Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 29: It turns out that the sea witch is like this!

I had no idea that this previously mentioned task would occur in this situation, otherwise I would not summon Steelfang. It's not that steel teeth are not good, but that he is inappropriate. My magic pets are very targeted, and their individual strengths are also good, so generally I choose which magic pets to summon according to the fighting situation. But here is a burrow, obviously not conducive to the swing of steel. Moreover, the queen of the sea witch seems to be a hybrid of legal system and physics. If you rely on physical attack on the strong steel teeth, it may be difficult to cope.

"Steel Teeth, back." I don't want Gangte to recklessly rush up. Since this is already the case, I must rely on the resources available to defeat the opponent. Although Steel Tooth is not the most suitable pet for this kind of battle, but he is very strong after all, so it is better to keep it than nothing. The queen of the sea witch knew that it was very good at first sight. If she used any killing trick to bring down the steel tooth, I would regret it too late. I can't be sure of winning by hitting her alone.

Seeing me calling back the steel tooth, the queen of the sea witch immediately proudly asked, "Afraid?"

"Now it is tactical against the enemy. Of course I have to value your combat effectiveness. If it is planned in the early stage, I will despise all enemies."

"Despising me can't change your fate of failure." The queen of the sea witch suddenly appeared in front of me, followed by directly waving her knife and chopped it down my neck. I wasn't too slow to respond, just before she was about to hit me with a staff to hold her attack. She didn't compare her strength to me. She could not change her hand to a claw when she could not hit her. She grabbed my wrist directly, followed by pulling me towards her, and kicked my belly sharply.

The Queen of the Sea Witch is proud to think that this foot can solve the battle. Who knows that this foot not only did not allow her to take the slightest advantage, but actually made her suffer. The kick that hit me directly four times immediately felt a severe pain, and then I turned directly over her head with her kicking action, and then fastened her helmet while falling. The body slid forward, and a knee bump hit her spine, but she was blocked by her armor, but the power of penetration still made her almost lie down.

"Is this kick good?" I glanced proudly at the Queen of the Sea Witch. Our two unscrupulous mages played for the first time in a fighting style. The Queen of the Sea Witch, who had always despised me, had to re-evaluate my combat effectiveness.

"This thing won't hurt me." The Queen of the Sea Witch turned to face me, and then suddenly pointed at me. I just felt that my head was knocked, and I almost didn't lie down. Fortunately, my willpower was strong enough, but I just trembled and eased. The Queen of the Sea Witch swooped up again with this short moment, but she only flew out with half a scream when she ran halfway. She banged herself into the rock with a bang. Then fell off the ground again.

Steel Tooth is King Kong Unicorn and has no lower intelligence than humans, so it can handle various sudden events. Although I just told him to stay still. But when he saw my danger, he immediately decided to break up and rush to help. The Queen of the Sea Witch was hit by a single palm because she didn't expect that the commanded pet would suddenly be difficult. If she was prepared, it would not be so easy to be hit.

"Good claws." The Queen of the Sea Witch didn't rush to rush after she got up from the rock. Obviously she also realized that the duo and I were not easy to deal with, but she didn't think she would lose.

I winked at Steel Tooth. Then suddenly turned and threw a flying knife. The Queen of the Sea Witch quickly raised her hand to block, but the moment she blocked the flying knife, the steel tooth also reached her side. The Queen of the Sea Witches was forced to give up blocking the flying sword. Instead, he squatted past the flying knife and rolled to the side to flash away the steel teeth to attack. But at the same time she thought she had successfully launched the attack, a huge fist of fire had already hit her.

I thought it would be a foolproof hit this time, but I didn't expect a sudden gunshot to kill my fist of fire.

"God of guns?"

"I didn't expect it, Ziri?" The Gun God seemed particularly proud.

"Why are you here?" It is supposed to be my personal task, and there should be no unplanned personnel, but now there are not only unplanned personnel, but also a guy who shouldn't appear.

