Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 22: Fight with me!

"I think so." I replied with certainty.

Honglian Phoenix thought for a moment, and then asked, "So can you tell me first that you've been in someone else's hands after we snatched things when we traded?"

I shook my head: "The prerequisite for cooperation is mutual benefit, and I should ask the second question." Honglian Phoenix nodded slightly, then nodded. I went on to ask, "After you got something from me, did you give it to a third person except the two of you?"

"No." Honglian Phoenix answered very simply. But the nearby Honglian Liuwu held her back. "Sister, Tiejiro has seen it too."

"He will not……!"

"The person I want to change has been found." I said with certainty. "I snatched something and sent it directly to the heaven. I didn't even touch my magic pet in the middle. Obviously the thing was lost in your hands, and it was what you said was impossible for Jiro to steal."

"This is absolutely impossible. You are slandering my best friend." Honglian Phoenix stood up angrily. "I don't think we need to talk about it anymore. Goodbye." She immediately rushed out with her younger sister, and I chased out in a panic, but they were too fast and disappeared as soon as they left the hotel.

As soon as the two of them disappeared, the panic on my face disappeared immediately, and followed me to call out the night shadow and turned over and rode up. Pat the night shadow on the neck. "Don't get too close."

"I have a sense." Night Shadow began to move slowly outside the city, and I simply put on my helmet and put on my mask to close my eyes. The reason for this is that I need to concentrate on receiving the signal from my ghost worm. Those two women would have been on the tree if they had the sincerity. I knew this already, so I didn't expect that they would take me to find things honestly after I found the answer. The Red Lotus Phoenix just pretended to leave angry, in fact, it was just to throw me away. I used this trick badly, how could she trick me with her little trick. Of course, if I showed their intentions then, they would still find a way to escape. In the end, I had to go to great lengths to find them. Instead of letting them show their intentions in the first place, it was better to follow them.

In the course of the previous discussion, I have released a few ghost beetles, and then let them be attached to the two of them as a mobile monitor for nothing, as long as they do not run to other planets, I will receive accurate Signal, do n’t worry about them throwing me away at all.

It really did not exceed my expectations. After leaving the tavern, the two women ran to the meeting point outside the city, but as I guessed in advance, the guy named Tiejiro was no longer there. They are not stupid. We must have guessed what he took. Is he still there waiting to be chopped? This will definitely run away early.

The two women were not too arrogant. After a search on the ground, they quickly found the traces left by each other's movement and chased them all the way, but unfortunately they finally recovered the city we came out of before . This made them slightly surprised.

After entering the city, the trail is not easy to find, but it is easier for me to move. I know this city is controlled by a guild called Pegasus Club. Our guild has some business dealings with them, so we can use them.

Xun quickly found the person in charge of the other party's guild, and then said something about it. The other party immediately agreed to cooperate with me. With the help of the chairman of the other party, I quickly heard from those mouths that Tiejiro did enter the city, and then I traced the transmission point along the way. If this place is followed by others to the place where the other party can be found, Tiejiro has been away for so long. So tracking is not possible, but I have the support of the other party ’s president. I can directly transfer the transmission records to eliminate the time. After the throne of the Seal of God is obviously wrong, there are three suspicious characters left. The three teleportation points checked the situation, and the other two were female players, and the goal was easily determined.

The place the opponent teleported to is a small port city, switch to Silver Moon mode, and use my high charm and affinity to cooperate with the money offensive. It was easy to hear the news that the target person had gone to the port.

After I arrived at the dock, I quickly asked the docker and duty officer of the dock, and finally got the exact information from the counterparty for the price of twenty crystal coins. The target person boarded a boat bound for Floating Island and had been away for more than an hour. I made a rough calculation. In this way, Honglian Phoenix and Honglian Liuwu arrived at the port when they first found me. It seems that he was well prepared, so he would run so fast. As for the so-called boat to the floating island, the ghost knows whether it will actually drive to that floating island, or it will be halfway Diversion, as far as where to go!

Now that you know the situation, it doesn't make any sense to stay here again. I teleported back to Isinger, and dashed all the way to the command and control room where the **** of war was. "God of War, first order."

"Subject. Content." The answer from God of War was simple.

