Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 47: 3rd national weapon

how? Forgot me? "The other person looked at me and thought for a long time before responding to the teaser.

"How could it be! I ca n’t forget who you have forgotten Black Unicorn! Seriously, where have you been recently? I can't find you everywhere."

"What are you looking for?"

"Here are some old friends."

"I have no friends."

"Isn't Biling your friend?"

"Of course ... who do you say?"

"Bi Ling."

"The Bi Ling I know?"

"How many bilings are there in the world?"

"Take me to see him."

"I'm afraid this won't work."

"Why?" Hei Qilin suddenly gripped my neck and almost carried me back.

"Keekeke ... if you don't let go of me, don't you think anyone will agree with you in your life."

It may be that my threat has played a role, or it may be that Black Kirin realized that he could not hit me like this, after all, my neck was finally liberated.

I moved my neck and said, "You want to see Bi Ling, I can understand, but not now. Once I still have something, I can't go back to Isinger right away. Second, Bi Ling is not in Isinger right now. use."

"Not with you? Where is he?"

"At Dongsheng Qinglong Tower."

"Why did you go there?" Although Black Qilin can say that no one's account is bought, it is not really invincible. At least the four holy beasts should be a little bit cautious.

"This relationship is very complicated. I don't have time to explain it to you now. If you want to know, I suggest you go to Isinger to find my wife. She should be able to tell you everything."

"Then I'll go now." Hei Qilin said that he was about to leave when he turned around, and was pulled by me.

"You will definitely have to misunderstand when you run this way. I will definitely lose a lot of time by that time, and you will also delay more time for the Seal of the Throne. If you can slow down your character, maybe you can do things faster, like you It looks as if it is fiercely popular, in fact, it is simply delaying the seal of the throne. "

"Okay! What do you want to say?"

"I just want to give you this." I handed a badge to the black unicorn. "Take this to Isinger to find my wife. Naturally someone will help you lead the way. Is it faster than you can find it yourself?"

"Thank you." Hei Qilin took the badge and disappeared immediately. This guy completely took my words for granted. But this is also good, impulsive people are easy to cheat.

I stroked the ring of love, and the voice of the rose appeared immediately around me. "What's up?"

"I found a thug back, but whether you can keep him depends on how you flicker."

"Rest assured, I'm doing this. By the way, who are you looking for?"

"Black unicorn."

"Isn't he missing?"

"Isn't this found?"

"Okay, you're busy first. I'll take care of it here."

After disconnecting, I quickly got out of the thorns and walked towards the temple in the distance. Speaking of Egypt, the land government is almost the same as ours, but the greening on our side is better, unlike most of the wasteland here. Even plants are dead.

I did n’t go far enough, and suddenly felt that the hairs on the back stood up, and the whole person shivered. A sense of instinctual danger forced me to squat quickly, and then I felt a cool wind blowing over my head . Before I could look back, I saw a small figure leap over my head, followed by a golden figure and quickly chased after me.

"Beware of Ziri." The reminder behind me let me immediately roll out to the side, and then saw that I had suddenly got a black arm where I was standing, and almost caught my ankle.

"Who attacked me?" I shouted as I distanced.

"Here, boss, you're here to help!"

"Gold coins?" I didn't expect to remind me that they were actually gold coins. Looking closer, it turned out that the golden figure just above me was actually really red. The sudden appearance of two of our country's major artifact holders here surprised me. But now I have to help, because the two of them seem very anxious to kill the two in front of them.

Without rushing to help, I glanced at the scene first. True Red didn't seem to need any help. She chased her enemies by being completely crushed by her. She didn't even have a chance to fight back. On the contrary, the side of the gold coins was basically between Zhongzhong and needed my help.

"Get out." I suddenly shouted and jumped up from behind the gold coins.

The gold coin action pinched a handprint. With a flash of light, she appeared directly behind the opponent, not only allowing me to attack, but also playing a role in intercepting the other's escape route.

The guy attacked by the gold coins was obviously a male-male race with brownish-red skin and very thin body. He wore a costume I had never seen before. It felt like clothes made of reeds, and two rows of bird hair were inserted behind it, similar to the Indian chief. He had a short stick less than a meter long in his hand. One end of the short stick was a triangular pyramid, and the other was inserted with a few bird hairs, just like a bald hairy ground.

Seeing me suddenly. The guy immediately raised his stick and pointed at me. He also yelled something I didn't understand, followed by a sudden swoop in the air in front of me, and a humanoid monster with a head suddenly emerged. I was already in midair at this time, and it was impossible to change the direction. I stepped on the monster's chest directly, and the eternal sword turned into a spear through its head and nailed it to the ground. I let go of the spear and jumped up again without exhausting the impact, and the blade claws of the human were still in the air.

The guy in front of me didn't expect me to be so sharp, and the monster I just summoned was killed by me without even supporting it for a second. Looking at his outfit and weapons, he knew that he was not a melee professional. Seeing me fall, he was still tripped over by something on the ground in a panic. However, at the moment when I was about to solve this guy with one claw, an anti-blade scimitar suddenly flew near me, forcing me to change my posture to block the knife.