The Gun God was even more proud of seeing me surprised. "Why I'm here, you don't need to worry about it, but as long as I'm here, your task is doomed to be impossible."

"Fuck! You guys can't do the work by themselves. The troublemaker is first-rate."

"Just know." The gun **** slowly leaned to the side of the sea witch queen, and the muzzle kept facing me. "You have played so hard for two-on-one. Do you think you still have a chance to win?"

"That may not be so." I suddenly inserted the staff into the ground, and the gun **** immediately pulled my trigger. The bullet shot straight towards my brows, but a huge claw reached in front of me. When the sound rang, the bullet hit the steel paw's paw and changed direction immediately. I also completed the magic on my hand under the protection of the steel teeth. Suddenly, the gun **** appeared on the ground, and he ran back scared. This guy has suffered from the loss of Rose Vine and the Trail Blazers before. He would have thought that I had used old tricks again, but this time he guessed wrong.

The ground was lifted open by a huge force, and a dark red sticky substance was sprayed out. Gun God finally recognized what it was. "Blink, it's lava ground."

Although the gun **** shouted more timely, those sea witches didn't know what the magma earth was, so their response was still a half slow. With the first protrusion as the center, dozens of large and small cracks appeared on the ground instantly, and there is still a trend of increasing. The hot magma tumbling out of these cracks, and the burrow was instantly occupied by a pungent sulfur smell.

When the sea witches understood that this was the magma land, it was too late, the nearby exits were basically blocked by lava, and the ground in the center of the cave was getting less and less. The hot magma kept flowing to the ground and competing for the remaining space with the sea witches.

A little clever sea witch suddenly shot an ice arrow into the magma on the ground, hoping to use this to cool the magma to protect himself, but unfortunately he was not only able to save himself. Instead, it hurt everyone around.

As we all know, the temperature of lava is very high. Ice arrows can indeed cool the lava, but only the surface layer is cooled. The outer lava is cooled to form a hard crust, while the inner lava continues to swell under high temperature and high pressure. When the crust cannot restrain the internal lava. The entire crust will burst and cause the internal magma to splash around under high pressure. This situation is a bit like pouring cold water into a hot oil pan. Not only did it not have a cooling effect, but the oil droplets splashed. But at most, the oil droplets flying out of the pan are hot blisters, and the lava flying out of the crust can really burn people through.

The self-made intelligent sea witch had been smashed by her own masterpiece as soon as she had shot the Frostbolt, and soon there was no sound at all, showing how powerful the lava field was lethal.

The surrounding sea witch did not dare to cool the lava with the magic of the water when she saw the misery of her companions, but if she did not cool it. They had to die when the lava had covered the entire ground.

The queen of the sea witch is also anxious by the situation in front of her. This is all the elite of the sea witch tribe, if all are reimbursed here. After that, the sea witch will not have to confuse. The anxious queen of the sea witch suddenly shot a strong wind against the wall. He just blasted a crack in the wall. Although this cave is not built under the sea like I thought, it is almost the same. Behind the rock wall behind the Queen of the Sea Witch. There was sea water just across a wall, and she suddenly blasted the wall, and a lot of seawater poured in immediately.

Cooling magma with frozen magic can cause an explosion though. But that's because the degree of cooling is not enough. If there is an unlimited cooling capacity, the Seal of the Throne of Throne supply for a long time can actually control the magma. The Queen Sea Witch introduced a lot of seawater with similar capabilities, although the lava steamed the seawater that flowed nearby. But more seawater rushed up, and eventually the lava became a block of stones with white bubbles.

The location of this cave is obviously much lower than the sea surface. After the seawater flooded the magma, there was no intention to stop. Instead, it gradually started to rise gradually, and the water level in the cave instantly passed over. This is not a good situation for me. Although no one here is afraid of the water, I still know with my toes that the sea witch is definitely better in the water than on the ground. I'm just not drowning in the water. Fighting power and ground ratio can only be folded in half and then folded in half. In this way, let alone hope to defeat the Queen of the Sea Witch.


