Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 102: Break time

Haunted Nobunaga? "" How did you get in? " "Jiaha and I came almost at the same time, but the content was different.

It seemed very satisfied with our performance. "Hahahaha ... you two thought it would be a success soon, didn't expect me to appear suddenly? You said what would happen if I spread the news out? I don't know if this Master Master who has become a huge machine will Will it not be sealed by the union of the gods? As for Ziri, are you ... I do n’t think it will be much better? ”

"You shouldn't be too proud." I said calmly, "Do you really think anyone will believe our words?"

"Although I can't guarantee that all gods will believe it, as long as one **** comes to trouble you, it will be enough for you, let alone what I said was true."

"Isn't that a negotiation?"

"Discussion? Did you discuss it with us when we attacked our city?" Guishi said proudly: "You are ready to fight against the gods!"

After threatening me, Nobunaga turned around and ran out. Although I don't know how to prevent him from telling what he saw today, at least I can't let him go out and talk about it. Do it first. I followed the principle of thinking quickly. After going through the space door, I fell into the crack in the space with Nobunaga's hand, but this time there was no guide to lead the way. The ghost-handed Nobunaga didn't know what method was used to actually find the speed of the road running forward undiminished, but I was not so good at dealing with it, I used the brain ’s chip-assisted function to superimpose the route previously remembered in my brain. In my visual signal, it is easy to mark the area of ​​the road I walked in the seemingly no-road space. As long as I do n’t run out of this area, I wo n’t fall into the chaos of time and space.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga didn't dare to chase him here, so after running for a while, I actually looked back at me and laughed at it. Who knew that when I looked back, I was already in the air and was smashing at him. In fact, I just showed the mystery here after marking the path here. It turned out that the straight line distance between the exit and the entrance was only a few meters. The reason why I walked for a long time before was because the route was distorted, so it would give people an illusion. It can be said that the sense of direction of people and the ground in such a space without a reference object does not play any role. However, I don't care about this. As the electronic part of the Dragon family, I can perform precise data processing tasks that carbon-based organisms cannot. I just gave up the detour boldly because I saw the superimposed route just now, and skipped the smallest span directly and hit the ghost-handed Nobunaga.

Unprepared and my impact was too great, the ghost-handed Nobunaga couldn't resist my impact at all, and the two of us hugged together and rolled off the other side of the road. At the same time, Nobunaga and I realized that the situation was not good, but it was too late. I waved my wings desperately but now I ca n’t fly at all, and the grapple finally thrown by the ghost-hand Nobunaga failed to catch the edge of the road within a minute difference. I could only fall with me in time and space. in.

After falling for about a few minutes, I suddenly felt a trace of cold, and as more and more cold contacted my body, I quickly realized that these are suspended water droplets, but the problem is that as soon as the water touches my body, It will immediately become a large piece of frozen and firmly fixed on my body. Although I was able to get all the ice off, more water spots were pasted up. As a result, more and more ice cubes were wrapped around me, and finally I exceeded my power limit and completely frozen me in a large place. Among the ice dumplings. The ghost-handed Nobunaga wasn't much better near me, and because of his weaker attributes, he was freezing faster than I was.

As the freezing process progressed I quickly realized where we were. Obviously we have escaped from the cracks in time and space. But the place where we appear is obviously in the super-high atmosphere. Because only in such places can there be so much supercooled water in suspension.

This subcooled water is actually a kind of ground water whose temperature is below zero. According to the common sense of most people, water will turn into ice when it is below zero. But the fact is that in some special cases, water can be maintained in a liquid state below zero. And now we encounter this state. Although this sub-zero groundwater has not been frozen for the time being, it has already met the conditions of freezing ground. So as soon as they come into contact with something else to break their natural state, they will immediately condense in accordance with the natural laws of most cases. And Miguchi Nobunaga are frozen in this water.

It would have been no big deal to fall from high altitude under my conditions. The problem is that once I was frozen into a large ice sculpture and then hit the ground like this, it would be very troublesome. I don't need to think that I know I can't withstand this shock. Nope. Never hit the ground directly like this. Otherwise it will definitely hang up. After struggling many times, I have been able to see the ground getting closer and closer. If this continues, it will definitely be ruined! Damn. Fight! "~ ——Ultimately complete."

"What's that?" A few resting players on the edge of the battlefield outside the German Iron Cross city suddenly noticed that there were two white tails rushing towards the ground.

"~ It seems to be a shooting star."

"No. There should be flames outside the meteor?"

"Is it space trash?"

"That's even more impossible. It's not a reality here. Where's the space junk?"

