Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 103: Mission of the High God

Ah ... my neck! "Yeyue suddenly got up from the ground, but said with a puzzled look:" Strange, how do I feel like I am full of a kind force? " "

Ariana also called out, "Strange, why do I have such dense water elements? This concentration is almost faster than the underwater environment, but why did the water elements not condense into water droplets?"

"Wow ha ha, the heart of the flame." Xiao Feng crawled out of the pit instead of screaming pain but exclaimed excitedly. "The flame heart has actually condensed in my body. Did I just upgrade?"

"Do n’t bother, where are we?" I looked around in confusion, and then I actually returned to the battlefield. What ’s more strange is that my level didn't drop, which means that the death just now has not taken effect. .

I was waiting for the pets to answer, and suddenly I heard Ashford's voice. I looked up and saw what Ashurford was desperately shouting at me on the top of the wall above me, but I do n’t know why the sound was low and almost inaudible. side.

I bowed my head in doubt in the direction he was pointing at, and as a result I saw enemies rushing across me.

"Fuck, while I'm just lifting and thinking about Jang Yi?"

In fact, the enemy thinks so, but even if I can't talk to the body for the time being, it is not a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch. Of course, this is not the time to be stubborn. Although the attributes have been improved, my health and mana are all empty. This state is not suitable for combat. Anyway, the city wall is behind me. I plan to avoid it first, but when I walked under the gate, I encountered trouble. No matter how I smashed it, the gate was always unresponsive. Seeing the enemies getting closer, I began to worry. "Fuck, Ashford, you're about to open the door!"

"Master, look at it." Yeyue stood outside the doorway and pointed at the city wall and called me. I quickly ran out and looked up. I saw a few white men at Ashford pulling a huge white cloth. Written words.

"The city was blocked by the unknown force field, I can't open the gate!" I read the words on the white cloth immediately after reading the words on the white cloth. shield? How could anyone shield the city walls? I spread my wings and hovered on the top of the wall and hovered directly in front of Ashford, but it turned out that there were really more layers on the wall. Although Ashford and I were already facing each other, I could n’t fly past no matter how hard I tried The entire city wall was blocked by an invisible force field.

Ashford shouted desperately at me. After not passing through this layer of force field, the sound is so small that it is almost inaudible. "Zi Ri. You go quickly. This force field is not ours. Now we can't control it. You run first! Let the enemy catch you and you're done!"

I nodded and said inside, "I see. Be careful yourself. I flash first." After shouting, I landed first and put away the magic pets. Followed and planned to run. But before the foot stepped out, he was blocked by a sudden door.

"The gate of the earth?"

The thing that blocked me was clearly the gate where I stored and called the creature land. It's just that I didn't summon it at all. But it appeared on its own. Just as I was puzzled, the door of the earth suddenly opened. And the gate of the earth was standing behind me and watching me. Before I could make any response to the Earth, I said, "You come in. Tell me something," she said, and turned to her palace.

Although it is not clear what the earth is looking for me. But now I have to run anyway. Simply take the lead from Mother Earth. After the mother of the earth has finished speaking, my life and magic should be restored. As long as the health and magic power of the land attribute is restored. Want to run, that is no one to stop at all. So I am not afraid that I will be surrounded by people soon.

Walked into the gate of the earth with a doubt. Following the gate closed behind me automatically. Chasing the enemy in front of me? Watching me disappear into their sight and helpless. Even more depressing is that they also showed that strange field of force at this time. As a result, the Iron Crusaders and British and French allies could only scold each other across the barrier. I want to fight but I ca n’t touch the opponent.

When I was in a mess outside of Iron Cross, I had already reached the Mother Earth's palace, but I did n’t know what she had to say to me, but since it ’s a higher god, it ’s definitely not a trivial matter.

When I walked into the Mother Earth Palace, I was surprised that there were actually four basketball-sized water polo **** floating in the lobby. I saw one of them coming out and suddenly there was a sound, and there was a circle on the surface of the water polo with sound The regular ripples feel as if the spectrum of the sound is changing. "Zi Ri, do you know who we are?"

I shook my head. Another water polo also appeared in circles around the ground, and a very soft female voice appeared. "Do you always remember my voice?"

"Naughty maiden?" I heard this voice only once before, but in my memory, I would not mistake the voiceprint signal.

"You can still remember that my voice is really good. The other three here are Vulcan, Water God, and Pangu Great God. The reason why I see you in this way is because our projection of the power on earth will seriously affect the power on earth Balance, so we have borrowed the private space of Mother Earth to meet you. "

I nodded and said I understood, and then asked, "So, what about the Lord God, who is looking for me?"

