Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 28: Sea witch

"Wow! What monster is so ugly?"

"Sea Witch."

"That's what the mermaids say? But why don't they attack us?" Chuang Wang asked nervously.

"They are just watching us, and I think the attack will come soon."

"So what do we do now?"

"Regardless of them, let's gather troops before we talk."


"Fighting them now will only distract us, and we might as well fight them after they meet."

"okay then."

At my request the fleet landed quickly and fired two flare rounds into the sky. It is strange that the bank's staff on this island did not respond.

"Strange, doesn't the system say that everyone else is on the island? Why can't one see it?"

"When I contact Rose to see it." I turned the ring of love, and the voice of Rose appeared beside me. "Husband, have you been to the island yet? I just saw the flare."

"What's going on with you? The system prompts us that the people in this bank will be on this island except me. Are they with you?"

"Yes, everyone is there, but the situation is not so optimistic."


"Because we were arrested."

"Arrested? Arrested by the Sea Witch?"

"How do you know?" Rose looked surprised.

"I was asked by some local creatures along the way. How could you have been arrested so many of you?"

"It should be said that we were here as soon as we entered the mission. We were passed over and dropped directly into the sea, and then a large number of monsters attacked us. We had no heavy equipment and no ships, and everyone was caught off guard The situation fell to the ground. Many people could not swim at all and were suddenly attacked. It was a mess at the time. "

"What happened then?"

"Later we lost almost a third of our manpower, and then the others finally reached the shore, and at that time we had run out of endurance in the sea, and we couldn't even go ashore. A lot of people came up from the other side. The injured people in the rest of us were arrested elsewhere, and the others were locked together. "

"Where are you now?"

"In the crater in the center of the island. This is an extinct volcano with a large lake in the center. The entire crater is a prison. Our people are here. They seem to have sealed us. Although we have a lot here Everyone unlocks it, but everyone is sealed. They will not use it. "

"Then don't resist first, wait over there, we will pass over to save you soon. By the way, the distribution of the guard's power will mark me, we can go in more conveniently."

"I can only see part of it here. I'll pass it on to you now."

The ring of love is really easy to use, as the intimacy of the couple increases. The function of this thing is also increasing. Previously this thing could only transmit sound. Later, it was able to transmit images synchronously. Now even maps or files can be transmitted, and even smaller objects can be transmitted with each other. I don't know if it will evolve into something like a large teleportation array in the future.

After watching the guard's position, I began to mobilize troops. But we had no intention of approaching it silently. The sea witches that appeared on the sea before have shown that our position is exposed, there is no need to hide at all. Moreover, the mission only mentioned that we were to clean up the enemy. It did not say that the local ecological environment must be preserved.

"Chuang Chuang."


"Do what you love most."

"My favorite thing to do? Is it firing? Who is going to hit?"

"Entire island." I pointed to the crater ahead. "Be aware that you can't fight in there, it's booming everywhere else."

"What shells to use?"

"What do you say?"

"Ah. I see." Chuang Wang ran back to the battleship excitedly. I quickly ordered the other troops around to plug their ears and rest on the spot. We could not enter the island until the shells had been hit.

Shortly afterwards, the Bi Ling first opened fire and made a loud noise. A shell fell in the forest not far ahead of us, followed by a huge fire group. This first round was an ordinary blasting bomb, designed to test firing data. The latter is the official blow.

Sure enough, after the shell landed, the Bi Ling fired again. This time the shell burst suddenly in the air, and then a large flame fell down. The Chuang Wang guy really knows me, and he used napalm bombs as soon as he came up. This thing can't be better to clear the forest. The first artillery shell was followed by a barrage. A large area of ​​fire and sea instantly swallowed all the forests near our landing area. From time to time, there were some strange and screaming sounds in the thick smoke, which obviously burned something.

suddenly. A fire group flew out of the forest, then tumbled and fell into our camp. It wasn't until it hit the ground that we found out that this was actually a large insect, but it turned into a large fire because of the whole body's fire. This insect is quite fierce. After landing, it still did not forget to roll around in an attempt to hurt people, but because the body was on fire and could not see the surrounding environment, it was nailed to the ground by our archer.

