Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 169: Artificial creatures? Warcraft?

"This is ... the dragon? Are there wild dragons on the earth?" Everyone couldn't help crying. The dragon may be magical to ordinary people, but it is not so exaggerated for us. After all, we have several dragons ourselves. However, the dragon of the dragon edge was artificially manufactured according to the direction of the biological weapon. Although there are many characteristics that refer to the mythical dragon, but this photo now directly gives us a negative answer.

"Does that base also make dragon-shaped biochemical beasts?"

"No, that's not our thing. It has no production plan for the dragon. There are only two possibilities now: 1. This dragon was made by some other organization and happened to be transferred. It was time to get over; two, that guy is the aboriginal people on earth, a wild dragon. "

"Wild dragons? Are there wild dragons on earth?"

The son-in-law said very surely: "Although I also think the possibility is very low, judging by the current situation, the dragon should be the aboriginal people in this forest, and your task is to enter here and capture it. We need to know Is he a wild dragon? If it was made by another country, I think we will be in big trouble! "

Son-in-law is right. For a long time, we are most proud of the huge advantages in biotechnology, and the dragon is a symbol of a certain level of biotechnology. If this dragon is really made in another country, it also shows that Long Yuan has encountered an opponent, which is not good news for us.

"Our mission is to catch dragons in this forest?"

"I'm not sure if you need to enter the forest area for the time being. The president and the company's main leaders should have arrived at the scene. The specific situation is up to them. At present, your task is to block the scene and leave the rest alone."

"Why do we block the scene? We should go straight in?"

"Preliminary tests show that there are many unknown microorganisms and poisonous insects in the forest, and that the dragon inside will run out at any time, and the general army cannot intercept such a big guy. So in order to prevent ordinary humans from being exposed to possible high-risk microorganisms and The dragon ’s damage had to be sent to you. At least we can guarantee that the genetic viruses in your body will wipe out any invading microorganisms that are not yours. "

Skott said with a smile: "It sounds as if we are all heroes."

Son-in-law said: "No matter what is in the forest, you just have to complete the task well. Well, the plane will enter the airborne area three minutes later, and you are ready to airborne."

"Fuck, don't say it early, the equipment hasn't been worn yet!" Everyone panicked and started looking for equipment in the chaos. Fortunately, everyone's equipment was ready and they were fast to wear.

"Fuck, don't say it early, the equipment hasn't been worn yet!" In the chaos, everyone began to look for equipment in a panic. Fortunately, everyone's equipment was ready and they were fast to wear.

This time, my personal gear is roughly the same as the one used in the United States. It is still a magical armor, and my set still looks exactly like my Shenlong suit. After putting on the armor, simply test it. The performance is similar to the previous one, that is, the electronic system is slightly improved, as if there is an additional set of joint command systems. Weapons are still equipped with hot and cold weapons. Hot weapons are multi-purpose rifles, large pistols and some special mines. Cold weapons are a hybrid plasma vibration sword and a plasma dagger. Of course, everyone has different weapons, and some people have something similar to a rocket launcher.

Three minutes later the plane descended below the clouds and opened the rear hatch, and we jumped out directly from the rear door. Even at this height, we can directly airborne without the aid of a parachute alone on the auxiliary propeller on the armor. Of course, the landing is relatively violent. The transport plane group threw us all down and immediately turned around to return to the voyage. We smashed a large hole in the ground. Fortunately, this is a military restricted area and it will not hit farmland and houses. Since it was not an umbrella parachute, our landing positions were relatively concentrated, we quickly completed the team, and then quickly ran to the accident site.

After crossing a mountain stream, we finally saw the Science City in front, but at this time, the Science City has been replaced by a large forest. If there were n’t some artificial green belts and watchtowers left around, I would n’t believe it was once a seat. Not a small human city.