At the moment, the scimitar was smashed by my blade claws, and at the same time, I saw the guy who threw the sword was blown out by a real punch. The guy underneath saw that I didn't get him and responded quickly enough, and immediately kicked my back, but unfortunately it was his own scream. The two computer visits were the fastest ~ only ~ half a month at this time was spinning like a flywheel behind my back, his foot was like kicking an electric fan leaf, of course, the results can be imagined.

"Walima, run away." When I could not understand the languages ​​of the two, I had switched the translation system from Egyptian to automatic matching mode. I did not expect to hear such a heroic conversation first.

The guy under me immediately clung to my leg and urged his companion to run immediately after a failure. His companion arrived at the bachelor, and now the man has turned around and ran away. I glanced at the person who left quickly, then double

Stuck in the head of the guy under him, his legs softened and he only listened to the clasped hands.

"A waste!" I kicked off the corpse under my foot, then raised my right arm to point at the distant guy who was running away, a finger moved, and a golden arrow slammed out. The good guy who was running suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground. The whole man rolled out of the ground and stopped. Zhenhong took the opportunity to rush up and punched him. The guy turned over and it was too late to dodge. He had to cover his chest with both hands in an attempt to stop Zhenhong from attacking. As a result, his arm just touched the fist This power is unstoppable at all. His arms were beaten up from his shoulders, and his entire arm was smashed into shreds, followed by a fist that directly hit his chest and continued to penetrate until he crushed his heart and passed through his The body blasted a large hole a half feet deep in the ground behind him before stopping.

Really red after he got that guy, he groped on him immediately, and when I looked back, the cash coins really groped on the guy who was killed by me.

"What are you looking for?"

"Fruits of wish."

"Fruit of wish? Is it something you can wish for?"

"In theory, yes."

"Fuck, do you have something like this?"

"Not here!" Really helplessly kicked the corpse aside. "President, did you just see the Japanese passing by here?"


The gold coins also ended looking up and stood up from the ground. "It's like this. Haven't our two sets of Japanese weapons been broken up by us?"

"Well, of course I know this." Japanese national weapons were fragmented by me before the start of the national war. This is what I did, and of course I knew it myself. Although Japan later thought of some ways to repair the national wares, the most important parts have never been taken back. Therefore, there is no way to recover. As a result, after the start of the national war, people in our country can activate the function of national weapons, which can be described as the best advantage on the battlefield, but the Japanese can only stare.

After listening to me, Gold Coin said, "This time the Japanese don't know how to know a secret mission process that can increase the number of national weapons for the country."

"What? National instruments can be added?"

"It would have been impossible, but with the fruit of this wish."

"Is there such a monster that has a lot of protection?"

"The fruit of the wish is the fruit of the world tree, and the world tree itself is located in the advanced monster area, so it is difficult to approach it. But it is not impossible to approach. As long as you can reach the world tree and make a wish to it, The world tree will grow a wish fruit, but this fruit is not the same as the ordinary fruit. When it grows, it has intelligence and can change into various forms to escape. The wisher can only leave the world tree for three hours Then you can start chasing it. If you want to realize your wish, you must catch this living fruit and kill it. And this process has time limit for the seal of the throne, which means that it is impossible for you to chase unlimitedly. The seal of time impresses the throne, and the wish is automatically cancelled, and it will be punished in turn. "

After listening to the gold coins, I can understand the general situation. "Do you mean that the Japanese came to the world tree and made a wish for a new national weapon, and now the fruit is ripe and they are chasing?"


"How do you know the news?"

"Thanks to the emperor's thick earthen stele that you brought back to the guild. That thing is simply too powerful to show some information that is particularly useful to us."

This is true of gold coins. Although the astronomical mirror and Babel tower of our guild have global reconnaissance capabilities, Babel towers are like satellites. They do not have reconnaissance capabilities in houses, forests, and the underground world. No sound is heard. Haotian mirror is similar, it also does not have sound transmission capabilities. Although it can see the situation underground or in the house, it is easily obscured by shielding magic. Generally speaking, it is not very useful. Besides, even if these two reconnaissance methods can be used regardless of the environment, it is still not as good as this emperor's thick stele, because they do not have the data analysis capabilities of the emperor's thick stele. The world is so big, although the two reconnaissance equipment can see the situation in various places. But at the same time, they can only see one place. How do we know where there is something we want to see? You can only try your luck in areas that might be useful, and occasionally see something useful. But this emperor ’s thick earthen monument is different. It is like monitoring the world ’s movements at the same time, and filtering out the most important information for us to see. This ability to scan and automatically screen the most important information is the same. It is the most powerful function of the emperor's thick earthen stele.

"It seems that I really picked up a good thing! In that case, it's a good idea to hurry up the Japanese. It's not so easy to get the fruit. But do you know where the fruit is?"

The gold coin smiled proudly and took out a copper compass, and a red arrow appeared immediately above the plate. "I've added tracking mana to that thing. This compass can accurately find their position before those mana are exhausted."

"What are you waiting for? We will help the fruit to escape immediately. We must not let the Japanese get it."

"Why are you leaving soon?" A cold voice suddenly appeared above our heads, and I couldn't forget the sound that sounded like sandpaper.