"All the surface vessels that our bank can move, let them help me find a ship, the name of the sea lion, a wooden structure sail, a slurry discharge hybrid transport ship, a three-story floating structure, an island-less bridge structure, and a displacement of 1.7 About a hundred tons, the hull is reddish brown. There is also a ship called the Turtle sailing with it, it may not be together. The search range is in this area. "I activated the holographic map in the other party's degree. A circle was drawn inside.

"Well, the information has been sent. Do I need to activate the observation system on the Babel tower to help me find it?"

"That would be the best."

"Understand." Jun Shenxun activated the observation system, and then began to search carefully. I saw that the full-scale projection of the huge earth suspended in front of us was gradually being enlarged, and then the target area was selected. The screen is first brought to the minimum resolution at which the volume target of the vessel can be searched, and then the investigation is performed area by area. Once a suspicious target is found, zoom in and observe it yourself. If it is not correct, zoom out and continue viewing. Because God of War is a Taiwan-level intelligence analysis computer, his search is far from what human observers can compare to the ground. I can only see the map scrolling frantically. As for what picture appears, I can't see anything.

The biggest feature of the army **** is that he can multi-purpose. He is looking at the map here, and he is not disgusted in his hand. Reports from various vessels are also being received at the same time.

"You're lucky." God of War suddenly moved the map to a location and zoomed in. "The transport fleet returning from the Indonesian colony just saw the ship you said three minutes ago, and I found it based on their coordinates and degrees. This. "The screen was suddenly enlarged many times, and the content was clear enough to see the expression on the face. I saw the ship sailing calmly on the sea, and luckily I actually saw the guy who was standing behind the red lotus and phoenix when they were trading, and it seemed that I had found the right target.

"Where is this? Take me there immediately."

"Sorry, I can't provide you with the right transportation for its sailing and location."

"What? Isn't Dragonfly Castle in Isinger?"

"You sent him to France last time, did you forget it?"

"What about the giant mosquito outpost?"

"The giant mosquito outpost is still in Egypt!"

"How did he run to Egypt?"

"Because I need to gather information, I transferred it."

"Should the Hornets Fortress always be at home?"

"To defend the city in the United States!"

"Fuck! The enclave is absent." In fact, the bird's degree and endurance are fully capable of catching up with the target, but there is no reference for flying on the sea, and we will be 100% lost. No bird has installed a large communicator. It is basically impossible to correct the direction again!

The army **** suddenly said: "In fact, it is not absolutely impossible. If you are not afraid of danger, there will be a Clipper in the guild for extreme sailing experiments. Using it will send you past."

"It's okay, I won't drown, and the big bird will be summoned to fly back. Although the bird can't find the right target in the sea. But wanting to fly to the nearest Big 6 is still no problem.

"Then you go to the speedboat pier on the 17th of this city now. Boat number

"I see." I was about to go out and suddenly remembered. "By the way, is there a communication device on the boat? The other party must be moving while I'm rushing. You have to navigate for me in real time!"

"All the equipment should be in place, and there are four torpedoes on that thing. It doesn't matter if you want to bomb the ship to the bottom of the sea."

"Thank you." I rushed out of the gate like a gust of wind and summoned Hung Hom to stand up and ride. Then let Hung Hom fly me over. Sky Fox's degree can be said to be quite exaggerated, and immediately sent me to the port.

Today the dock is relatively empty and most of the ships are not in the port. I saw at a glance that there were still people waving farewell beside the more conspicuous position, apparently the ship was about to leave. I quickly asked Hung Hom to increase, Hung Hom was a Sky Fox after all, flying was no problem, and one person got on the ship, but it didn't seem right. The thing under our feet does not look like a ship, but it looks more like a large seaplane. If it was not numbered, I would never think it was a speedboat. Its entire hull is divided into three parts, the middle land is the main body. There are two water inlets on both sides, which in my opinion are two buoys that maintain balance, and connected to them are two pieces like wings. You just need to put two floats on the tip of the wings of the American c130 transport aircraft, and then throw it into the water.

It was a little confusing for the people who suddenly appeared on the boat. A member got out of the door under the wings and climbed to the top. Then he shouted to me, "What department are you Miss? We are experimental ships. No task. "

"Fool, I'm Ziri, this is my trumpet!" I was so anxious before that I forgot to change my account back, and now I still use Yinyue. Although some of us know this guild, it is far from being known to everyone.