"What are you looking at?" The two were discussing, and someone asked next, and they immediately showed the person what they saw. As a result, that person also joined the discussion team. Some people stopped to discuss what was in the sky. In fact, the coaches on both sides showed these two UFOs, and the battle stopped because both sides regarded this thing as the secret weapon of the other side. After all, the momentum of these two things was too great, and they collided at this speed. If you go to the ground, it will definitely cause a violent explosion, and the power will not be much lower than the magic crystal cannon. But ... what happened suddenly?

One of the two falling objects suddenly lit up a purple light spot. Following the light spot, a purple light circle burst quickly. With the flashing of the light circle, the object seemed to be rapidly decreasing, and many white debris from the object. The surface is falling apart, and the light on the object is getting brighter and brighter, and the person with a stronger magic sense can even feel that the magic level of that thing is constantly rising, and the total amount soon exceeds the upper limit of most people's induction. It has entered a completely incalculable level.

"Look, that thing is slowing down."

The flashing entity and the other entity suddenly began to slow down at the same time, eventually falling less than ten meters from the ground.

The individual actually stopped completely, and the flash was relatively strong and suddenly began to appear a bunch of creatures one after another, but as soon as these creatures appeared, they would be sucked in by the intermediate entity, and the people below it did not see clearly What happened in the end? Soon, everything around the flash body was absorbed. After another flash body that was not flashing was sucked, a brain entered the flash body, and then the flash body burst suddenly. The circle of golden spherical shock waves spread at lightning speed to blow everything within the radius to the west, and many near-earth creatures were even blown a few kilometers away.

After the golden light burst, a beautiful warrior appeared in the light group. This warrior wore a set of gorgeous armor without a helmet. The main body of the armor was composed of black and white and gold and red. It was dotted with a lot of glittering gems, and there was Some colored bands of energy surround the left and right, but the most exaggerated is the pair of huge wings shining golden dazzling behind the soldier. The strong light even makes people feel the heat in the midsummer sun.

"Hoo, finally landed safely." The mysterious soldier exhaled, and then suddenly called out. "Well? How did you come in **** Nobunaga?" The beautiful warrior who fell down is naturally me, but there seems to be something wrong with the body, because I actually found the will of Nobunaga in the body.

In fact, Nobunaga's hand is even more anxious than me, because I have at least the physical dominance of this body, but he can only play a very weak role. "Ziri, what the **** have you done to me?"

"I just want to ask you? How come you came to me?"

"Who wants to run into you? Quickly let it go. Tell you, today's things must be publicized. Even if you trap me like this, it's no use, I don't believe you can maintain this state."

The players who saw the mysterious warrior quarreling with each other in the air were all confused, but several people were not. Ashford rushed down to me and shouted to the top, "Zuri, are you?"

Hearing Ashufu's exchange, I temporarily shifted my attention from the question of Nobunaga's hand. "Ashford. It's me, but there seems to be a problem with using the skills just now. Where is this? Is it the European battlefield?"

"Of course this is the European battlefield. I won't care about picking up the war. If I don't command the Iron Cross on the spot, I will have the British and French flags tomorrow!"

"Sorry. There are too many things lately, I really can't be a avatar! You let your people retreat first, and help me reduce the pressure before my state is lifted."

"Do n’t be too proud of Ziri." It was the leader of the Anglo-French Federation. This guy was frustrated by me and Asheford before. This God-man from the sky actually turned out to be angry. Up. "Tell you, don't think that only you are a master. Although you are the number one in the battle list, we have gathered in many European masters. Today I will let you know how powerful people are."

"Well." I pointed at the guy, and a golden aperture flew from the tip of my finger immediately, the aperture became larger and larger along the way, and finally became a huge aperture of more than four meters in diameter and directly hit On the ground. With a loud bang, the commander even turned into a large group of people standing behind him.

The people on the battlefield were stunned instantly. Most of them knew that I was great, but the performance just now was a little bit beyond expectations. After a long time, several people reacted and shouted, "Hurry up, call the special sniper team!"

This so-called special sniper team is the team that the commander said specially prepared for me. Their fighting power is the number one in Europe. If these people were absolutely unique in the past, but now The enemy is me, so I need to gather together to kill me.

Because they are all masters, this special team responds very fast, and gathers around me almost instantly, but these people are naturally not stupid since they are all masters.

Glancing at the place where their commander once stood, one of the players of the saint class made a restless gesture to the others. "Are you Ziri?" The right tone is very polite.

"Great Japanese Empire, Nobunaga."

"Shut up, there's no part of your intervention here." I regained control of my mouth and said to the knight again in another voice: "Sorry, there is something wrong with my state. An enemy also Harmony has come in, so it's a bit out of control now, but the dominance is still with me. Do you intend to trust me around like this now? Or ...? "I replaced the language afterwards with a murderous look.