As the forests around us were lit, the gunfire of the warships began to extend into the distance, the flames quickly expanded, and countless weird creatures rolled and screamed in the fire. Fortunately, we didn't go directly into the forest before, otherwise we will face jungle guerrilla wars, but that's how the dead fight quickly.

Fortunately, now that our enemies are fighting the sea of ​​fire, we have become bystanders. In fact, in addition to a large number of dangerous creatures, even the plants here are equally dangerous. We saw firsthand a large tree jumping out of the dirt after the fire started and started rolling, and there were rows of teeth in the big flower on that tree. I don't believe that this is an ordinary tree killed.

As the fire went on, the creatures lurking in the forest finally couldn't stand it. They abandoned the ambush plan, and all rushed out. We only saw a large swarm of insects flying from the forest that was not yet on fire, and then gathered in the sky into a black ribbon and rushed towards us.

I said to the member who was holding a crystal communicator next to me: "Let Chuang Wang use the magic light cannon."


The hemispherical fairings on the tops of several large warships all slowly slid to the sides, and the giant magic light emitters inside slowly extended out. The black ribbon in the sky was pouring wildly, and suddenly a dozen thick white beams cut through the sky. All blacks that come into contact with the beam are instantly turned into flying ash, and even if they are rubbed at a short distance, they will immediately fall on the ground and catch fire. The attack power of this city-level weapon is far from what these little bugs can counter.

"Fire Master, go up and help." I ordered to those around me.

In some guilds, the flame mage stepped forward and began to release magic, and those fish that occasionally appeared on the net leaked down the mage's feet with black smoke.

After finding the bugs rushing over. The monsters came up with a new method. Some large creatures began to storm the sea of ​​fire, attempting to rush out of their way at their sacrifice, but unfortunately they forgot that there were still a large group of warships parked behind the sea of ​​fire. The first Haitian monster rushing into the fire was burned to death, but the monsters who succeeded it finally rushed out of the way, but just as they were about to break through the sea of ​​fire, a new napalm fell on them again. On the head, the area that had just been crushed by the monster's blood and corpse during the impact burned again.

The monsters have not yet played the third move, and the forest is almost burned out by us. The napalm has a very strong burning ability, and even the tender leaves that are rich in water can be gradually dried and ignited. In the end, all plants cannot escape. And the creatures hiding in it have no way to live.

The lurking troops on the ground were mostly eliminated before the war could begin, and the remaining enemies were finally unable to sit still. Suddenly a large water column burst from the side of the Bi Ling, and a terrible wrist and foot stretched out of the water and tangled up towards the battleship. but. We have already prepared for this. Several catapults on the Bi Ling's deck suddenly started, and threw a row of barrels into the water, followed by the sound of just a few bangs, and several dozens of meters high suddenly burst on the water. Huge water column, and at the same time you can hear huge screams from the water.

Chuang Wang stood at the window and looked at the tentacles dancing wildly on the sea and shouted, "Eat shit, go, you monster. Let you taste the powerful solvent for creatures." Chuang Wang just shouted, and the tentacles seemed to return to light He waved more violently, and one of them almost pulled the Chuang Wang. The angry king shouted into the command room: "Throw a few more rounds and give it something. Hey, I'll see you die this time."

A large number of aquatic monsters emerged from the sea and started to attack, but they were hit by deep water bombs without exception. Although most of these monsters are huge, people who have never seen the power of deep-water bombs will not understand. Many monsters are stunned by shock waves when they are 40 or 50 meters away from the bomb. If they are near-exploded within 10 meters, they can basically eliminate a large piece of meat from the monster. Bear.

Compared to the sea, the enemy on the shore is not much better. The fire was burning with the help of gasoline bombs, and the remaining monsters had to retreat to the crater in the heart of the island, because everything was on fire except there.

"Isn't it too much trouble to clear the mission!" Said a member.

"That's not necessarily so." I pointed to the volcanic channel ahead. "The real problem is there."

"But our people are also inside, and artillery is not needed!" Said another member next to him.

