Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 52: Torture

"Yamamoto, what's the matter!" A man ran out with a throat, but ended up on the spot after reaching the door. I looked at him, then smiled, and the guy's head became a pile of mud the next second.

"Shenlin." Frost's voice appeared in my head. "The first floor has been emptied."

"It's gone," I responded, "Go to the second floor now."

Ling's voice came in: "There are four people on the second floor, and one of them is Hideko Yamada." Ling's voice suddenly became anxious. "Those people want to kill Hideko Yamada, they have to stop them."

In the lobby on the first floor, Yeyue looked up at the ceiling, then suddenly took off. With a bang, there was a hole in the floor on the second floor, and Yeyue appeared directly on the aisle on the second floor. Three Japanese men with guns rushed towards the room behind Yeyue, but all were blocked. I bent over and hit the ground with a thump, and the ceiling on the second floor also cracked. I fell directly from the third floor into the second floor corridor and was blocked behind those three guys. Ling and Shuangxue also jumped up from the hole that Yeyue bumped into, and the three were sandwiched by us.

One of them suddenly raised his gun and aimed at Ling, but Ling's eyes flashed suddenly, and the guy immediately stared at his hand in surprise. I saw him grabbing the right with his left, and seemed to be fighting each other with both hands. But his right hand seemed to be more powerful, he just turned slowly and put his muzzle on the head of one of his companions. His companion looked at him in surprise. "What are you doing in Yutian?"

"I ... I can't control my hands! Run away, leave me alone!"

"None of you can run away." As Yeyue spoke, one of the guys suddenly floated, and then his head didn't move. The body rotated seven or eight times in place. After all, the human neck is not a bearing. After the rotation, the muscles and bones are torn, and the body without a head grumbles and falls to the ground, leaving only a **** head suspended in the air. The man who aimed at his companion with a gun also pulled the trigger. His companion's head burst. In the end the guy suddenly levitated without warning and flew in front of me.

"Where did you put the information?"

"Well ..." The guy spit at me, but it didn't splash on me, all suspended in midair. The guy looked at the water droplets in surprise, completely unclear what happened. "Ah!" He screamed suddenly, as his arms were twisting at a strange angle.

"I suggest you work better together, it will be good for all of us."

"You ... you want to be beautiful, ah ..." His arm suddenly turned a dozen times, and then he was pulled from his shoulder.

"I know you Japanese have the spirit of Bushido. But you are still mortals who carry the spirit, so it is best not to resist the will of God."

You are not god! You are a demon ... evil demon! "

"No matter what I am, at least I am a high-end being, but you are a human. You are as small as the ants in front of me. Give up resistance! Otherwise it will be more painful." With my words, this guy's eyes began to look outward Drumming, there was a feeling of bursting out, and his body was twitching desperately.

Suddenly Ling said, "Master, you're going to burn his nervous system. It won't work."

"It's up to you! I'm still not good at mind control!" I said to let that person fly in front of Ling.

Ling used her own force field to hold the guy in front of her, and then looked directly into each other's eyes. "Don't resist my will, you are a ant ... you have no power ... you can't resist ... now. Accept my will and obey my orders."

… Not… is the landlord, you are my queen, the humble slave is waiting for your instructions. "This guy's will has been completely invaded. Ling Yi's absolute willpower over any human has thoroughly cleansed this guy's thinking zone. It can be said that he is dead in thought. Now this one who is answering the question is just one The consciousness created by Ling basically does not have human thinking. This is a bit like the security mode of the Windows operating system, with only the most basic reactions and no advanced thinking.

Ling yelled at this: "Are your materials available?"

"No, Her Royal Highness. Hideyuki Yamada is very stubborn. He is unwilling to tell us where the information is. The Chinese have brainwashed her thoroughly and we can't ask anything."

Frost Xue suddenly asked: "Are there anyone in this room? Why did I feel that others were peering at me when I entered here?"

"We are not just these people, there are some people in Villa Four. But they are not with us and we have no contact."

"Damn." I cursed. "Come on, the other party must already know the situation."

"Well, you can be loyal to me." Ling said that he wouldn't care about that guy anymore. Immediately after the guy landed, Ling gave a bang to his head, then hit his head against the wall. This is the powerful force of thought control, and the person being controlled is completely unconscious.

I kicked open the door of Hideyuki Yamada's room, and Yamada Hideyuki was **** on the bed like a sister-in-law. I just glanced at it, and the rope on her body suddenly broke into pieces. "The enemy has already been killed. Don't leave here first, you will be backed up for a while."

Although Yamada did not know us, at least she knew we were here to save her. After nodding, I said nothing more. I took Ling and jumped out of the second-floor window directly, but as soon as I left the window, I saw something flying over the long flame.

"Look for the bomb!"

boom. The rocket exploded in the air, and flames and smoke covered us all. I banged on the front cover of the previous car, and none of them had left, probably all frightened. I jumped off the front cover without injury. The missile did not penetrate my electromagnetic force field at all, it just shocked me. Yeyue walked from the side with heavy steps, her body turned into a metal-like structure, with a gray metallic luster. After seeing me, the color of her body quickly changed back to the color of human skin. Resilience is also restored.