The previous baritone appeared again, and I think this is probably Pangu's voice. "Did you just get killed by a strong guy?"

"Yes. I didn't even figure out how I died!"

"That's normal, because the guy who is playing against you is the servant of the space **** Rammons, Svansa."

"Higher God?"

"It's not a high god, it's a high servant." The mother of the earth explained to me: "We, the high gods, also need some subordinates to help us complete some things that we have to do, such as sometimes we need to deal with some mortals Things, and our ontology and power projection are not very suitable to appear in the world, and the gods are more suitable than us in this aspect, at least they have a much lower influence on the order of the world than we, so we these The higher gods will have more or less servant gods. But strictly speaking, the servant gods are not actually gods, they are only servants of the gods, but compared to those self-proclaimed lower gods in your world, the higher gods are actually very good. Strong. Their land strength is just lower than our higher gods, and it is still invincible to your human power system. "

"No wonder I was killed in person. The guy turned out to be a god-like guy who could kill us! But why did that Sfansas attack me?"

"It wasn't Sfansas that attacked you." My son-in-law's voice made me very surprised. After all, the blue light and the blue light were simply face to face, and afterwards, although many people saw the manifest Venus, I had already Bye,

Don't know these.

Pangudi's voice explained: "Svansas was then manipulated by another will. The creature that manipulated him was a woman, and you were the adventurer in the world."

The adventurer in the mouth refers to the player, and I am of course very surprised by this news. "Do you know who that woman is? Why can she manipulate the power of Sivan Sath? Is this too exaggerated?"

One of the two water polo that has not spoken suddenly developed into a water curtain, followed by the image of a woman on the water curtain. Suddenly there was a sound of water from the water curtain. "This is the image of the woman I recorded at the time. As the superior god, we don't know your adventurers in the world. We have nothing else but this image."

"I know this woman."

"you recognize?"

"Well, her name is Venus, the first beauty in Europe. We have played one before."

"Since you know who she is, it's easy to handle." Pan Gu said, "It is not a good thing that the power of the higher **** appears in the world. We come to you just to help us find out how she borrowed the higher god. Powerful, report it to us and make sure they can't use this ability again, that's what we want you to do. "

When I heard this, I immediately laughed. "That ... people can summon the power of the higher gods to fight. You have seen it before, and I was killed face to face. In case they use that method to summon power, I can't guarantee that I can complete the task, so this ...? "Hey, there aren't many opportunities to blackmail the superior god.

"You're sloppy, and you have nothing to do before thinking about the benefits." Although the son-in-law's words were reproachful, the tone did not feel very angry. "These are for you." A large box suddenly burst into the air and fell to the ground. I hurried over to open the box and looked inside. There seem to be many layers inside the box, because it looks like there is only a thin layer of space when the box is opened two feet deep. This used to be a tray. The tray was covered with blue velvet, and there were six dimples. Each dimple contained a blue ground glass marble, and the marble seemed to be visible through the transparent outer layer. Nebula-like things are spinning inside.

"what is this?"

"This is a bead made by the **** of space. Once you encounter the other party in the process of borrowing the power of a higher god, you throw it with this bead."

"This thing can kill all the god-gods? How powerful is this? Should I hide immediately after throwing it away or just teleport away?"

"This is not a bomb, what do you hide?" The son-in-law explained slightly angrily: "This is a rule bead made by the space **** Rammons, which contains an independent space rule. The content of this rule is to teleport the target Come to us. "

I nodded and asked, "That is to say, as long as I hit my enemy with this thing, will that person be teleported to you as soon as he gets there?"

"Yes. Then you do n’t have to worry about the power of the superior servant god. We guess those guys should not be able to borrow our power, what they can borrow is the power of our servant god, so as long as you use this To the other side, that guy will be teleported to us and we will help you solve it. On our site we don't have to suppress our own power, so no one can threaten us. "I immediately nodded and said," I I ’m pretty sure that no one can beat you, but the problem is, what if I ca n’t hit each other? That guy is so great, I ca n’t stop it in front of him for a second. No, I was killed before I came and took it out? "

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw that six glass marbles suddenly flew up and flew straight towards my forehead. Before I came and reacted, they all hit my forehead and penetrated and disappeared completely. not see. The son-in-law's voice appeared. "I have bound the Orb of Law to your consciousness. You do n’t have to throw it with your hands. From now on, as soon as you see or feel the target and want to use the Orb of Law, these Orb of Law will automatically fly out and attack you. The target you want, and they will have the ability to track automatically, as long as you determine the target, they will automatically catch up without you. "

