Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 130: Inconspicuous and extraordinary

No one answered, but it really didn't need to be answered anymore. > Slightly larger black creatures suddenly came out from behind the team. As a result, the last person fell to the ground with that thing. The people in front heard the call and turned back, but the monster was too fast. Person 6 continued to be attacked. In the panic, someone slipped and fell to the ground, followed by sliding down to the front, followed by knocking over other people in succession, while the person behind 6 continued to be brought down and rolled along the channel. Come over.

Seeing such a large crowd rolling in, I reacted and threw eternity out quickly. The eternity flying in the air suddenly turned into a huge steel wire net, and there were countless barbed metal hooks at the edge of the net. After these hooks hit the wall, the main body of the big net was fixed in place, and the people who followed it were stopped by the big net and stopped. I dodged the crowd and flew towards the beast. The monster responded very quickly. He turned around in the air and tried to bypass me to attack the people behind him. Obviously he also knew that I was better than him, but he was still too Overestimated your own degree.

I reached out and grabbed his tail to pull him back. The monster's tail was caught and he immediately turned around and wanted to bite me, but I didn't move slowly. I directly supported the monster's jaw with my palm, and my monster's mouth couldn't open. I wanted to use my claws to scratch me, but I But he lay down on the ground, raised his leg and kicked the man's stomach. The back blade of the Devil Dragon Suit boots slammed into the sole, and the Devil Dragon boots turned into skate mode. The sharp skates on the soles instantly cut open the monster's belly, and the fuchsia viscera burst out from the monster's belly and sprayed out. . I reacted quickly and rolled away to avoid the gushing internal organs, but just after a few laps, I felt that my body lost friction and fell down. Fortunately, I was quickly blocked by the large net I just laid out.

"This is the one

"No." The closest fighter in the team replied, "This thing hasn't been seen before, but it's definitely not the last ss last time is humanoid, and much better than this guy."

"It seems that you really haven't explored this place very much!" I sighed for a moment and then regained the eternal change of the big net for everyone to continue to deepen.

Moving on for a while, the **** of the aisle gradually began to flatten. Although it was still slippery, you could walk if you were careful. However, I don't have to worry about it anymore. The magic dragon suit is full-featured. In addition to ice skates and suction cups, there are also anti-slip nails. Skids can be ignored. After crossing this flat road, we encountered an arch. I originally intended to pass directly, but was taken only one step. I asked with perplexity, holding my female archer, and then just threw a stone at the arch. Without any warning, the arch suddenly darkened as the stone passed through the arch, but it only took a few tenths of a second to mark the Throne of the Seal, so that many people did not see the process, but the process caused ground results. But it is very obvious in front of everyone's ground. The stone that the female archer had just thrown has now become two parts, half of which are lying on the ground inside the door, about five or six meters away from where we stand. If nothing was born just now, that stone should fly to that position entirely, but now only half of the stones have arrived at the destination, and the other half stopped just below the arches, or the centerline of the arches. Location on our side. Apparently something had just cut the stone in half in an instant and blocked the back half.

"What the hell?"

"Some unknown mechanism." The team leader said as he walked over and found a pull ring at the door, and then another player walked over and found a pull ring on the other side of the door. After the two of them stood still, the little captain said to me again: "You watched us a few times before you passed."

I nodded to understand. Although I'm not sure if this thing can break my defense and make me halve like that stone, I don't intend to experiment. A player in the team stood in front of the door, then he stepped back a long distance and made a sprint action. Then the captain started counting: "Five or four, when he counted to three, the player on this side suddenly The starter rushed towards the gate, and the captain himself and the player standing on the other side of the gate also pulled down the metal ring at the same time, and they were still counting down. When they finished counting, the sprinting player was just right He walked through the arch, and he didn't show the stone, but rushed to the opposite side completely.

The female archer explained to me: "The two rings must be pulled at the same time to take effect. And only three seconds after being pulled down, the arch will appear in less than one second to secure the time. In one second, the Seal of the Seal of God passed through and it turned out to be like that stone. "

"Have you tried burrowing from the side?"


