Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 23: Preface to the 1st Guild of the World

Anyway, I finally delivered the last thing to Jade Emperor, and I was very happy. When not to take advantage of this opportunity to be fierce?

"Well, Jade Emperor? Now that you have everything you need, shouldn't it ...!"

"Isn't the things you asked for already given to you?"

"But my actual investment is more than that of heaven."

"This aspect of heaven is naturally aware of your hard work." The Jade Emperor put his own treasure in the air while he put away his treasure. "You should know that there is not much warfare in Heaven, and you don't have much in your hand."

Damn, these bastards, after crossing the river, tear down the bridge. "Jade Emperor means that there is no spot?" I said immediately without waiting for Jade Emperor's interface. "So how about we make a long-term contract?"

"Long-term contract? I'm not ..."

I simply did not give Jade Emperor any chance to explain, and said directly to him: "The content of the long-term contract is that the court will be responsible for the defense of our guild after the external expansion. I believe that Jade Emperor will not refuse. It is very interesting to know the heavenly court. If there is any use for me in the future, please don't hesitate to speak, I will do my best to help the heavenly court. "

Jade Emperor was completely robbed by me and I could not refute it. As long as he said no reason, it was tantamount to admitting in disguise that the court was not interesting. Besides, I said later that I will do my best to work for heaven, but I actually warn them that you will still use me in the future, and do n’t want to do too much if you do n’t want to help you in the future.

What I said really worked, and the Jade Emperor thought for a while before he said, "Since you just want a commitment to protect, the court will be able to bear that day. But you have to do everything for our heaven court in the future?" "

"That's certain." I quickly nodded and smiled. Don't look at this seemingly simple promise of protection. In fact, the mystery is huge. Our guild develops land in foreign countries, but it is difficult to guard. It is not difficult to lay down a city, but subsequent counterattacks can cause a lot of headaches. And this kind of defensive battle usually spends the wealth accumulated by the Seal of the Throne in our guild for a long time, which is why our Society will open up an overseas city after a long time. But if it is defense in heaven, it is another matter. The most costly personnel problem is that they can supply an unlimited amount. Even if the difficulty of the defense is increased and the guard fails, the guild experience value obtained in this battle is worth the ticket. Price.

I got the promise, and Tianting took back my baby, and I was very satisfied on both sides. For this reason, Jade Emperor decided to feast all the fairies to celebrate, but I announced that it was inconvenient for those who announced the guild to take part in the guild's busy affairs. But I will take all the food and drink back at once, and everyone will celebrate it together. Because the Jade Emperor was so happy, he didn't even think why I would take something back to eat, so I didn't care about it. Anyway, I took the feather arrow and rushed directly to the Jade Emperor's supply warehouse and ransacked all of his syrup, jade liquid, and immortal sap, and then returned to Isinger quickly before the Jade Emperor responded. When the emperor held the fairy conference to celebrate, the warehouse had been evacuated, and I was in the process of inventorying loot in Isinger.

The fairy fruits here of Jade Emperor are basically life-giving places. The fruit of adding attacks and defense is very small, and I have to specifically assign some people to classify these things according to their functions and bonus points. Although many things were brought back, our guild also had a lot of people. According to the old rules of the guild, we use the standard attributes for guild benefits, and leave the very good things as rewards.

On my side, I was clearing the number of items I got, but a system beep sounded overhead. "The test of the final stage of the world's first guild hegemony was launched. This is a comprehensive ability test for guilds of all types. Please prepare for each participating guild."

"I'm dizzy, why did this thing start at this time?" I looked up in surprise.

"President, what shall we prepare for the guild?" Asked Chris Dina, who was helping me clean up those things.

"Wait a minute, I haven't seen the task reminder yet!"

Some time ago, the first guild hegemony mission that was suddenly interrupted by the Throne of the Seal of God was started again. Fortunately, I have already handed over the task of heaven. Otherwise, I would not know where to do it.