"It's almost the same. I don't think that guy is too soon for me to even have the sense of resistance to kill me." After saying this, I immediately smiled and asked: "That ... in case this mission is useless Can I continue to use the remaining land afterwards? "

Of course the son-in-law didn't care about such a trivial matter, she answered generously: "Of course. We will allow you these six opportunities anyway, no matter how much you have left after the end of the mission, you are at your disposal, and you will have no enemies to fight in the future. You can use the Pearl of Law to teleport him to the upper world, and we will help you level your opponents, but you better remember that you only have six chances, and we will not give you land after use. "

"Understood." I smiled proudly as I lifted up the tray of the Pearl of Law. Sure enough, there is another layer under this layer of tray. Inside this floor is ... a pocket watch? "What is this?" I asked, puzzled, holding the pocket watch.

"As you can see, this is only a pocket watch."

"What can this thing do? Do I still have time for the Seal of the Seal of Throne?"

Yes, this is not for you. The son-in-law explained: "This is the moment of the moment when Mosana, the **** of time, made the plot. "

"Clock of a moment? What are you doing?"

The son-in-law might first explain to me the principle of this thing, but after a while, he stopped, and then paused for a while before saying, "This is troublesome to say, anyway, as long as you know this thing can make You and the others will be under the seal of the throne of God at different times. "

"Divine Seal of Throne Flows at Different Times?"


When you need to use it, just press the only button above. You can see that there is only one needle on the dial. Usually it is stationary. When you press the button, it will start to go. At this time, you will not feel anything, and within a radius of 10,000 meters near you. All objects will be under the seal of the throne of time, which is only a quarter of the normal value, which means that all objects have become a quarter of the normal value. However, in this process, the pocket watch in your hand will continue to go, and when its unique pointer goes through a circle, the flow of time and the seal of the throne will return to normal. "

"I can roughly understand its function, but how long does it take for this stitch to go round the Seal of the Seal? Also, can I press it again immediately after it has made a circle?"

"It takes sixty seconds to complete this lap, and you must wait sixty seconds before you can press it again."

I nodded clearly. "That's it. That's 60 seconds each time it takes effect, and the cooldown of the Seal of the Seal of God is also 60 seconds, which is not bad. Is this thing for me? Is it for the future?

Is it? "

"No." My son-in-law said only one word broke my face. "This is only for your temporary use. When the task is completed, this thing will automatically expire."

"I thought it was sent to me!" I complained depressedly: "You are fighting my enthusiasm for work, as long as I think that there is no such good thing as the completion of the task, I will definitely lose my spirits I do n’t care if it affects work efficiency! ”

Pan Gu's voice suddenly said, "You don't think this task is for you. We have prepared rewards for you, which means that there is also punishment. From now on no matter how you fight, you will not get any experience points, and Your experience will drop by one tenth of the current level every day, which means that you will automatically drop one level every ten days, and this attribute will not disappear until you complete the task. "

"Fuck, you're hurting me! I'm not doing it, isn't it OK if I don't take on the task? You can go to someone else to take it! I'm not going on! I can't afford it if I don't play, isn't it?" I ca n’t force players to take on tasks, I ’m not afraid!

Sure enough, my son-in-law was anxious when I couldn't hear it. "This is a restriction that is set to allow you to complete the task as soon as possible. It does not matter as long as you are fast enough. And we have prepared a potion for you to upgrade ten levels at a time, as long as you can complete this task within 100 days. There is still money to be made. "

"That's too hard!"

"Do n’t go too far," Amorad, the vulcan **** who has been silent for a while, said suddenly, "The rule of the seal of time and the throne is one of the three basic rules. No matter how foolish you are, we cannot let you use it casually If it hadn't been for the number of times the space orb had been given to you before, we would not leave it to you after the mission is completed. After all, as long as our power is involved in the world, it is unbalanced. "

"But don't you just let the horses run and not graze them?"

"Who said we didn't give grass?" Nu's voice also appeared. "Open the lower layer of the box and take a look."

I removed the tray from the ground floor and saw a yellow gem with a gold arc flashing below.

"What is this?"

"This is the larva of the Thunder King, a special product of the divine realm, because it has absorbed the power of the divine realm since its birth, so it is a very strong creature in the world."