The opponents collectively took a step back. This is not because they want to retreat, but because of the additional attributes in the game. They cannot control it. "Although we know that you are strong, we are not universal. Let's be honest! We used to be a magic pet hunting squad, although each of us alone could not be ranked in the game. , But our group lethality will definitely surprise you. Speaking of which, we have nothing to do with you, but this time we received money from others, so ... "

"Is that a conversation?" I raised my hand directly.

"Be careful." The Paladin shouted quickly. The two soldiers blocked his ground almost instantaneously, followed by two huge shields in front of them, and the two soldiers stood sideways against the shield. , And almost a bunch of auxiliary defense spells fell on the two shields and the soldiers behind them almost at the same time they completed this posture. I have to say that the cooperation of this team is really perfect, even my magic pet does not have such a good degree of coordination. But ... the gap in absolute power is not something that can be bridged. Even if you practice the four or two pounds of Taijiquan to the top, don't expect to clear the tank, this is the absolute difference in strength.

The defensive barrier that was completed in an instant was hit by a light blade from me. There was a huge gully one kilometer long and five meters wide on the ground. As for the Paladin and the two soldiers ... except for the shields near the pit I didn't find any residue beyond the debris.

"Damn, it's so abnormal!" A British-French player couldn't help cursing.

People nearby felt the same. "That's it! Isn't such a fighting force playing at all! He can single us all out!"

A little guild leader in the British guild immediately rebuked: "Don't ruin your morale here. I have seen the battle of Zi Ri before, this is not the case. This should be some kind of skill, and

There are time limits. Don't get close first, let's take a closer look and say. "

Because the little boss shouted louder, and he wasn't far away from me, so I heard him. I don't intend to cover this, they will see it after a while and the state of the body is lifted. "Hey! Now that there is nothing to hide, I really can't maintain this state, but I can still give you some trouble before the magic is exhausted." After I said this, I went back and urged Ah Hughford. "Let our people go back to the city. I'll help you stop for ten minutes. Take the time to take a break and repair all the institutions on the wall."


The Iron Cross City has been in a state of war for the past few days since I left. Asheford simply couldn't direct his people to repair the damaged part of the city wall. Now that I can create a short safety time for him, he certainly knows what to do. do.

"Okay, now it's our game time." I hovered in the middle of me, looking at the endless British and French allied forces across. Although there were countless deaths and injuries on both sides in the past two days, because there were so many people beating at the beginning of the war, even standing still was enough to kill for a few days, so the remaining troops still look endless, but now this endless But my enemy was blocked by the Iron Cross from me alone.

I laughed at =: Just looking at the British and French forces in front of me, ironically, "What's wrong? Don't you dare to move forward if I stand here alone? Or do you intend to wait until the end of my special state? Although this state of mine is not long-lasting, it will not be hours if I stand still for a few hours! "I am not scaring them. Although the magic power of the body has been falling, if I do n’t use my skills, the speed of the magic power of the body itself will actually allow me to stand there for seven or eight hours, but once I start fighting magic Consumption will increase exponentially, so their immobility will allow me to gain more time.

"He's right. Don't be afraid. No matter how strong he is, there is only one person. Everyone is going all out. Don't give the Germans a chance to repair the city walls. The fighting cannot be interrupted!"

"Finally there are still bright people!" I smiled casually, then suddenly disappeared in place, the next second I suddenly appeared in the center of the coalition's large army.

"Oh my God!" Because a player was too late to hit my ground that had just completed the teleportation, he saw a flash of red light on my armor, and a red halo with a radius of 300 meters suddenly burst out. All ranges All the enemies inside disappeared.

Looking at the black ground in front of me, sighing: "This can also provoke revenge? You are really unlucky! But it doesn't matter! It's so close to me, even if I don't die now, I can't live long." Then I turned to look at the coalition forces outside the circle, and then raised my right hand flat. A large number of red light spots began to gather into my hands and eventually formed a giant lightsaber with a length of two meters. The lightsaber is not materialized, but it has always maintained the energy form. Although it has a two-meter-long blade, it has almost no weight, so it has almost zero weight.

"I'll see how many of you can get rid of before the fitness skills are exhausted." I wielded the lightsaber in a circle and swept around with the power of rotation, and a half-moon swordman flew from the lightsaber immediately. It took more than a second before and after the Jian Mang had crossed a distance of more than a thousand meters, and all obstacles on the ground route that the Jian Mang passed had been silently cut into two.

"Well, the power is pretty good," said the lightsaber to himself.

"Don't be afraid, Da Chong, his skills always run out of time." A brave guy rushed up and rushed up, I turned to look at him, and the house became a red mist.