Looking at the surrounding conditions, the lava has been almost covered by the seawater. Although the bubbles emerging from the rocks can still cook people, this can no longer affect the overall temperature of the seawater. Steel Tooth is like me. Although not afraid of water, we can't fight in water. The two of us looked at each other and finally decided to flash people first.

The plan can never keep up with the changes, and we suddenly rushed over when we wanted to run. Her lower body armor was gone. In its place was a large mermaid-like tail that stretched out, and it was amazingly fast. I was brought around in the water without a response. By the time I got up again, the sea had completely covered my head.

"Fuck! I spit!" Just because I was knocked down by the Queen of the Sea Witch, my water shield opened a little late, but I still drank the seawater, the taste was really bitter and astringent.

"You will drink more." The Queen of the Sea Witch came back around somehow, and one tail flew me out.

Gangya was so big that he was not completely submerged in the water for the time being. He saw that I was blown out of the water and immediately caught my mouth, then turned and ran. The Queen of the Sea Witches chased along the water surface. Although she could occasionally make a few repairs to the steel teeth from behind, all of them had no effect. I have already experimented. There is no such thing as a weak point on the steel teeth. Even the eyes and the mouth are as hard as other places, and they are not afraid of any physical damage.

Although the steel teeth are very hard, being beaten like this is not the answer, and we will soon have no way out. We are now in a big hole, and the channels connecting it are very small. Although the steel teeth will also shrink in size, the flexibility will be greatly reduced after being completely submerged in water, so we must be caught up. It is clear that this will not work, and we must not do so, because if we don't get in, we will have to be killed sooner or later.

The steel teeth were reduced to a tiger's size, and then carried me on my back and advanced in the water. There is a small, spherical, anhydrous area around the body of the steel tooth, although this thing can reduce drag. But after all, walking in the water, the degree is significantly slower. Seeing that the Queen of the Sea Witch had caught up behind me, I had to jump down and prepare to face it, but who knows I haven't done anything yet. Suddenly an arm stretched out in the wall next to me and grabbed my arm and pulled me in. Steel Tooth saw me disappear into the wall and immediately slammed into it, but also penetrated in.

The walls here are just an illusion. We were still in the passage after crossing the wall, but we just entered another fork. The queen of the sea witch rushed out of the hole with her men, as if she hadn't noticed that there was a fork here. The most annoying thing was that the **** of guns actually chased me after him. This opportunity is revenge.

After seeing them all ran away, I reassuredly glanced at the person who rescued me, but I was scared to crawl back into the original passage. Save me as the Queen of the Sea Witch! Do not. wrong. I just saw the Queen of the Sea Witches running from the outside, so this should not be her, they should just wear the same armor. Also. This man who saved me has a long head.

The creature in front of me has a half body like a sea witch. That is the fish tail, and the upper body is covered in armor. And the style is exactly the same as that of the Sea Witch Queen, the only difference is that there is a long black wave floating behind her helmet, and the Sea Witch Queen may be headless. Or it was stuck in the helmet, I hadn't seen her anyway.

Seems to calm my mood, this rescuer reached out and took off his helmet. I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty. But it's just an admiration. I still have basic vigilance.

"who are you?"

"Queen of the Sea Witches." The other side responded and made me almost run away again, but she quickly added: "You saw my sister before. But the two of us are now close to the enemy."

"Can we talk somewhere else? They seem to have returned." I suddenly noticed that a sea witch appeared again.

"Come with me."

Led by the sea witch who claims to be the Queen of the Sea Witch, we quickly entered a large pool of water. After surfacing, I realized that this place was originally a natural karst cave, and the pool of water took up less than one-fifth of the area.

The shore of the puddle is very high, at least more than five meters from the water surface, and two male sea witches are standing on the shore. When we saw us coming down, we immediately lowered a **** and reached into the water. After we walked up, the two sea witches closed the ladder again, and I followed the sea witch queen to the living area behind. There are many sea witch queens living here, but it is strange that they basically do not wear armor, and their looks are completely different from those of the sea witch queens I saw.

