fell to the ground with a bang. Then more bullets flew over, of course, none of them penetrated my biological force field. This by-product of strong magnetic research can be said to be very powerful. Unless there is a weapon with absolute power ~ ~ such as heavy bomb hunting or something, it will never be able to penetrate this biological force field, no more Bullets are useless.

Now that the identity has been revealed, it is no use hiding it. I jumped directly from the roof of the car, one jumped to the top roof of the four-storey villa, turned around and grabbed the railing, and jumped in directly from the window where the bullet was shot. The sniper inside was preparing a second bullet there, and suddenly I arrived in front of him, scaring him and rolling from the windowsill to the ground.

The door was suddenly knocked open. Two guys with a slight punch rushed in towards me and pulled the trigger, totally disregarding their companions. But this didn't help them, the bullet still couldn't penetrate my biological field. Only shoulder-mounted rockets and anti-equipment sniper rifles have a certain effect on individual weapons. These light weapons are unlikely to be useful.

The two shooters smashed the magazine and pulled the trigger continuously, as if only to do so could suppress the fear in their hearts. But they don't need to worry about this anymore, because the two of them flew together, throwing away their guns and desperately groping on their heads. Both men made terrible screams, their eyes widened, and then they suddenly snapped, their heads burst together, as if they were crushed, their brains and blood splashed across the wall. I tilted my head and looked at the sniper who was in the room before. He yelled and fell down, covering his heart. This guy was frightened to death.

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