Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 54: Streaking

This is it. "Mo Ling suddenly reached out a bit on my forehead and fell down.

"Ah! Master! What's wrong with you?" Seeing me suddenly fainted, all of my magic pets surrounded me nervously.

Ling put her hand on my forehead and closed her eyes for a moment, then stopped Xiao Chun who was going to perform the treatment. "Useless, the master's soul is gone."

After Ling Gang finished speaking, my body sat up again, and followed this body while rubbing his temples and said, "How did it happen? The master's soul suddenly disappeared!"

"You ..." Someone around me didn't figure out what happened. I suddenly sat up again.

When I sat up again, I seemed to understand the misunderstanding of the people around me, and quickly explained: "I am a phantom. The owner ’s soul has just disappeared. I did not respond to it. Now I am manipulating the host's body!"

Upon hearing the phantom's explanation, my magic pets immediately surrounded Mo Ling. "What are you talking about?"

Mo Ling explained in a hurry: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, this is the task of the son-in-law."

"Task?" My magic pets were very smart. After listening to Mo Ling saying that it was a task, they quickly realized that it should be some kind of special test, so they calmed down first. Ling, my demon pet leader, asked everyone, "Even if you want to test, you should wake up to test it? How do you play when you faint him?"

"This task is to test the true strength of Zi Ri, so we must eliminate all interference factors. I just used the special mana left to me by the son-in-law in the Nether World. Now Zi Ri's soul has been directly taken away from the body. I'm in the mission space. The body here is not dizzy and has nothing to do with the mission itself. "

"But none of us are asking you how to fight Ziri?" Xiaochun asked.

"Did I say that? This is a test of Ziri's own strength, and all external factors must be excluded. Bloodline, skills, magic pets, equipment, additional attributes, all these are auxiliary abilities. Not derived from his soul So, you ca n’t use the same. I do n’t think you need to worry too much about it. There is no punishment for the test anyway. The great thing is that the task has failed for nothing. Besides, since the son-in-law let him enter the task in this state, it must be He will choose the difficulty according to his situation, and will not come up with tasks that feel incomplete. "

"This is also true." Ling nodded. The other magic pets nodded and did not continue to investigate. Anyway, Mo Ling said that this was a task used to test and give rewards, and there was no punishment for failure. There is nothing to worry about at all.

I became the boss here without Ling, she clapped her hands to bring everyone together and explained that most of the magic pets took the Kirin Samurai and the Bell Tone Knight to find a place to level up, and she was smarter with several others. The magic pets helped me to do some work that should have been my job, such as entertaining Mullin and handling some guild things. In short, when I was away, the Seal of the Throne was not allowed to delay the work of the guild because of me. Come down.

Although things outside were settled smoothly, I was confused and sent to the son-in-law's mission space. I just saw that Mo Ling nodded to my forehead, I felt a flower in front of me, and then came here somehow. I bounced off the ground instinctively, and then watched the surrounding situation alertly. At the moment I am on the edge of a forest. From me, I can see a small village not far away through the gap between trees. I wanted to go to the village to see the situation. I didn't expect to walk into two steps and suddenly bumped into an invisible wall and was bounced back. Touched along the invisible wall. As a result, I was actually surrounded by a barrel-shaped space, and it is still unclear whether the top of the head and the feet were closed. Because I was surprised that I was burned out. That's right, I was burned out, not only the equipment, but no **** left. This now scared me quickly squatted down, but fortunately no one nearby, otherwise it was necessary to be treated as an exhibitionist.

"Hello." A soft voice suddenly appeared on the top of the head, and I was frightened to reach out and cover the vital part. Just kidding, but now I'm bare, if a woman suddenly ran out, wouldn't it be seen?

"Who are you? Where are you?"

"Don't you remember my voice?" The other party seemed to be good at playing with the will of others, but this language that hurt others' psychology had no effect. Because there is a data retrieval system in the Dragon family, there will be no hallucinations and uncertain memories. After a brief check of the memory bank, I soon knew the owner of the sound, but the result surprised me even more.

"Mother-in-law! Don't scare me, poor man!"

My answer was to make the other person stunned, because the son-in-law obviously did not expect that I would remember her voice. Follow the general trick. This way of pretending to be an acquaintance of the other party can allow the other party to devote a large part of their energy to guessing their identity, so as to achieve the effect of weakening the other party's thinking ability, but I actually remembered it. That is to say, this sentence not only failed to disturb my thinking, but because of her own identity, many subsequent strategies were not used.