Actually, I'm not trying to be handsome, but I'm trying my skills. This time I used all the moving creatures that I could command. As a result, there were countless new attributes in my property bar. After combining, I seem to be able to use the various abilities that belonged to these summoned creatures at will, and the power of these abilities is actually calculated based on our combined attack power. It seems that the sword awn I just waved out is actually only the basic skills attached to my eternal sword, but because I am now in a state of fit, the small skill that looks very ordinary has turned into such a powerful attack skill. As for this lightsaber in my hand, it is actually a new weapon composed of my eternal sword and the solar rod of the small silver moon. It is called the Eternal Day. In addition to all the attributes of the sword and the staff of the sun, there are a lot of combination skills, but the only drawback is that this combination weapon will only appear in the state of fit. Once my state of fit is released, it will automatically collapse and decompose into an eternal sword. And the staff of the sun.

In addition to this sword, the skill that just blasted that player into the mist of blood was a mental attack from Pepper. Chili used to have the ability to control objects using mindpower, but the skills at that time were not so strong. Now after combining, not only can I use this skill to control objects, but I can also generate damage equal to the attribute points after my fit, so a simple mindpower The blast blasted the guy into a red mist.

After experimenting with these two skills, I started to test various attributes again. With a wave of his hand, a cloud of fire spurted out, and nearly 10,000 coalition forces turned into flying ash in the red cloud. "That turned out to be Longyan!" I nodded and pointed to the side again, and a red line of fire that was only one inch wide stretched out along my fingertips for more than two kilometers before disappearing. When I finished this, I moved my finger, and the line of fire immediately shifted to ignite a fan-shaped area within the two attack radii. Large swarms of enemies ran around in the flames, and the screams became one.

"It turns out that this is Xiaofeng's flame control. I don't know what effect the night moon's petrified eyes can achieve?"

Although I can use Yeyue's petrified eyes after being combined, there is no uncontrollable negative effect of Yeyue, which requires my active use to take effect. Turning and turning in the direction of more enemies, I started the effect of the petrified eye, and then I saw that the enemies in a large area in front of me started to petrify quickly, but immediately after that, my magic value was also dropping crazy, scared I quickly canceled the skills, but still caused at least 100,000 combat creatures to petrify, but my mana value also killed more than half of this time. As long as I use it for another second, I will definitely be out of fit because the magic is exhausted. Come out! However, I know that this skill consumes a lot of money, but the enemy does not know, they only saw me more than 100,000 petrochemical skills and players. Such great power instantly shocked some people.

"Did we get something wrong?" A British-French commander asked the people around him in the headquarters. Because of one of my skills

The top command of the British and French coalition and the people around him, so now the second-line commander.

"I don't know exactly what Zi Ri's ability is." A long, handsome young man suddenly stepped out from behind the pillar at the corner of the headquarters. "I didn't agree with the operation of the Iron Cross before, but since you have done it, I can't help it. Now I can help you calculate.

First, Zi Ri's combat performance is far from his usual level. It can be determined that this is not his normal combat effectiveness. According to himself, this is a skill, but "Zero" is impossible to have anti-sky skills, so this skill must have its own limitations. Just so many people have been petrified by Zi Ri, which shows that this skill has a very high lethality, so from this I can infer that this must not be a permanent skill. "

"How do you know this isn't a permanent skill?" A British guildman asked back.

"Because Ziri did not turn you into a stone." The handsome young man went to the crowd and continued, "If this skill has such a strong ability, why not just petrify our team? This only shows that his strength is affected. Limitation. On the surface, it seems that Ziri has petrified us more than 100,000 people, but have you calculated it? If Ziri did not use today's state, but summoned all his creatures in a normal state in a random manner in our army How about a kill? "

A fairly clear man immediately said, "As long as he has enough time, he can still kill more than 100,000 people, and there will be many more. Of course, he can't lose a little in the process."

"That's it." The handsome young man continued: "So Zi Ri's skills are not anti-sky attributes, he just compresses his own ability. So it seems that he has become almost unstoppable by the gods, but the actual The damage he caused was not increased but decreased. "Someone was planning to interject next, and the young man took the lead to say," However, the reduction of damage does not mean that this skill reduces the overall strength of Ziri. In fact, it is the opposite. This skill made him The strength of the ground has increased a lot. Although it seems that his total damage output has dropped a lot, but our damage output has dropped even more. If he brings all the summoned creatures together, we can pull a larger one. The contact surface simultaneously attacked each of his summoned creatures. In this way, our damage will greatly weaken his strength, but now he has only one body, and we can have at most several people attack him at the same time. This has led to We can scarcely hurt him. Another thing is that he concentrated our strength and hit our morale very hard. At the same time, he also improved the morale of ordinary players over them. After all, he looks invincible anyway, and the person who kills us is just like pinching an ant. Even if this strength cannot control the whole battle, at least our side Morale cannot be raised at all. "

"You said so, but didn't say how to deal with him?"