There are no scales on the sea witch here. Not at least on the water, and only the lower body that turns into a fish tail will cover the scales after launching. In addition, although their looks are not as handsome as those of a mermaid, they are definitely not ugly, and even slightly higher than the average level of human appearance.

I was curious to ask the queen of the sea witch who showed me the way: "Since you are all sea witches, why do you look so different?"

"This is a long story, let's go sit down in the room and talk!" The Queen of the Sea Witch took us to a stone house deep in the cave. The furnishings here are quite rundown, showing that their lives are more difficult, at least they are much poorer than those evil sea witches.

"You are in difficult conditions?"

"Yes, this is mainly because we have few people, so those who can't beat my sister can only go out secretly to get something back, and the food accounts for most of it, and other things can't be considered so much. Here is us The conference hall is already very good, and the residence of ordinary people is even worse than here. "

"Oh. By the way, I asked you why you are different from other Sea Witch Queens. You haven't answered yet."

"This is actually not that we are different from them, but that they are different from us. In fact, the form we see now is the true form of the sea witch. If a new born sea witch does not interfere, it will grow up in the end. It's like us. "

"Then your sister ...?"

"They did that because they joined the sea demons and performed the demonization ceremony."

"Why do they make themselves so ugly?"

"This is actually for a reason." The queen of the sea witch said: "Our sea witch was originally a branch of the mermaid. Although the relationship is not very close, at least we are not ugly, and the title of the sea witch did not mean that we were like Witches are just as evil. Instead, we say that our magic power is stronger, so we are called sea witches. "

"What happened then?"

"Later in my great-grandmother's generation, a sea witch general who went out on patrols did not know where to bring back a human and a box. The box was mainly books. The man was already seriously injured and unconscious. . Later, the man was paralyzed after being awakened, but he used the contents of the box to create the sea monster, and a group of young sea witches joined in. At first those young sea witches just thought it was more fun, Other sea witches didn't pay much attention to this sect, but the situation suddenly changed shortly after that. The human finally found an evil magic book in the mezzanine of the box after a few years, and used it to demonize our people. In addition to the ugly appearance of the demonized people, their personalities have gradually become more extreme and brutal. After that, they are usurped power and civil war, and the sea witch family has split into two parts since then. One part still adheres to the previous The lifestyle is us, and the other part joins the sea demons. It becomes a terrible creature like my sister. "

"So what did you create this sea monster?"

"Died early. Now these are the followers, and her sister has only recently become the sea witch queen of the sea monster."

"I see." I nodded. "But I still want to ask something."

"Please speak."

"If I want to destroy the sea demons, would you object?"

"will not."

"I mean if you fight. I can't guarantee their lives. Wouldn't you be unhappy about it?"

"I've said it before, we are like deadly enemies, how could we still be unhappy?"

"But after all you are the same race, that is your sister."

"My sister was dead during the demon ritual. The rest is just a body and an evil soul. I believe I will be happy to kill this sister who desecrates her soul."

"It would be best if you could think that way. Now I want to know how many of you are there, and if you have any way to send me out? I can't deal with them alone. I have to find my men."

"Queen." A sea witch suddenly rushed in. "Not good. The people of the sea demons are here. They have rushed in. Our people are blocking them, but I am afraid they won't hold on to the throne of God for too long."

"What? How did they show up at our entrance?"

"It seems to be another outsider."

As soon as the sea witch said that, I intuitively thought of the God of Guns, except that he would have no one else. This guy's missions are all reversed with me. Our mission is to level out the evil creatures in this archipelago. His mission is to protect the evil creatures here from being eradicated. The whole thing is to mess with me!

The sea witch queen quickly said to me: "Our people will stand up first, and you follow him. He will send you to the ground."

I wasn't polite with her because it was the best way. "I will come down to help you as soon as I find me." Anyway, these sea witches of the sea demons must also be eliminated. It is better to have a helper, so helping them is also helping themselves.

