Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 48: Accidental discovery

After all the falling dust had dispersed, I was finally dumbfounded by a giant undead creature. ()


The creature in front of it is not the creature that should be here now at all, whether it is the seal of time or the throne of time seems to have problems. This guy is clearly a Cambrian marine arthropod, a class of paleontology that is several times earlier than the dinosaurs. I never thought that I could call this kind of undead in the territory of Anubis, logically speaking it It shouldn't have appeared on the 6th floor at all. Besides, this era is too bad?

I watched this monster that was bigger than the sports ground slowly stood up. His body looked like a crab with a long tail, except that its shell is not like a crab shell with all edges and corners. Its shell looks like It's smooth, like a dish with a buckle.

After the monster stood up and turned around, because it has no eyes, I don't know if this thing is paying attention to me, but it must be looking for the breath of the crystal powder that I just sprayed. For undead creatures, the black crystal powder is the best nutrient, but it doesn't seem to be very useful to summon it. What I want is to summon a skull or ghost casually and ask for directions, but in the end I call such a big guy, not to say whether it can communicate, even if it can speak human, how much crystal powder do I need? Will Ken help?

After thinking about it, I still plan to call another place. This big guy is not the object of asking directions. Who knew that when I turned around and flew away, I felt the huge wind pressure behind me. In a panic, I flickered in the air, a huge steel whip fell vertically, and almost carried me along.

The steel whip failed to hit, and there were several identical steel whip flying next to me. I hurriedly twisted my body and passed between these large steel whip.

"Why abominable monster, why attack me? I didn't let you do anything. I didn't ask you for a handful of crystal powder. You actually want to attack me. Do you have a conscience?"

"Give me all the crystal powder you have, and I'll let you go." I didn't expect this monster could really speak. And it was quite fluent to say that the sound was a bit loud and almost caught up with the sonic attack.

"You want crystal powder? Yes, I want to ask something, if you tell me, this crystal powder is yours." I found a handful of crystal powder and shook it.

"I want everything."

Damn, I guessed this big guy had a big appetite. "No, just this one, say it. Don't say pull down."

"Nothing to say, I want crystal powder."

Now I understand, this guy is not bargaining with me at all, it is to steal all the crystal powder. And don't want to help at all. I know a little about it, because after all they lived a long time ago, there was no moral code at that time, everything was based on strength. As long as I'm stronger than you. If you are happy to bite you, you will take a bite. If you are happy, you will kick your two feet. You ca n’t beat me anyway, so you do n’t have to worry about your revenge. As long as you have the strength, you can walk sideways.

"Okay, do you want crystal powder, right?" I grinned out a handful of bright crystal powder from Fenglong space, and then spilled it.

Black crystal's crystal powder can enhance the power of undead creatures. Play a tonic effect. The function of bright crystal ground crystal powder is completely the opposite. It can burn the soul fire of the undead, which is a very dangerous thing for the undead. It ’s like a high-level undead without worrying about this stuff. After all, the crystal powder is not a shotgun, as long as it can engage in gusts, it can be blown away, but although the thing in front of it is large, it is still a low-level undead in the final analysis, so it is definitely not able to deal with these crystal powder. I saw those glittering crystal powders that immediately cast a white holy fire as soon as they fell on the monster. The monster screamed in the flame and desperately rolled. At the beginning, it was able to wave the whip strong tentacle crazy, until later He couldn't move any more, only moaning in a low voice.

I flew over this guy and fell directly on his body, and then knocked on its shell, but I heard a metal echo. "Your shell is pretty good, I'll test how hard it is." Then I smashed it with an eternal hammer. At the beginning I did n’t use much energy, a hammer went down and made a sound, and eternity was actually bounced back. "Yes, useful. Little dragon girl, Ling, Crystal, come out. Can you help me see how this thing is?"

