Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 183: National access blocked

After a long hesitation, the long-handed Nobunaga still couldn't make up his mind to use the secret weapon. After all, that thing can only be used once, and the side effects are huge. Once it is used now, Chinese players do have heavy casualties, but the Japanese are definitely not good.

Because Nobunaga's Nobunaga did not approve the use of the final weapon, the helpless Japanese players can only use the most common melee to fight with our army, but this kind of battle is simply a one-sided war. There are a lot of high-level Chinese players blocking in the front, and there is a mobile angel as an assault point at the front. The Japanese player camp that was passed by the mobile angel has no formation at all, even if it is not hacked by the mobile angel. When encountering the latter and Chinese players, they can only fight against the Chinese players, but in the case of one-to-many, Japanese players still have to lose even if they are cattle, and they can only be defeated one by one in the end. On the ground.

With the steady progress of the formation on our side, the defense of Japanese players has become more and more chaotic. The helpless ghost-hand Nobunaga can only order to shrink the defense line step by step. The fortress city's mistakes were all withdrawn from the city and concentrated at the entrance of the national passage in the middle of the three fortresses.

This national channel is a portal-like thing established by the system after the start of the national war, and its location is semi-random. The initial passage will be set by the system at the balance point of the country's combat power. This process can basically be imagined as converting all the combat power of the country into weight and then finding its center of gravity, which is the exit of the national channel. However, this exit is not meant to be fixed here forever, but can be changed. The premise of the change is that a system-specific special task must be completed, and the task must be completed by a player with nationality. Between the tasks, there must be a local bank with a membership of not less than one ten thousandth of the total number of players in the country. The application will be provided. Only after the guild application, the system will give the task scroll. Otherwise, even if you want to do the task, you will not get the task scroll by yourself.

The nature of a national channel is actually equivalent to a transport tunnel, which is not the same as a portal. Although the two ends of this tunnel are connected to two points, there is actually a transition area in the middle. Unlike a portal, one foot crosses It used to be opposite.

The national passageway between China and Japan is a rock tunnel about five kilometers long. It looks like a natural mountain tunnel that has not been trimmed, and the exits of the tunnels on both sides are indeed on the mountain, but they are not from the mountain after crossing. Came out of the other side, but went to another country.

Because this passage connects two countries, it became a battleground for soldiers after the start of the national war, so a city wall was built at each end of the passage. After the Japanese players withdrew from the fortress, they all concentrated in the passage behind the city wall. The mistakes on our side did not follow them. The siege is actually the most important way to fight with special abilities. Special strategies or weapons are used well. This kind of combat can achieve a very low casualty rate and even zero casualties. If you ca n’t do it, you can use human life. Thousands of troops can be swallowed up by a section of the wall, and it can be said that this kind of place is really dangerous.

In the past, Nobunaga's ghost hand planned to use our three fortress walls and layers of defense lines in the city to consume our human resources step by step. According to his ideas, we continued to attack. They planned to give up the defense line and step back. Always keep us in a state of siege, so that our casualties will inevitably rise. However, he did not expect that our guild would use Mobile Angel to make a breakthrough. As a result, the defensive battle became an encounter. The casualties on our side and the casualties on the Japanese side were less than one to one. On average, we lost one each. Players, or defensive battles look like this. No wonder the ghost-handed Nobunaga is frustrated. However, now they have withdrawn to the national channel. With the help of external walls, we are now in the siege war mode. If they are forced to rush, the casualties will surely be amazing. Chinese players who have previously tasted the benefits of special attack methods are naturally It wouldn't be silly to rush forward at this time, and stop without us to stop them.

In fact, I have a headache with the ghost hand Nobunaga. Ordinary Chinese players do not understand the situation. When we see that we easily break the defense of the three Japanese fortresses, we think that it will be smooth afterwards. In fact, the situation is not the case at all.

There are city walls on both sides of the national channel, but that thing is not built by the player at all, but automatically generated by the system. But unlike the city's auto-generated buildings, the city walls at both ends of the national passageway are not only 100 times more durable than ordinary city walls, but also automatically repaired.