According to the data, the 9421 Institute originally had the size of a medium-sized city. In addition to the core research buildings and underground bunkers, its periphery was also equipped with large-scale weapon test sites, small nuclear plutonium power stations, garrison barracks, and family District, of which the weapon test field and the family area are the two largest areas. The family area alone can be compared to the size of a previous small and medium-sized city. However, what we can see now is a large lush virgin forest. The concrete road leading to the city ends suddenly as if cut by a knife, and if you look closely, you can see the dirt at the foot of that forest. There is a clear dividing line with the soil in the surrounding area. Outside the boundary is relatively barren loess, while inside the line is fertile red-brown soil.

Many people are still gathering outside the Science City. I saw my dad, the executives of the subsidiary company, and military representatives. The periphery was their bodyguards and a large number of soldiers. However, there were family members and other idle people present at the scene. So, I turned around and ordered all members who used non-human body to find a place to hide first. The less they know, the better.

After I explained the precautions, when I was going to take everyone out, my dad was also directing his bodyguards to prepare to enter the forest for reconnaissance, but just when they reached the edge of the forest, I suddenly felt a strong electromagnetic gathering reaction in the forest . The captain of the bodyguard was also from the biochemical unit, and the response was amazing. One side flickered to the side, and the soil immediately following him stood flying by a block of force blown up by some force. I immediately pulled out the long sword on my waist and rushed out, but before I got to my dad's side, a creature similar to a buffalo suddenly jumped out of the forest.

This animal looks like a wolf, but it is much larger than a wolf. It is almost the size of an adult Siberian tiger. As soon as this thing came out, he showed his teeth to the people around him, and then he suddenly stepped down and took a half step back. This was obviously a preparatory action before the blow, and he xxx. I threw the sword to kill the dragon and I rushed When they got to Dad, they kept them behind, and then commanded the others who arrived later: "Scattered around me as the center, surrounded the forest, there is a lot of this stuff inside."

"What?" Dad had been quite relieved to see that we had arrived, but suddenly I heard that there was still a lot of this kind of stuff inside and immediately got nervous again. "How do you know there are still many inside?"

I point to my head. "I felt a lot of strange electrical signals before, but I didn't know what it was. The one I just killed was one of them, and there are a lot of creatures with similar EEG features in the forest. Besides, I also Some other creatures appeared, judging by the energy level, it may be more dangerous than this animal. "I just said that the edge of the forest was shaking again, and hula jumped out of seven or eight giant wolves that were the same as before. A companion who glanced at the ground snarled and rushed over.

Huh! A loud noise came from behind me. The giant wolf flew out at the same time as the gunfire reached my ears. After landing, the sea slid a corpse before stopping. Its head has been blasted, leaving only a pile of rotten meat. The giant wolves nearby were obviously frightened by this sudden blow, but they quickly reacted from the fear, severely rekindling the bloodthirsty light immediately attacked the nearby crowd, but the people I brought Xun gathered around to isolate them from the crowd.

After seeing everyone around the giant wolves, I was going to help, and suddenly a giant wolf that was significantly larger than the previous ones jumped out of the woods.

This giant wolf has passed the size of an adult buffalo, and looks much stronger than a buffalo. This guy has white hair and a small piece of diamond crystal on his forehead, which is embedded in the middle of his forehead like the third eye, and the fangs in his mouth are obviously much longer than other giant wolves. Collar or something.

As soon as this guy appeared, he rushed at me, and I fired with a gun, but his speed was amazing, and he turned around in the air and flashed the bullet and continued to pounce on me. Seeing that the wolf has rushed to the front, I can only throw away the rifle, reach for it, and grab its jaw with both hands to push it upwards. Wolf creatures are generally not used to attacking the enemy with their claws. Although I'm not sure if this thing counts as a wolf creature, obviously my trick still plays a role.

The huge impact caused the giant wolf to turn over with me. He slid in and returned to the researchers before stopping. When the crowd saw us falling near them, they immediately fled. Fortunately, this big guy was just struggling hard to open his mouth to bite me and not care about other people. I can feel that the biological power in front of me is not as strong as mine, so I am not too worried about my safety. But from the perspective of others, I look really dangerous, so they are very anxious.

My loyal Xiaobai rushed out first, and the speed was unbelievable. He swooped up, biting the wolf's shoulder in one bite. The wolf was in pain, howling and turned over and fell Xiaobai. I ran out from under the giant wolf, and pulled out the large-caliber pistol hung from the waist, firing more than ten shots against the giant jaw, and the giant wolf finally fell down.