"How strong can it be?"

"We can't say for sure, because no one has been domesticated."

"What? No one has been domesticated? Are you not sure if this thing can be manipulated?"

"That wouldn't be that," Nuwa said in a voice. "This is a creature from the divine realm, and our higher gods do not tame these things, so we don't know their actual combat power. But you can rest assured. Things are troublesome even in our case, so they should be very powerful in the world. "

As soon as I heard that this thing can be regarded as a troublesome thing in the divine realm, the spirit immediately came, but an idea made me calm down quickly. I looked at the water polo representing the son-in-law carefully with the gem and asked, "Isn't this to be taken back after completing the mission?"

"You don't have to," Nuwachi replied with a positive voice. "This is a reward for you. I will use it as your magic pet in the future."

"Haha, then I can rest assured." Immediately after getting a positive answer, I cut my fingers excitedly and dripped blood on the gemstone. Who knew that a flash of light on that gemstone actually dried my blood. "Fuck, right?"

The son-in-law's voice appeared again. "Don't worry. The King of Thunder is a very powerful creature. Even larvae are not so easy to conquer."

"Then how can I turn him into a pet?"

"As long as you lift your defense and grab it by hand, it will resist by electric shock. In this process, you cannot resist or let go. You can only use it. In the end, if you are electrocuted first, then what? Needless to say, if you can persist until it runs out of stored electrical energy, it will recognize your strength, and you will succeed if you drop blood on it. "

"What? There's such a troublesome process?" It wasn't fun to remove the defense and get an electric shock. It's almost like touching the switch at home to play, but I have to do it. I looked at the four suspended water polo again, and finally there was the Mother Earth who was aside. After the Mother Earth nodded to me, I carefully took off the gloves of the dragon suit and pinched them by hand. That gem.

"Ah ...!" The moment I just touched the gem, the thing sucked up like a magnet that touched an iron bar, and then I felt a wave of current flowing into my body frantically. The taste was really ...

The high-voltage current generated by the strong voltage passed through my body instantly, and my whole body shook like a vibrating stick, and my body began to quickly blast a blue smoke, and there was some smell of barbecue in the meantime. Although I feel that the Time Seal of the Throne of Time seems very long, in fact, the current on the gem of the Time Seal of the Throne of Seals disappears within five or six seconds. I just grabbed the gem and fell down in smoke, the mother of the earth seemed to be holding back a smile, as for the four **** ... there was no way to see the body, but I'm sure they were also stealing .

I spit out a cloud of green smoke with a mouth and followed the babies who were only a few months old to control the limbs barely to make myself sit up. The sequelae of a strong electric shock is stiffness in the limbs and loss of coordination. Anyway, now I feel like my body hasn't moved for a few years, and all of them are as hard as wood. "This ... Ah ... that's the power of Thunder ... The King of Thunder?" The electric current caused my facial muscles to become unfavorable too. Now I feel a little speechless, but it is obviously recovering after a few words .

The son-in-law's voice appeared again. "This is just a small test. You have now passed. Hurry up and drop the blood."

I struggled to get up from the ground, then bit my finger with my teeth and dripped blood on the gem. In fact, I originally planned to cut a small wound with eternal, but now my limbs are unfavorable. I'm afraid I accidentally cut off my fingers, so I had to bite my teeth. Although it hurts, at least I won't remove my fingers.

This time without the previous condition, the blood dripped on the gemstone instantly, followed by a sudden pop of the gemstone, an electric arc flashed out again, and my hand trembled and the gemstone flew out by itself. After landing, the gem started to shake violently, and the amplitude became larger and faster. At last, I only heard a pop of the thing suddenly burst out and a yellow ball of light popped out of it, that light ball Suddenly a sudden flash disappeared before our ground, followed by him suddenly appearing in the corner of the hall, followed by another flash and then to another corner. After just flashing back and forth a few times, the thing suddenly appeared in front of me and stopped completely. It was not until this time that I could clearly see what it was.

The creatures in front of them are kind

The body structure, and it is also apparently walking upright, looks like a human armored, but his head is significantly larger than the human head, and it is long and narrow, looks like a bird's head covered with armor. On the edge of his head, there was also a ring of not too long nails, which looked like a wind chime.

This guy has long blades behind both elbows, and his claws are very long. It seems that he is a melee-based creature. In addition, in addition to the above characteristics, this guy is different from others, that is, there is a tail behind his land, but it is not very long, but there are many yellow crystals on it, which looks like it has a special purpose. .