"The answer is simple." The youth took out a nut and placed it on the table. "Zi Ri is now like this iron thorn fruit. Not only does it roll around and make us unable to keep up, but it also hurts people everywhere. The only way we want to deal with him is ..." He didn't know the young man with a bang Where did you find the handle of the Warhammer and smashed the whole table with the nut into pieces?

The British and French commanders at the side just didn't think of a method for a moment, not to say how stupid they were. As soon as the young man took action, they immediately understood what he meant. "Do you mean that even our troops use a powerful super weapon to cover the attack? But then our casualties will be great?"

"We don't have to, but letting Ziri rush so fast will sooner or more than the number of casualties who lost weapons of mass destruction in their own team. As for morale and the like, let alone ask."

"Just do what he said." The commander-in-chief of the British and French coalition forces that had just been killed by me suddenly walked in from outside the tent, apparently he had just returned from the resurrection French formation.

"But Commander?" Not willing to subordinate himself.

"Nothing," the commander growled, almost roaring, "Do you want us?"

I went to inform the special forces to prepare weapons of mass destruction. "

The commander nodded and waved him out, and then turned around and ordered another person who had just followed his resurrection and said, "You go and tell the Long Sword unit to go straight ahead and pull out all the outer units to minimize our losses. "

The longsword unit is the elite unit of the British and French commander who commanded his own guild, which is equivalent to his direct unit. The British and French coalitions said that the coalitions were actually some large guilds. There was not much affiliation between them. Therefore, most of them did not want their troops to be sacrificed for nothing. Shameless and say no more.

Because it was an emergency, the British and French coalitions were extremely efficient. I was killing the Quartet on the battlefield, and suddenly I felt that my team had changed. Of course, the change in my enemy ’s land is not because this sword unit is better than the average player, but because their protective equipment is all unified. Although the weapons are different, a color armor and mage robe are still well recognized. As for why I haven't found this unit stronger than before-can you show that the strongest individual in the ant is more powerful than the weakest individual? Is this impossible? Although the elite troops are powerful, it is a big move to cut anyone in my current state. How can I feel how much power they have?

The commander ’s direct forces of the coalition endured huge casualties and dragged us on. The general forces of the British and French forces outside were rapidly retreating in all directions in an attempt to increase the distance between us, and the British and French special forces behind the battlefield Then he worked harder than the long sword unit ahead. In fact, the so-called mass destruction weapon of the British and French coalition is not a special offensive prop, nor an offensive magic such as a curse, but a huge summoning array.

On an empty field, the 72 piles of small hill packs generally emit a strange summoning array. The lines between these piles are composed of young female players of the pastor department. In addition to these girls, at the center of the entire method there is an altar with a diameter of more than one meter that is spelled out of various precious stones. There is a woman standing on this altar, and if I were here I would definitely recognize her, because she is the European beauty Venus.

Venus was standing in the middle of the altar and singing a strange song. It sounded like a song, but there was no tone, anyway.

. Near this huge gem circle, more than three hundred men were in a huge loose circle. They were also reading strange rituals at this time, seemingly busy, while the rest could only be anxious on one side. From the beginning of the array, no one can enter the array except those who started it, so the peripheral staff are waiting nervously at this time.

"Right soon?" The guy who was scolded in the command was standing at the periphery of the French Front at this time and nervously inquiring a high-level priest beside him.

The priest player stared at the array while replying: "At present it seems that everything is going well. Miss Venus's singing skills are truly unparalleled. She can sing for more than ten minutes without making mistakes."

"That's why she can be our first dream for a European man." This guy seemed to remember something when he said that. "By the way, how long did you say Miss Venus could control that guy?"

"About ten to fifteen seconds."

"Just a little bit more time?"

"We have calculated before that the last defense of destroying the Iron City is about five or six seconds. It takes about one second to get there from the road. Even if the time to deal with Ziri should be less than ten seconds, there are five Seconds are used for countercalling. I think it should be enough.


"I hope your calculations do not make mistakes, but that's real high-end force! Usually there are system rules that restrict them from treating us, but this time we took the initiative to provoke others, just in case ...!"

"Please rest assured! We won't let it happen in a lifetime."

"May it!"

The intense call is under way, and I'm almost done with the Long Sword unit there. The British and French coalition chiefs obviously underestimated the speed of our killings in this state. If the general attributes are powerful, you will have to deal with them one by one. Even if you are fast and you want to kill tens of thousands of people, it will take some time. The plans were killed one by one, but they were blasted into pieces. In this way, the speed of troop casualties significantly exceeded their plans.

This dead elite is a direct unit of the British-French alliance commanded by others, watching the team consume so exaggerated that he can no longer sit still. "Why aren't weapons of mass destruction ready?"

A player immediately stepped forward to explain: "It takes twenty-three minutes to start the French position. Seventeen minutes have now passed. Just wait another six minutes."