"Don't you fight without a gun?"

"But we don't know how many missions are left. Premature sacrifice is only a loss to the guild. We don't want the mission to fail because of our death."

"Two sliding heads." I slap on the back of them with a smile. "Go and tell everyone to prepare for the fight, it's time we came on."

The fire has almost burned all the enemies, but this does not mean that there is no enemy here. We still need a carpet search. I didn't walk too far, a cover suddenly opened on the ground in front of me, and a lightning bolt came out and bit my thigh, but this guy did not expect that the dragon suit would be so hard To the extent that it not only failed to hurt me, it also broke a few of my teeth.

"Go to death." I inserted a sword into the back of this black lacquered creature, and then picked it hard, and it was immediately divided into two pieces by Eternal. "It's such a miracle that there are monsters that can survive such a big fire!"

"Stubborn individuals always exist. This is a question of probability." A player provoked the monster's body and looked at it. "It looks like a crypt tarantula. No wonder you are not afraid of fire. This thing usually hides underground, and the fire can't burn it."

I turned to the troops behind me and said, "Be careful, there must be a lot of this stuff along the way. Be careful not to be dragged into the hole."

My reminder still played a certain role. Everyone carefully moved to finally avoid most monsters, but this did not include me as a reminder. I was walking well in the burned forest, and suddenly the ground at my feet sank down. In a panic, I planned to spread my wings and fly up, but the two claws that suddenly appeared under my feet grabbed my ankle and dragged me down, and the next team member also wanted to come down to help, but when I was dragged off the ground, it automatically Closed, I just come and remind everyone to leave me alone before falling, it is more important to gather troops.

Out of trust, no one resisted my decision. Everyone did not stay to save me, but collectively headed towards the crater, ready to rescue the rest of our guild.

I was dragged deep down the cave until I felt empty. Then banged and fell to the ground. While the enemy was not attacking, I propped the ground from both hands, and spun up and down with my head and feet, and then immediately squatted down halfway, the blades of both hands popped out. Get ready for the blow. However, I waited for a long time and nothing happened.

I didn't move, but kept this posture and began to observe where I fell. This place seems to be a tunnel dug temporarily, but it has been widened a lot. Formed a small room. I'm right in the middle of this small space, and I have an exit on the left front and right rear.

While I was observing the environment here, a monster stomped through the entrance on my right rear. The shape of this thing is very human-like, but the whole body is covered with scales. When I saw his face, I instantly realized that this was the sea witch after traveling on business land. Mermaids have the ability to turn their tails into legs ashore. Sea witches are even more powerful than mermaids.

The guy moved very carefully against the wall, and my head didn't follow him, but my eyes kept staring at him. He may think that I can't see anything in the dark. So I walked very carefully in front of me, and then shook my paw with my paw to prove that I really couldn't see him. After believing that I really couldn't see him, he immediately waved to the hole, and there were four other guys exactly the same as him, and they also held a large net made of green plants.

I still remained still, until the moment when the four guys threw the net together, drawing one, two, three, and I suddenly disappeared in place, followed by flashing to the guy who sprinkled the net, four beeps, Four guys spilling the net fell together. Players should be slightly stronger than monsters of the same level, not to mention the elite level of players like me, let alone the sea witch is only eight or nine hundred levels, which is one or two hundred behind me.

After beautifully killing the four guys, I have flashed behind the most advanced guy, and at the same time put the blade claw on his neck. "You better not bark." I slammed the throat of this guy and opened a big mouth, blood and water sprayed instantly. "Hum, don't you think you can hear me by calling me with ultrasound? Lao Tzu is a vampire. I don't know if I can be a bat?"

Immediately after solving these five guys, I started to run forward along the path they appeared, and soon I entered a relatively large rock cave. Different from the previous road, this is a natural cave, and it should be much cleaner and cooler. The cave just now may be because it is under the forest, it seems to have been grilled very hot, and this side may have extended to the surface of the sea, so it is so cool.

I found a few large stalagmites at the exit of the cave, and hid behind them, hiding in the back. From here, you can see most of the cave, and don't worry about being found.

