Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 120: Discover core factories

From scratch, Volume 16, Chapter 120: The Core Factory

Now in front of me is a huge enclosed space. Numerous gates and busy personnel are moving back and forth in this huge space comparable to an indoor football stadium. Let's not talk about anything behind those gates. There are already thousands of people in this space alone, but I'm lucky. Because the people here are busy with their own affairs. In addition, a few people were standing with my back to me not far away. So the soldier blocked the sight of others. No one has noticed me yet.

Immediately after the reaction, I became invisible again. And just after I was invisible, one of the few people who had just stood in front of me looked back. He may have heard the sound of my door just now. But I didn't see anything back. So I turned back.

I didn't move again until the three people in front had gone. There is a very high probability that many of the members will be found. And because the stealth effect that comes with my Phantom Cloak is not thorough enough. So as soon as I started moving it was easy to spot. After some thought and observation of the surrounding environment, I came up with a method. Near the door area opposite this empty area was a large box of boxes just behind the closest gate. As long as I teleport to the back of the box, I can guarantee that the moment when I leave the teleportation and become invisible, no one will appear. Although the Phantom Cloak can be completely invisible when I am not moving. But the teleportation skill itself has a skill effect. So it will be exposed at the moment of teleportation. But in a while I will find a teleportation that starts without notice. Even if the person was spotted seeing me disappear, he could n’t be sure if he really saw someone. And as long as the moment of occurrence does not appear now.

Seeing the throne of time, I suddenly activated the teleportation skill. As the scene changed, it was near the pile of boxes. Unfortunately, the calculations are slightly wrong. As soon as I came out, I bumped into the box. Fortunately no one noticed. I was sent to track the Russian because of the phantom. So my current teleporting skills are on the ring. This skill is not gaze transmission but coordinate transmission. I just calculated the coordinates based on the relative distance between two points. The result was a small error. Fortunately, it was not revealed. Now there is a door behind me. Next to me was a pile of boxes separating me and the rest of the hall. Compared with the situation where other doors come in and out, the door behind me is much more deserted, so I decided to study what is behind this door first.

This gate is somewhat different from other gates. Steel gates were painted with yellow and black stripes. Looks like industrial warning signs. First put your ear on the door and listen for a while. There was a roar of machines behind the door but no one was talking. Pull the door handle open with my ease. Then quickly entered and closed the door again. Behind this door is a huge three-dimensional space. Numerous curved coiled pipes communicate with many unknown machines and occasionally spray steam at the interface between the pipe and the machine.

This side seems to be a huge machine room. With so many devices, obviously it is not just to provide energy for this base. They should be doing something else. It's just that the real operation of the machine is not in this space, so I can't figure out what these are doing for the time being.

Just go around in this side. Except for the individual staff holding the wrench, it is almost left unattended and does not seem to have any heavy facilities. But I found a few other exits here. After a simple survey, I chose an internal exit and slipped out. But before I went out, I had switched to the Silver Moon form and used some huge equipment in Fenglong space to make some disguise. After exiting the machine room, I entered an all-metal area. The square walls and ceilings of this one are all metal. In the center of the room are piles of boxes. These boxes are the ones I saw on the submarine before. But not the same as before. These boxes are all open now. And it was all empty ... the door on the other side of the room was knocked. I hid behind a pile of boxes almost conditioned.

"It was said that Jiji was infiltrated." Someone who came in was talking about gossip. And it seems to be those things I do.

Another said, "Rest assured. That's the assembly shop. It ’s okay for the Chinese to get things that have no technical content. As long as we don't get invaded here."

"What's your joke?" Three voices said, "This is the bottom of the sea. The Chinese can't be here no matter how great they are."

"So is it." The man said as he carried the box. They obviously also brought a car. Because I heard the sound of a cart. Probably finished packing. Some people

room. I rushed out and wanted to keep up with them. These people are not evacuated for disposal. The submarines brought the boxes back when they returned, apparently for repeated use. So the empty boxes here must be shipped now. Then just follow these people to find the boxed party.

Run to the door of those people. I am going to pull the doorknob. Suddenly the door moved itself. I flashed lightning behind the door. The gates opened at the same time. Four people came in with a trolley. But they did not turn back and did not close the door. I flashed out the door as soon as they entered. The four people inside might have heard the sound. All looked back. But I have left the door. They saw nothing.

After exiting the door, I saw three people who were leaving before pushing the trolley along the passage. I immediately followed. Not too far to see a few people coming in front of me. But those people don't have carts. I immediately realized that it was a public channel. No need to hide yourself. After all, it is impossible for everyone of this large organization to know each other. When the first few people passed by me, I didn't visit them at all. Instead continue to move forward. A few people really did not see anything but went straight to the past. It's just that the two men I looked at as beautiful mm and looked twice.

I got to know the situation here after successfully mixing up a team of people. Obviously, as long as no abnormal behavior is done, it is not easy to be discerned. Followed by a few people and walked through several passages, they came to a door. Those people opened the door and went in. Then the door came out and several people pushed the empty car. I deliberately passed by the door. By the way turned his head. I saw rows of workers in the room placing spherical objects into the box. I have seen those spherical objects. It was the metal ball that the researchers in our line took out from the warhead of the mold crystal steam bomb that I captured. It seems that these are the explosives containing the liquefied magic crystal.

I walked carefully through the door. After several people inside came out, they immediately turned around and ran back to open the door and got in. The main reason why I dare to go in with a lot of people is that the people in it are all better than the players.

really. For my workers who suddenly entered, they didn't even lift their heads. I walked directly around the workbench to the opposite one and ran out. The reason why I came out here was because I saw that the explosive was sent from the pair. Explain that there are more advanced assembly shops over there.

When I got out of the door, I saw a person pushing a small car back to me and walking forward. I quickly followed. This side is not steel, but a soft blanket. Not only was there no sound at all, but I felt special softness. I guess this is probably a special preparation to prevent the gas magic bomb from falling out, but now it is cheaper for me. The soft surface makes my heel a lot easier. Because it is not easy to make a sound. So I kept following those two people to the end of the aisle without being spotted.

At the end of the passage is a glass door that is not too large. After two people pushed past, I just saw one opening the door for them. So he shouted, "Wait a minute."

There is a reason to speak out ~ ~ For the door is designed to be opened only from the inside. So once it's closed, I can't go in anyway without being seen. So I plan to bet. Just bet people here don't expect me to be an intruder. At least it turned out that I was betting right now. But the hidden dangers were also buried.

"Oh. Are you Miss Miyako?" The individual in the room heard my voice because she was close to the gate. But like everyone else. He has not participated in those people's work before but has been coaching others. But after looking at me now, I don't know why I think I am someone else. Fortunately, the appearance of this trumpet Yinyue is confusing. Otherwise it's really troublesome.

Since the other party admits the wrong person. Just wrong. "Hello. Are you in charge here?"

"Yes. I'm Benichi. President Ghost Nobel should have told you before?"

"." The ghost knew what Nobunaga's hand said to the Japanese woman called Miyako. But now I can only pretend. Anyway, a chance. The worst result is nothing more than a massive destruction here after the identity is revealed. Even if the production technology of liquefied magic crystal cannot be obtained. At least the Japanese's magic crystal steam bomb must be stopped for a period of time. I don't want to see a Japanese family with a crystal steam bomb one day in the future. If that's the case, we don't have to confuse!

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