"President?" The player first looked at the elite member logo on my chest, and then said, "Listening to the president, your trumpet is very different, and today you can see it. It is more beautiful than a girlfriend!"

"Go, get in, and let me down." After retracting Hung Hom, I switched back to the Ziri form before drilling into the cabin. This thing is too much like an airplane, and it's still a monoplane. Even the door is open under the wings. It took me a lot of effort to climb back to the cabin.

Seeing me coming in, the captain ran over immediately. "Why are you here, President?"

"Just in a hurry, the Seal of the Seal of God is in a hurry. No other transportation is available. I did not expect to just run into your test machine."

"That's a coincidence. Our ship has nothing special, just fast."

"Well, run quickly and let me know. The target location directly contact the army **** to ask him. He will guide you."


The seemingly plane trimaran left the dock in a very ordinary way. Then slowly slipped into the external waterway. When we left the Port of Essinger, the degree improved significantly, but it was not fast. Many ships in the guild have this degree. When I was about to inquire, the sound of mechanical operation suddenly came from behind the hull, then two covers were suddenly opened on both sides of the main body of the ship, and two huge turbofan thrusters protruded from the inside of the hull. I was taken aback when I saw that thing. No wonder the **** of war asked me if I was afraid of falling into the water! We have experimented with this thing in Steel City before. The thrust is terrifying. Finally, even the fixed steel cable was broken. Such a small ship has two of those big guys. I'm afraid this degree can't be slowed down. What's more, if the ship has wings, if it is really designed according to the wings of the airplane, it can really fly.

I knew I was going to mention it as soon as I saw it stuck out. Quickly pulled up the seat belt to fix myself, and everyone else found a place to sit down. When this kind of thing started, there was absolutely no one to stand. The captain confirmed that everyone was ready before pulling down a control switch. Then grab a newly raised switch and push it forward a bit. Some sharp airflow began to sound behind the hull, and I could hear the sound of a large air turbine inhaling. You can hear this voice indicating that the rear push port has not been released, and once the gate is opened, the hull will definitely go out immediately.

As the captain pushed the handle forward, the roar behind us began to grow louder. And the hull shook violently. The member sitting next to me is holding a form. Then he made a difference on the stability column. This thing is not very stable. I have seen it once before, but I still didn't expect it to be the same this time.

The captain suddenly turned back and shouted, "Be careful. I want to loosen the restrictor."

"I see." Everyone quickly found the most comfortable position to sit down. His head and body were close to the back and he didn't dare to move.

After the captain saw that we were really ready, he shoved the joystick to his head, and then lifted his foot to release the pedal. The hull suddenly shook violently, and then I felt as if there was an invisible pair The big hand pressed me to the backrest. Although it was not very powerful, it felt really comfortable.

We couldn't see how fast the boat was inside the boat. The people on the nearby boats only saw two water columns suddenly rising after our boat, and then our boat was already near the far green line. This strong addition lasted for two full minutes before it came to a complete end, and once the degree stabilized, the pressure naturally disappeared. But everyone seemed very excited. After all, the push back just now was really exciting.

The member next to me quickly unfastened the seat belt, took the form, and ran to the bridge to see the data filled in. I walked over and looked at the meter, but the result surprised me. More than a thousand, which means that our degree is close to tone. The sound can run more than 1,200 kilometers per hour, and our degree is nodding at a thousand. Such a terrifying degree is really scary.

"Fuck, is this a boat?"

The recorder wrote as he said, "Strictly speaking, this should be a ground effect aircraft. Although it can only be two or three meters above the water, the degree is not much slower than an ordinary aircraft. What's more important is that the payload of this thing is much larger than the aircraft And it does n’t cost much energy. "

"It looks good. What was the highest altitude you just measured?"

"One thousand and eighteen kilometers, almost broke the sound."

I patted the bulkhead: "Just this shell?"

"What's wrong?" The captain looked at me in doubt.

I knocked on the shell, and the sound of a hollow splint came out. "Have you heard? Hollow steel. This is our guild's patented technology, which guarantees the steel and flexibility while minimizing the weight of the material."

"Isn't that good?"