Ling knocked with his hand first, then slammed it twice with his staff, but now he couldn't move. The little dragon girl was simple. She directly stretched out a green onion finger and drew a circle on the edge of the carapace, and then gently pounded the center of the circle to cut a block of round carapace.

"This thing is very hard, and it is almost on par with our claws."

Ling took the slice of the dragon girl and held it in the palm of her hand. Then she saw a green flame suddenly rising from her palm. The disc quickly shrunk and condensed in the flame, and finally turned into a black ink substance. With Ling's finger several times, the black material floated above Ling's palm and gradually became a circular thin plate.

"I didn't expect this thing could be tempered."

"How hard is it?"

Ling gave it to Xiaolong Nu, who tapped her nails a few times, then shook her head. "It's been past my claws. It looks like this is not the ultimate hardness. If you have good equipment for finishing, I believe it should be harder."

Crystal took the sheet and looked at it, "Although the hardness is very good, but this thing will isolate the magic transmission. If you use it for armor or weapons, then it will become a whiteboard equipment?"

"Isn't that scary, can we use it to produce a puppet. Anyway, the puppet doesn't use magic as long as it is hard enough."

We researched the best use of this thing in three or two sentences, but I still feel very sorry. "Although this guy is not small, there should not be much material left after quenching. It seems that only a few very strong elite dolls can be produced!"

"I don't think so." Ling pointed to the ground. "I just felt a bit like the soul of something like this

A lot has just appeared, and there should be a lot of this kind of creature here. If you want to refine this substance, I think it is enough to use it to make a demon. "

"Maybe oops ...!" I suddenly felt a pain in my feet, and quickly jumped away, only to see a strange creature with an electric arc flashing where I was standing. "Fuck, it's actually like this. The little thing bite, it's a shame!"

"Why does this thing look so familiar?" Ling flicked his finger and the little thing immediately flew up. Then, under the command of Ling, they all turned upside down in the air. We looked at this little thing and looked at the big guy lying next to it. This is a complete understanding. This little thing is the larva of the big guy.

"I think our resource supply problem has been solved." Crystal looked at this little thing that was still in the arc of lightning. "This little guy is still alive, as long as he takes some back to raise them."

"I have lived in the mother's body for so long. The throne of the Seal of God has not died yet. Shouldn't this little thing have a long growth cycle?" Although I do n’t understand so many economic laws as roses, at least I am not stupid. If these things grow If the period is too long, then there is no value in breeding.

Fortunately, Ling answered our questions. "I just checked the soul of this big guy with a soul search, so you don't have to worry about it. The reason why these little guys haven't died for so long is that they are guarded by the mother's soul in the mother's body. The creature's motherhood is very strong. Even if it is dead, it is still defending its children. It was just because the light crystal powder was injured too much. So it was impossible to control the protective space inside the body and the little guy ran out. "

"How long do they grow? Can they be put to practical use?"

"The growth cycle is only six months."

"What? Six months?" I took a look at this little thing floating in the air, which is not much bigger than a crab, and looked at the big guy who had two football fields under his feet. It is really impossible to imagine how this thing would be Let yourself grow by 100,000 times within a month. Is this exactly the same as blowing a balloon!

Suddenly, Ling moved the small things in front of me and said, "In fact, I don't think these things need to be killed at all."


"Because this is an arthropod, their shells cannot grow with the body, so they need to constantly shed their shells during the six-month growth period. That means ...!"

The little dragon girl rushed over and said, "That is to say, we don't need to do it. The raw materials will naturally fall from them, right?"

"Right." Ling continued: "When the inner shell is formed, the outer shell will be cracked by the internal muscle tissue, and as long as we collect the debris, we can use it to refine this high hardness raw material. There is no need to kill it. They are. Moreover, this creature can be domesticated. It can also be used as a war machine if necessary. "

"Real machine?" Little Dragon Girl couldn't understand what Ling Di meant.