"Oh. It's Master Anubis! It's been a long time!"

"Hum ..." Anubis made two noises in his nose, not knowing whether to laugh or taunt. "Don't you dare to see me?"

"How can I! I've always wanted to talk to you for a long time, but you also know my identity, you really can't get away! Oh, yes, I heard that you have something far away, why did you come back suddenly Anymore? "

"This has nothing to do with you. I just want to know what you want to do when you come to my site."

"This, I wanted to ask you for help, but now things have changed, I have to do something urgent first, it seems I can't talk to you forever!"

"Urgently? I think you're in a hurry to run when you see me?"

Honestly if it wasn't for Anubis' help. I really don't want to see him. I have a lot of contacts with the forces of various countries, but none of them is as difficult as Anubis. This guy's character is really demon. Even the Ditans in the European Dark Temple are worse than him. Thousands of miles!

"I said the ground is all true." Seeing Anubis with an expression of unbelief, I quickly raised my right hand: "I swear ... in my own name."

"Hahahaha ..." Anubis laughed suddenly, followed by a sudden change of enthusiasm, and fell to my side and slapped him on the back. Almost turned me over. "What are you doing so seriously? How could I not believe you! Say, if there is any difficulty, I need help


"This, now I'm really in a hurry to seal the throne of God, otherwise," I summoned II. "It's still your magic pet. I know what I'm looking for, so let him stay and tell you slowly. I'll take someone to work first, and then come back."

"It's okay. But you have to hurry up, I'll get it in two days."

"Are you going out?"

"This time things are a bit tricky. I just came back to temporarily solve some personal problems, but if you need to, you can tell my father, I will say hello to you in advance. You can rest assured. The Egyptian gods remember you As long as it ’s not too difficult, we will help you do it. "

Anubis asshole, it would be nonsense to say that as long as it is not too difficult, it will help. It's not difficult to solve it myself, but I came to ask you? Of course, this cannot be said, otherwise it is really not discussed. Anyway, I have to talk about it. I know that since Anubis has a word there, there will be a breakthrough. I can definitely talk to them to help when I come back. Besides, they are not working in vain. It is also for them. Cheap to take.

"So first, I'll go to work first, and here let II tell you clearly." I just want to leave, but think back. "Well, I forgot to say it. I have three people coming to Egypt soon. Please help me to receive them and let them wait for me at your place. I will come back to pick them up." It seems that they can only wait here.

Under the guidance of the compass, we quickly found the target, but the scene was slightly wrong. The scene was completely chaotic when we arrived. Dozens of people are fighting there around a tree, and dozens of monsters in the outer circle are playing in the sky.

"what happened?"

"It seems that players from other countries have also come to grab things, but I don't know why there are so many people!" Gold Coin said watching the chaotic situation on the field.

"Be careful." I pushed down the gold coins, catching a shuttle dart flying from a distance.

The guy who threw the shuttlecock took a look at us, then turned his head and continued to fight with his enemies intently. It didn't look like he was going to throw us on purpose, it was just a mess on the field. I don't know who to help in the end.

Zhenhong suddenly pointed at a person and shouted, "Nobunaga's ghost hand."

I glanced over there. Instantly recognized the ghost hand Nobunaga this guy. "Hey, now I know who to help." No matter who the other person is, I must be right to fight the ghost Nobunaga.

The scuffles in the field were a little panicked when I saw my hands. The ghost-handed Nobunaga knew that I must deal with him, and the person opposite him did not know what I was going to do. I was afraid I was their enemy, but he soon realized from my eyes that my goal was his opponent. This now made him immediately excited.

"Flick off." I yelled and rushed to them, the guy who was fighting with the ghost-handed Nobunaga was just forced to retreat. Hearing me shouted and immediately rolled aside. I jumped right in front of him to take his place.

"Ziri, you bastard, today you have to see the greatness of our Yamato Samurai."

"You still have to be careful behind your back."

I was told that Nobunaga's hand was right in the middle of his ground door. With a click, with a lot of red broken edges flying around, the ghost mask of Nobunaga has been shattered by me. The ghost-handed Nobunaga took a dozen steps back to stabilize his body without falling.

"Baga Road!"

The ghost hand Nobunaga shouted as soon as he was excited, but I didn't care what he scolded. Keeping up is a swing kick. The ghost-handed Nobunaga hurriedly used a knife guard to try to block my attack in front of him, but he was thrown out even by the kicking knife.

"Zi Ri!" A roar suddenly came from a distance, leading me to look at the source of the figure, but in the end, the **** of guns was pointing at me with a gun. He called me for nothing more than to let me say he was attacking To win, this guy is not the same as Nobunaga's ghost hand, although he is an enemy, he is very bright.

"The ring of commandments." I shouted. The ring of commandments in the background immediately drew in front of them, but just as they blocked me, the ghost-hand Nobunaga suddenly rushed from the side and grabbed the gemstone that held the center of the commandment ring to drag the commandment ring down. . The Gunslinger is my enemy even if he is bright and clear. He will not let this opportunity go.