"But when the sound barrier is broken, there is a sound explosion phenomenon. The hollow steel plate is filled with high pressure nitrogen. When the sound explosion occurs, the inside of the steel plate is like a resonance cavity. The steel plate will be repeatedly oscillated by a shock wave of a frequency. It will definitely break after dozens of times. "

"Isn't it?" The recorder was surprised not to know what to say.

"You guys are just testers, but I've seen the metal fatigue experiments in Steel City. This thing can only be used to make small boats such as speed boats and some less important parts. Good ships don't use it. This ship uses this. It may be the purpose of the designer to reduce weight! "

"The president knows so much," the girl who operated the navigator admired.

"Well, see how far we are from the target, and how long will it take for the Seal of Throne to catch up?"

The girl immediately turned around and started measuring with a compass and a TB ruler on the drawing board. Soon he turned to me and said, "It will take about twenty minutes to get in touch with the current degree."

"President," the **** the other seat told me, "The **** of war informed that a Japanese fleet was in front of the target vessel."

"Sure enough they are!" I thought to the girl and said, "Ask the warship number and composition of each other's warships."

The girl replied quickly after replying: "The Japanese fleet has only three ships, all of which are fast destroyers. The tonnage is not very large, but the speed is fast."

"Are there any warships around us that can help?"

The girl lowered her head and operated for a while, then turned back to me suddenly and excitedly: "Eternity is not far from the front of the Japanese fleet, it may be faster than we arrived."

"Order the Eternity to move closer to each other, but do not fire easily. It is best to force the Japanese warships to stop."


Haha, it's not my business this time. It can only be said that Little Japan is unlucky, and the location of their transfer is actually on the transit route of the Eternal Land. Some time ago, the eternal throne of the Seal of Eternity went to Germany to help Ashford beat the French guild main fleet. With the abnormal level of firepower configuration, knocking out the other three main ships with the largest tonnage outside the range of the opponent, it is equivalent to destroying the opponent's teeth before the official battle. Last night, the Eternity completed the cooperative battle and returned to Isinger. A supply was made in Malacca this morning. Just when I drove here, I encountered the Japanese changing boats here. Although the Eternity has only one ship, any of its five main turrets can sink a cruiser with a salvo, and a smaller tonnage destroyer. You can't hold it up.

I waited on the ship for about fourteen or five minutes and suddenly heard the correspondent girl saying, "Chairman, we have entered the direct communication range of the Eternity. Now we do not need to transit through the main shooting station of Isinger."

"Ask the Eternity now." The girl simply passed me the microphone. I took it to the microphone and said, "Eternity. I'm Ziri. Report the situation."

"Chairman, here is the Eternal Communications Tower. Our ship will advance in five minutes. It is currently relying on the mirage system to continue approaching."

Although the Eternity has the powerful firepower to suppress a coastal fortress independently, it is a class battleship after all. Beato still can't run the Japanese destroyers, so quietly approaching is the best way. As long as the distance is close enough, the eternal can guarantee to hit one or two before the enemy runs out of range, and the ship hit by the eternal usually does not disintegrate directly, and it will also lift the bow or stern to the sky. There are cases where the main shell can still run around.

"Good job, but be careful not to get too close. Many Japanese ships will commit suicide attacks. It is not cost-effective to lose the pride of our guild for the three boats!"

"President, you still don't know?" The correspondent over there said, "The Eternity has just added three lightning protection belts, and the side armor and top deck have also been strengthened. Even if the Japanese destroyer is full, Explosives can at best blacken our deck. "

"That's good, but always be careful."

"Yes, wait, we're spotted." The voice over there started to get a little messy. "The other party now has our track, the Eternal is really too big, it is not easy to hide the spray!"

"Call out immediately to stop the ship for inspection."

"No, the opponent has fired."

"I rely, those little devil's heads let the donkey kick? The three destroyers rushed to shell a class battleship like the Eternity?"

"President, I promise they are definitely not kicked by donkeys, because the people kicked by donkeys are not as crazy as they are. These guys are most likely to let the elephants kick. Just now they actually sent two destroyers towards us. .The captain asked me to ask you what to do? "

"Sink the two ships that rushed over. Don't let the other ships run away."

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard the captain shouting, "I see the Eternity."