The walls of Isinger are scary enough to the average player, but that's mainly because the walls of Isinger are amazingly thick. It is normal that the walls are almost as thick as a hill. This national city wall is different. The actual thickness of the city wall blocked in the national passageway is only 50 meters, which is quite thick compared to ordinary city walls. However, the total defense value of the 50-meter-thick wall is as high as more than 100 million. Essinger's wall defense value is more than three times. If you want to penetrate such a wall, you must use class weapons. So far, it seems that most countries choose to climb directly through the city wall to attack when fighting through this channel. No one will ever think about smashing the city wall. After all, the defense value is too scary. Basically, As long as people with normal brains see that value, they will not consider it anymore.

Originally, the country ’s city wall had one country on each side, which mainly defended against attacks from the opposite country.

However, the system has set the entire city wall as an adjustable direction wall.

A certain amount of money can turn the city wall and then use it to defend the one that was originally protected by it

country. Now the Japanese have adjusted the city walls on our side, that is, we

Break through this city wall, and there are at least ten Japanese self-built cities in the back passage

Wall, and behind those walls there is a Japanese own national wall, which means we want

To cross it, you must break through more than ten city walls in succession, and two of them are still

It is an almost invincible national city wall.

In fact, in addition to the problem of walls, the national channel itself is also a trouble. Our guild

The biggest advantage is the Air Force and long-range firepower, while the National Passage is a tunnel with surrounding rocks

The walls and ceiling of the cave are invincible, which means that this place has height restrictions. Because of this hole

The reason is that our air force cannot perform at all, and its power will be greatly limited.

Cannons are also mostly shot-type weapons, and the cannonball must be hit to a certain height to fly out sufficient arcs.

Degree reached the maximum range, now there is a hole blocking it, the cannons are all limited by the elevation angle, no

Method to reach the maximum range.

Because we understand that the restrictions on the national channel are relatively large, we have not won

Pursuing, otherwise, although it can reduce the preparation time of the Japanese, the Throne of Seals, it will also limit us.

Human battlefield swing, in contrast, it is more cost-effective to regroup.

At the early hours of the war, both sides have adjusted their troops again, but now the mood and actual situation of the two sides are exactly the opposite. Players on our side are generally more optimistic because the previous battle can be said to have been too smooth. In the siege battle, the attacker ’s casualties were a lot lower than the defender ’s. This is definitely a victory, so the players on our side have a high morale. However, although the players on our side are very excited, the actual situation is that the defense of the city wall in front of them is almost invincible. Coupled with the channel that restricts our special long swing, our actual situation is not optimistic. At present, we only have two advantages, that is, the morale of the foreign family is higher than the other. The situation in Japan is exactly the opposite of ours, because the three fortress cities were lost too quickly, and many Japanese players were kicked out of the city without any reaction. In addition, the casualties were many times higher than expected. Japan Only when the morale of the player rises can there be ghosts. However, because the situation between our two sides of the battle is opposite, and our unfavorable conditions are the favorable conditions of the Japanese, in fact, the situation is not as bad as the Japanese players imagine, at least they have not lost.

After all, the next terrain was obvious to them, and the secret weapon in Nobunaga's hand had not been moved yet.

"This is the situation now." The army **** analyzed our current battlefield strengths and weaknesses, while the guild brains present were overheated because of continuous victory.

"More than a dozen walls, how can the Japanese be so perverted?" Said a president, unable to help.

The God of War corrected: "To be precise, it should be thirteen ~ ~ The national city walls at the ends of the channel plus the eleven walls built by the Japanese themselves. This five-kilometer-long channel can be said to be a wall Next to a wall, even if we have a way to break through one or two, the next part of the terror will still be filled by that person. "

"Fill in, fill in," said a relatively large guild president. "Anyway, we have a lot of people. When we had so many people in the fortress before, we already made money. We ca n’t expect undead to fight?"

"But that's the thirteen walls?" A female president said, "Even if we have a lot of people, we must find a way to minimize the number of casualties! If the loss is too great, wait for us to attack the exit from Japan. Maybe there will be no more results in the expansion of the back of the neck. The Frost Rose Alliance is a large international guild. In the future, it may not have the opportunity to focus all its attention on the Sino-Japanese battlefield like this time. Expanding the results, it will be difficult to expand in the future! "

"In fact, it is not impossible to have a small number of casualties." Su Mei suddenly uttered such a sentence, and the eyes of a group of presidents present at the scene instantly focused on her. Although everyone knows that this little loli is the seat of our Frost Rose League, most people think that it is just a position to coax a child. Few people really believe that this teenage girl can have any good way. . "Don't you believe it?" After seeing everyone's thoughts, Su Mei suddenly said, "Let's make a bet then?"

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