"The King of Thunder pays tribute to my esteemed host." This guy actually speaks, and apparently is very intelligent.

"Well, I'll call you Lei in the future. I have something to do now, so familiarize yourself with your companions." I said to send Lei into Fenglong space, and I roughly looked at his attributes. There are not many attributes of thunder, but three are more prominent. The first is that this guy has a constant lightning strike effect, that is, whether it is active or passive, as long as he is in contact with the enemy, the enemy will be shocked, but fortunately this attribute can automatically determine the enemy, so I do not have to worry about myself People were called. Another important attribute is degree. This guy's mobility is actually light. Sounds scary, right? However, if you look closely, it is not as exaggerated as you think.

On the surface, if a person has the degree of light movement, he can arbitrarily slap his opponent. Anyway, his opponent is almost stationary, and he can fight as much as he wants. However, the actual situation is far from ideal. Ray does have the ability to move with light, but the problem is that because his own degree is light, he does not receive any sensory signals during the movement, which means that he is basically blind and deaf when he moves, so he cannot be like We followed the curve and attacked behind the enemy. He could only stand in one place to look at a target spot first, then move to that point with Yiguang, then stop to reconfirm the surrounding environment and determine the next moving target, and then enter again. The light began to move. If he wants to attack the enemy, he must constantly switch back and forth between light and stillness, which results in that his actual fighting degree is not light, as long as the opponent reacts fast enough to escape his attack. Of course, the degree of switching between moving and stationary is very scary, so judging from my experience, except for a few masters, most people can't keep up with the degree of lightning, especially in long-distance linear movements. Will have an absolute advantage.

In addition to the above two properties, mine has a relatively ordinary attribute, but actual calculations will show that this is actually the strongest attribute of mine. This attribute is energy absorption. As long as he is there, he will naturally absorb the free energy in the space. The effect is that all enemy personnel will consume an additional 10% of magic or fighting energy when releasing spells or fighting spirits. In addition, this absorption is not like a bottomless pit. . After Ray absorbs energy, his magic power will rise quickly. When his magic storage capacity is full, he will start to send magic to me or my other summons. Even if I specify a target, he can directly transfer energy to others. . To put it simply, Thunder is a mobile magic battery, and it is a mobile battery that is secretly charged at the enemy.

After I checked the attributes, I endured: I have the ability to immediately call out Thunder to test his ability. After all, it is not a good idea to let the five higher gods wait for me together.

"This thunder is pretty good, I accept it."

"You guy!" Nu continued, "Look at the next floor, our gift is not over yet!"

"Also?" Because the space occupied by the upper floors is already quite large, I always thought that there was nothing underneath. Who knew there was something under the box. After pulling out the last layer of board, what appeared under the box was not a gift but a big hole. I later lifted the whole box from the ground and checked the bottom of the box. The bottom is good now, but when I put the box down and look in from above, I can see a hole that extends downwards. Through the depth of the box itself. "This is the space channel?"

The Mother of Earth came and said, "This is for you: the ground space passage. When this son is placed on the ground, the space will be connected. You can climb into this hole to enter another space. There is We're working together to make a training area for you. "

"Cultivation area? Do you have double experience? The monsters are all very good to kill and the experience is high?"

"No, you have no experience killing anything in this area."

"Ah? What do I want it to do?"

"Although no experience, it can directly strengthen your corresponding attributes."

"What is the corresponding genus"

"Simply put is to directly strengthen your basic attributes. There are also some intelligent creatures in this space. You can receive various tasks from them. As long as you complete the task, there will be rewards. Generally speaking Killing monsters will directly increase the basic attributes of your land, and how much and how much depends on what monster you kill. Just like the creatures here have corresponding experience points, the creatures there have corresponding attributes. Enhancement value. For example, there is a creature like a rabbit there, which belongs to the lowest level creature, and your base attack power will increase by 1 for every ten such rabbits you kill. "

After hearing the words of Mother Earth, I immediately asked, "Do you mean that if I can kill a billion rabbits, then I can add 100 million more attacks?"

