Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 53: God of Drop Chains

After thinking about it, I think that one's thinking must be lacking, so let's think of the magic pet together, and soon we will come up with a second biological enhancement program, and the goal of this reinforcement is Yeyue.

In terms of the basic level, Yeyue is the highest in us, so strengthening her will definitely save energy than other people. In addition, this enhancement attribute is also improved based on Yeyue's special ability, so we should be able to solve a little more energy.

Mo Ling knew that we had the answer, and then began to listen to our detailed introduction of the improvement content. In order to ensure that nothing went wrong, she still listened to it for more than an hour and repeated confirmation before starting to do it. In fact, Yeyue's attributes have not changed much. The only difference is that petrochemical skills have advanced rock manipulation capabilities, which means that enemies petrified by Yeyue can be used as remote control puppets. In addition, Yeyue was also given a killing skill-Life Fangs. After the transformation, Yeyue had a pair of hidden cavities in her mouth. She could use these two fangs to inject or use other people's lives. When she chooses to inject her life, she can play the role of resurrection. As long as the time of death is not long, the death seal can rescue the dead, and all death punishment will be cancelled. As for life sucking, there is nothing to talk about. The typical self-harm skills are only stronger than the vampire's blood sucking.

The transformation of Yeyue used only 4,000 points of energy, which is not as much as the Empress. This is because the Empress herself is not as good as Yeyue. On the other hand, Yeyue has not changed much.

After removing the 4,000 points of energy from Yeyue, we still have 88,000 points of energy. But the next transformation project will be more laborious. After our discussion, the manufacturing requirement of the third creature is to be able to directly produce a female alien, but unlike the alien in the movie, we require that the larvae produced by the female alien can grow directly into adults without going through the parasitic stage, and Be fast enough. However, we did not give up the parasitic ability, but required that the larvae be parasitized only under conditions, and the parasitic individuals would obtain some of the dominant attributes of the parasitic target.

Since we currently do not have the material suitable for evolution into a female alien, we had to find only a low-level Warcraft to transform it. According to Mo Ling, even using an egg as the material is much better than spawning creatures out of thin air, so we found a low-level Warcraft worm. Because it is relatively simple. This time it's much faster. After the synthesis, our Warcraft has almost no difference from the alien in the movie. Even the name of the species found in the property item has really become the alien. Tests show that in addition to the strong fighting instinct, the physical shape of this transformed female is absolutely comparable to that of Advanced Warcraft, and it is a complete mess compared with the one in the movie. But the only thing that makes me feel very depressed is that this alien actually took 53,000 points of energy to complete, which is simply high in imagination. It seems that there is no direct relationship between the transformation of Moling and the biological energy of the ground. It depends more on the properties of the basic model.

In the end, the remaining 35,000 points of energy said more or less, and we didn't know how to change it, so we had to consult with Mo Lingdi. After Moling land suggestion. We finally chose a non-combat creature—heartworm. This is a very special species. The mother can produce offspring in large numbers through spawning, and the offspring is a semi-energy creature that needs to be parasitic in the heart of other organisms to survive. of course. This parasitic has little damage to the host, and its usefulness is great. This species can communicate with each other through the mother regardless of the distance, if the host is parasitic. Then the two hosts communicate with each other at an unlimited distance. In this population, the mother is equivalent to a program-controlled switch. The larva is the telephone terminal. With them, the communication of our guild is completely resolved. The large-scale transmission systems used in the past were expensive and inconvenient to carry. Even if you could temporarily bring one or two for large-scale battles, you could not accurately control people. But with this heartworm is not the same, they can completely achieve single-person single-control. We finally handed the heartworm's mother worm to the **** of war. Anyway, he has always been the command center of the guild, so it is better for him to equip this "host".

At the end of the production of the heartworm, 34,800 points of energy were consumed, and 200 energy was not wasted. All of them strengthened my own attack power. Although 200 points could not be strengthened much, it was better than wasted.