I saw that the ring of commandments was thrown down and I knew it was going to be bad. Sure enough, I had been lifted out by a mighty force before I heard the sound. The whole person flew out dozens of faces instantly like a ball. I didn't know how many people knocked over the road. In the end, it seemed to hit a large rock before stopping.

The Gun God closed his gun and looked at a large ditch pulled out on the ground, then his eyes locked on me embedded in the distant rocks, thinking that it should be successful this time. However, I have always disliked letting the enemy think about anything. Just when Gunslinger and Guishouxin looked at me eagerly, expecting me not to get up. The center of the rock suddenly cracked and cracked, and the whole rock fell suddenly into a pile of rubble in the smoke and dust. I shook up and down from the rubble, then looked down at the big hole in my chest. The Gunslinger was replaced with a large-caliber blasting bomb at the last moment. As a result, a large hole not much thinner than a human leg was exploded in my chest. The black blood was flowing from the wound like a stream, and my blood volume was It is completely uncontrolled down.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga raised his hand in excitement and shook his hand vigorously: "Oh! This **** is finally killed." But after he was excited, the ring of commandment at his feet suddenly flew from the ground, and the ring of commandment suddenly disintegrated The two halves also rolled towards the ghost-hand Nobunaga at the same time, only to hear a click. After two and a half months passed through the body of the ghost-hand Nobunaga, they flew back to form a ring of commandments and quickly flew back to me, The ghost-handed Nobunaga felt as if he couldn't believe it and touched his neck, and then saw a red line appearing behind his neck, and the red line's forward glance finally converged in front of his neck. "Oops!" Nobunaga's head rolled off his neck after he said this, and then his body stood for a few more seconds before suddenly kneeling down on his knees. After a few shakes, he finally fell forward.

"You defensive metamorphosis guy, he's not dead yet!" Gunshen Xun moved the gun body and aimed at me again.

"I'll be an idiot if you hit me again." I flipped my wrist, and immediately opened a round hole on my lower wrist, and then saw a string of black **** rolled out of my wrist. As soon as these **** hit the ground

Unbelievable degrees flew up and then began to fly towards the gun god

The gun **** saw these things immediately pulled the trigger, but as soon as the bullet came, all the **** rebounded at the same time. When the bullet passed, they almost all blocked the flight path. I got a total of 368 magic jump bombs, which will completely block the flight path. Even if the gun of the gun **** is no longer powerful, it will not be able to fly after hitting so many bombs in succession. That's the truth. The bullet deviated only after hitting a dozen or so bouncing bombs. In the end, a bad guy next to him took the bullet and was eventually bombarded off the entire upper body.

"Gun God, you bastard." Zhen Hong suddenly appeared beside Gun God, and Gun God had patronized me before. I didn't notice that I had been approached. He panicked to block in the panic, but Zhenhong suddenly took off and took a punch in the middle of the air and smashed it. Although the gun of the God of God blocked the punch in time, there is no one who can block the red punch. ? He heard only a blast of guns. The lower body of the **** was beaten into the ground alive, and the upper body was twisted at a strange angle.

The strength of the gun **** is mainly manifested in the attack power. Close combat is not his specialty. Besides, it is still the king of 6 battles against the real red, which completely hit the nemesis.

The two main forces on the battlefield were successively linked, and the remaining parties immediately began to tilt their strength. The Japanese were compressed into a small circle and could not come out at all. The Americans ran away when they saw the **** of guns hanging. Obviously, they didn't care much about the goal of this mission. After all, they were not wishers. Even if they got that fruit, they could not get a few more artifacts. No longer, no more running will only cause more casualties.

The battle was supposed to be over, but suddenly something unexpected happened. Three of those who were attacking the Japanese suddenly came towards me and Zhenhong. And obviously they don't want to come and talk to us.

"Hey, we are not Japanese!" The gold coin was also worried that the other party regarded us and Japan as a group, so she tried to dissuade them, but she was obviously too naive. If these people weren't idiots, they should have noticed when I killed the ghostly man. It is impossible to mistake the enemy.

Really red seeing the other side did not want to stop at all and handed me to gold coins. "You help Zi Ri, I will deal with these three people."

"Don't worry about me." Fenglong Space was unfolding on my side while I was talking. Xiaochun came out first and supported me, and then Yeyue followed and blocked me.

You do n’t have to worry about gold coins and real red when you see me, you can let go of the enemy. The two of them are national weapon holders, and their combat effectiveness is naturally not blocked by ordinary people, although it is two to three. But it gives people a feeling of two hundred to three. Those three were flattened without even blocking ten moves.

The three who were sent by those who besieged the Japanese were killed so quickly. They all stunned, and followed them to send three more people out of the team. I saw that the other party sent only three people and didn't care about them, but let Xiaochun help me under the tree. The underworld is not without a tree, but this lush large tree in front of it is a bit strange. Fools can see that this tree has definitely changed something else, and I have already taken the compass of gold coins. Come here, now this thing refers to this tree.

I walked under the tree and patted the trunk. "Don't hide it. This curious place can even kill cacti. You have become such a verdant tree, really creative!"

"Who said I've grown a tree?" A sudden voice came from above my head, startling me.