The commander himself knew that the start of the law formation was a process. The fire was just in a hurry, not that he really wanted the law formation to start in advance. He waved his hand to let the player back down, and then turned to the other human who followed him: "Go and call Ron, and let him take the Hunter of God to help the sword team block."

The handsome young man who previously suggested the use of weapons of mass destruction suddenly stopped the person who turned to report, and then told the British and French commander: "The hunter of God can only be regarded as a mercenary this time. It is necessary to dispatch them by the minute Tolls, let alone the current state of Ziri, even if they are sent up, they will be destroyed. "

"Then what do you say? Do you watch Ziri kill my long sword troops and rush into other troops to stir up with our people and finally bring a large number of our personnel?"

"No, no, no, I didn't think so. I mean that Ziri's current state is no longer capable of being mastered, and you have also seen that he will not kill anyone at all now. So, it ’s useless for us to send masters. I ca n’t seem to send a large group of undead mages to the past and block him with a low-level skull sea. Even if his attack power is strong, the coverage area is always limited, as long as we can take When the coverage area is full, what is the difference between the lower and upper arms? "

Everyone in the commander heard this when they heard it. "Yeah! Why didn't we think about it! Hey ... it's all up to this **** Ziri!"

It can be said that the proportion of undead mage among players is not very low, and even if the proportion is low in such a large-scale war, filling with an absolute number is enough to find a large group of undead mage. These undead mages were gathered together, and then began to use large-scale collective summons. The so-called collective summoning does not mean that everyone stands together to summon the undead, but that the power of the united people opens a channel to the underworld, and then just call out a large number of undead. This is more cost-effective than summoning the undead. many. Summoning the undead is equivalent to breaking a space barrier without summoning an undead, but this large-scale summoning can open a channel to release a bunch of undead. Although the large channel costs more magic than the small channel, on average, each On the head of the undead, the value still dropped.

I was so addicted to killing there that I suddenly saw a **** hole in front of me, followed by slices of skulls and zombies inside the big hole. A British undead mage stood proudly shouting on a high platform made of human bones: "Hahaha, aren't you awesome? Have a skill to fight with the undead army we summoned? Ah ha ha ha ha ..."

Just in that guy's smug laughter, I froze. Because the striker of the undead army that came out of the space gate actually held a flag that I knew well, even more outrageous was that the two dead soldiers in front of the dark temple that carried the flag saw that the commander's dead creature I actually knew.

"Well! It's been a long time." I waved and said hello.

The two dead spirits leading the team were also stunned, and one of the big liches stared at me for a while before recognizing me. "It is Lord Ziri! Why are you here?"

"This is the battlefield in Europe. How do you say I'm here?"

"European battlefield?" The dark sanctuary next to the big lich immediately took a black crystal ball from the guard behind him and held it up against the sky for a long time before screaming at the big lich nearby: This side is near the Iron Cross in Germany. Which of your **** leads the way? How come here? "

A little demon flew in front of the Dark Templar and said in fear, "Master, it is those humans who open the transmission channel randomly. I don't know that there will be an extra exit on this space channel. I thought I had been following this road. Going on is the exit! "

"Asshole, what do I want you scouts to do if it's always straight?" The dark sanctuary quickly apologized to me after the scolding: "I'm sorry, this is a small misunderstanding, I hope you don't sue Lord Ditans. We all know the agreement between the adults. This time, we ran the wrong road by ourselves. It doesn't matter to the adult. "

OK, I didn't say anything. You still have to do it yourself: don't stop me from killing you here. "

"Yes, yes, we will leave immediately." The Dark Templar turned with the big Lich and yelled at the back: "Everyone has it, the back team will change to the front team and return immediately."

The huge army of dark creatures turned around in a fragmented spectacle lens and drove back into the space channel, and that space channel immediately disappeared, leaving behind more than a thousand undead mages standing without protection. Staying in front of me, one of the leading necromancers still had the previous smile on his face and not completely receded.

"Surprising?" I looked dumb: The undead mage said: "To be honest, I was also surprised. Which idiot made you summon undead creatures? No one told you that I have a good relationship with Di Tans?"

"you you you……!"

"I'm nothing special, but you guys are too stupid." I said with a wave of my hand, a wind blade instantly cut a row of people in front of them into pieces. "Let me see what else you have."

"Since you want to die, let you see it." A British player who didn't know where it came from suddenly shouted to the rear: "Spread out." Hula hungry British and French soldiers near us all ran Far away, and it looks like they are going to run further.

Just when I was confused about what they were going to do, I saw a blue streamer suddenly shot from the rear of the British and French coalitions. With no pause, I heard the warning of falling health when I was touched by the streamer, but Before I could react, my health suddenly hit the bottom, and followed me all over the sky. Of course, the blasting ground is not equipment. The equipment on my body has the system non-dropping attribute. It cannot be blasted anyway. The blasting ground is just me and my summoned creature. At the moment I hung up, all the summoned creatures participating in the fit exploded out of my body. The people around me only saw a large area of ​​creatures spread out like a blowout to cover the boss's land.