Open the task prompt that only the chairman can see. I was blinded immediately. "President ability test? Ask all members and guild bsp;" What? Want all members to participate? "

Although a guild task is called a guild task, it is usually not necessary to bring the entire guild together, at least not even with them. But this time it's different, not to mention being a member of the guild, you can't even run it, as long as it's the same thing as the guild.

I followed the prompts and looked down, and I almost fainted after only a few lines. "Chris Dina. You immediately go to the Army of God and inform him that I have an important video conference to be held with him. Let him immediately call all the members of the guild to the nearest communication equipment and stand by. Even if there is no graphics equipment, that would at least allow my voice to reach everyone. "

"Understand." Kristina turned and rushed out immediately, and I instructed the rest to put things in the warehouse for storage, and then come back when we are free.

The communication system that our bank will spend tens of millions of crystal coins is quite efficient. Just a few minutes later, everyone has concentrated in front of the communication equipment in various places. A huge projector on the front square of Isinger projected my bust into the air. Because Isinger is covered by black clouds that are scattered all day, the projection effect is still quite good.

"Attention everyone in Frost Rose Alliance. You should have heard the task opening notification just now, but you ca n’t see the content. I have just finished reading the task notification. I can only say that this is a very abnormal task because he requires all All living equipment, equipment, machinery and other existing equipment of the guild must participate in the war, even a dog of the Frost Rose Alliance and the lice on the dog are no exception. "

As soon as I finished speaking, it immediately became lively, and everyone was talking about the content of the game. The place we participated in was a guild battle, not a small guild match. Based on previous match content and screening results. Now we should only have our guild and the magic gun alliance. In this way, both sides are guilds with more than 100,000 members. In addition, tens of millions of people have to participate?

I waited for a while, and then

Road: "Please be quiet first and continue to listen to me. This task tests the comprehensive strength of our guild, so he has hardly forgotten any of our abilities. The problem is now. Although the task requires us to take all Fighters and creatures and tools, but they do n’t allow us to bring any supplies. "

"What?" I could hear the surprise of members in the city outside in the command room of God of War.

"Do n’t be surprised, this is testing our ability to collect materials. The system gives us a description that we will be moved into the mission space after half an hour. At that time, our mission supplies and consumables will be temporarily sealed. They will also be temporarily sealed. Here you are, but you ca n’t use it. But. You collected land and materials in this half an hour, but you can bring them in at that time. But ... ”I called back with an accent who tried to buy the materials. . "You can't use any existing money or items to trade, it will be judged by the system as cheating."

"Then what do we do?" On the screen I can hear the question asked by the Chuang Wang who is overseas.

"In fact, the problem is not too big." I quickly answered everyone's questions. "We can collect the supplies of the Iron Crusaders to supplement them, even if they are not enough, at least they can be a little bit, so please don't rush to find supplies by yourself now. We must use the thirty minutes before entering the mission. Familiarize yourself with the task. This way we can respond quickly after entering the task. ”After a while, I started to say:“ The content of this task is more diverse, and we may need to examine our overall cooperation and the like Things, but because the hint did not say anything in detail, I do n’t know exactly what will happen, but one thing is certain, the system will not make us too comfortable. "

The **** of war helped me to add: "You have to pay attention, in case we are separated after entering, it is best to make a summary of our current situation and the surrounding environment immediately. Try to use the conditions around you to complete the task.