I hurriedly looked out the window, and saw the towering figure of the Eternal, where the distant sky and water meet. Because our ship was very fast, it almost reached the point where we could clearly see the warships on both sides. There are now seven ships on the sea. Two of them are mine and Eternal, and three of the other five are Japanese destroyers. The other two were the two wooden ships with Chinese flags, but it was temporarily unclear whether they had been hijacked without their knowledge or whether they were Japanese.

The situation now is that the two Japanese destroyers are rushing towards the Eternity very quickly, and the Eternal has already crossed over. All artillery fire on this side has entered combat. Although the Japanese destroyer on the opposite side kept firing, the shells hit the Eternity as if a child was throwing stones at the tank, and there was no response at all.

After receiving my order, the Eternity has turned the main turret of No. 3, and the muzzle of the black hole has locked the middle of the destroyer. We only saw the muzzle of the No. 1 gun tube on the No. 3 turret flash, and the destroyer opposite it suddenly burst into a huge ball of fire. The entire ship sank to the bottom of the sea in almost a minute. The whole ship was blown up. In addition, the forward destroyer was not taken care of by the main gun, it was only sent two shells by two small auxiliary turrets. Then he sank to the bottom of the sea a bit slower than his companion.

The destroyer, a boat that mainly bullies fishing boats and makes troubles on the battlefield, is not an opponent of Artillery Battleship battleships at all. The strength of the two sides is too much worse. If in reality. Relying on the weapon of bomb hunting is likely to bridge the gap between the two, but the only way to find a bomb in the game is our Guild Arrow system. This also limits the number of shots. So it is absolutely impossible for a destroyer to defeat a battleship. At least in this situation where both parties are prepared, there is no hope.

The two forward destroyers were blasted like two piles of rotten wood, but the remaining destroyers did something very special. It fired first and blasted the two wooden boats next to it into slag, then it started to sink. Now I start to really believe what the correspondent said. This group of little Japanese did let the elephants kick, and they did not kick lightly.

When the destroyer was about to sink completely, a loud voice suddenly appeared on the sea. "Hahahaha ... Chinese pig. You kill two of our ships. We also kill two of your country, we are just a draw. Hahahaha ..."

"Fuck, a boat of neurosis!" Said the recorder beside me.

I shook my head. "Do you really think the Japanese are idiots? They are in doubt." I picked up the microphone and said to the eternal side, "Is there anything in your underwater listener?"

"Capturing sounds in the water, number three, position 031, plus leaving."

I proudly turned to the others and said, "How?"

"The president is indeed the president. It is more than we have experience!" The captain said: "Yes, they are running underwater, we will not be able to chase, this boat cannot dive!"

"I don't need you anymore. I'll go to the Eternity. You go back to Isinger first."


After notifying Eternal, I flew directly to Eternal, and the speedboat that brought me returned to Isinger first. The Eternal is a large battleship with a large space, so it has everything. Using the underwater listener, we could easily capture the sound of the tiny Japanese submarine, and the warship immediately turned to follow.

The submarine has always been unable to run on surface ships, not to mention that the Japanese's miniature submarines are not fully functional, and the degree is even slower. Our Eternity ran first, then switched off the engine and slid beside them by inertia. Two cranes used for loading and unloading were hung on the cargo support nets, and then we became fishermen. As soon as the net went down, we picked up a Japanese submarine.

This small submarine is only over seven meters long, has no weapons at all, and seems to be manpower driven. It seems that the other party really took great pains to smuggle that thing out!

Watching the small submarine hoisted to the rear deck, our senior soldier immediately went up and surrounded it. I lowered the armor mask, and then let someone add a few defensive spells to myself before I walked over to the submarine. Reached out and knocked on the hull. "The people inside are listening. You are already surrounded. Climb me out of the turtle shell immediately, or I will cook you together with the shells."

"Come in if you have the ability, and our Yamato people will not give in."

"Are you determined to arrive! Then I will not prevent you from being a martyr." I stepped back. Then beckoned. The four naval heavy armored puppets came up with the barbed whale fork, and then inserted the whale fork from four directions at the same time. The four demon puppets grabbed the fork handle and pulled it sharply, and the shell of the submarine was directly pulled open. The five people inside it fell to the ground without rushing, among them my target character.