Looking up at the sound, I saw a young girl in a turquoise dress sitting on a tree trunk high up. At this moment, the girl was holding an apple and slinging there. Her two long beautiful legs dangled from the trunk and swayed leisurely, as if she did not care about the battle below.

"Who are you?" Yeyue asked sharply, looking up.

"Am I? I am not human. I am the fruit of desire."

"Fruit of desire? Are you human?"

"The form of the fruit of the wish depends entirely on the person who makes the wish, and the method of use is different. My wish is the guy named Nobunaga, but luckily he was killed by you, so I just have to live again It's safe to not be eaten for ten hours. "

"Eat ... you?" Xiaochun looked at the young **** the tree in surprise, thinking in her heart what the young girl looked like when she was eaten.

The young girl said as easily as she did not say, "The maturity of the fruit of wishes depends entirely on the wishes of the wisher, so my form is completely determined by the wish of the wisher, and the method of use is the same. The ghost hand that made a wish to me Nobunaga's latent consciousness hopes that I will become what I am now, and he chooses to use the oath to eat me. So when he catches and eats me, his wish will come true. Of course, I do not want to be eaten. , So I'm running away. "At this point she suddenly looked at me:" How about a deal? "

"What trading method do you want?"

"I tell you a way to possess the wishes of others, and then you can change the attributes of my desires. Adjust this setting to be caught and get caught. What do you think of this transaction?"

"Is the wish changed?"

"It cannot be changed by the wishing person, and the changer needs to kill the wisher once, and now you have met this requirement. The final restriction is that the fruit of the wish must agree to the change voluntarily, otherwise it is useless."

"Then I accept." Of course I have to accept such a good thing, how to see this transaction is a win-win situation. The only person who may suffer in the entire process is the ghost-handed Nobunaga, but his loss is exactly what I hope.

As soon as I agreed, the girl who was the fruit of wish jumped from the tree, and then used a branch to draw a magic circle on the ground. "Well, you stand up."

I walked carefully into the magic array, and then the girl drew another magic array. Stand up myself. She said to me: "The content of the wish has been determined, so you can't change it. Once you have reached your wish, you can add a national weapon to your country."

"Isn't it two?"

"The ghost-handed Nobunaga did allow the desire of two Chinese weapons, but the other wish was borne by my sister. I only care about one of them."

"Let's get started. Now I'm shifting the desire to dominate the relationship." With the girl's words, a red ball of light suddenly flew out of me, and an identical ball of light flew out of her body. The two light spheres merged into a white light sphere after contacting in the air, and then separated again into two green light spheres and flew to the two of us. When the light ball entered the body again, the young girl said, "Stand now, stand still, and say aloud the way you wish to realize your wish, that is, how much you must do to me to realize your wish. Note, you ca n’t say you ca n’t see or listen Obviously depends on

. Otherwise, it will be judged that the wish is cancelled. "

I thought for a moment and said aloud, "I want to realize my desire after I control the other party's actions."

Boom, as soon as my words were finished, the two magical arrays suddenly shot a green light into the sky at the same time, followed by a majestic voice suddenly appeared above my head. "Wish transfer confirmation. The previous wish was to generate a new set of weapons, and the wish execution method was to directly convert the main equipment of the ghost-hand Nobunaga player to a national weapon and add attributes. Since it is a transfer of wishes, the wishes cannot be changed. May I ask if I can change them? execution way."


"Please choose whether to change the execution method to add national attributes to existing equipment or reshape new equipment."

I thought about this a little. Although the national weapon is of great significance to the national warfare, it also has a very annoying problem, which is the issue of integrity. The national weapon of a country is both a gun in its own hands and a weakness. One more piece of national weapon really increased his own strength, but added more danger. As long as there is an incomplete set of the three sets of national instruments, the state power system cannot be formed, and the national attributes will drop a lot. If the average country does not matter, like two sets of our national instruments have been completed, the national attributes are already sound, and if the third set of national instruments loses one or two parts, it will not only improve our strength. Come and pull your hind legs, so this third set of national weapons is a double-edged sword for us.

After thinking about it for a long time. After referring to the settings of Nobunaga's hand, I understand the key. "I asked to add attributes to existing gear."

"Please specify the equipment. Note that the owner of the specified equipment must agree to accept this setting for the setting to take effect. In addition, the structure of the specified equipment will affect the national attributes. The worst case is that the equipment attributes conflict with each other, and the result is Can only gain% of the player ’s attributes. Generally, the designated equipment is the equipment that the individual has matched. The attributes are basically coordinated, but they are not complete. In such cases, only 75% of the attributes can be added. The optimal effect is to add the specified equipment. Attributes. In this case, you can get% attribute additions. There are two special cases where one or more artifacts exist in the equipment and other equipment attributes are basically appropriate, you can get% attribute additions. The last special case is the full artifact set series, This state will add% to% national weapon attributes as appropriate according to the suit level. Equip.