"In short, we could n’t prepare anything before the mission, so we can't actually do much right now. I'm going to talk about what you can do now. First, fill the blood with dissatisfaction, and All the mana values ​​are filled up. Those who are hungry and dissatisfied go to eat, and the fatigued high ground will immediately rest. Try to enter the task in the best state. Your magic pets and summoned creatures are the same as you. Ensure that the state is full. The guild departments maintain the machinery and equipment they are responsible for again. Replace all the parts, don't wait until the task is completed. And your equipment. Repair the durability and make all preparations . In other cases, you can report to the **** of war if you can think of it. I inevitably have something missing. Everyone brainstorms and strives to improve the state of entry. "

After a brief explanation, I went to do my business. Although there is not much to say to those members, I do a lot of things myself. The task reminder did not say the task content, but there was only the task content of the member, but the chairman task was displayed. I now know that after entering, I will have a task to challenge the two thousand demon kings independently, and that branch task is allowed to bring only one magic pet. But what makes me more relieved is that the mission of the Gun God guy I can also see that his mission is worse than mine, because he is dealing with a creature with a 100% missile defense. Gun God's gun is a long-range weapon. Of course, the missile defense also includes his gun. I would like to know how the Gun God would deal with that monster of class 1,800 when the gun is invalid.

To deal with that particular monster, I had to go to the warehouse to get something. I remember experiencing an experientially enhanced elixir from heaven. The monster is a 2,000-level, and it is a quest monster with so many restrictions. The experience value is definitely explosive, which is exactly my level-level mission and the level after the 10,000-level. The opening tasks have been completed. If you have luck, you can directly complete the upgrade to more than a thousand levels. So far there are not a thousand players in the game. I don't know if there is any special reward for this historic first.

After an hour of work, half an hour passed quickly, and without any hint, I just felt a flash before my eyes, and then I appeared directly above a large forest. Fortunately, I have wings. Otherwise, it suddenly appeared in such a high place, and the mission would have died before it started.

The mission reminder sounded as I spread my wings. "The final mode of the world ’s first guild mission has been turned on. You are now in the mission space. Please note that this space does not overlap with the real game space. Things left in the normal space of your guild will be in the state before the mission is completely completed. Protection status, please rest assured. The following content will be a personal task notification, what you hear will be different, please follow the instructions you get to complete the task. "

The sound I heard stopped first, and then continued: "Hello, President Ziri. The task you are currently accepting is as follows. Please use any possible method to leave the forest as soon as possible. Note that the mission time at this stage is imprinted. The throne will be counted in the scoring criteria. Subsequent tasks will be notified after you complete the first phase of the task. "

Rely on, the comprehensive test really needs to measure everything. The first step is probably to measure our mobility. Of course this doesn't bother me, but you can't run around in haste. I also know a little about the integrated tasks of the game system cloth. If you treat him as a simple task, it is not impossible. But you should never expect to get high scores. The task of the “Zero” system is very complicated, and it requires a lot of esoteric knowledge, such as the current task. On the face of it, I was asked to leave the forest. Actually, I had to find a direction first. Although it is possible to get out of the forest on either side, the distance is uncertain.

I first descended and looked at the trees here, and finally determined that this was a tundra, which means it was colder here. Since this is already a cold zone. If it continues to the north, the forest will certainly end soon, because further north, it is not suitable for forest growth. After identifying the direction with a compass, I summoned all the birds to rush north, without encountering any enemies along the way, and after 20 minutes I finally got out of the forest.

A prompt sounded as I left the forest. "Your place is very good. The following task is to find your subordinates as soon as possible. Your current position is where they left before. This session is still timing."

This time the task is quite abnormal, but it is easy for me. The reason is on the ground. I don't know who these people were sent here, but they have a lot of experience in doing tasks, and they have left marks on the road. It took me almost ten minutes to find them along the mark.


I can see from the head those who are here in the guild.

"Worma? It is you!" I actually encountered the engineer team of this guild, but this team seems to have a serious problem, that is, most of the team is not the main job. Only a few people can participate in the war. Thanks to I found them beforehand. Otherwise, this team will be kicked out whenever they encounter a slightly large group of low-level Warcraft. And if these people die. After that, those large equipments will not be operated by anyone, so it can be seen that the task content is actually linked. If I can't find the shortest path based on the growth of trees, I can't meet these people who need protection most. And if they will hang up without my protection, then in the end when a siege is needed or other places need large equipment, I will have no equipment available, and the consequences will be magnified step by step.