"What a disappointment, you guessed it!" The son-in-law's voice seemed quite disappointed. "Since you've guessed it, don't joke with you. I think you should know why you were brought here?"

"I only know it was ordered by your maid. Since being sent here, it means you. But I want to know what you are calling me to do here?"

"Mother of the Earth said that you are smart, and it seems to be true now. It's really easy to talk to you. Let's say that. I have a little reward for you, but I don't know if you are qualified to receive my reward.

"Reward? What reward?"

"This will naturally be known when you pass. You just need to know that you must be tested now."

I nodded: "That being the case, I don't seem to be able to refuse!"

"Good. Let me talk to you about the content of the test. This test is mainly to examine your personal strength, but this does not include your external strength."

I nodded again. "Understand that all the pets and equipment are all ineffective." I no longer flinched as before, but stood up and opened my arms. "I probably guessed it when you saw me chopped like this."

"What made me chop you like this? I'm like a female satyr. I just passed on your soul. Let me show you the novel in the most original form. It's just 2 ~."

"Please, even if you want me to rely on myself, at least leave me with underwear?"

"Actually it's one of your tests."

"What?" I was scared this time. "Don't you want to ...?"

There was a proud laugh from the son-in-law. "Smart kids always know in advance that danger is coming. Unfortunately, even if you know in advance, it may not bring you any benefits. Let me be straight, and I will teleport you to normal space in a moment."

"Normal space?"

"Yes, and it's naked."

"Bare?" I almost throat

. Even the **** that were picked up were not transmitted to this ghost place. It was enough in the quest space. Even if they were watched, they could endure, but if they were passed to a place where there are players ... I do n’t dare to continue thinking Go on.

Son-in-law continued to proudly announce her plans. "I'll teleport you just like that to the heart of a city in a moment."

"Don't! Lord, raise your expensive hand to spare me this time! How can I offend you? Although you say, I can't change right away?"

"You didn't offend me!"

"Then you are so **** me?"

"This is just a test of your ability to respond in a special environment. Isn't it against you, or else I'll just kill you, why do you have to do this test to give you prizes?"

"I don't want any prizes. You let me go!"

"No." Son-in-law crushed my last hope. "Once the mission begins, it will not end until it is completed."

"Then I won't be able to go offline, and I will come back when the mission expires."

"Hey, this mission has no time limit for the Seal of the Seal of God. You can never end it without completing it."

"Okay, you're ruthless, just leave me a **** head office? Otherwise, you can give Zhang Animal Skin!"

"I said that not giving you clothes is to test your ability to cope in special situations. So I will not give you any cover."

"I know!" Now that I have understood that there is no room for change, I am too lazy to do any more things, the Dragons have always been more practical. Don't waste an extra amount of effort on what you can't achieve. "In that case, what task are you going to arrange for me?"

"The goal of your mission is her." Suddenly a big beautiful girl suddenly appeared in front of me, scared, I quickly squatted again to protect the main point, but soon I stood up again, because I now People are just projections, not real people at all.

"This is the mission goal? How could she offend you and ask me to kill her?"

"Not to kill her, but to protect her." The son-in-law's voice was slightly angry. "Your mission is to find her in the city I sent you in, and send her safely to her destination, after which your mission is complete."

"Understood." I nodded and asked, "A few more questions?"

"I can tell you everything I can say."

"First, the target person is bsp;" is an adventurer. "

"Is a player? So is there a lot of players and bsp halfway through?" Of course. "

"So can I know the interceptor's information?"

"No. I can only tell you that you have acquaintances."

I nodded. "Can I call reinforcements?"

"You can't use any other power besides yourself, otherwise I will increase the difficulty of the equivalent value. The end result is that you will be more involved in vain."

"Probably how much of my fighting power is left?"

"It depends on your own performance. You can find your own weaponry and equipment, but you are not allowed to use the previous funds. Of course, if you make money in the task, what equipment you will buy, I will not block you. For the magic pet you It is absolutely unusable, unless you can get a new magic pet during the quest. But I think this may be minimal. Besides, even if you get a magic pet, you can't practice it in such a short time. The combat power of the magic pet and the enemy magic pet will not be much different. As for your own strength, you can check the attributes yourself, anyway, it will not be very high. You may not use any of them in terms of skills. "

"Last question. Can my small silver moon be used?"