I really did not expect that there was such a setting for the addition of national instruments. I originally planned to point the third set of national instruments to Hongyue. But now it seems better that I keep it myself. Most of Red Moon's equipment are artifacts, but after all, they are not artifact sets, and can only get a maximum of% addition, so it is a loss. I have two sets of artifacts on my own, one is a large purple sun earth magic dragon set, and the other is a small silver moon vow set. Both sets are artifacts, but I still need to choose between good and bad a bit. The dragon suit appears to be extremely sharp in battle, in fact, because its attributes are more overbearing, and the two values ​​of defense and attack are terrible. That's why I feel terribly terrible. In fact, in terms of comprehensive strength, the oath suit is the best in the best. When Anubis gave me a vow set before, I said that the dragon set is the pinnacle of the artifact made by the next god, and the vow set is the top work in the artifact made by the higher god. Two One by one is relatively high.

"I requested to designate the account of Yinyue's vows package as the blueprint of the country."

"The specified equipment has been locked and meets the requirements of the equipment. The attribute evaluation is perfect, the percentage of the additional attributes is%, the most disliked attribute of .u., And three additional attributes are selected from the selected attributes. You can also generate an attribute by yourself. After the system review, it can be used to replace the deleted attribute. In addition, you can add another custom attribute after the deletion of attribute filling is completed. This modification function will only last 240 hours, please Finished within the throne of the Seal of Throne, otherwise the system will solidify the current attributes by default. "

Since there is time to limit the Seal of the Seal of God, I am not too late, so as not to forget it later, it will be troublesome. After viewing the attributes, most of them are team attributes, mainly in multi-player campaign modes such as team battles, team battles, guild battles, and national battles. All the players or creatures on my side have a large amount of attribute bonuses, and the combat effectiveness of these people will in turn strengthen my attributes. I named this kind of attribute as “Crazy Attribute”, which means that the more people around it, the more crazy this attribute is. According to my calculations, if I appear in a large-scale battle with a scale of more than 100,000 people, my own combat attributes can be at least ten times greater, which means that on average every 10,000 people can double my attributes.

For ordinary players, this attribute is almost meaningless, because they are unlikely to often participate in such large-scale battles, but I am different. If they encounter the last battle of Heaven against Buddha Gate, the two sides will invest nearly ten million in battle. Personnel, I must have the current attribute at that time, such as the Buddha, I can't beat it, but the eighteen Luohan tied a piece can also tie with me.

In addition to the general attributes of these group enhancements, of course, there are a bunch of special attributes of the yin, and I roughly swept them, as if they were all more practical things. I checked it several times and found out the three most useless attributes to delete, and then started to browse the remaining preliminary attribute options to see if there were any attributes I needed.

Just after a while I found a property that seemed to be useless, but very important to me. "Fruit wish, I request to add attribute 71."

"7p; gt; 1

The neglect of defense mentioned in the general attack attributes does not mean that the defense force is not used as a reference at all, but merely weakens the defense effect proportionally, and generally weakens very much. But if the gap between the two sides is too great, ignoring defense is useless. It's like my defensive power. Even if the personnel below the level of 800 have the attribute of ignoring defense, they must not touch me. But this element is different in ignoring defense. The additional explanation states that the elemental damage directly deducts the opponent's blood, regardless of the attributes of the opponent's element resistance. This is the real neglect of defense, and it happens that my small silver moon is also a flame. Attack-based plastic energy mages, so this seemingly useless attribute is simply a superb attribute to me.

After adding this attribute, I found two extreme attributes. "Fruit of desire, demand chasing attribute 31."

"Attribute 31 is added, magic resonance, chase /. Force field, the addition is complete."

Magic Resonance This trick belongs to the category of large-scale killing magic. Its mode of action is very simple. As soon as I activate this skill, my magic value will immediately drop at 800 points per second. Simultaneously,

The health of enemy creatures within the kill radius will drop by 1000 points per second. As long as I don't end this skill, unless I am killed or the magic power is exhausted, the surrounding people will take continuous damage from this skill. Judging from the current total amount of magic power of Silver Moon, as long as I burn half of the magic value, I can basically wipe out all the people below the level 800 within the kill radius. If I burn all the magic power at once, it will be 900 It is estimated that there will be no livelihood for personnel above the 50th level. Also. This skill can also be used as a single-man nirvana. The effect is to burn life for only one target. For every magic point I consume, he will consume two health points, and the burning rate is much faster than that of group kills. It can burn more than 2,000 mana points in seconds, and my mana value is enough to burn more than one minute. After burning, it is estimated that more than a thousand monsters can survive. Players basically do not expect to survive.

Although the mental force field in the back is not as powerful as the magical resonance, it seems to me that it is a more terrible skill as long as it is used well. The so-called psychic force field is actually adjusting the magnitude and direction of gravity as desired. Of course, there is a limit to what you want. Otherwise, if you throw a black hole out of the higher god, it will be finished. But anyway, it is very serious to adjust the force even within the range of double gravity. How do you attack in a space where the gravity direction is unstable? Is it possible to make a pile on the ground to fix yourself before you start? So this skill doesn't look good, and its practicality is great.

After completing the three supplementary attributes, there is also a self-defined attribute selection. The degree of freedom of this setting is relatively large, but the greater the degree of freedom, the more difficult it is to choose. Because it is impossible to determine the range set by the system, if the requirements are too high, they will be rejected. Fortunately, I am more experienced in this area. The easiest way to choose this kind of high degree of freedom is not to choose the skill that adds a lot of attributes, but to design an attribute that is very useful but does not seem to be strong. After thinking about it, I finally came up with a more disgusting skill. From the perspective of lethality, it is definitely a junk skill, but in actual effect, it is definitely a skill that can kill people.