Immediately after speaking, the Queen of the Sea Witch rushed to the front line to resist the enemy, and I followed the sea witch who came to report to the side channel. Under the guidance of this sea witch, I finally reached the ground after passing through a myriad of passages with nine turns and eighteen turns plus forks. Unexpectedly, the entrance to this ground was actually inside the crater, and the detained members of the guild could be seen through a small field of grass outside.

The sea witch who sent me up whispered: "Your people are over there, you have to look at your own back. I have to go back and help. When you take people down, pay attention to the stones at the intersection. This marks the right path. "

"Okay." After bidding farewell to the sea witch, I slowly moved along the grass to the back of a sea witch, and this guy was standing there and dozing. I suddenly stood up from behind him, hugging his head for two weeks, and twisted hard. After hearing a faint click, the guy softened into a puddle of mud.

Quietly dragged the body into the grass. Let Steel Tooth help dig a pit. Then buried this guy in. of course. His armor is still to be left, this thing is still useful.

During the previous attack, I specifically found this tall sea witch, and my Silver Moon trumpet was more slender. You can put on this sea witch's armor even if you are wearing your own armor. After dressing up, I stood up while the sea witches around me didn't notice. The Witch of the Other Place just looked at me with two eyes, and nothing happened.

After standing there for a while, I could see the situation nearby. Although there are many sea witches guarding here. But because we have more people, they actually occupy a lot of space. Recently, people are 50 to 60 meters away from me. Also. It is obvious that the Witches of the Sea do not often look at things like captives, because they are obviously not alert. Not only stood idly. Some sea witches even went to other places to chat with the neighbouring sea witches. The most annoying thing was that there was actually a male sea witch who ran to our people and teased our guild female players. To be honest, the player's bsp will be teased; since the other party is so poorly disciplined. Then my actions will be much more convenient. Seeing that nobody seemed to notice me, I moved towards the captives. First leaned to a player who was closer to me, and then waved the stick on my hand and knocked down. To others, I seem to be knocking with a stick, but in fact I pushed him down with my arm. No harm at all.

While this player was taken down by me, I rode straight up. "I'm Ziri, don't say anything. Listen to me."

The elite policy of the guild makes each player highly responsive. The player immediately began to scream in cooperation, and the body also took a struggling action to cooperate with my actions. It looks as if one is beating one and the other is resisting.

"President, why are you here alone? Big troops? Sister Rose said that the rest of you didn't come together?"

"When something happened, I was separated from the others after I was on the island. But they are also rushing here. I will save you first."

"Our bodies have been sealed, and now no skills can be used, and their strength has been reduced to free bsp;" I know. Don't move first. Let me help you lift the seal. "

There are many ways to unseal. And I will only have one-exorcism. This trick is not specifically used to unseal the seal, but it has a driving effect on most ordinary seals, so the legal staff of the guild are basically everyone.

Simple expulsion works quickly. The player immediately whispered, "Well, I can use my skills."

"Then you tell the others that I have come to save them, and then pass them one by one. You first find a few mages to help them lift the seal, and then let them go to lift the other people, so this will continue to pass, and everyone will be lifted soon Yes, tell everyone, do n’t move after the dismissal is completed, wait for my signal to fight back. There are not as many guards here as we should be able to handle it easily. "

"I see." The member immediately got out of me when he got the order. I pretended to beat others and unblock another player.

The nearby sea witch may not care about my behavior, and I still have no response after I "battered" many people in a row. The guy who was "beaten" by me was not slow, and passed on quickly to many people. Soon after, there were many outstanding seals among our people. These people will help others to unlock the seals one by one. As the number of people increases, the degree of release is getting faster and faster.

Because I was afraid that it would be noticeable to "batter" too many people in a row, so I only returned a dozen people and then went back, and then watched those people go to others. Although everyone ’s movements are hidden, I knew in advance that they would help others to lift the seal and then stare at them to make it easier for them to show their small movements.