I helped explain: "These things are as big as two football fields. The shell is as hard as a city wall. You can build a heavy artillery position as long as you don't deal with it on the ground back. By then, we will have it. A mobile battery. "

"Not only the turret." Ling added: "The giant is an aquatic arthropod. Although it can move freely on the 6th floor, it is still a marine animal in the final analysis, so its biggest role is not to serve as a turret. It is to serve as a diving warship. Because of its shell's hardness, you don't need to worry about the other's artillery, and it is an aquatic animal. Diving is as easy as walking. Also, although this thing is not magical, it will discharge. There are dozens more The bar is thicker than the steel pipeline. It can dominate the ocean by physical attack alone. Even on the 6th floor. With its tentacle damage, it is definitely no problem to destroy the walls. "

"Is this something weak?"

"Yes. Its belly has only a soft shell. Its hardness is not as good as our armor. So ..."

"So as long as someone gets under his belly, it can be easily killed, right?"

Ling nodded: "Theoretically this is the case, but the premise is that you have to avoid those charged wrists and feet, and if it is suddenly cut off, no one can guarantee that you will not be crushed."

After listening to Ling's introduction, I made a natural decision-large-scale breeding giant. This kind of thing is really useful. The shell that is shed during the growing period can be used as a smelting material. After growing up, you can still fight. The shell on your body can be recycled after the death. Basically, there is nothing wrong with it.

Since I decided to recycle, I had to collect a lot of small giant belts to go back to large-scale breeding. To this end, I opened the space door and put out both the Kirin Warrior and the Ringing Knight to help me collect the shell of the giant undead and the living Juvenile, I can close the space door for the convenience of a while. I can also keep Ling. She can help the space door and summon creatures. Considering that Ling may not be safe to go back alone, I also left Xiaolong Nu and Bai Xue for a while to protect each other. Bai Xue could also serve as a mount for Ling.

After explaining that they moved things back to Isinger and waited for me, I left here with other magic pets to find the fruit of wishes. Leaving the right and wrong place first, I found a place where there is no big guy, and I re-sprinkled a crystal powder, but fortunately, no weird things came out this time. Instead, an arm covered with dry beef-like muscles stretched out from the ground. I didn't wait for him to crawl out slowly. A grasping hand pulled him out.

"Don't pull, pull off!" The guy on the ground called out as soon as he was pulled out of his head, but unfortunately he shouted late, and before I let go, I felt a sudden lightness on my hand, and the guy fell off again. Back on the ground, I have only half my arm left.

"Well ... this ... I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to be so weak!" I quickly returned the half of my arm to him. Then sprinkled with black crystal powder on the fracture, the two arms immediately docked together. For these undead, black crystal powder is the panacea. Govern everything.

"What are you calling me to do?" The corpse said while faking his new arm there: "I have no skill, you

battle. I'm sure it will fall. "

"I don't want you to fight, and I don't want to call you to fight anymore? I want to ask something."

"That's fine, as long as I know, I can tell you, but you have to give me some crystal powder."

I immediately took out a handful of crystal powder. "I want to ask if you saw a girl in green clothing passing by here?"

"Isn't that the girl wearing a tree leaf. A girl with a fruity body?"

"you saw it?"

"Yes. She ran from where I was lying, and then ran all the way."

I took a look at the direction he was pointing, and my heart-wishing fruit really changed the direction of progress. It seems that Xiaochun's analysis is correct. "Thank you so much." I immediately chased after I gave him the crystal powder.

This place in the underworld is a veritable ghost place. It can be said that there are ghosts everywhere. I inquired along the way and easily traced the whereabouts of the fruit of desire. It seems that she changed directions after changing directions, and finally turned into the opposite direction to the forward direction. Fortunately, I did not change direction. I speculate that her destination should be Bi Zocheng based on her moving direction. This is a relatively large undead settlement under the leadership of Anubis. There are a lot of undead and dark creatures living in it. It is said that there can be many low-level earth gods over there.