"You can still switch to Silvermoon, but Silvermoon is now as naked as you. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

"The mission goal is clear. You can send me over, yes. What's the name of my goal?"


"Protein? This name really has a personality!"

The son-in-law reminded: "Okay, now I'm going to teleport. You will appear in the central area of ​​Yancheng in China for a while, but rest assured that no one will see you within five seconds of your appearance. This is what I gave Your only guarantee is. "The son-in-law said that even if I didn't prepare for this, I started counting down. "Three, two, one, start."

I read this number in my heart as the surrounding pictures flowed, because my son-in-law said I was safe within five seconds.

In reality, my body was suddenly tightened, and the various life readings on the biochemical reader inserted into me instantly rose above the red line. A few researchers who were scared thought that something had happened to me and hurried to ask the base The landlord's computer son-in-law knew it was a normal response. Unfortunately, the son-in-law of the base computer and the son-in-law in the game are not alone, otherwise I would not be forced to such a desperate situation. Just within this second I have forcibly improved my biochemical indicators. The brain finishes processing the information that normally takes several seconds to complete.

I now know that my location is indeed in the city center, and still in a square full of people. Can you imagine yourself feeling naked in a square with at least a few thousand people? But ... the words of the son-in-law are at least credible, because she teleported me right under the huge sculpture in the center of the square. At this time, a huge image of the son-in-law appeared in the sky directly in front of me. Synchronized with this image, there is the same huge voice of son-in-law. Because of the attraction of the huge image and sound, all the people in the square are looking up at the location of the image, which means that the people on the side of the sculpture are all facing away from me, and the people on the other side I can't see my existence because it is obscured by the sculpture. Although this situation really kept me from being seen for the time being, but the son-in-law said that there was only five seconds for the Seal of the Seal of God to be absolutely wrong. As long as she arrives in time to seal the image on the throne of God Seal, someone in the crowd will surely turn back. And at that time I will immediately appear in the eyes of everyone. I can even think of the title name of the forum hot post for a while.

No, I must not let that kind of thing happen. It just took me a second to complete the analysis. Then the remaining four seconds is how to solve the problem. At present, thinking is the easiest thing for me. High metabolism brings full-thinking ability. In my mind, thousands of plans and vetoes were completed in an instant, and I finally chose the most promising one. plan of.

When I counted this number silently, I was already moving. I lifted my leg and kicked the sculpture behind me and I bounced out. At the same time, my precise measurement system has checked its own attributes, and the result surprised me that my athletic ability seems to be only a little lower than before. My own guess is that the seal of the son-in-law just makes the player manifest. Level of power, and I'm so strong in reality, so that even if the attributes in the game are washed out, it will be scary and fast.

I rushed to my previous goal in front of the beverage stand in 0.5 seconds. This booth

The sculpture I just stood was less than two meters away, and my goal was to stretch the tablecloth. This booth is actually a long table. The table top was covered with a white cloth larger than the sheets, and those fruits were placed on the table cloth. Immediately before arriving at the table, I squatted down and rolled into the bottom of the table from the boss's feet, because the boss was facing away from me, and he was still looking up at the son-in-law miracle in the sky. So it didn't appear that I rolled into the table.

With almost no pause, I rolled out from the opposite side immediately after rolling into the bottom of the table, except that I even pulled the tablecloth out. Since I move fast. After pulling out the tablecloth, no fruit actually fell off. However, it is impossible for such a large individual to emerge from him, but fortunately, the tablecloth was already wrapped around me when I stood up. What he and the people around him saw was only a tablecloth wrapped in his head. Mysterious person.

Give everyone around you the reaction time. The throne of the Seal of God. I stepped out before the boss asked me for trouble. It was three seconds after the boss responded and wanted to recover the tablecloth. At this time, I was 20-30 It's far away.

The miracles in the sky disappeared and people started to move again. Although it was easy to recognize that I was wrapped in a white cloth, the flow of people in the shuttle quickly made the boss lose his goal. I almost rushed into the alley next to the square, but hatefully there was a city defense team behind me to catch up. The leader of this man is a player, followed by a group. They just saw the boss chasing me, so they immediately determined that I had stolen something and caught up.

When I ran into the alley, it was already a dead end, but there was no way to return if there was a chaser behind me. Once I was caught, the situation of my streaking in the street would be revealed. I ca n’t afford to lose that. people. Seeing that the alley was at the end, a two-meter-high blue brick fence appeared in front of it. I hurriedly added it. Immediately after rushing to the wall, I used the inertia to pedal the wall and rushed up. I hooked the top of the wall with my hands and pulled people up on the wall.