Frost Xue came over from the other side with a huge ice shield, and it seemed she was fine. Ling flew directly over our heads, then landed slowly. We can do this by using electromagnetic control to make ourselves fly at low altitude. However, although this trick follows the bag, but it requires a high degree of control to use, we have not yet had that precise control. Speaking of which, the members of the Dragon clan are all the same, but due to the problems of memory and personality, everyone's specialty is still different.

One rocket failed to hurt us, but the other did not give up. An off-road vehicle rushed towards us and seemed to be planning to kill us. I gently raised my right hand and stretched out my index and middle fingers in the direction of the car. A high rotating blue light ball appeared in front of the two fingers. When the car approached us seven meters away, the ball suddenly flew out of my finger and flew forward. There was no sound, and there was suddenly a passage more than one meter in diameter in the middle of the car. The cut is smooth like a laser cut. The car body cut into two sections slipped past us with inertia.

A rocket flew out of a small villa in the distance, but it suddenly exploded. The four of us faced the villa together and jumped up. The people in the building quickly split into two gangs. Some people rushed out to shoot at us, while others rushed out of the community in a commercial car.

"Yueyue. It's over to you. Let's go after that car."

Although there are more enemies here than in the car, we still chose that car because the people sitting in the car were all transformers. And here are just trained ordinary humans. It's not the first time that we have seen the mechanical remodelers in the United States and Japan, but this time the enemy is obviously improved, at least the radio invasion does not work.

The three of us bounced along the road, but the building was too obstructive, and our degree couldn't catch up with the car at all. All the way to the community exit, watching the commercial vehicle rushing out of the community, an off-road vehicle suddenly rushed out from the side, crashed into the commercial vehicle, and flew the commercial vehicle sideways. It landed at five meters. The road car did not see any damage.

The gate guard of the community ran out in a panic and thought it was a car accident. The previous battle was born in the center of the community, and the weapons had more silencers. The sound of the explosion of the only two rockets was restricted by our force field. The remaining sound did not sound as loud as the fireworks, so the security was not Know the fighting situation in the community. They just thought that there was a car accident. However, they soon realized that it was not a car accident, at least not an accident, because the road opener actually hit the commercial car with full horsepower again after taking a step back. With a bang, the commercial vehicle shifted two meters again and was hit into the flower bed. The people in the car were also knocked upside down, and several people flew out of the car.

This driver was the one we drove when we came out. The driver was a rose. Before I told her to take the child to eat, I didn't expect to run back again. The roadblocker we chose has an obstacle breaker in front of it, which is much better than a bumper. That commercial vehicle was almost about to be broken.

With a bang, the commercial vehicle was kicked off from the driver's door, and a man jumped out of it. However, as soon as the guy landed, he saw the opener bump into it again. He just came back to the car with his hand pad in front of him and flew out from the other side.

The ability of the mechanical skeleton is reflected in the comprehensive data. Of course, the output power alone is still the motivation of the car. This time the crash almost killed the guy, but although he saved his life, he was almost dead.

Rose reversed her car again, but the other party also realized that she would be killed if she didn't get out of the car, so she ran out in a row. Except for the bone twisted by the guy who had just been hit by the head, the other six were just skin injuries. For those of them who have a mechanical skeleton, as long as they don't break their bones, they will not lose their combat effectiveness.

After six people left the car, Rose did not give up the impact, but the other personnel dispersed. She could only hit one of them. As soon as the guy got out of the car, before being able to flash away, he was knocked out more than ten meters away, crashing the community wall and falling back into the community. One of the remaining five people jumped directly onto the front cover, reached out and smashed into the front windshield. Dang. Not only did the guy not break the glass, he was also bounced out. This opener is bullet-proof, and the mechanical skeleton is not invincible. How can it move like the tank's front windshield?

Xiaokang, who was locked in the seat by Rose's seat, opened her eyes and didn't scream. This child is much stronger than the average child, at least he never makes a noise. Rose reached out and touched his head. "Don't move in the car, I let the darts stay to protect you." Said Rose opened the door and jumped out. The car was off, and continued to fall for a while and got stuck on the roadside flowerbed.

Only five of the seven people on the opposite side could move, and they immediately turned to escape when they saw the situation. The guy who tried to smash the car before felt that he was short and fell to the ground before running two steps. When he turned around, his legs were missing.

"Where do you want to go?" Frost suddenly fell in front of the remaining four.

"Don't block the way."

A guy punched Frost with a punch. Frost Xue lightly caught his fist, then twisted slightly. With only a click, the guy's hand broke completely. The periphery of the fracture was covered with a layer of white ground scum, and the blood inside it also became a piece of crystal. As for the cut-off hand of Frost's hand, it has basically become a hand-shaped ice cube.

Frost Xue throws away the broken hand in his hand, and smashes when the broken hand falls to the ground. The broken man shouted back, but Frost suddenly appeared in front of him. One hand rested on his neck. Boom. A white man's head fell to the ground.