Warma was very excited to see me appear. "It's really lucky to meet the chairman," Woma complained there. "None of us can fight, I'm all worried about death. I'm lucky to meet you."

"Not a coincidence, my second task is to find you."

"Second stage? But we are only doing the first stage!" Woma said: "The task we received before was to get our equipment as soon as we reached the mountains ahead."

"What? Our guild machine is behind that mountain?"

"Yeah!" Woma said: "The worst thing is that our flight capabilities have been blocked. It can only be here. If you can't meet it, you don't know when it will run!"

"Khan, it's really mysterious." I quickly opened the Fenglong space and released the lucky dragons. "Come up, I'll take you as an airbus."

Although there are a lot of them in this team, I have more dragons, and the four dragons can sit a lot of people. The wings are indeed faster than the legs. We soon flew over the mountain, and the scene behind the mountain almost made us faint. There is a large herd of pig head goblins playing with our equipment in the valley below.

Pig head goblin belongs to a branch of goblin goblin. But unlike the smart goblins, their intelligence is just like their name, they are completely pigs. These guys just need to be stupid, they just like to tinker with machinery and equipment like their close relatives, goblins. Of course, with their intelligence, only good things can be made bad, and bad things can't be made good. What they are currently holding on to is our guild equipment.

"Fuck, it's no wonder that the mission reminds that this mission has to be timed. Seeing this, we'll let them be dismantled later," Woma said worriedly.

"Not now." I pointed to the equipment area below: "Birds, use low frequency shock waves."

All the air sheets of the bird suddenly opened up, and the airflow produced a very harsh and harsh sound through his special wing cavity, but this skill only dispelled and scared, and did not have direct damage. But our enemies are only pig head goblins. These guys are level 50 creatures, and players who are new to the village will be afraid of them. Any low-level magic is almost like a curse to them.

In order to cooperate with the flying birds to disperse the sound waves, the four dragons collectively used dragon inflammation. Of course, this thing cannot be sprayed directly down, otherwise the machine will be finished. They can only spray into the air, dispersing those low-level creatures with Longwei brought by Longyan and the high temperature at close range.

Facing the high-end existence of the dragon, the pig head goblins all left our machines and fled. I commanded the dragons to land around the field. This will make it easier for everyone to access the device as soon as possible.

Woma rushed into the machine group with everyone quickly, and then heard a high-pitched scream of a technician: "Oh my God! My synchronous separator, who inserted the power rod into the analysis dish?"

The voice was not over yet, and there was another scream: "No? The focus crystal of the Magic Cannon was broken by those guys. There is no substitute for this thing!"

The screams continued to ring for a long time. Fortunately, the notification of the end of the previous mission has been received, and the next mission has not yet been released. We used this time to check the equipment on the Throne of the Seal of God, and as a result, 90% of the things here have not been passive. Of course, this premise is because we arrive relatively fast. If it is one or two hours later, I believe that at most 10% of the intact equipment can be seen.

After analyzing by 10% of the equipment, our technicians confirmed that 80% of the equipment was damaged and could not be repaired without parts. The remaining 20% ​​of the destroyed things will still work. That is, performance cannot be guaranteed. Let me try to fix it first. Give up if it doesn't work. As for the untouched things, they are first stuffed into the Fenglong space, and those that can't be put in can be placed in the door of my earth.

It took us a long time to install these devices in the Fenglong space. The system prompt then sounded after we finished shipping the last item. "Please note that your group is now integrated into the chairman's team, and the task flow will be in accordance with the task content of Ziri. The next task is to follow this creature and gather the members of the bank meeting along the way.

A small dog suddenly appeared in front of us, then it screamed at us and started to run. A task alert sounded above our heads: "Please note that if the puppy dies before the task is completed, the task is determined to have failed, and all members of the group will be kicked out of the task."