After we got it done, the Queen's side finally made some famous figures. The little bugs she manipulates have formed a large Zerg forest through continuous reproduction and plantation, but if you are in it, you can only think of alien planets, because none of these things look like Earth creatures.

"Dude, you're really fast." I walked to the queen and asked, "What's up?"

As soon as the Queen heard my question, she was excited and pulled me to the side of a green slime pool that raised a few bubbles from time to time and introduced it to me: "This is something I researched newly. Putting animalized larva eggs into them can quickly hatch adult worms. "

"Hatching pond?" I looked at the disgusting pool water full of green slime and smelly. "How do I look at this thing like a sulfuric acid pond?"

"This is a special incubation tank for my larvae. If you fall into it, it will function like a sulfuric acid tank."

In a word, the empress jumped back Cao En, who was about to reach out to touch the water, and looked at him still lamenting that she hadn't just reached in, otherwise it would be a one-armed hero!

"You said it was used to hatch larvae, but didn't those larvae evolve automatically?" Wen Rui asked.

"The meat **** you saw before were not larvae. This is the larvae." The Queen said suddenly that she didn't know where to find a cricket-like creature with thick arms and a length of more than two feet. "This is the larva, but it is not yet qualitative. As for what kind of adult it hopes to grow into, it needs my choice, and different insects have different evolutionary methods. If it only evolves into a lower crawler, it only needs to be in the incubator

Transformation is enough, if you need to evolve into a higher Zerg, you need other help. "

Cao En said on the side: "Did I say it was a real-time strategy game! You see. We need to upgrade the building!"

The empress said with a smile: "Would you like to see some adult worms I tried to breed?"

"Is there an adult?" I looked at the queen in surprise. "I thought it wouldn't be until tomorrow morning to see the adults!"

"I thought so, I didn't expect to use a variety of ready-made materials and base construction and insect cultivation."

"What? What did you say?"

"I said that I could use ready-made materials and construction." After the queen said, she began to introduce us to the use of these materials. After listening for a while, I fully understood that this is how to use materials to buy progress! Definitely spend money to build a model. I knew the main system would not let us cheat so easily. After setting such a restriction, it becomes that you have to spend money to buy materials for adult worms, and then use materials to build soldiers. Basically, it is a matter of spending money to hire heaven soldiers in heaven, it is nothing more than the issue of arms and price. If you don't spend money, the Zerg base can produce adult worms by itself, but there are definitely many types without it.

Although it takes money to produce Zerg land for a long time, at least I have a problem, that is, the construction cost of Zerg is surprisingly low. Based on our detailed calculations. The cost of building facilities that can be used indefinitely is not included. It takes only one-quarter of a copper plate to produce only the lowest adult. At present, the trade of our guild uses crystal coins to calculate the land, and the smallest price unit of copper plate is almost not used by our guild. I did not expect that there are creatures that are cheap to this extent. But then we saw the appearance of adult worms and we were relieved.

The adult that is worth one-quarter of a copper plate is called a toothworm. It is named after a pair of sharp big teeth on its head. This kind of small bug is only as big as the palm of a person, and the attack power can only be forced to withdraw blood a bit for players above level 20, and the defense power is even garbage. It is simply that the cannon fodder is not qualified as a local creature. Even if you make 100 million things like this. As long as the other party sends a few wind mage to a tornado storm, they can handle it all without any deterrence. Of course, this kind of thing is not completely useless, as long as it is used properly. Sometimes, some results can still be achieved.

The Queen also knew that we would not be interested in this kind of similar junk creatures, so she took us directly to see the cost-effective creatures. First she introduced us to a creature called the Sword Beast. This creature has a strange appearance, you can imagine reducing a Tyrannosaurus Rex to the size of a kangaroo. Then replace its front paws with a pair of one-foot-long sickles. Fill its tail with a bone blade. The creatures you see now are basically the same as Sword Beasts. But I think this thing is more like a dog, except that its forelimbs are shorter. And no hair.