The remaining three were forced together, covering each other back to back. However, they can only provide some psychological comfort for themselves, and have no effect on the facts at all.

Frost Xue emptied with one hand. A blue and white ball of light appeared on her hand. Then she took it lightly and the light ball fell under the feet of three people. There was no sound, a white aperture spread quickly from where the light ball landed, and the closest three people instantly framed into a group of ice sculptures.

"Frozen ball?" A guy among the security guards who had been staying finally responded and called out. Hearing this, he is obviously also a "zero player." Frost's move is indeed similar to the Frozen Ball, and it works well.

Ling walked into the collapsed courtyard wall and stepped in, and soon came out with a guy with a severely deformed body. Ling walked to the back of the crashed commercial vehicle and dragged another guy with deformed limbs. There was a legless guy lying on the ground. Counting the three frozen, we had a total of six captives.

One of the security guards came over very carefully and asked, "What are you doing?" Although he was very fluent. But the sound was clearly tremolo.

Rose took the document and shook it in front of him. "National Counterintelligence Department."

As soon as the security guard heard that the civil servants in his country were relieved, he asked quickly: "Need us to contact the police?"

"No need, our support will come in a while."

The security guard no longer told us anything after hearing that we had support, but went back to the crowd and explained to the residents a little bit timid. We had been fighting for a long time, and there were gunshots and collisions. Someone was watching. But we don't care about it now. As long as the witnesses have no video records, it is useless for people to see. As for imaging equipment, all nearby equipment that can record this scene has been burned by us.

Xun took several captives back to the villa area before returning, and the flower beds and the community road were already wolf-like, but fortunately the house was not damaged. We went directly into the house where Yamada Hideko was detained. She had already reached the first floor, and she actually took the gun left by the dead. She was obviously afraid that she could defend herself if the bad guy came again.

When she saw us entering the room, she stunned her, then lowered her gun, but when she saw her son, she rushed over with excitement. Rose gave the child to her hands, and then said, "Sorry, we are the only one left when we arrive!"

Yamada Hideko hugged the child and looked at us and nodded. "I know."

We don't know what to say about Yamada Hideko, and to be honest we can't comfort her. Because Rose was not very relieved, I asked Ling to scan the mental condition of Hideko Yamada, and after confirming that she was OK, we could only let her stay with the child. Perhaps this was her only comfort.

For us this time, the situation is not bad. The information has not been obtained by the enemy. By the way, we have dropped a contact point, which is a good gain. After the support team arrived, we drove back to the base directly. This road car almost crashed the commercial vehicle, and we didn't have any injuries, and it was really strong.

"Is the mission completed well?" The son-in-law's remote-control flying saucer flew out as soon as we entered the base.

Rose looked at her hand and said, "Instead of doing a good job, we might as well say that this body is too strong."

Ling also looked at his hands and sighed, "Yeah! I despise all the power! Although I was a goddess in the game, there are still many enemies that I must also pay attention to. However, this is not the case in the real world. The existence of this body is almost no better than the body in my game, but the enemy in reality is weaker. I now have a feeling of being a goddess! "

The son-in-law calmly replied: "In fact, I can clearly see your performance today on the satellite. You have not even exerted one-tenth of this physical power. There are reasons for you and enemies. But I want to tell you that until the day you can manipulate this body as you wish, you are the true gods. "

"Does this body have so much potential?"

"Of course." Nuwa said: "In fact, the actual design of this body is not completely used as a weapon. Its ability should be mainly manifested in the development of the brain. The parts that you have not yet mastered are mainly concentrated in the brain .On the utilization of the body alone, you are over 70%. Ling and Rose are the best in this regard. "

"Why?" Yeyue asked a little unconvincingly.

The son-in-law laughed aloud: "Because she will use her head. You should see the certificate she showed the security guard before."

As soon as Rose heard the son-in-law saying this, she immediately took out the previous documents and shook them in front of us ~ ~ But we are different from security guards and can be seen clearly by scanning. "Fuck!" That's not a certificate from the anti-espionage department. In fact, although our country has a similar function, it doesn't call it that name. What Rose showed to the security guard was the tag tag pulled down from our clothes. Hurry up and it looks like seven or eight copies of the police officer's certificate.

"Intellect is your greatest dependency. When you encounter things, use your mind and think about your physical problems. This is the Dragon."

Although she was miserable by her daughter-in-law, she made sense, so we could only listen by holding our noses. Fortunately, the words of son-in-law are mostly guiding things, and they really help us a lot.

After handing in the task, it is still early to see the time of the Seal of the Seal of God. We all participated in the training of the use of various weapons and equipment together. The large-scale biological weapons of the Dragon race have all entered the mass production stage. I went to play a few of them to get used to it. These biological weapons are equivalent to previous tanks and armored vehicles, except that one was made of steel and the other was made of protein. However, I have to admit that these biological weapons are 100 times more maneuverable than tanks. After the driver enters, it is almost like manipulating his own body. He can move as he wants.

The adaptation training continued until the next day. It is estimated that the time barrier caused by the Dragon Seal should have disappeared, and we are back online.

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