"Forget it. When I didn't say it." Generally players follow the general thinking of ordinary people. Like me

There are not many crooked people. Most people think of institutions after meeting them. And I think about how to get around. Probably this is the difference between me and ordinary people! But I don't plan to make holes here now. After all, this place looks old. In case of accidental collapse, it will take time to dig God Seal. That's really worth it.

After watching several people in a row, I finally arrived. The captain had worn it at this time. The pull ring was replaced by two less important players. Because the pull ring needs at least two people. So it is impossible for everyone to pass. The last two people are definitely unbearable. Look like before. When they counted to three places, I suddenly started and rushed towards the door. But as soon as I started, I regretted it. Damn it. These guys and I are not at the same level. How can I calculate according to their location? Although just thought of this problem. Unfortunately, I have started. It's too late to stop. As a result, he could only watch him slammed into the empty gate when the opponent counted to the second place.

The people inside the door were stunned when they saw that they were under the door when they counted to two, but they didn't agree with me. They all had a surprised expression guessing that I might be halved by everything, but I was worried whether the dragon suit could withstand the cutting of this thing. Although I don't know how the stone was cut in half just now, I don't think they can't stand it like they did, and the result really surprised us both.

With the sound of a jingle, everyone except me near me, including the two guys in the ring, couldn't help but clinging to their heads, desperately trying to cover their ears, because the sound was just It's too harsh. But because there was only one sound, everyone reacted quickly, but when they saw what was happening on my side, they all froze. At this moment I was holding the Eternal Sword in both hands and made a resisting posture to hold a piece of black metal. This thing has been sandwiched in the middle of the arch. If there is no wall around it, everyone can see this thing like a trowel. The previous stone was cut in half by the metal plate at lightning speed, but I blocked this invisible killer with human-like response and indestructible eternal hardship. But now we are all surprised, they are surprised that I actually blocked this invisible killer, and I am surprised that the metal piece has actually cut into one of the fingers of the Eternal Sword, and it has just appeared How deep is one finger. In other words, it has the same intensity as eternity. But the problem is not so simple. Eternity is not a weapon in the general sense. After repeated strengthening and fusion, eternity is actually a conceptual weapon, which means that its lethality does not depend on its physical hardness, but its concept of existence. What eternity can cut is not matter, but existence. It can completely cut anything from the throne of time and the seal of time. It can even cut the throne of space and time. There is only one thing that can cut into eternity. Existence, that is the rule.

This piece of metal that cuts through the object below it with lightning speed is not so sharp as infinite power, because its real strength is that it has the regular power of cutting through things, not ordinary In the sense of sharpness. I didn't expect a seemingly simple door to be a rule product! What surprised me even more was that this thing was not a stone.

There are two types of rules-related objects I know so far-the Wheel of Discipline and the Stone of Discipline ~ ~ These two things are basically equal to the ruler, and this metal piece is obviously neither a commandment The wheel is not the stone of commandments, so how does it get the rules? Could it be that someone can separate the rules from the stone of commandments? Or is someone studying the stone of commandments? Think of the mysterious organs of this place, this speculation is really hard to say.

"Are you okay?" The adventure team members didn't react until this time, and the situation before them really shocked them.

I didn't answer the captain's question, but said to the two outside the door: "You guys ... pull that **** ring down."

When the two heard my words, they immediately pulled down the metal ring in their hands. After three seconds, the metal sheet suddenly closed up, and I used that moment to flash into the door. The eternal sword has been restored as it was when it was detached from the metal sheet. Although it is extremely hard when cutting, it is still a plastic weapon in essence. There is no possibility that the eternal liquefaction can be destroyed by the item. Such an attack is still possible, but now that the Wheel of Discipline is under my control, how can anyone possibly use rules to destroy eternity? No ... no, wait. I suddenly thought of a terrible possibility. Since the construction of this ruin can use the power of rules to create an indestructible gate of the guillotine, can he use the power of rules to make weapons?

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