There are many ways to attack this creature, you can use your teeth to bite, you can use your claws to grab it, you can also use your tail to sweep it, you can use it all over the body. From the perspective of attack power, this thing is still pretty good. It is not high or low, which is enough to cause some trouble for most people. Besides, the degree of this thing is quite fast. It has basically passed the degree of most mounts on the ground and can easily catch up with the cavalry units. To say the disadvantages, these things only have a slightly worse defense. Players above 200 can easily kill one, but considering the production price of this thing, most people don't think they belong to the junk army. Because the cost of each of these creatures is only one silver coin. What is a silver coin? That's one hundredth of a crystal coin. Our guilds purchase combat arms usually with 10 million crystal coins as the basic purchase unit, which means that if we really plan to purchase this kind of creatures in batches, at least one billion will be created. With so many small monsters dispatched together, I estimate that as long as they run over the enemy positions, they will be able to trample the enemy to death.

However, although the Sword Beast is very cost-effective, it cannot be airborne, and there is a possibility that it will be overwhelmed when dealing with special attribute creatures. At this point, we are powerless. After all, it is only a low-level charge. It's not fair to fight.

Although the Sword Beast cannot fully meet our needs, at least it can serve as cannon fodder. In fact, getting billions of cannon fodder in front of me also feels full of joy. Of course, we also have supporting second-line power.

The second cost-effective creature that the empress showed us is called a little magic dragon. From its name, you can imagine its appearance. This thing is exactly a reduced version of the dragon. As for how small it is? Straighten your left arm, the distance from your middle fingertip to your shoulder is the full length of the headband and tail. It doesn't matter if you feel that your height is not within the normal range, because these creatures are not all the same size, they also have different sizes.

The little dragon is only one-fifth to one-fourth the size of the Sword Beast, but its level is indeed much higher than the Sword Beast. Don't look at others being small, you will realize that small is also good for small things. Although this kind of small magic dragon is only tens of thousands of the size of the dragon, others have the same degree as the dragon. The dragon is large, and its speed is not obvious, but such a small thing turns around you at 500 to 600 kilometers per hour, and you know what agility is.

In terms of physical attack power, the little dragon is only a little higher than the sword beast. But you have to take into account its degree. Although looking at the absolute value of attack power, it is only a little higher than the Sword Beast, but at the same time, its actual damage output in the Throne of the Seal of God is more than ten times that of Sword Beast. In addition, this guy will attack magically. It can release the flame magic similar to Dragon Flame, and since it is all close combat, this flame is basically sprayed against you, you can imagine how terrible it will be. of course. The above cannot be regarded as a cost-effective identification. Two factors must be considered, one is that they can fly, and the other is that these guys are also cheap.

The production price of the little magic dragon is only one gold coin. It is exactly ten times as much as Sword Beast, but the fool can see that it will definitely be stronger than Sword Beast.

The Queen recommended two

Later, I recommended the third one, which is a cost-effective adult that she can produce so far. It can be said that this kind of adult is basically not a bug. It is simply a bomb. This guy looks like a watermelon bug. It's just slightly bigger. When it curled up, it was about the size of a basketball. This guy has no fighting ability. The method used is to throw it into the crowd like a shell. Because it will explode at the designated location or near the designated object according to the requirements of the thrower, its power is very great. A person within a 10-meter kill radius is equivalent to being slashed by an ordinary soldier of class 850, and this guy will cause a ten-second magic chaos in the area after the explosion, that is, the area after the explosion Within ten seconds is the absolute magic zone. If these little bugs are thrown into the mage group during the battle, there will be a lively look.

Although the level of this bug is quite high, it is a self-explosive creature after all, so the cost is much cheaper, as long as one silver coin can make one. With the wealth of our guild, we can definitely give it to each player. Tossed as a grenade.