"Fruit wish, apply for a self-set skill, Dead Fly Summoning." I explained the content of the skill in detail, and the system was approved. The content of this skill is that you can summon fear flies at any time, and the summoning limit is one hundred. The fear fly itself has no lethality, but it will crawl to your ground and drill around. If you can hold back the itching and disgusting feeling, you can not kill it, but it will explode once it is killed. Then a hundred larvae flew out of the body. You can imagine what would happen to normal people if they were sprayed for a while? Anyway, if it is me, I must rush to shoot down, and in the process, people will certainly have no time to take care of other things. That's why I said that although this skill is not lethal, it is definitely the disgusting skill of the Yin people first.

After the skill was selected, the girl who was the fruit of desire said to me: "Okay, now your skills have been selected, but to get these skills in your equipment, you must complete the previous requirements. You must catch me and limit My actions are the fulfillment of my wishes. If I were caught by others before then, your wishes would be cancelled. "The girl said suddenly and yelled. "Be careful."

"Haha, the fruit of wish belongs to me!" One of the people who had fought with true red and gold coins ran over, now he is rushing to the fruit of wish.

"Thinking beauty." A huge snake tail swept across the guy's stomach and knocked him back. Yeyue waved the six-handed snake sword in front of the fruit of wish: "If you want to grab it, you must pass my level first."

"You ...!" The guy still wanted to talk hard, and as soon as he got up, he was entangled by the huge snake tail and pulled to Yeyue's face. He wanted to struggle, but the six-handed snake sword was already on his neck.

"You dare to grab my master's stuff, don't you know we're grabbing others?"

Although this guy was caught by Yeyue, he didn't panic. On the contrary, he also said with great brains: "Well, Zi Ri's pet is deservedly well-deserved, but I don't agree with you. What is the skill of fighting with pets? We have the ability to fight each other alone."

"Hahahaha ..." I was amused by this guy. "Do you really come from kindergarten? Fight with me alone? You might as well go to the children with mental retardation to see who is smarter and brighter. You can think of fighting alone with me as a magic pet master, you really do n’t want to Face. I tell you, according to normal circumstances, you are a melee professional and a magic pet master alone. If you win, it should be, you can only say that you are an idiot among idiots. As for me, since you If you know my name, you should know my fighting power. How dare you challenge me? Let your arms and legs let me pinch you. "

"Everybody will talk big words. Let me go if you have something."

I waved to Yeyue, Yeyue immediately threw him out. As soon as he landed, he immediately lifted up his weapon and rushed towards me, but only ran for two steps and thumped to the ground with a half-month behind him.

"It's an idiot!" I turned to look at the fruit of desire. "Are there any rules on your side? Do I have to wait until you run far before I can start chasing?"

The girl said with a smile: "I didn't intend to run as I meant it, but the World Tree forced me to do everything I could to make the wisher successful, otherwise it would be wiped out, so I had to run away, but I have a way to reduce the effectiveness of this rule. I will leave here for a while and then run in that direction, I will not turn. So you can catch me as long as you keep chasing. As long as your wishes come true, I will be free Now. "

"So what is the time mark of the Seal of Throne? When can I start chasing you?"

"It will be OK in an hour."

"Then you start running, I will start chasing you in an hour. As long as you don't turn, you can catch up with me for at most ten minutes."

"Then I can run, you don't have to wait too long." The girl turned and started to run in the direction she pointed. Seeing that she could run more than ten kilometers an hour was a miracle. Even if I walk It won't take long for the Seal of the Seal to catch up with her.

Seeing the fruit of wish ran away. I immediately turned to the rest of the field. I do n’t know if I got the fruit of my wish or the reason why the real red and gold coins were too fierce. In short, the situation on the battlefield has become that those mysterious forces are attacking the real red and gold coins with the remaining Japanese, and currently The situation is also quite weird. To the left of me, really red is chasing around thirty or forty Japanese people, no matter who it is. As long as she catches up, she will be killed in one hit. On the other side, the gold coins were being beaten by people from unknown forces of forty or forty. Fortunately, her spell was more powerful, and she could barely protect herself.

It doesn't matter if it's really red. I pointed to the gold coin. "Yueyue, help."

"To understanding."

The eyepiece suddenly rose up, and then I saw her flawlessly beautiful Taobao Women Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m Fengyan suddenly opened. Suddenly, the bright blue bright light burst out. The enemies ahead were petrified in a moment. The remaining few people were still there without knowing what had happened. It took a few seconds for someone to realize that the attack was coming from behind, but as soon as he turned around, he showed his petrified companion behind him. As a result, when he moved out, he saw a pair of beautifully moving eyes, followed by petrified.

The gold coins could barely be supported under the siege of thirty or forty people. Now there are only three or four people left. Of course, the situation is one-sided. Three or two times put those people down. The remaining stone carvings are too hard and difficult to break. The gold coins simply shouted to true red: "True red, let's change hands."