Although these sea witches around me are relatively lazy about the performance of the guards, after all, not every sea witch is the same. After most of the seals were lifted, a sea witch at a position far away from me suddenly drank into several puppets of the guild. "What are you guys doing?"

Unlike players, the response is still slightly weaker. If the player is now certain, he will definitely find a way to hide his past ability. The sea witch did not answer these people. Walked over immediately. I'm far away, though. But you can still see the situation over there. I know that once the sea witch arrives at those people, they will definitely reveal the stuffing. Anyway, most people have lifted the seal, and they just started to fight back.

I suddenly summoned the staff to force it into the ground. Followed by a golden light. The sea witch's armor on my body burst open and flew in all directions, and the sea witches on the side projected my eyes together, and our members took the opportunity to stand up and rush towards the sea witches around them. Enemies that are so powerful at such a short distance cannot hold a group of people to play rogue. The sea witches who guarded them almost fell to the ground before they could react. Five or six people hugged their limbs and head, respectively. Finally, the person who jumped up rode directly to the sea witch's ground, and then used short weapons to attack the opponent's key points. Kill all guards in an instant in this way. Everyone got up. Since there is no need for concealment action anymore, some masters who can use advanced dispel magic simply use sound and light effects to exorcise the magic. This greatly speeds up the removal of the seal.

The guards warned to the rear that the situation was not right. The squadron of sea witches running around immediately ran over, but unfortunately they came a little late. Our people have all lifted the seal. And ran up.

From the periphery of the venue, it seems that our local people are very messy. In fact, the scene is not like this at all. The elite players of this guild stand in their respective positions. Then he opened a banner. Players from other places and immediately ran to the place they should go to immediately after seeing the flag. Soon our team will have a preliminary structure.

Although the sea witch team has always been established, they have not fought much, and bullying some weak creatures is usually nothing. Encountering such a regular large-scale battle is basically a group of armed civilians.

Although the team is not completely finished, our elite players still use this short time to form a row of shield arrays in front of the throne. The players with spears and bows in the back are no longer eager to find their own. position. Just follow the nearest principle. Xun filled the middle of the shield. The entire shield formation instantly became a section of iron city wall full of spurs.

The sea witch team that had just approached was immediately hit by a mixture of magic and arrow rain, and had fallen at least a third before touching the shield wall. Following the rest of the sea witch, she slammed into a one-man shield wall. Most of these shield fighters bought sky soldiers from heaven. And because they are shield soldiers, they are amazing in strength. Two meters high and fifty centimeters wide. There is a row of spiked giant shields in the lower part, which can hardly be pushed once they are forced into the ground, not to mention that there is an Optima Prime shield warrior on the back. Although the sea witches are also very strong, they are not power-type personnel after all. He couldn't hit the wall at all, but the spear that was constantly retracting in the gap between the shields instantly brought down a large sea witch.

"Fast, fast, fast." Crystal Chocolate commanded a group of trebuchets behind the battlefield. Although most of the equipment of the guild was with some other people, the people here also brought some Simple equipment, like this trebuchet.

Generally speaking, the trebuchet is not very harmful to people. After all, the probability of being hit by a stone is too low. But what if a bomb is projected?

Although the range of the trebuchet is very low. The accuracy of the hit is also very bad, but anyway, this thing can throw a few hundred pounds of weight beyond four hundred or five hundred meters, which is enough to throw a bomb.

"Pay attention to the front row." With a reminder sound from the sound-enhancing magic, a line of smoke flew over everyone's heads. The front spearman immediately pulled the weapon back, and the shield soldier quickly moved closer to completely cover the gap between the shields, then squatted down together, and lowered the shield backwards to form a forty-five with the ground. Degree inclination.

As soon as this sequence of actions was completed, the smoke in front of it fell into the sea witch's team, followed by a humming thunderous sound, and the flesh of the limbs flying around. The shield players have tilted the shields in advance, so the airflow caused by the explosion encounters the shields that are tilted to the high places, and they do not directly impact the shields and have no impact on our front.

