Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 131: Lost

Although this idea is terrible, but I have no way to confirm him now, let's talk about it here. In this way, it seems that I don't just want to get the commandment stone. It seems that I have to search the whole place here. It is estimated that this leveling team will be very excited about my decision!

"President Ziri, you are so amazing. Such a thing can even be blocked!"

"It's not that I'm powerful, but that my weapons are powerful." I said as I stretched out my left hand, and immediately opened a small hole under my wrist. Numerous ghosts came from that small hole like high pressure water columns. The mouth of the cave spurted out and swarmed onto the wall, and the members of the leveling team behind were all startled when they saw the bugs.

"President Ziri, you ... what are you doing?"

"Search for the baby." My answer was simple, but they didn't seem to understand me, but I didn't intend to explain the problem in depth. I stood in front of the wall and watched my ghost beetles consuming the wall like sulfuric acid melting steel. Soon that wall was missing a large area, and at this time the thin sheet blocked by me also Gradually exposed. Although this thing has terrifying power when cut at lightning speed, as long as you don't stand under it, there is absolutely no problem. Soon the phantom beetle smashed down the protective layer on the side of this thing, and the sheet suddenly fell because there was no support. Considering that the edge of this thing can cut out even the eternity, so I didn't dare to summon players who could be used to build weapons for our guild.

You don't need to use it to build a whole weapon, just put a small piece of wire thickness on the blade of the weapon and use it as a blade. Imagine that this thing can cut into eternity, that is to say, even if this thing is cut on an artifact, it can definitely be cut directly into it. If such a thing can be produced, even if it cannot be infinitely manufactured, One hundred is scary enough.

"President Ziri." The female archer came to me and asked curiously, "Why do you take this thing back?"

"Research." I didn't plan to explain, but the other party didn't seem to intend to let me go.

"Research? Is there any good research for this thing?"

I stretched out with one hand. Eternity instantly appeared in the hands of my land and became a sword land form. This is eternal. Our special weapon. Its predecessor was dozens of artifact-level weapons plus countless garbage weapons. After smelting and extracting them and adding a higher sword spirit, I got eternity. A handle can be transformed into any form of ground-level artifact. Even in the face of artifacts, it also has the ability to cut the ground. But just how thin was the slice that had just entered the eternity. It can be seen that this thing is sharper than eternity. Do you say that this thing has research value? "

"Oh I got it!"

"Quests in the game can't simply go on the surface by themselves. There are additional rewards in the process of each task. It depends on whether you are good at it."

I finally reminded these people to feel that the gains were not so great. And the direct consequence of this sentence is that these people all knocked around like archaeologists in the next journey. Not to mention. It really made them find something. A **** guy turned on a wall to hide the safe while he was knocking on the wall. A small box was revealed when the floor covering on the wall was automatically separated. The player then found a book in the box. The book turned away and disappeared automatically. And that player gets a very practical skill. The guy in Ledi almost jumped up. Since then, the remaining people have become more serious. I almost took the magnifying glass and searched for clues along the wall.

I ignored their behavior. Instead, move forward quickly. Anyway, I already asked. There are no forks or institutions in front. All the way to the end is the place where the precepts are stoned. Except for the SS they met last time, there was nothing else. Anyway, I don't worry about waiting for them at all.

After walking for a while, I distanced myself from the people behind. There was only that female archer behind me. She is probably the smartest person on the team. Knowing that even if there are extra rewards in the task, it is not possible to perceive them by lying on the ground and stitching them. So she didn't stay like everyone else to search for possible rewards. But always with me. After we walked a long way, the passage became a strangely zigzag structure. The channel, which had been straight, suddenly turned into a 45-degree turn to the left. Then ten meters forward

It was a 90-degree turn to the right, and then another 10 meters. Just one left turn and one right turn, I don't know how many turns we made. We finally left the aisle area and entered a relatively large space, but we were wrong when we entered.

"Well? How is this different from when I last came?" The female archer said in confusion.


"Well, the room where we got the commandment stone last time was not so small, and there should be an altar opposite it! Also, I remember there were two monster sculptures next to the exit. Has it become two pillars? "

"Oops!" I suddenly pulled the female archer and ran back, but after passing through the n-number of zigzag turns, we suddenly reached a room connected with numerous passages.

We hadn't even entered this room before when we came here, and everyone else in the team was gone. Obviously, where we are now is not where we came before, that is to say, there must be an organ in the zigzag passage in the middle.

"What is this place? There is no fork in the road we just walked on!" The female archer was still wondering why we would walk to a place we had never visited before returning the same way.

"Remember how many corners we walked when we came over?"

The female archer shook her head. "How can I remember so many turns!"

"That's how this ruin used to fool us."

"Ah?" The female archer didn't understand it yet.

I helplessly explained to her. "Suppose we made a hundred turns before we separated from everyone, but because there are too many, you won't count and you can't remember how many turns you have. In this case, the ruins can make the passage. Operation, when we turn back, the ruins can leave the first eighty corners that we are going to leave as they are, and at the eightyth corner, we lower a wall to close the corner leading to the eighty-first corner, and Open the wall facing the 80th bend directly to reveal the room that has always been here, so that we do n’t know how many bends we have taken, we will think we are returning the same way. Went into a room he hadn't been to before. "

"But the wall ...!"

"You want to say that the gate on the wall should be able to see it? This is the terrible thing of this ruin. Its passages and walls are all made up of block-shaped stones carved with special reliefs, that is, It is said that even normal walls have very neat seams, so you can't see a door or a road closed anywhere, unless you can read the meaning of those reliefs. "

"So what do we do now?"

As soon as I wanted to express my thoughts, I heard a bang. The surrounding entrance suddenly dropped a wall at the same time to completely close the room. As the ground shook, I felt a huge pressure coming from the ground under our feet. This feeling is very common, at least modern people should be able to feel it often, because this feeling is often felt when riding the kind of elevator that goes straight up and down. Obviously, the room we were in was going up, and it was fast. After ten seconds, the foot suddenly lightened, and the room apparently stopped, but then the room suddenly started to pan, and the sudden increase made the female archer nearly fall. If I didn't help her, it should have rolled now. Go up to the wall. The panning was over soon, and we were all prepared when we braked, but were not affected, but immediately followed the room and began to fly down, and we also felt a feeling of weightlessness. This process takes a long time for the Seal of the Seal of God. After a few seconds, the room stopped again, and then there was a rattle. More than thirty openings suddenly opened on the surrounding walls ~ ~, and behind each opening Is a passage.

"Well, I can't help it now!"

The continuous displacement just now has completely disturbed our sense of direction. Even if I can dig through the wall to advance the channel, I don't know which direction to dig in the current situation! The up and down movement of that paragraph is not a big problem, the key is that horizontal movement. At that time, the room was not a simple straight movement. I could obviously feel that it had taken a large arc, and the room seemed to be able to rotate during this period, so I was not sure whether the direction I was facing now was the same as the one I was facing before. The direction, if the random digging is not good, the digging will be farther and farther.

"President Ziri, based on your experience, what should we do now? You are the top player in the game, should this kind of thing be more surprising than me?" The female archer looked at me pitifully and hoped that I could come up with something Way to take her out.

"In my experience, the best way now is ..."

"What is it?"

"Just luck!"


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