In the process of this explosion, a hidden attribute of the fit was also revealed, that is, when the health of the fit state dropped to zero, I would not die immediately, but would be forced to release the fit state to separate out my summoned creature. And all of my and my summoned creatures still have one-tenth of their health and not dying. Although there is not much blood left, one tenth is still a little bit, but now I have no time to be happy about it. After all, there is still one in the sky! In fact, until now I haven't figured out who was killed by me or what, from the moment I saw the streamer to the time when I was forcibly dismissed and the state of body was only two seconds, and one of the two seconds In fact, it was used by the guy who attacked me to cross the distance between us, that is, he and I actually caught fire in less than a second. What can kill me in a second? You have to know that after completing the Seal of Divine Power, even if I meet a false **** like Di Tans, I can barely block it for a while. What is it that can kill me in an instant?

Although I really wanted to figure out what it was, but the other party didn't give me any chance, and before I reacted, the guy suddenly left a small blue light spot, and the light spot suddenly exploded, but Without flames and shock waves, all people outside the explosion range only saw that my area suddenly shattered into countless fragments like the world in a mirror and disappeared into a darkness, and finally the darkness suddenly shrank into one. The black spots disappeared completely. After this series of changes, the surrounding air suddenly rushed into the area left by the black hole disappearing like a flood, and at this time everyone noticed that the area where the black hole disappeared was nothing left. Whether it's a corpse on the ground or my summoned creature, even the ground is gone. This area has completely turned into a large hole, and the air in it has just flowed in, which means that the black hole swallowed up the dirt together.

The above series of actions is actually only about two seconds. After that, the streamer suddenly turned and shot at the area where the Iron Cross was located. Asheford saw that thing instantly killed me and then shot at himself. He was stupid. Others didn't know that he knew my strength and could bomb me to no **** within two seconds What strength is left? Who is not afraid of such a strong enemy? Contrary to Ashford, the British and French forces were thunderous. After all, their secret weapon finally overwhelmed my humanoid weapon, but their cheer did not last long.

Just before the blue streamer reached the city wall, a white light barrier suddenly appeared before the streamer, blocking the streamer. Because the scene was so sudden that the streamer was not ready, the result bounced back by the light and it seemed to be a little shocked. It wasn't until this time that someone on the Iron Crusade could see the true face of the streamer. It was a woman, but not exactly. Now this woman's body is covered with a layer of blue light that seems to be absent, and this light forms an image of a warrior in armor, it looks like there is a woman in the body of this blue warrior. Then someone suddenly found out that this woman was actually the European beauty Venus, but this one shocked everyone now. The beauty of Venus is known throughout Europe, but no one ~ when did she have the ability to kill me. Is this woman hiding so well?

The speculation of the people below will certainly not affect the idea of ​​Venus above. She is now in extreme shock because she never expected that there would be something to stop her, but she has no time to think about those now. Some have no land. She only has fifteen seconds. If she can't return to the summoning team within fifteen seconds, it means they are going to be bad. She just arrived in front of me over a long distance in two seconds and beat me to a forced disarming state, followed by destroying me and decomposing the summoned creature, which was delayed for two seconds, and then reached the city wall and used another Seconds, which means she has ten seconds left to return to the summoning array. Because time was tight, she didn't study what stopped her, but wanted to rush forward again, but a red flame suddenly appeared in front of her and blocked her course. A fierce ascension followed the flames and quickly disappeared, but after the flames disappeared, a person remained in place.

"Zi Ri?" The exclaimed voice appeared in the heads of everyone present at the same time, of course, some people were surprised, others were scared.

I spoke in the doubts and exclaims of everyone, but my voice was not mine. It was a sound that seemed to come from a long distance, not only with a huge volume but also with a strong resonance sound, and anyone who heard it could feel the substantive pressure in the sound. "Savansa

Allow you to appear on earth? "

"Svansass?" Venus was puzzled by what I said. She had no idea what the Svansas was, but she soon noticed my anomaly. Due to the close distance, she noticed the situation that others did not notice, that is, there was no pupil in my eyes, and it was pale, and there seemed to be a faint thunder light in them. These eyes are not what normal people should have. At least Venus doesn't think this is the eye a normal person should have.

I spoke again in Venus's doubtful gaze. "No. You're not Spencer Thousand, but this power ...? Can mortals command a higher acolyte? Say. How did you borrow the power of Spearthous?"