"Fuck!" I suddenly saw a black bear in front of me, and the stupid dog rushed up like that. "You don't have to be so brave!" I quickly caught up, and shot a sword light across the distance. The black bear on the opposite side split in an instant, even with the big tree behind him in a row. "Scared me!" I quickly summoned darts and white waves to protect the puppy one by one, and at the same time let the rose vines follow the ground. In the event of an existing enemy attack, first pull the puppy under the ground to protect stand up.

With these three bodyguards, none of the enemies we encountered along the way failed to function, and it turned out that we encountered a large number of guild members along the way. The mission system messed up everyone at the beginning of the mission. This will encounter a lot of players in the bank's battle status. I don't know until now that we and the Americans are in the same region. The people of the Sharp Gun Alliance were also spread out of position. Similarly, a large number of scattered personnel hit our people, and the two sides naturally fought when they met.

Although the people on both sides are at the same level of the mission system intentionally separated, but I am more pleased because I am one step faster than the gun **** action, so this will be all I receive

Instead of the gun **** receiving team. In this way, the congenital shortage of manpower in the final comparison.

"Chairman, help!" I was with the brigade and the puppy walking forward to gather the troops. Suddenly I heard a call for help and turned my head to see that it was the King of Chuang.

"Fuck, why did you run up the tree."

"It's not the **** mission system. Lao Tzu is obviously a navy. How can I fight in the forest by throwing me in the forest?"

"What about your boat?"

"The ghost knows where to stop!"

"Did you miss the assignment?"

"My mission is to save my life as much as possible, nothing else. Oh wait. The mission has changed. Now the mission is to follow your team."

"Then come down quickly."

"I really want to come down, this tree is not dry."

I heard the words of Chuang Wang and noticed that this is not an ordinary tree, but an ancient tree of war. "Fuck, this thing is a sign that people are not close to. How did your kid get up?"

"I was chased down by a group of demon wolves, then I saw this thing, and then I didn't know how to come up. Those devil wolves didn't dare to approach this thing. I was scared away early, but this guy just pushed me up Tugging, I can't get down at all! "

"You really have a destiny with the tree!" I walked to the big tree, thought for a moment, and then swiped my right hand: "Conversion." I have switched to Silver Moon mode after the whirlwind. Put away the staff, and then I walked carefully towards the ancient tree of war. As soon as I saw the old war tree, I moved immediately, but it just waved the branch and did not move any further. I held up both hands. He signaled that he was not malicious, and then continued to slowly approach the ancient trees of war. The ancient war tree wanted to step back a little nervously, but I flipped through the book from the back and read it carefully: "I |. But it was a lot quieter. I finally successfully touched the trunk, and then I used my hand on the bark. I rubbed it a few times. "Well, Chuang Wang, come down. "

King Chuang jumped straight down from the tree. "Fuck. You guy is really a monster, a big man, even a tree can be seduced by you. Ah ... what's going on?" Chuang Wang was entangled by a tree vine before he finished his mouth, and then another Several took turns in battle, pumping wildly at Chuang Wang's meal.

"No matter how noisy you are, let me see what it means."

"You're ruthless, let me down."

The ancient tree of war threw the Chuang Wang out under my command, and then returned to the standby state in the root of the tree. I took my hand away. Then he took a bottle of magic potion and poured it on the trunk. Several dead leaves on the ancient trees of war immediately turned into new green leaves. The branches are also changing rapidly and beautifully. Women's winter coats are up. This is the condition for me to talk to the ancient tree of war, although it is a tree. But after all, it is an old guy more than 5,000 years old. Sorry for my magic potion, this was just shipped from Germany. The mission system restricts the use of materials from our guild. We have to temporarily borrow someone else's.

I just took everyone to prepare to go back to the road for a long time, and suddenly a large green figure appeared in front of us, our people rushed to alert. Although there are many opponents, we have gathered more than 3,000 players and 70,000 to 80,000 to say that if they are really up, they will not be able to win. It is just the forest elves on the opposite side. Here is a big forest. There are no more people left.