Since I predicted my destination in advance, I wouldn't bother asking all the way, but flew directly to the destination to find. The shape of Zocheng is more worn. The five-meter-high wall is covered with loess, and looks as if it is torn down at any time. The houses in the city are basically all civil structures, and their appearance is similar to that of the city walls. All of them are listed by me as dangerous houses.

I asked the gatekeeper to the Necromancer at the gate of the gate and realized that the fruit of my wish had just entered the city from here a few minutes ago, and I did not chase the wrong direction. After entering the city, I flew all the way to the first fork, and then used crystal powder to make a chip to an undead businessman on the side of the road. I learned that the fruit of desire followed some undead and entered the store not far away. Quickly chased again.

Many people think that the underworld is a transit point for the soul. When the people in the Yangjian die, the soul will come here to wait for the rebirth, and then return to the Yangjian. In fact, that's not the case at all. There is also a permanent population in the underworld. These undead will never return to the world. Some of the undead are native indigenous people. They are not the souls left by the death of the upper world. Like my magic pet, the phantom is a spiritual body that is generated in the world. He also has many characteristics of undead, but because it is naturally generated in the world, he is not afraid of bright magic. Since the human body can also generate the spiritual body, let alone the underworld, it is quite normal to generate the spiritual body here. Because there are long-staying undead here, there will be some simple transactions before natural undead, but because there are not many undead and demand, this kind of transaction is still very backward and not very frequent, but no matter how the transaction is still It exists. For example, this undead shop in front of me is one of them.

Seeing me walking into the store, a big-eyed man with a whole body immediately greeted him and wore a large robe, but because the whole body was full of water, it looked more intimate, as if it was a little bit transparent, if most people think it should be My blood surged, but fortunately, I have always been very resistant to beauties.

"Excuse me, sir, do you need anything?" Mm asked enthusiastically.

I didn't answer her, but asked in amazement: "How do you look like this? It's in the water? There doesn't seem to be a river nearby!" The undead need not drink water, and of course they won't make wells or reserve water. There is no natural waters, and I'm curious how she would do the same as when she was picked up in the river.

The girl explained in a very bland tone the reason that almost made me faint. "That ... Actually, I was dragged into the deep water by the Nile crocodile when I was cleaning clay pots by the river a few days ago, and it took me a long time to reincarnate the throne of the Seal of God, so I found a job here ... "The young girl rolled up her robe a little and let me look at her boneless calf. According to her, the meat there was bitten by a crocodile, and I listened to the air.

This time I understand, this mm is a water ghost, so it is. The water on her was actually not water at all, it was her death memory, as if the burned ghost would often catch fire in the underworld. As for her big eyes, she seemed to be particularly large because of her suffocation before drowning.

I did n’t say anything at first, but pretended to ask about those products, and then I asked about the fruit of my wish ~ ~ I lied to the water ghost mm and said that it was my friend, the two said Fortunately, we met here and asked if she saw it.

Water ghost mm immediately said that my friend followed a few undead and the boss who came to buy things, and then she was very enthusiastic about to take me in. I politely declined her kindness and walked towards the back of the store. As soon as I opened the curtain, I smelled a scorching smell with a hint of meat. When I looked carefully, I saw a black body lying on the edge of the curtain, and Several places are still on fire, and most of its body has become coke, so the smell should be on it.

I didn't care about the corpse, I was about to step forward and suddenly felt my ankle was caught. Turning around, it was the scorched corpse. It would be dizzy for people with poor psychological quality, but my psychological quality is always abnormal, and I have no response at all. "Let it go," I said coldly.

Jiao Shi not only let go, but also stretched out the other hand. Seeing him so uncooperative I was too lazy to talk nonsense to him, and after snoring twice, Jiao Zhe lay back again. I continued to walk towards the yard with two arms on fire on my ankle.

The Egyptians' houses are very strangely built. Obviously they have land, but they like to build the houses so densely. This backyard looks like a maze. I pushed open the deepest door of the yard and stepped in, but I was stuck there on the spot.

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