"What kind of monsters are these?" After I got up and looked around, the team members have completed the task, and there were no casualties.

These things are bigger, their reactivity is not as good as ours, and their power is a lot worse, but they are definitely top killers compared to the native animals on the planet. It is also a loss to us. If ordinary people and even ordinary special forces encounter these things, there is absolutely no chance of one-on-one.

Dad's bodyguard walked to the side of the giant wolf that I killed, and then said, "This thing is definitely not a wolf, and the creatures on the planet will never have this kind of combat power even in the horror of evolution.

I nodded and said, "Yeah! This fighting power has caught up with the standard fighting beast!"

It was originally a science city, and all the scientists who escaped were scientists, and naturally there was no shortage of biological talents. Several researchers ran over and turned the dead wolf's mouth, eyes, and nose, and then said, "If there were such creatures in the ancient earth era, I guarantee that humans will never be able to develop."

"You look at this guy's teeth." A researcher poked open the wolf's mouth.

"You look at this guy's teeth." A researcher poked open the wolf's mouth.

I went up and looked at it, the shape of the teeth was like a dagger, and it was a bit scary. At first I didn't feel anything, but I suddenly noticed that the reflection on my teeth was not normal, so I immediately approached and looked closely. "I test, how does this guy's teeth look like metal?"

"Is it an artificial creature?" The academy next to it was thinking with his chin.

"Be careful." There was a sudden commotion in the crowd behind me, and I looked at them with their fingers. I saw a giant bird suddenly flying over the forest, and it was almost as large as a rhino, maybe even larger. My electronic eye immediately made visual adjustments and quickly saw the whole picture of the creature, but it surprised me even more.


"What?" The team members next to me didn't respond to my words. Dad, they immediately picked up the people around them and handed the telescope over them and looked up.

What we saw was a monster with a lion's eagle head. This guy's body is almost exactly the same as the griffin in the game. My first reaction was whether the biochemical monster from our laboratory ran out, but it was not right to take a closer look. The defense of such a laboratory is very strict. The escape of experimental creatures on science fiction films is actually difficult to produce. Besides, the entire city is now gone. There is no reason to leave the biochemical beast alone!

With the emergence of the griffins, even more shocking things came out.

"Biped Dragon?"

A dark, ugly creature followed the gryphon and flew up. This guy's wings are like a bat, completely composed of a layer of flesh film and bones, and his head is more like the work of a postmodern painting master. I ca n’t find more suitable adjectives except for horror and ugliness.

With human vision, we suddenly noticed that these two creatures were not wild, because they had saddles on them, and they were still sitting. The two creatures were clearly fighting. The two-legged dragon seemed to have a slight advantage, and the griffins were relatively weak.

Since there are such large monsters in the future, it is meaningless to hide. I shouted to the grass behind me: "Come out and take it!" Lucky and Silver went up to bring the two guys back, it would be best to catch them. If the two big guys can't catch it, grab the person on their back first. "

"Relax!" Fortunately, he suddenly flew up from behind the hiding hillside, and all the researchers near us were caught on the spot.

My dialogue with Lucky has shown that these giants are their own people, but those who saw such a huge natural creature for the first time were shocked. Although the previous giant wolf is very impactful, it is still a creature that everyone has seen. It is nothing more than a large volume, and it can be understood as a huge mutant. Although the distant Shijiu and Biped Flying Dragon are somewhat out of the scope of knowledge, they are still far away. Researchers do n’t have abnormal vision like ours. They can only see that they are two big guys. They ca n’t tell the specific appearance at all. But now it's different. Although Lucky and Silver flew away, Plague and Crystal were still by my side. My large pets have basically got their real bodies, and their appearance is supervised in the eyes of researchers who have never seen giant beasts. Fortunately, these big guys are now obviously working for us, so they have not caused panic among researchers.

Lucky and Silver just flew together, and there was a commotion in the forest, and then two shadows rose into the air, letting us all be there.