"Right. But the rabbit is adding physical damage. If you want to increase the damage of other places, you need to find a special creature to kill. As for the tasks received from intelligent creatures over there, they will not add basic attributes but will directly give you. Provide various basic or special attributes, and may also be actual material rewards, such as equipment and forging materials. "

"Understand." After hearing Mother Earth's explanation, I can understand it completely. The rules of this place are quite simple. Fighting is equal to adding attributes. It's as simple as that, and the addition here is not experience, so it does not affect my upgrade of the main game scene here, and it can make me much better than players at the same level. However, I always like to squeeze out the residual value of everything, so I went on to ask, "Well ... Is there any mineral deposits here? Will my enemies run in?" "

"This space is specially prepared for you, so you do n’t want to bring any creatures outside except you and the summoned creatures under your command. There are also mineral deposits in this space, and it is no problem if you want to mine, but Only you can mine by yourself, and others can never help you. Even if you want to use a lifeless puppet, because the world rule here is that apart from the labor results obtained by yourself and your summoned creatures, everything else will leave The space disappeared instantly.

It seems that the hope of the rear of the guild as a security guild is shattered, but there is no need to worry about this, at least the bases owned by Frost Rose Alliance so far are relatively safe, and even without these features, it can only enhance the attribute. The characteristics are already all the conditions before.

I've seen the rewards. Now let's talk about tasks. I said to several upper Shintos: "Your request is to let me find the way of each other's actions and stop them? "

"If you can stop it, stop it yourself. If you can't, you can ask us for help." Another white bead floated out of the water polo in Pangu. "This is a stun ball I prepared for you. If you can complete the task yourself, I will give this thing to you as an additional reward. If you can't solve it yourself and we need to take a shot, then I will take back this thing after the mission is over. . "

"Understand. Can I leave if nothing else? I want to start the task right away."

"Why are you mutated so positively?" Vulcan was very shy ~ asked me instead.

"Ten tenths of experience, don't I hurry?"

"Hurry up. Remember, the sooner you finish the work, the more you will benefit." When the voice of the son-in-law came, I was almost near the gate of the earth. One tenth of the experience fell in a day. The same is dangling above my head.

In case the execution of this task is in trouble, my level will be over. For most players in "Zero", level 10 is not much. After all, the basic level of "Zero" is one thousand, which means that compared to other online games, "Zero" simply consumes every level. The seal of time is relatively small. But the problem is that this rule does not apply to me. The main reason is that I have already reached level 1,123. The level of experience required to upgrade to another level is higher than those of players before level 1,000. I have more than five hundred levels of experience. It can be said that after one thousand levels, my level basically rose through leveling.

After playing for so long, "Zero" of Throne Seal has long been the core setting of "Zero". The basic idea of ​​the game place has the existence of the law of the jungle, and the underlying structure of the game has the underlying ideas of superior and inferior. On the surface, it seems that "Zero" is fair to everyone. Although some people have better luck, but after all, it is luck. There is no inconsistency in the basic concepts, but the actual situation is that "Zero" has been People are divided into three, six, nine, etc., and different game goals are clearly set for various people. It's better than my current experience. Ever since the level 1000 my level experience bar has suddenly increased in geometric multiples. Now I need the level of experience value for each level, even if I summon creatures like dogs, I still need to level up for several months. I hope to upgrade to the next level. If the average player reaches the level of 1,000, it ’s still a good thing to bring two or three of them on your own. It is estimated that you can upgrade to the next level even if you work hard. It can be seen that the upgrade after the 1,000th level is not based on the prerequisite of leveling at all, but not only the people after the 1,000th level, but also me. The upgrade of those of us who are above the level of 1,000 actually depends on two-legion battle experience + special tasks.

If you just flip through the ranks of the game, you can see that if you are a player with a level of 1,000 or more, it is definitely the guild boss if it is not a lonely heroic character with extremely powerful combat power. When most people hear these two identities, they will think that it is normal for these two people to upgrade quickly. After all, one is very strong and the other is supported by the guild, but this is not the case. Strong lone heroes are not because of their strong combat effectiveness, they can continue to upgrade after rising to the thousandth level. The key to their upgrade is that these people often receive various strange and strange special tasks, and these tasks Either the experience value doubles by a factor of ten or the final reward can directly upgrade you. For people below the level of 1,000, do n’t even think about this kind of task. It ’s not for you. Arrive, Erlai can't finish it. As for the guild boss, this is even simpler. Guild wars and national war guild bosses not only have special experience to take, but the post-war system will automatically calculate the sum of experience gained by all players in the guild. Then, based on the guild level of this guild, a certain percentage of the experience will be obtained. The value is added to the guild president's head. This experience is added, it will not reduce the experience of the guild players, and the higher the guild level, the more cost-effective. Like our Frost Rose League, this ratio is as high as three-thousandths. Does that sound rare? But think about how big we will be? After a war, the two sides fight each other tens of millions and the player is a normal battle, and large-scale battles involving hundreds of millions of units are normal. How much experience does it take to destroy so many enemies? Three thousandths of them are enough to brush a 20-level newcomer who has just left the novice village to more than 800 levels at one time, but for me these experience values ​​are not enough to even advance to the next level. Now basically, our guild must participate in three consecutive large-scale battles before I can hope to be promoted to another level. This is also considered to be very fast worldwide.

