Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 170: Type 1 Contact

After I stood in front of the two dragons, fortunately they all stood behind me. The two dragons that had no response to me at the moment realized that I seemed to be the main person here. Their eyes were Focused on me once.

After they looked at me for a while, I started trying to communicate with them. I pointed to myself first, and then said, "Shenlin." After that, I pointed to the luck around me. "Lucky." After that, I pointed to the silver dragon.

"! A # ¥%" Yinlong is obviously very smart, at least she has the understanding that is no less than human. Immediately after seeing my expression, he opened his mouth and pointed at himself with a strange syllable. The sound of this syllable is very special. Although we can imitate and record it, the vocal cords of normal humans are absolutely not the same. The other side seemed to react when we were confused, and then pointed at his slowdown again and said, "Faya ... Faya."

Although very strenuous, we have at least figured out the name of one of the creatures, and we have proved that these two dragons have the same level of intelligence as humans.

"Fayana?" I repeated it tentatively, and the other person nodded and repeated his name again. Obviously this is her name. Next, I looked at the red dragon next to me, and then tried to ask the other person ’s name again with an action. The red dragon did not respond to us at all, and I did not know whether to disdain to communicate with us or Intellect is not as good as that silver dragon.

After trying something that didn't get a response from the Red Dragon, I had to switch back to communicate with that Silver Dragon again. On the one hand, I wanted to figure out the situation of the two dragons, and on the other hand, I was trying to parse each other's language. . Although there are many languages ​​on the earth, in fact, in all languages, the frequencies of some more commonly used words are actually the same. As long as you are constantly talking, even if the language is inaccessible, you only need to count the various words in the other language. The frequency of occurrence, and some body language to understand the meaning of some of these nouns can quickly sort out the counterpart's language structure and carry out simple communication. After that, as long as the vocabulary has been communicated repeatedly, you can gradually improve the language system, and finally completely decode this Language. I am doing something similar to this silver dragon, and the son-in-law is responsible for the language statistics. Although she was not at the scene, she had a signal connection with us, and he could see the situation at the scene.

The son-in-law's computing ability is very strong, plus the intelligence of that silver dragon and me are good. In the communication, we quickly figured out the general definitions of some basic words. After that, I started to try the words given by son-in-law and try Adding each other's vocal sounds to our language. When I first heard my first mixed-language discourse, Yinlong Fajana was stunned, but she soon understood that I was learning her language, but I did n’t know what she was praising me. Something, I just know it means praise. After complimenting, Fyana began to repeat some of the things that had been said before, because there were a lot of repeated phrases in the sentence, and the language that I knew a little about later finally figured out the approximate meaning of some words.

Since I have learned their language, Faya has begun to teach my language consciously. Because of her cooperation, our learning progress is getting faster and faster, because the more vocabulary is broken, the easier it is to communicate, so that later learning Progress is getting faster and faster. After nearly an hour of communication, I finally tried to say in Yana's language: "So ... you ... is ... the dragon ... you ... the silver dragon ... is very powerful? ... other ... red ... long ... powerful ... or you? "

Due to the grammatical confusion, Fiana hesitated a little before she figured out what I meant. "Are you asking me who is stronger than that red dragon?"

Although it is hard to say, I can basically understand each other's language now. I nodded quickly when she said that. "Yes."

"The Red Dragon's hand-to-hand combat is very strong, and my spells are very strong. If you fight against each other ... Luck.

"Do you use magic? I adjusted my tone again based on the other person's grammar, and this time it sounds much smoother."

"Not magic is magic. Among the dragons, except for the fairy dragon, our silver dragon is the strongest."

When I heard that the other party was really magical, I immediately got excited. Although we, the dragons, can also use magic-like special abilities, but that is actually only a high-level electromagnetic induction, which is very different from the true magic. Now there is a dragon saying she can magic, how can I not get excited? Magic! For ordinary people, it is just a gorgeous attack special effect, and for us it is simply a brand new energy system. The value of this thing is definitely not just the power of magic itself.

"Can you demonstrate?"

"If I show it to you, can you help me defeat him in a while?" Faya suddenly made such a request, and she said, "I don't know why, from just now." I suddenly felt that there was no magic power, so my magic power in the Seal of Throne was used a little bit. I was dueling with fire just now. If I show you magic, it will weaken my own combat power, so ... ... "

"Well, the Silver Dragon will only look for help." The red dragon who had been standing on the other side and raised his head to the sky suddenly uttered such a sentence.

"You're jealous," Fayaana immediately countered. "We have a good relationship with other creatures because of the dragon. You can find a helper if you have the ability!"

"Well, can I ask why you are dueling first?" I asked tentatively.

As soon as Fayana heard our request, she said, "Oh, this is the case. The guy and I saw a peak in the area of ​​100,000 mountains at the same time, and planned to use it as a temporary shelter. , But do n’t like other dragons living near their lair, so we decided to have a duel. The winner will have the whole mountain and the loser must move away. ”

It sounds like the problem is not serious. "That ... one more question. To what extent do you fight? Is it to kill or hurt the opponent, or is it just a friendly temptation?"

After I finished that sentence, not only Fayana looked at me with a look of surprise, but even the red dragon called the fiery fire turned her head in surprise. After a long pause, Fayana suddenly asked, "Did you never go out? Why didn't you even know this?"

"That ... I don't know much. Please explain." The two dragons can basically conclude that they are not the indigenous people of the earth, because the 100,000 mountains they say are not on the earth at all.

Although it may be due to the difference in language naming, in terms of the size of the dragon, it must be a very large mountain area that can be called the 100,000 Great Mountain. However, there does not appear to be a region on the earth that meets the requirements, so it is not a surprise. Then these two dragons are not earth creatures at all. If this reasoning continues, I will be even less likely to know the common sense of their planet.

Probably it seems that I really don't know. Fayaana explained patiently: "According to the rules of the Dragon Tribunal, all dragons in the world must not kill each other. Violators will be directly guarded by the Dragon Tribunal. So far, two dragons have violated this rule, and others have been killed by Dragon Guard within a friend after killing their kin. "

"There is such a rule? What if there is a contradiction between you?"

"It's like this now," Fayaana replied, as he took it for granted: "If you are not in a hurry, you can submit the cause of the conflict to the council, and the council will make a decision. If the trouble is like a duel like us, you can't kill Apart from dying, the injury is perfectly fine. "

"Enlightened management style." I said to Fayana after looking at the red dragon again, "I don't know if I can act as a middleman to mediate this conflict for you?"

"Generally speaking, our dragons will not fight each other, so we don't mind someone mediation, but I think this time it will not work." Fayaana said after watching the red dragon, "Our dispute Originated from our nest battles ~ ~ For the Dragons, apart from couples, even children cannot live near the parents' caves, so we must have a party to leave. "

"That ...!" I reminded carefully, "I don't know if you noticed that there was a little accident here. I think the mountain that is the cause of your dispute probably no longer exists."

"Ah? What do you mean?" The red dragon asked that.

"I think the two should have noticed. Except for the jungle behind you, is the surrounding environment very different from your original area?"

As soon as I finished talking, the two dragons stared at each other, and then they vacated and flew towards the sky with great tacit understanding. People who saw them take off thought they were about to run away. A soldier even took out a rocket rocket on his shoulder, but I stopped it. Sure enough, the two dragons did not escape, they just kept flying upwards. After more than ten minutes of turning, the two suddenly swooped down at the same time, and finally fell back to their previous positions.

"Come on, what the **** is going on?" The red dragon was obviously more violent than Fayana, and he asked loudly as soon as he fell.

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