The opposite elves all pulled their bows and guarded, and then a male elven who looked like a territories came out. "Excuse me, who is the Tree Whisperer."

"Tree Whisperer?" I stumbled for a moment, then realized that they were referring to me. "it's me."

"You?" The other person looked me up and down, looking very disgusted.

I suddenly remembered that I had changed my account back. As an elf who admires life, of course, I would be very disgusted with this account of death. I quickly switched back. "Do you have any doubts now?"

The other person's expression changed obviously: "It turned out to be the Monk of Two Souls."

"What's wrong with so many of you stopping us?"

"Oh, that's it," said the elf. "Our country is having some trouble. Our queen heard that there are foreign tree whispers. I hope to use your strength to solve those troubles."

"Help is no problem, but we still have our own business. If we help you, we will lose a lot." By the way, Bai Gan can't.

The other side thought for a moment and then said, "That's all right, we can compensate you for your losses. Please meet with our queen and discuss the specific solutions."

I heard the system consciousness before answering: "The task branch appears, please choose to agree to cooperate or decline, this will affect the subsequent tasks, please choose as appropriate."

Branch tasks are generally better than not. Of course, I chose to agree. After agreeing, I can also adjust the content of our task through negotiation. At least, can I get more benefits?

I agreed to request that Xun be taken to the elves' residence, and the elven queen was already waiting for us. To welcome us, the elven queen first invited us for a drink of life. Don't think that the elven queen is very stingy, just ask us for a drink, this is really because this thing is too precious. The source of life is a green liquid. It can give us double life recovery within a certain time, and can permanently increase the life limit by 5%. This thing may not be very useful to others, it is just superb to me. I just have a lot of health. Drinking a cup of this stuff can add half the health of an average player.

After the sincere expression is completed, it is time to talk about the business. I have to say that the elven queen is a good hand in doing business. First, please invite us to drink such a valuable thing. After that, I am sorry to ask others for too much.

In fact, things in this elven country are not too much trouble. It's all about killing a fortress of an orc nation. A little bit troublesome is that this forward fortress has a little more troops, and the elves are not very good at siege. Although their long-range suppression methods are excellent, they do not have enough melee units for the charge. The archer can no longer rely on the archer to attack the city! That's why today ’s negotiation.

After listening to the introduction of the elven queen, I said, "We are very good at siege. At least we can bring down the city wall and we have a lot of melee arms, but we have to fight afterwards. Many people. I'm afraid what happened next

Already. So we hope ...! "

The elven queen said directly without waiting for me: "Actually, I also understand your pains, so I prepared some small gifts." The queen took two slaps, and the outsider immediately sent a tray in. To be honest, this gift from the Elven Queen is really thin enough. This thing was placed on a tray with a leaf on it, but the leaf seemed to be placed directly on the tray. Feeling unsupported at all. One can imagine how thin the following things should be. After the queen approached, the Queen turned and picked up the leaves. I stared at the tray. After the leaves were taken, there was nothing underneath.

"What do you mean?" I looked at the Queen in surprise.

The queen was also stunned by me, but immediately understood after paying attention to my eyes. "Hahahaha ... you misunderstood! The gift I said is in my hands."


"That's it." The queen shook the leaves in her hand.

"this is……?"

"War seedlings in ancient trees."

"Well ... I said to Her Majesty. I know that the ancient war tree is very powerful. It is also very valuable, but I ca n’t stand the growth cycle of this thing for thousands of years! Even if I plant it now I do n’t know how many generations of grandsons will be able to use it in the future! "

"Haha, of course I won't send that kind of thing." The Queen smiled and passed a crystal bottle. "This is the essence of the forest. No matter what kind of plant, as long as you touch a little bit, it will quickly grow into a towering tree. The ancient trees of war cost a little, but this bottle should be enough."

"Ah, that would be nice." I quickly put away both things.

The queen reiterated: "You have to pay attention, you must be careful not to let liquid touch any plants, even wood furniture will grow into a tree quickly."