"I'm so sorry, you blame your broken tortoise shells for being too sturdy, and they just fell apart when I touched them." I walked proudly towards them.

Seeing me coming, a Japanese samurai jumped off the ground, and then slashed at me with a knife. I shook his body behind his hands and shoulders to his back, and then bumped his shoulders. He gave him another one because of his forward force, but this guy was pushed into the arms of the puppet in front by his own power and my strength, and then the puppet hugged him and stopped. Moved. The golem is an iron golem when it doesn't move. If that guy is struggling in that scream, there is no way to play himself.

The four people in the remaining place saw that my companion was useless to stop their companions. They all looked a little sluggish, but the Japanese never lacked fanaticism. The other three soldiers suddenly jumped up and rushed at me.

I lifted my leg and kicked the front guy back, then squeezed out the other two hands and pinched the necks of the other two guys. They also want to kick me up. I simply tested them who had a harder head, and it turned out that the hardness was about the same, and the two guys fainted together.

The fledgling guy struggled and got up again. Then he planned to rush towards me again. I ignored him at all, and turned to the target figure squatting on the ground silly, and at the same time raised his left hand to shoot a flying knife casually, and the guy who rushed over slammed onto the deck. I didn't look back and said, "Equip the light, and throw the rest to feed the fish."

The following personnel began to deal with the body and the wreckage of the submarine, and I walked up to him by the collar of the last target person. "It's all here, don't you want me to be hard? You should know that such important mission items can't be taken offline, so it's meaningless to escape below the line."

The guy looked at me for a long time, and finally nodded helplessly. "Give me a room. I'll take it off to you."

"Ah? What are you talking about?"

"You also know that things can be transformed, so I changed it into underwear and put it on the innermost. I originally thought that this could be brought back to Japan for business without knowing it. Who knows that such a thorough plan will let you Caught. Got it, I admit it to you! "

"What ...? You turned that thing into underwear?" My face turned dark green almost instantly, I really don't know what to say. I decided to write down a password for the whole ship, otherwise my precious image would be completely explained here. Think about it all? This time I grabbed the baby bottle and **** for heaven. If they do n’t give me something good, I'll talk to them!

The wretched man was taken into the rest cabin, and then took off the underwear that was important to the emperor. Of course I wouldn't touch this kind of thing, and ordered him to wrap the underwear with three layers inside and three layers out of the bed sheet in the lounge, and finally put a buckle on it. I hooked the buckle with a bamboo pole with a hook on the front to hang the bag, and then I put the bamboo pole on my shoulder like a homeless person.

Can't wait to go back in a hurry, I directly asked Asuka to take me back to the direction of the Big Six. Although the exact location cannot be determined, the general direction can still be grasped. As soon as I enter the 6th sky, I can use the teleport ring to go to heaven. It took me more than ten minutes to reach the 6th place at the level of the flying bird, which was faster than when I came here. After all, the flying bird was vocal, and the ground effect aircraft that was still in the experimental period could not compare.

The Jade Emperor had been expecting me to come to ~ ~ The guards of Nantianmen had been notified. As soon as they saw me without notice, they took me directly to Yaochi to meet. Immediately after driving away the unrelated personnel, the Jade Emperor asked impatiently: "Is that bamboo pole on your back the same thing?"

"The bamboo pole is not, the thing is in that package." I turned down the bamboo pole, and then picked up the package and brought it to the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor was surprised at my behavior. "Why are you so careful? Isn't it poisonous?"

"That's not necessarily the case, but it's almost the same."

Jade Emperor smiled and said, "A little poison doesn't hurt me." After that, he took the package generously, and then quickly opened it. However, because I was extremely disgusted with that thing, I asked the guy to wrap many layers. Jade Emperor opened one layer and showed another layer. After dismantling more than ten layers, I finally saw the middle piece of cloth. "Haha, it really is the real thing, my baby is finally back!" Jade Emperor fortunately forgot it, kept holding the thing and rubbed it on the face, I almost spit out breakfast in Yaochi! However, after seeing Jade's current behavior, for my own safety considerations, I still decided to ignore the fact that the thing was taken out of people. If the Emperor asks, I will say that the other party is a pervert who likes underwear, so if you turn the baby into this, you must not tell him that the thing was passed by a wretched man, otherwise I will be dead!

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