Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 168: Unexpected task

"No, it's you who will hide inside." I snapped my fingers suddenly, the second wall of flames suddenly appeared, but this wall of flame was not inside the original wall of fire, but outside. Two round fire walls make up a huge set of concentric circles. I'm at the center, and Mila is sealed between the two fire walls. "It's not just me who is inside."

"Damn!" Now that Mira was surrounded by the flames, she no longer took into account the high temperature of the flames and slammed at me through the inner wall of fire. She is now trapped between two walls of fire anyway, staying in place sooner or later will be burned to death, rushing out is equivalent to not doing anything, she was burned for nothing, compared to rushing in, so although Will be burned once, but anyway, I can use the opportunity of breakout to fight me close.

From Mira's point of view, now that I am using a mage-shaped body, she must have taken advantage of her by being close. However, she didn't know that rushing inside would be a huge mistake.

Milla smashed into the inner wall and smashed into the inner circle, but to her surprise, the temperature did not return to normal after passing through the fire wall, but continued to rise, and soon became too hot for her to bear.

"How do you feel now?" I dazzled with golden light all over me and walked towards Mira, who was no longer able to stand.

"You ... are you ...?"

"The field of the sun is just a small skill. It can produce high temperatures close to the sun, but we are not fighting between life and death, so I did not drive the temperature to the highest level. How about it? Do you admit defeat?"


As soon as Mila said me, I suddenly heard the system prompt. "Warning, your game connector has entered a forced exit state and a ten-second countdown has begun."

"Fuck, why is it like this!" Obviously, someone forced a forced exit in reality, so I had to go offline immediately. "Mira, I have an urgent matter to deal with. You go back to Isinger to find your father, and I'll talk about other things when I come back." I had only had time to finish these pictures and disappeared completely. With the scene in front of me, me and the magic The pets are standing in the mezzanine between the two walls, and there is a big hole in the wall in front of me, and our liaison on the American side is standing outside.

"what happened?"

"I don't know!" The liaison officer explained in a panic while exiting to others: "The notice from the headquarters said that there is an emergency and you need to return to your country immediately."

"What about things over here?" The last time we were stationed here in the United States was to grab things by hand, but because things were too big, we were all put in a wall and went to sleep. I planned to wait until the limelight passed. To complete the task, but did not expect that after being awakened again, it was not for us to complete the unfinished task, but to call us back.

The liaison said: "The task here said to give up first, all things will not be considered for the time being, you need to return to China immediately. This time a special order is issued. All other tasks must give way to this order."

"All right!" I moved my lower limbs, and when I was sure everything was normal, I started to help everyone wake up.

"Now it's the middle of the night in the United States. After we all woke up, we were picked up by vehicles that were already prepared and then sent to the intercontinental road outside the city. The convoy drove on a deserted dirt road, As we saw a bunch of abandoned factories, and after we got here, we were called not only by us, but also some members of the B1 team who were performing missions in the United States. When everyone got together, they asked about it. What happened, but the result is that no one knows what happened. All of us suddenly received orders to terminate the task at hand and return immediately, and this is just one of the three assembly points in the United States, and elsewhere Two places are also focusing on special personnel sent to the United States. "

"Master?" I was thinking puzzled in the abandoned factory and suddenly heard someone calling me.

"Big k?" I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance.

"Master, why are you there?" The butterfly who has always been inseparable from the big k also appeared in front of us.

"I didn't expect that you were also here in the United States. Do you know why we were so anxious to call us back?"

"I don't know. We originally came here to perform the mission. Who knew that I had just got off the plane in the morning and made the plan in the afternoon, but suddenly received an order at night to let us go back!" Butterfly also said with a doubt, "Master, your level of confidentiality Higher, don't you know anything? "

I shook my head. "We are also confused, but we will have an answer when we return."

We stayed in this abandoned factory for less than five minutes, and then several large trucks drove in. As a result, they turned out to be B-type troops, but they were not B1 but B3, a kind of independence. force.

Before these people got out of the car and had time to say hello to us, they heard a huge wind suddenly heard from the air. Three phantom aa treble bombers suddenly whistled and landed in the factory. The Phantom AA bomber is a medium-sized bomber that can take off and land vertically. In addition to its radar and infrared stealth, its biggest feature is fast. The design concept of this guy is to overwhelm everything with degrees. As long as it can soar to the maximum, even missiles can't catch up with it. Even if it encounters a strict air defense system, it can only stare because even if you lock it, shoot it out. Missiles can't catch up with it at all.