"so smart?"

"Of course, we wouldn't have just this bottle of Elves."

"So precious?"

"Of course, but as long as you can do our best to help us, our bottle is not worthless."

"We will do our best."

In fact, I think this bottle is even more precious than the seedlings of the old war tree, and I don't plan to use this thing to breed the old war tree, but I plan to take it back for testing, maybe it can be copied.

Since promised to others. We must do things well. Continue to discuss with the elven queen, and after getting some supplies from her guild, I formally agreed to help them fight. Before the battle, I sent my own army of ghost worms to investigate the enemy situation. I did not expect to get some interesting information.

"What? Our battleships have fallen into the lake behind them?" Chuang Wang's cry almost stunned people.

"What are you doing so loudly? I'm not deaf!"

In fact, I was very surprised when I detected this situation. There was a small lake behind the orc castle. It wasn't much. The problem was that my ghost beetle saw a boat parked in the lake. The sign is clearly our reconstruction of the new Bi Ling-class battleship. According to my observation, the battleship is already in a semi-grounded state, and the diameter of the lake is a little bit larger than the length of the ship. Not to mention turning around, you can't even move. This **** system really works, and actually threw our battleship into this ghost place. But I guess this is also a reward, and it is a reward for branch tasks. If I did n’t do this task, I would n’t know that our warships were here, and if we had naval warfare, we might run out of ships. Or it is missing. Although stranding in the inner lake is a troublesome thing, as long as you can get rid of the orc castle and then use the plant-based magic of the elves, you can actually remove it.

"According to the available information, I decided to send some people to bypass the castle to board our warship. That is our ship in itself, and the operation is not a problem. At such a short distance, as long as the Biling can participate in the battle. Even when the fixed battery It can also blast the orc castle into a scorched soil. "I introduced to the elven queen.

"Your boat is so powerful?"

"Almost." I nodded. "The five main turrets on the ship are five old trees of war. There is no problem in destroying a city."

"Then you can arrange it." In fact, the elven queen will not fight at all. Of course, the arrangements are all in my charge, but the thing is the elven kingdom. We are only away troops. Of course, we must ask people's opinions in name.

After the queen agreed to my request, I started sending boarding troops. These people could not be sent in accordance with the requirements of ordinary warships, and the part of the engine room of the first turbine was totally unnecessary to participate, because the ship was gone anyway. Went there to watch the excitement. The second is to bring combatants, the ghost knows if there are orcs on it.

After sending these people out, I started to place a battery on the front of the city. Previously, because I overtook the people in the technical group in time, most of our heavy weapons were proud to be saved. Now in this siege battle, there is a fixed turret of the Biling and a heavy gun here. .com ~ I believe that the orc castle can't leave any residue.

I did not hesitate during the erection of the turret, and first reorganized the staff. Because the task system messed up all of our people. Therefore, it is not possible to use cooperative advantage in battle. A new set of tactics must be developed on site.

There were a lot of heavy cavalry among the newly gathered. However, they are basically furnishings in siege warfare, and they can only be organized into reserve teams first. Also. Due to the presence of elves in the allies, the Undead Mage must not participate in the war. The infantry problem is slightly better, most of the arms are still neat, there is no archer and shield, but this can be ignored. Our allies are elves, belonging to the kind of random eight people coming out, seven are archers, and the remaining one is the archer race. Although we don't have a shield, we don't need to. I don't believe that the Biling and the turrets in this area were bombarded with a large area of ​​archery archery rain by the elven longbowman, and there are people who can shoot arrows on the wall.

The elves move quickly, and our locals are also well-trained. After one hour, we are ready for war, and the enemy has not yet shown us at this time, because a row of trees is standing in front of us. I have to say that the plant magic of the elves is very amazing.

After receiving the signal that the battleship on the side of King Chong had been successfully captured and everything was ready, I turned to the elven queen and said, "Can we start?"

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