From these aspects, it can be seen that the game content accepted by our high players is different from that of ordinary low-level players, and the experience of leveling and acquiring basically does not mean much to us. It ’s impossible to become a level one or more by relying on your own leveling skills. You must have special experience to have hope.

Based on the above reasons, my current calculations are very tight. If one tenth of a day is dropped, it will be about 200 levels a day for ordinary players. How dare I be lazy with such a severe punishment? And the final supplement given by son-in-law is ten levels. If I delay for a hundred days, it will not only benefit me, but I will also lose experience.

With great pressure, I quickly left the door of the earth and went to find Venus to find out how she had borrowed the power of a higher servant god. If it were not for Pangu, they would tell me that I did not know the blue light that attacked me. It was actually Venus who controlled it. At that time, her combat power was definitely more than ten times that of mine. Otherwise, it would not be possible to get me in two seconds. I've been hanging out a few times since I've been in the game for a long time, but it's not easy to get killed so easily.

As soon as I came out of the gate of the earth, I ran into a player head-on, and the opponent was knocked down by me. It has been more than half an hour since I entered the gate of the earth just now. I originally thought that there was that layer of protective cover, and the British and French coalition forces should have evacuated, but the actual situation was exactly the opposite. The British and French coalition forces not only did not evacuate, but instead moved all the troops to the front line. What was even more frightening was that they actually pushed the cannon, which was obviously the last thing, under the wall. In terms of the range of the cannon, this distance is basically equivalent to the cannon fighting the bayonet. However, Ashford was not easy to mess with, this guy also moved the cannons in the city to the wall, and also temporarily made some fixed cannons to fire on the enemies below the wall. You have to know that things like cannons always shoot upwards. They are not good at targeting enemies close to them.

The cannon for the Iron Crusade is on the top of the city wall, so if there is no special tilting of the entire artillery, there is no way to attack the enemy below the city wall. However, Ashford can make such a bracket thanks to the rifle guns they and our guild used. If the old-fashioned smoothbore guns were firing down at this angle, it is estimated that the gunners had not closed the guns. It has slipped out of the front. Of course, the magic crystal cannons don't have to worry about this, but they are the ones that can't get close to firing. After all, those guys are too powerful, and the enemy's wall is finished after a close shot.

My sudden appearance made all the players around me stunned and followed us both at the same time. The player who hit me with full arms grabbed a torch next to him and smashed it. This guy was obviously camping just now. The British and French forces probably planned to use this opportunity to move the entire barracks under the city walls. Wait for a while. After disappearing, the onslaught process was omitted and the siege could be started directly. In this case, the casualties would drop a lot, but they obviously did not expect that I would suddenly appear among them at this time.

I didn't pay much attention to the behavior of the player in front of me. This guy is nothing more than an ordinary player. He just kicked me out when he touched the torch. Turning around to look at the city wall, obviously the barrier hasn't disappeared yet, and flew into the air immediately after opening my wings and pressing hard. With a high degree of glance sweeping through the battlefield ahead, the eyesight is a continuous barracks, a large number of troops are densely lined up, the number can not be estimated at all.

I was observing the enemy ’s situation, a red streamer suddenly radiated from a distance, and my head caught the red light, which turned out to be a two-headed spear. With a little pressure on his hand, the spear immediately bent from the middle into a 7-shape. Throwing the spear at will, I vigorously stirred my wings and flew past a few bright spots in the distance. Those highlights are obviously masters, and the goal is me. They are fast and I am not slow. The two sides met quickly. Because we are not flying high, and the following are British and French allies, so the other party only dares to attack me with a precise single skill, but I do n’t have so many scruples. Various powerful face-killing spells are scattered around. Throw, although they did not bring up the masters who came up, they blew up the British and French forces below. The players of the Iron Crusade on the city of Iron Cross were all excited and looked at those who were looking at me. They looked at the enemy on the city wall and could n’t fight. They could only be anxious. Cheering for me is the only thing they can do now. Things.