"I depend, why aren't they even here?" Exclaimed a member of the newly arrived B3 unit in the factory building.

"Hey, don't you want us to sit on this thing?" Another team member called, "This thing is not for pretending to be!"

Snapped. An older officer appeared to slap the guy named. "Do you think you are a business elite? Then ask Lao Tzu to let you sit in first class." Let me explain here that this first class is not a luxury class in a passenger plane, but refers to the top of the plane. I heard that there was a B1 guy who was not obedient before Long Yuan, so their captain tied him in front of the cockpit of the plane and took him back from the mission site to the base. After getting down, the guy was almost frozen. Since then, the first class has been spreading inside Long Yuan, and many captains like to use this to scare newcomers.

As soon as the plane stopped, a few people jumped out of it and shouted to let us go up. Although everyone was reluctant, they got in quickly.

The Phantom is not a transport plane. There is no seat other than the cockpit. The only thing that can be loaded on the plane is the bomb compartment that is not very large. Although there are three planes, we have a lot of people, and finally we were almost forced into three planes. As soon as we entered, the plane's bomb bay closed automatically, and then there was a slight vibration. The plane started slowly off the ground, and then suddenly charged forward into the sky. The data obtained through the communication between the chip in our head and the satellite shows that our degree has actually reached three times the tone, and it is still increasing rapidly, and finally waited until the degree reached twelve times the semitone to completely stabilize. Although this is not the fastest speed of the Phantom, it is also far beyond its normal cruising speed. Flying so fast when no one is chasing can only indicate that we are in a hurry to seal the throne.

"Fuck, what trouble has the headquarters encountered this time? Even if we recalled it urgently, we didn't even get a bigger plane. We actually filled it with bombers, but they also remembered it. We really treat us as sardines. "Isn't I noticed at first? The gossip thorn was in a plane with us, but his captain didn't seem to be here.

"Which unit are you from B3?" I asked out loud.

"Well? Lead you here too!" That guy recognized me at a glance. I existed as the strongest leader among us Dragons transformers, so all Dragon members knew me.

"It's so crowded that I don't need salute. I'm not the old antiques in the government. Don't fake me. Right, does anyone on your side know what's going on?"

Everyone shook their heads together. "We just received an emergency return order. We don't know anything!"

"So are we!"

"it's the same."

No one knew the question. It seemed that the incident was really serious this time. We discussed all the way together and didn't figure out what was going on this time. The plane soon reached China's airspace. Twelve-and-a-half degrees is not fake, and it takes less than an hour to fly from the United States to China. After getting off the plane at Longyuan Group's combat readiness airport, we found that the airport was already full of people, and all of them were Dragons. I can see no less than 5,000, and the chip communication channel in my brain is full of online information of 13,000 people.

"Attention all personnel, all personnel." The originally chaotic crowd at the airport suddenly stopped, because the voice of the base's main computer son-in-law appeared in our brains. "Everyone is very confused now why I gathered you all together. I will explain this to you in a moment. Now, please throw all the equipment you bring with you in place, and then immediately board the designated aircraft according to the electronic instructions you get There is equipment for everyone to prepare for this time, and mission information will be notified to you later on the plane. "

When we heard the prompts from our son-in-law, we removed all of our respective weapons and armors, and threw them in place. Then we looked at the electronic instructions in our brain and found our respective planes.

I was on a large transport plane, and unexpectedly the lucky family was waiting for us in the cabin. Fortunately, they occupy a lot of space, so the only thing left on the plane is me and those magic pets, and everyone else is on another plane.

After everyone boarded the plane, the airport started to be busy. A large transport plane took off in a row, then circled a few times in the air. After all the subsequent planes took off to form a formation, they flew towards the destination. The whole fleet flew less than five minutes, and a large transport aircraft and a fighter group joined the flight formation, and my electronic communication channel received more than 30,000 people in a row. In other words, there are now more than 30,000 dragon members in the entire fleet. You have to know that our single-player combat capabilities are terrible. Even so many people are enough to win a country. I really can't think of any mission that requires more than 30,000 troops.

After the formation of the flying formation, all of our dragon clan members had the scene of son-in-law in their brains. "Okay guys, let ’s introduce the task now. I know you are wondering what task you are going to complete, but you better watch this video before I explain it."

Our first electronic brains received an estimated video signal at the same time, and then we started watching these videos in our respective brains. The biggest advantage of the electronic brain is that all common electronic products are integrated into our heads, including movie players, of course.