"The dragon?" We actually saw two dragons again, and it was a type we had never seen before. Although I had known that there were dragons in the woods, there was still a big difference between seeing the photos and seeing the photos before. These two dragons are obviously not the products of our dragon fate, but their appearance is different from that of lucky and silver. At first glance, we know that they are the same type of creature.

The two dragons did not seem to be coming for the lucky ones, but were fighting each other, but they just flew up with the lucky ones at the same time. After the two dragons suddenly appeared lucky and silver, they also stunned, and then quickly retreated. It is a more conscious decision not to rush to kill the enemy before we know the situation. From their reflection, the IQs of these two dragons are not low, at least they cannot be treated as ordinary beasts.

I sent electronic orders to Plague and Crystal, and they immediately flew up and stopped beside Lucky and Silver, four to two. At least we took the advantage of quantity first, and as for the combat effectiveness of the two sides, it was impossible to judge.

Fortunately, they are artificial species under the manipulation of artificial genes, but the origin of the two dragons is unknown to us. Therefore, it is still unclear whether the two sides are strong or weak.

"A # ¥% & * a # ¥% & * ……" The long silver-like head was smaller, and the silver-white dragon suddenly spoke. Her voice was obviously frustrating and frustrating. Basically, it can be concluded that it is a language, but my electronic brain check failed to find a correct number. Obviously, she didn't speak Earth language, or she could speak not human language, but her voice was so sweet that she knew that it was female.

"What do you say? We don't understand. Can we speak Chinese? English is OK? Or Russian?" Lucky asked tentatively.

"A # ¥ %% ……" The other party still spoke a string of languages ​​that we did not understand.

Fortunately, I looked back at me and wanted me to find a way, but this third type of contact was also the first time I met. He could n’t do it, and I could n’t do it! After thinking about it, I still pointed at the two creatures riding on them and said, "Go and grab those two guys before you talk."

"Understood." Lucky and Silver immediately shifted their targets and flew towards the two creatures, while the plague and crystal that had just acquired their body just stared at the two dragons. Because I did n’t know the situation, the two dragons did n’t dare to move. They just flew out of the woods and found somewhere to land. Our people immediately surrounded them, but it seemed that the two dragons were against us. Very disdainful, but more afraid of plague and crystal.

On the other side, Lucky and Silver each aimed at an empty rider and rushed up. Fortunately, the larger bipedal dragon was chosen, and Silver chose the griffin. Although the two-footed dragon is more afraid of luck, the knight on the back is still greeted by the knight on the back, but the huge gap in volume and strength can not be filled by the bravery. After the two hit each other in the air, they were lucky to immediately grab the wings of the dragon with their front paws, and bit their mouths into the dragon's neck, and the reddish-brown blood splattered like rain. The dragon and luck were brought down face to face, and the knight on the dragon's back wanted to help, but he couldn't get into the battle between giant beasts ~ ~ Only desperately grabbed the saddle there. Was thrown out.

Unlike the lucky side, the griffin is obviously not as bold as the flying dragon, or it is smarter than the flying dragon. In short, after seeing the silver coming over, the guy immediately turned his head and planned to escape, but unfortunately it was probably scared and panicked. Under the blame, he flew over to me, and naturally there was nothing to end. As soon as the griffin flew to the front of me, it was rolled in by two large nets that suddenly flew on the ground, and then silver flew up from behind and grabbed the net rope before it landed.

When the two creatures were brought back to the ground, the knights on them immediately jumped down and picked up their weapons. They confronted ours, but with the help of the two dragons, they were stunned before they could move. The generals rushed up to mount the two knights, and then did not know who had brought two pairs of handcuffs to handcuff them, and we injected them with sedatives. It is estimated that the two would not be able to wake up at half past one .

The griffin has always been docile after the owner was subdued. It feels like a trained horse. It is an individual who can ride it. The dragon is more violent, and was lucky to be held on the ground for insulation. With so many bottles of calm Qi slept obediently.

After both flying creatures were subdued, I took the others together and walked in front of the two dragons. Compared with those hands, these two are the key points.

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