There was a lively fight on my side, but an unexpected little thing happened on the city wall, but this little thing quickly led to a full-fledged scuffle. I was just a group of Iron Crusade players cheering me up, and then someone was too excited to hold the weapon in his hand and wave it overhead, and then I did n’t know if it was slipping or something, anyway, the weapon in that guy ’s hand suddenly Just dropped. As a result, the weapon flew forward out of the city wall and fell into the British and French coalition forces below, and because the people below were too dense, the Tomahawk was large in size, and then accidentally smashed into a siege ladder under construction. The construction class assisted the player's head, and even accidentally attacked the key, and the guy was hacked with an ax. Then the player who dropped the weapon on the head of the city was a stunner, because he saw the prompt to kill the enemy, the system actually judged that his situation was regarded as throwing damage, and the enemy was also seconds.

Of course, dying on the battlefield is not a big deal. It may mean killing ... "The barrier is gone!" I don't know who shouted such a voice, and then the people on both sides suddenly grabbed their weapons and started the battle. The gunners directly rang the cannons that had been angled and installed the cannonballs, and the roar rang into a moment. Because the British and French coalitions used the approaching approach to the ground, the rate of shots was as high as 100%, and the power was scary. The debris on the city walls almost flew and destroyed the entire wall. However, people are not as good as the sky. Originally thought that with the intensive shelling, they could get their own people to the top of the city. Who knows that the barrier disappeared is not the right time. It is not the first-line troops standing under the city walls but the ladder-level engineering soldiers. The idea of ​​the British and French coalition was to build a row of stairs directly outside the city walls when the Iron Crusaders could not attack, and after a while the barriers disappeared, they could step on the stairs and rush straight up to kill the Iron Crusaders. Already. However, when the barrier disappeared, the Seal of the Throne was too early. The staircase was just built a little and a half. The sudden bombardment caused the city wall to collapse. A large amount of rubble smashed the engineering troops under the city wall. They ran back and disrupted their forwards. As a result, they failed to rush the Throne of Throne into the wall immediately after the shelling, and were shot back by the cannon on the wall.

Although I temporarily suffered a little, the British and French coalitions blasted the city walls after all, and most importantly, the gates that were focused on have been blasted away. Now the elite troops of the Iron Crusade are blocking there. The door could barely block all the enemies from the city.

Asheford is anxious or anxious about the situation in front of him. This barrier just separates the people on both sides. It seems fair, but the actual situation is the part where the British and French forces need to sacrifice a large number of troops. The distance was shielded. As a result, the British and French coalition forces came to the city without a single soldier, and they also pulled up heavy weapons. However, despite the unfavorable conditions, Ashford could not give up, but their base camp, once occupied, would be a big problem.

"Purple Sun." I suddenly heard Ashurford's voice coming out of the city's PA. Although he only yelled at me, I knew what he meant, because the situation on the wall was clearly at stake.

"Fuck, you can't help me by calling me! Such a long wall, I'll be alone, where will you keep me?" No. Suddenly I thought of a method that might help Ashford, but the investment was a bit large. But think about it the other way round, once Iron Cross City fell, let alone Assford's loss, even our joint losses would be great, and once the British and French coalition forces were as free as ants to participate in other A few battlefields, then our entire grand strategy may be affected, and this indirect loss is not something I can afford.

This time our guild fought in so many places around the world. Among them, the strongest enemy is Europe ~ ~, and now the Iron Cross is our nail in Europe. With the help of this fortress-like city's Iron Crusaders, the large forces of the British and French forces were dragged onto the European battlefield with relatively little force. Because of the existence of this nail, they were afraid to leave Europe, because once their hometown was terminated, that Even if you win in other battlefields, you will lose more than you gain. And once Europe is ensured, the British and French forces can pull out and participate in battles in Asia or the Americas. In this case, our battlefields must be unbearable. Such a domino-like chain reaction will definitely make us completely lose the world ’s battlefields. Initiative.

After weighing the pros and cons, I think

It is also worth dropping some of the treasures, so I turned out the things that China gave me.

Basalt armor, white tiger fur, Suzaku fire feather, blue dragon inverse scale, white jade Venus? "Axford's answer came as a surprise to me.

"You know that the blue light is Venus?" Asheford understood my situation as soon as I heard this question, and then he hung me up and told me about the Throne of the Seal of the Throne before resurrection. Just a moment, I can understand the situation. For a long time, everyone here knew that the light was Venus, and I finally knew it! "Do you know where she is now?" As long as I found Venus and found out that she was using the High Servant method, my task was half done.

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