After hearing this, even if Venus was stupid, he should understand. Obviously I'm not me now, at least the voice is not mine, and Venus is at least sure that the will to ask her should be something at the same level as the energy body she called, maybe even more terrifying. Although she wanted to explain, Venus knew she was out of time. The time I was working on has been delayed for more than five seconds, and the remaining time is less than five seconds. She ca n’t complete the scheduled task at all. Now she has to run, and must quickly send this **** trouble back to his original world, otherwise the consequences It will be even more unthinkable, but she ignores my existence, alas ... it should be the existence of this will that controls me now.

Venus abruptly turned around and shot towards the route it came from, but she was blocked by a light curtain again just less than ten meters away, and a figure appeared behind the light curtain. Those who knew me immediately recognized that it was Xiaofeng, and at the same time two creatures appeared on the left and right sides of Venus, one of which was Yeyue and the other was Ariana. The four of us blocked Venus completely in the middle, and she was anxious now. This block has been delayed for one second, with only three seconds remaining. She quickly wanted to go around, but the four of us immediately followed her up and still firmly blocked her in the middle. Venus started to fall and fell again quickly, but the result is still the same, and it has been delayed for another two seconds. Venus is already anxious, but she is completely helpless in the face of four opponents of almost the same level.

It may be impossible, Venus suddenly shot at Feng who directly blocked her. I saw the space around Xiaofeng suddenly shatter, but Xiaofeng was like a virtual image superimposed on the screen, and she was not harmed by the space smashing. Xiaofeng then spoke suddenly, but her voice was a man's voice. "Did you just borrow a part of Svansas' power and thought you could hurt me Amorad?"

If someone is insider like me now, it will definitely scream, because this Amorad is not someone else, it is the flame **** Amorad, one of the top ten, and the mother of the earth exists at the same level.

Although this is very human, unfortunately, almost none of the people present knew who Amorad was, so no one showed anything. The only reaction was Venus, because finally the time finally came. As soon as fifteen seconds passed, her body suddenly disappeared, and there was only the blue ghost in the ground. The phantom seemed a little confused, and he turned around in confusion before glancing slightly at me. "Excuse Pangu, what's going on?"

The sound of this sentence is much stronger than that. No one knew Amorad, but Pan Gu had a great reputation. As the alliance guild of our guild, almost all the people of the Iron Crusaders know a little about Chinese culture. They almost all know the Pangu god.

"How could it be Pangu?" Exclaimed a player beside Ashford.

By contrast, Ashford is much more calm than ordinary players. "That's not Ziri. It's not his own will that manipulates Ziri now. This is just Ziri's body." Actually Asheford guessed the ground right, because I was so busy outside Iron Cross But stuck in Yin Cao Difu's temper. I did hang up after I hit the move just now, but instead of being resurrected in the recent resurrection hall of the Metro Cross City, I was inexplicably teleported to the Yincaodi government on the Chinese side, and I was told that because my body was being Another soul occupies so I have no way of resurrection for the time being, I can only wander for a while in the prefecture in the state of soul.

Let's say I'm here, and the dialogue in Europe is continuing. That my body said to that virtual shadow: "We still want to ask you! The power ring we just left in the world suddenly felt the power of the upper god, and it was actually the power of the boss Rammons, so I came to see A moment, I didn't expect that you were here. Why don't you just run around the world with the boss of Rammons? Don't you know that neither our higher gods nor higher servants can go to the lower bound? "

Xingying commissioned: "I don't know! I just recently repaired the cracks in space with Master Raymonds ~ who knows that I suddenly lost my consciousness, and then I wake up here!"

On the other side, Yeyue dragged his chin to think about it for a while and said to Pan Gu: "Brother. I think the people in the Nether have found a way to borrow our power. Sivan Sath is not a newcomer. He is not a low-level mistake. Will do it.


"The son-in-law is right ~ ~ Ayana also spoke on the side." I don't think this matter is suitable for us to deal with, after all, whether it is Sfansas or our presence here will seriously affect this Energy balance, we still try not to give Brother Rammons trouble, otherwise he will be busy repairing cracks in the space. "

"But isn't it more dangerous for mortals to summon our powers like this?" Asked Vulcan, who occupied Xiaofeng's body.

"I didn't say no, but we can't let us do it ourselves. I think I should leave the matter to Ziri? Anyway, I've talked to him before, this little guy is still very stable."

Pan Gu nodded. "Then do what you want. Svansas, come back with us."

"Yes." Svansas bowed and saluted, and five figures suddenly lighted at the same time, but the four other bodies suddenly fell from the air and fell to the ground except Svansas really disappeared.

Suddenly I felt a change in the surrounding environment at Difu, and then I felt that I was falling, and then I crashed on the ground and smashed the ground into a large pit. "Fuck, which **** pit is this for me?" I rubbed my waist and sat up from the ground, while Ashford on the wall behind him said to himself: "It seems his body is coming back Now. "

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