There are many sea witches gathered in this big hole, and they seem to have their own work. From this point of view, sea witches are also social animals. At least they know the division of labor and cooperation.

Suddenly a large sea witch came out of a gate far away from me. Unlike other sea witches, this new guy is obviously different in height and appearance. Judging from the bulge of the chest, this big guy is female, but she is covered with a layer of armor, and it is not known whether it is naturally grown or equipped in the later period. And it seems that the defense is good. The streamlined armor should be specially optimized for underwater operations. At least my dragon armor is definitely much stronger than her resistance after launching. Another thing that is very strange is that this big head was also completely covered by the helmet, and there was no place for eyes on the helmet, and I didn't know how she would look at the road.

Just when I was planning to observe it again. This special sea witch suddenly turned her head, and my heart tightened immediately. Sure enough, the other person's figure suddenly disappeared in place, I quickly jumped out of the hiding place, and Shi Zhongru behind him was smashed and smashed. As soon as I landed, I saw that the other party had jumped up again from where I was standing, and scared me to quickly roll to the side. Another male sea witch wanted to come over to help me, and I fell down with a dart during the tumbling. The other sea witches also stopped, but this big one still kept up.

"Tell you to chase." I ran and suddenly turned and kicked. The sea witch just passed me by the ground and was kicked horizontally. She smashed a stalagmite before falling to the ground.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to escape, the sea witch suddenly stood up from the pile of stones. And moved towards my head. I didn't see anything flying over, but a powerful impact turned me to the ground, and I was dizzy and shocked.

"Fuck, you will be shocked!" When I got up from the ground, the other party was in front of me again. I quickly rolled to the side and stepped down. Burst the entire ground pimple directly. Seeing that I hadn't been stepped on, the nearby sea witch actually surged up and wanted to hold me.

"The streamer blasted." I held the eternal place in a spin and forced all the nearby sea witches back, but unfortunately I was kicked by the big guy behind.

"Surprisingly assaulted." I turned around a few times with the strength of being kicked out and turned back in place. Then raised his hand. "watch out."

The sea witch quickly blocked her own door with her hands, but did not feel any impact. She lowered her arms in confusion, only to find that I was standing in the distance and watching her with a lot of time.

"You really understand my language." Just now I just tried to see if they belonged to a communicable race. If I can communicate, I would rather change and solve the problem. Although Huyou is a lot of trouble Things, but less effort than fighting.

"What's the understanding?" Now that it was exposed, the other party didn't plan to die, but I now regret letting her talk. The mermaids were right, this guy's voice can be described as disgusting. That's awful!

"Okay, don't tell me. Let's see what we know!"

"Are you afraid of our voice?" The big sea witch suddenly shouted at the other sea witches: "Then let him listen more."

The nearby sea witches suddenly screamed together, and the voice really fell even when the birds in the sky heard it. I was dizzy and shocked, and my uncomfortable face was green.

"Surender ... I surrender!"

The big sea witch beckoned suddenly, and the voice disappeared instantly, and my whole body immediately softened. It turns out that this cry is not that light can make people uncomfortable. My endurance value has actually become zero. Otherwise, I will definitely not fall down with my willpower.

The big sea witch came to me and looked at me lying on the ground proudly and said, "I thought you were so good. I didn't expect that we could not cope with our voice."

"I don't think so." My fingers moved slightly, a whirlwind rolled over my body and followed me to jump up from the ground.

"Who are you? Who was that guy?" The sea witch was obviously confused by my transformation.

"Of course it's me."

"You? That was you just now?"

"of course."

"It turned out to have taken off the armor." The sea witch did not understand my ability to switch between size and size, because my armor was masked before, so she did not know my appearance, but thought that after I took off That's it. In fact, savvy people can see at a glance that this trumpet is shorter than the large size, and obviously the body is much thinner. The sea witch thought I was just taking off my armor, so I was more excited. "You are not our opponent in armor, but what else can you do this time?" She said and rushed up again.

I put the staff on the ground? "The sun halo."