The content of the video is very simple at first, that is, a female reporter wearing a military uniform introduces the building behind her to the camera. The building in the picture seems to be a research institute of Long Yuan, because the door has the sign of Long Yuan. The reporter said that this is the space folding research area of ​​the 9421 Institute, and also mentioned what space folding equipment seems to be tested today. We listened to it.

The screen suddenly switched to a room after the female reporter finished her introduction, apparently she had entered the building. At the center of the screen is a large number of electronic equipment, which makes people feel that they are very advanced. At the center of these devices is a weird circular platform, and there is a person standing in the center of the platform.

"Xu Qingyu?" Rose and I cried at the same time.

I didn't expect to see acquaintances in this video. We all know the young people who are wearing headphones on the experimental bench, because this guy is a backbone member of our guild. Because he is our classmate in reality, he is more familiar.

The picture in the room only lasted for a few seconds and was suddenly interrupted by a pleasant ringtone of the mobile phone. The lens shook a bit, and then the old researcher in the room pointed at this and shouted. "How did you bring your phone in?"

Before the old man's voice fell, I saw a young officer jumping over which equipment, rushed to the female reporter and stretched her clothes into her clothes, then pulled the mobile phone from him and slammed onto the ground. The mobile phone snapped apart immediately, the broken parts flying around, but things seemed to be out of control. A thick white arc suddenly flashed on the machine that was still functioning in the picture, and the light in the room burst in half. May jumped and jumped on the platform pointing at the door, what seemed to be shouting in his mouth, but there was no sound at all, but we knew by reading our lips that he was letting everyone leave.

The young officer who smashed the phone quickly ran to clip the old researcher and ran, and the others only responded at this time and started to follow. The camera shakes violently, as if the cameraman dropped the machine from his shoulders, and turned it upside down and then ran out.

These people met more people after leaving the building, and the picture was still shaking, there were alarms everywhere, and the scene was chaotic. The reporters seemed to receive preferential treatment. They were sent to the jeep by some soldiers shortly after they ran. The cameraman seemed to be sitting at the back of the car and then carried the camera on his shoulder.

The screen is flying backwards. Obviously the car runs fast and there are people everywhere on the road, but there are not enough cars. Most people are evacuating on foot. Suddenly, the building they left before flashed, and then a light curtain similar to the protective cover in the game spread out of the building. This translucent light ball began to expand rapidly. Although he could not catch up with the car, he was much faster than people running. A large group of people who could not get in the car were reported by the light curtain.

The light curtain continued to expand after the car, and finally the light curtain did not stop until the car drove out of the range of the Science City. The jeep also seemed to listen after the light curtain stopped, and the picture finally stopped shaking, but a more amazing scene suddenly appeared in the picture. I saw that the light curtain that covered more than half of the Science City suddenly flashed, and then the picture on the screen suddenly became a large virgin forest.

The picture ended abruptly here, and we retired from the video viewing mode. The son-in-law went on to say, "What you just saw was not a movie special effect, it was a real live video, and this thing was born three hours ago."

"You mean that this accidental experiment wiped out our entire Science City?" Ling asked in surprise, in fact he asked exactly what everyone wanted to ask.

"Yes, it looks like a disaster movie, but it's the truth."

"Wait." I interrupted the son-in-law and said, "I want to figure out what the research institute is doing first, and what is the broken machine?"

"Here is the 92.1 Institute, which is an experimental city dedicated to the verification of cutting-edge technology by Longyuan Group. All research projects that have not been determined to have open value and those that have been completed but have not been verified for reliability will be transferred here. The final improvement is carried out. As for the machine that just lifted the fault you just saw, it is actually a space folding machine. You can understand it as a kind of portal. "

"That is to say that the previous picture is actually the result of a problem with the transmission device?"

"The information I have at present is not enough to analyze the cause of the incident ~ ~ but at least it can be sure that the folding machine is the main cause of the accident, and from the situation on the scene, it is likely that the space folding machine may Unknown area swapped. "

"You don't have to call us over?" A member of the B1 unit said, "Even if a major accident needs to be blocked, can the Longyuan security forces handle it! Can we, those people, be so strong, send Isn't it a bit like killing a chicken with a bulldog to pull the blockade? "

"No, your task is not to block the forest. You also have to enter the forest to investigate. Of course, you are also responsible for external vigilance."

"That doesn't require so many people!"

"If you see this picture, do you think it will be used?" Suddenly, the son-in-law unfolded a top-down picture in our brain, and the viewing angle should be taken by satellite. There is a large creature hovering over the jungle.

"This is ... the dragon? Are there wild dragons on the earth?"

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