According to the empress, there are more types of adult worms, but the problem is that only so many are coming out, so we can't help it. I went to Gangcheng to say hello to them to include the breeding base here in the defensive circle, and then left the queen to do the show alone. I first brought the others back to the city of commandments with Mo Ling.

"Right Mulling." Although Mulling has a high status, she is very easy-going. She asked us to call her name directly, and omitted the honorific title. "I heard you say you came down to work for your son-in-law, don't you know if there is anything we can do for you?"

Even the heavenly courts and the lower gods of various countries have beaten their heads to smash the upper gods. Of course, I can't afford to waste such a good opportunity. In case you can help a son-in-law to do a good job, and then the son-in-law gives some rewards, that's a big deal.

I think it's fine, but it seems that Mullin intends to carry through the accident. Since I saw her, she has been constantly making accidents for us, and this will actually bring another one. "I do not remember."

These five words are not much smaller than the power of the blockbuster, and the people we heard fainted collectively.

"Forget it? How can you forget it?" Wen Rui, a weak little girl, was shaking Mo Ling's shoulder and shook it harder than me.

Mo Ling answered embarrassingly, "I don't know how to do it, I forgot it!"

"Then you said that you had the task ordered by your son-in-law?" I finally couldn't help asking.

"Yeah." Mo Linghe answered me affirmatively: "I do remember what task my son-in-law gave me before I came down, but I couldn't remember what I was going to do."

"I was defeated by you, I can forget it!" Yeyue asked with a headache, rubbing his temples, "You think about it, maybe you can remember it?"

"I have been thinking about the Seal of the Throne for a long time. In fact, I was there when you first met me in that cave."

"What? You already had it back then?" We were all surprised, and I remember when we were talking about cutting her up and selling it, I wonder if she heard it.

Mo Ling said with a naive smile: "Yes, I already had it, but I forgot the task, so I kept thinking about it. This time I suddenly appeared in your city because I thought of something, and the result Unconsciously, some of my thoughts left the body and ran out, and finally I could n’t return because I got lost. Fortunately, you brought me back later, otherwise I will be separated from God! "

I interrupted Mo Ling's emotions and asked, "You said you thought of some content, what is it?"

"I thought the mission was about you," Mo Ling said, pointing at me.

Alas, all the surrounding eyes gathered on me. "Related to me?"

"Yes. But the problem is that I can't remember what I did to you! Maybe to kill you ..." My heart was raised when I heard this. Son-in-law is going to kill me, then the group of people I know can't help me! Fortunately, Mo Ling later said: "Maybe it's going to punish you, maybe it's going to reward you, maybe it's going to help you, anyway, it's something that is related to you, but I just can't remember it!"

Jian Fan came to Mo Ling and asked funnyly, "Excuse me, is your superior **** landing on earth?"

"Wrong. First ~ ~ I'm not a god. I'm the son-in-law. I'm just her servant. Second, I didn't land, but I teleported it. Third, only you Stupid people fall to their heads. "

The two of them were joking over there, but I was lost in thought. Mo Ling said that things are related to me. I analyze and think that this should be a good thing. Although the superior **** is stateless, in theory, the son-in-law is still the ancestor of Huaxia, which means that the son-in-law is still biased towards us Chinese. Since the son-in-law is biased towards us Chinese, I haven't done too much, and I have made a great contribution to the country. In this way, it is likely that Mo Ling came down to help me. I guess there are three possibilities. The first is that her task is to give me a reward directly and then leave. The second possibility is that she came to help me with something, or stayed for a while to help me fight, and then left when the throne of throne arrived. However, these two are not very likely. The biggest possibility is the third one, that is, she will test me, and then give some benefits after I pass and then leave.

No matter which one, in short, she should be good for me, but the problem is that she actually forgot the task. It's almost like you suddenly won a five million prize, but people tell you that the bonus is frozen in the bank and will not come out for the time being.

I was about to turn around and ask Mo Ling, and suddenly I heard Mo Ling shouted. "Ah! I think what my task is!" "What is it?" We asked at almost the same time.

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