"Ah!" The sea witch rushed up did not expect that I had been using physical attacks before. I would suddenly switch to a magic attack, and it was still the sea witch family's most fearful flame-based magic. The huge aura of the sun swept out at lightning speed, not even being able to avoid watching the lively sea witch from a distance. All burned and rolled.

The large sea witch's ability to resist magic seemed very high, and the sun halo did not play its role at all, it just made her take a few steps back. But instead of stopping, I raised the staff and pointed directly at her. "Fire dragon jets." In the loud voice of Dragon Yin. A stout fire dragon rushed out of the tip of my staff. This time the big sea witch also had to crawl and hide to the side.

Although he was wiped by the flame, this guy was not discouraged. A fire dragon who turned over and flew away immediately rushed at me again. The speed was almost like a shell, but just before she was about to hit me, The whole body of golden unicorn suddenly appeared in front of me. The sea witch didn't expect a monster to pop up here, hit one of Kirin's body, and was bitten by Kirin.

Steel Tooth lifted his head and lifted his head sharply, then slammed down hard, and the sea witch was hit heavily on the ground and bounced again. She hasn't waited for her posture to be corrected. Immediately, he was shot out by the steel teeth, and the whole man slammed into the rock like a shell again, and then fell back to the ground. Steel Tooth stood in front of me and roared in protest. The whole burrow of the earthquake was shaking.

"Hard ground teeth!" After crawling out of the stone pile, the sea witch first touched a few holes in her body, then looked at the steel teeth again. As King Kong Unicorn, the teeth of the steel teeth will not be bad, but it is a miracle that this guy has not been bitten.

Although he survived by chance, this guy also realized that it was absolutely impossible to beat me and Gangya at the same time. So he turned around and made a strange cry to the other sea witches, followed by all the sea witches. I smiled, just watching them sneak out there. I was overcast for purely because I didn't know that their voice had the effect of reducing stamina. It's not how powerful they are. The mermaids only told me that the sound was hard to hear, and I didn't know that it was actually a special type of attack magic.

After discovering that it had been useless for a long time, the lead sea witch waved to stop the howling behind. I glanced at them proudly and said, "Keep calling? The sea witch's chorus is rare!"

"Why aren't you afraid of our voice?"

"Cut, your kind of sonic attack is nothing more than a kind of spiritual magic, and a guardian of the spirit is all done."

"You're good at it, but you still can't escape." The big sea witch said again and rushed up.

"Hadaway, stop." A stern but very nice female voice suddenly appeared, and the sea witch who was about to jump up stopped immediately.

"King ...!"

"Get down." The girl became fierce.

"Yes." The big sea witch quickly retreated to the other sea witches.

I followed the voice, and saw a man wrapped in armor all over his body from a hole in the distance. Although you can't see the appearance of the creatures inside except for the armor, I can still guess her identity by virtue of the armor style on her body and the name of the sea witch before. She should be the Queen of the Sea Witch.

Slightly different from what I expected. The queen of the sea witch is quite short ~ ~ It is not even as tall as the average sea witch. As for the sea witch who just fought with me, she is almost two tall. In addition, unlike other sea witches, their queen looks good. Although she is wearing a full set of armor, the lines of this armor are quite beautiful. It would be difficult for a creature with a good figure to wear it. But no matter how beautiful the armor is, there are scales and **** mouths, and everyone has to vomit.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful, my chief general failed to bring you down."

"What? Do you want to go to battle and try my skills?"

"I shot, you will die." The queen of the sea witch was not small, but I did not dare to despise her too much. Ninety-nine percent of fierce races like the Sea Witch are determined by strength. Since she is a queen, her combat effectiveness is definitely the strongest. The big female general was so powerful before, wasn't this queen more difficult to cope with?

I was thinking that the opponent suddenly shot a red ball. Although I flashed quickly to the side, I did not expect that the thing turned around and hit me again, but the strange thing was that I didn't have any damage, but waited for me Only to discover that my summoning ability was actually sealed. Suddenly I remembered the task prompts I looked at before entering the competition map. This Queen of the Sea Witch is the 2,000-level monster I have to deal with, and can only summon a magic pet.

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