The chaser behind me looked at the perfect move across the wall in one go and thought that I had encountered a professional robber, and all of them were there, and I jumped into the yard behind the wall. Fortunately, this place happened to be the courtyard of a free family house with some clothes in the cold. If it's the player's yard or business unit, it's finished, and no one can do laundry in those places, let alone find clothes. Although these are all clothes without attributes, they can at least cover up. I threw away the white tablecloth and pulled off a half-dried trouser, and then found another piece of clothes to put on.

I feel relieved with clothes. But this place can't stay long either. I jumped directly across the opposite wall and jumped into another alley. There was a man and a woman on the side who were missing kisses, and was frightened by me who suddenly jumped off the wall. The man was so embarrassed that he wanted to reach out and grab my collar. I suddenly squatted down and swept him to the ground with a sweep of my legs, followed by jumping into the mid-air knees and kneeling on his neck, listening only With a click, the guy's head immediately turned awkwardly at a strange angle, and I also received a hint of increased evil. But I smiled proudly. It seems that even without the attribute points, I can deal with these ordinary players, at least my attack power is enough to kill the opponent in a critical attack state.

That woman was dumb when the man was hung up, and even forgot to scream. I was too lazy to care for her, and picked up the manipulator that fell from the man to the ground. This guy is obviously a fighter. It's a pity that he was killed by me before he even came to draw the knife, and he unfortunately exploded the weapon.

Despite wearing non-proprietary clothes, he had real warrior weapons. My attack power immediately increased a lot. It is not good for high-end players. Most people don't have to be afraid. Unfortunately, there is no defense now, and it is very troublesome if they are hit!

The woman behind me didn't remember to attack me until this time, but I took a step back and looked at her suddenly, and she just stepped back to the wall and stood there obediently. I swiped my wrist against the woman and pressed her against the wall, while the blade edged against her neck.

"Are you rich?" I need money now, but it's too slow to get out of town, so I chose the fastest way. I know that the woman in front of me is just scared. It really does n’t matter that her current state is her opponent, but I do n’t know that there is no difference between a resisting lion and a sheep. I do n’t have to worry about her before she reacts. The woman nodded under my coercion, and I threatened immediately: "Lend me fifty crystal coins, and I will pay you back later."

The woman seemed to have recovered her thoughts, immediately realizing that this was not the reality, and she could be resurrected after death. There was no need to be afraid. It is a pity that if she meets ordinary gangsters, she may mix them up, but I am not a general gangster. I am a senior gangster who has received comprehensive knowledge of psychology. Before she gave rise to rebellion, I said one step before: "Dead, you can indeed be resurrected, but please do not resurrect the temple. It is not free. You ca n’t run away two crystal coins. It ’s not enough to say that one level two levels Definitely, even if you are lucky to drop only one level, how long do you think it takes to practice the first level of the Seal of the Seal of God? Is it worth forty-eight crystal coins? "

"It's fifty."

"You have to give those two resurrection anyway, no matter which side you choose, you will have to spend these two crystal coins, so in fact lending me money is nothing more than forty-eight crystal coins. Besides, you can Is it guaranteed that nothing will break out after you die? I do n’t think your equipment is worth more than forty-eight crystal coins, and I did n’t say I wo n’t pay you back ~ ~ though you think I might be Obviously, but can you guarantee that I will not pay back the money? Do you still want to choose a fight if the two are compared? "

I suddenly noticed that the woman's eyes were not right, and immediately warned: "You better not want to activate the feminine protection system. All I have in contact with you is this knife, and the main system will not accept applications."

Now that the plan was found out, the woman immediately gave up the resistance. After all, what I said was very clear. If I cooperate, the loss is relatively small. After the successful extortion, I quickly ran to the City Magic Center, which was mainly responsible for handling all the messy needs of players, and I came here to print photos. It took a crystal coin to print a screenshot of the image of the woman I saw before into a photo, and then I used ten crystals to rent a city announcement to publish a revelation, and finally I used the remaining 39 crystals Coins as a bonus to reward people for finding me.

I think my brain is pretty good, at least for now, this method has really played a huge role. Just ten minutes later I managed to get the woman's care, except that the good news was accompanied by bad news. The good news is that I knew her specific location, and the bad hour was that she was blocked in an alley by the person who intercepted us this time, and the person who intercepted her was still my old acquaintance.

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