Zhenhong glanced at it and understood the situation here, and immediately set aside the Japanese and rushed over. Yeyue put down his eye protection again and rushed to the Japanese player there with the gold coins, but Zhenhong ran over and punched all these stone statues into stone powder. After finishing the work here, Zhenhong quickly rushed back, and the Japanese players were killed more than half under the siege of three people. The rest threw out the teleporting reel and ran away.

Looking at the time, the Seal of the Seal of God is still far behind. I simply let the real red and gold coins go first. I went offline offline for a while and made it back for an hour. Now that the time limit for the Seal of Time has passed, it's time to start catching people. After summoning the flying birds, we immediately rushed forward. At first I was happy, after all, I can immediately upgrade the vow set to the level set of artifact and national weapon. Unhappy is definitely impossible, but we flew for a few minutes After that my expression started to be wrong.

Girls who wish to change their fruits just move with the average person's running degree. It would not be possible to run too far with the one-hour limit alone, and I have been chasing a bird for five full minutes. She couldn't see her figure at all within sight. Even if the flying bird does not use sound assault, it can only be more than ten kilometers per minute. It is absolutely impossible for the opponent's degree to go beyond ten kilometers, and there must be problems in the middle.

Asuka took me to start flying s-shaped routes in the nearby area in order to increase the search area and avoid missing targets due to direction problems. But the result was still nothing.

"Master, did you remember the wrong direction?"

"You're an idiot? Can you remember the wrong direction?"

"How is that possible? According to you, she is a little girl. How far can she go in two hours on two legs alone? We have all been flying for five minutes, even if she is a scudger!"

"You land first, it seems that we have made a difference!" After the birds landed on the ground, I immediately called out Yeyue and Xiaochun, who was also on the side, and asked them to think for a while.

Xiaochun first thought of the problem. "I know."

"Say it."

"Two possibilities." Xiaochun held out two fingers. "First, she encountered other people who knew about it halfway. She was taken away by them, so she was out of direction, and those people had a faster way to move, so it was out of our searchable range. The second possibility. She did not follow a straight line at all, but left in another way. "

"Isn't it possible?" I asked Xiaochun with uncertainty. "It's good for her to be free as long as she's caught, so she doesn't need to cheat me on such things, right?"

"She didn't want to lie to us, but she had to lie to us." Xiaochun asked, "Remember what she said before? She said that because of the restrictions of the World Tree, she had to do everything possible to avoid being caught by wishers. In other words, the previous method was simply not allowed. "

"But she also said that she has a way to reduce the effectiveness of this restriction?"

"Of course, but after reducing the effectiveness, we still have to find a way to escape. This cannot be violated. Otherwise, it will not be reduced but completely ignored. She knows that we will follow the straight line, she also runs along the straight line, that is simply In deliberately releasing water, this situation will definitely be considered cheating, and she will surely be wiped out. So she can never do that. Her previous paragraph should be forced to speak out. That is the limit of the world tree, forcing She must mislead us. But like she said, she does have some freedom of choice, so she tried to remind us. "


"Yes, remember? She said that she had to do everything to keep us from catching her, and that was telling us that she couldn't follow the previous agreement at all. Of course. It might be the first case, maybe she really There are also limits to the wide range of changes that can be made. "

"After hearing you say this, I think the second kind may be bigger." I'm not a fool, too, Xiao Chun said that I want to understand. "Those who have just been killed need to go back to resurrection. Even if they come immediately, there is absolutely no time for one hour, and others are unlikely to know the fruit of their wishes, so the possibility of being arrested is unlikely. The real reason is likely to be You said the second possibility. "

"That being the case, there is a problem with our chase line. It looks like we have to go back and start over!"

"Then go back to the beginning."

Packing up Yeyue and Xiaochun, I asked Asuka to take me back to where I started and landed where I saw her last. Summoned Bailang, then let him smell it all the way to confirm the breath, but in the end it didn't work. We have no desire to have something on the fruit, so there is nothing to make a source of smell for Bailang, and this ghost place is very windy, and the ground is full of ashes ~ ~ It is not easy to find the smell from it Footprints, that thing has been flattened by the wind.

The underworld is a very harsh place, at least this one-third of the acre in Anubis. The ashes on the ground flew in the wind, and no smell or trace was blown away.

"There is no way to track, you can try to see if there are any witnesses." Bai Lang reminded before returning to Fenglong Space.

"Yeah!" Bai Lang didn't say that I had forgotten. This is the underworld, but there are many dead ghosts. I quickly felt a handful of crystal powder from my body, and then sprayed it forward. With a loud bang, a large soil bag suddenly struck on the ground, and the ground around me began to shake. "Oh damn, what the **** is this calling?"

There were more and more bulges on the ground, and I couldn't stand anymore and had to fly into the air. Beneath my ground is a newly raised hill bag, which is only as big as a dragon. The bulge I can see now is as big as two football fields.

With a deep and thick roar, the lowered Tushan shook his body suddenly, followed by a large amount of dirt and ancient bones sliding down from it, and the body hidden under the ancient bones and soil was finally completely Exposed. "Oh my god!"

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