Immediately after the explosion, the shield player on our side stood up. Before the archer sprinted quickly, a throwing arrow rain immediately turned and ran after the rain fell, and the time before the Seal of the Throne had been used to complete the preliminary team's hook sicklemen and long swordsmen. Reached behind the shield hand. With a whistle, the shield's neat side turned the shield ninety degrees to give way, and the lancer and the hooked gunman rushed out immediately. The mage in the rear also took advantage of this opportunity to make up a row of targeted magic, and then threw a bunch of auxiliary enhancement spells to his own head. Of course, the curse spells on the enemy side cannot be forgotten.

The team of sea witches who had just been stunned by bombs, arrows, rain, and magic were immediately chopped by the melee teams that rushed up. In terms of single combat effectiveness, the one-to-one odds of winning between these sea witches and the heavenly soldiers we bought are Baizhong, which is half to half. But when it comes to teamfights, the difference between the two sides is not a small star. All the people in the guild were captured before, mainly because they were suddenly thrown into the sea at the beginning of the mission, consumed the endurance value in a panic, and were later attacked by the sea witch. This was captured. If we really want to defend ourselves on the battlefield, we are no worse than them. Now the two sides are competing against each other, and the sea witch's team can almost be described as vulnerable. Without any cooperation or command, the Sea Witch was immediately put down by our melee personnel, and the original guarding force did not play a role of guarding at all.

Seeing that all nearby enemies were wiped out, I flew into the air to activate the magic of sound reinforcement. "Everyone's attention. Come down to the burrow with me right away. There is a group of people who are helping us to resist the large force of the sea witch. I just use this opportunity to save you. It is time for us to return. Everyone immediately Come with me to save our allies. "I flew over to the cave immediately after I finished speaking.

The guild immediately moved, and most of the players also moved quickly, but some people were still staying. A newly joined player grabbed his companion and asked, "Who is that pretty girl? How can I mobilize our guild troops casually?"

The pulled companion knocked at the guy immediately. "Idiot, that's the chairman's trumpet! If you hear him say that, I'll give you a spot on the spot."

"Isn't it? Our president is so pretty?"

"I heard that because the chairman is relatively neutral, when I first applied for a large size, the appearance adjustment was too masculine. The small size system automatically compensated and turned into a reverse adjustment. The result was this. "

"It turned out that the appearance of the trumpet was reversed according to the size of the large size. I said why everyone's trumpet is uglier than the large size! By the way, is your trumpet so ugly, is it because the large size is overly beautified? "

"I knocked you down!"

Two people are arguing here and there, and a group of people are pushing inside the hole. The passage I came out was only enough for one person to walk through ~ ~ If two people met, it would be reluctant to stagger, but it would be a bit difficult for two people to run in parallel. I did n’t feel that I had come here before, but now the passageway is too narrow. There are almost 100,000 members in our guild alone, and the number is dozens of times that of the players. It is estimated that this single channel will wait until next year to get all the holes.

"No, this is too slow. Don't squeeze the team behind here, the guild guards and large creatures should not go down. Eagle and Hongyue, you two will bring people to the mountain pass to meet, first go out to meet us outside. And then look for another entrance. The elite team of the guild will concentrate here and follow me to help. "

The so-called elite team is the elite of the elite, all are the masters selected from the most powerful people, that is, the masters of the legendary masters. This team includes the players in the guild and some guild creatures. The total number is less than one thousand, but if you go to find a thousand ordinary players to fight with them, it will take at least ten seconds to estimate the opponent. Not one left. Even if I besieged all the creatures, they were absolutely dead, let alone others.

Although the aisle is narrower, a thousand people can easily pass through it. I handed the large troops to the Eagles to command, and I led the elite team down the aisle. According to the marks I remembered earlier, I quickly touched back the hole where the pond was, but the situation here is very different from when I left.

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