Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 184: Go the other way

"Oh? What do you want to bet on?" Seeing the little girl in flames, everyone asked with a smile, coaxing the child.

"Gambling on other things is not affordable, let's bet money directly. Everyone is the president, and should not be stingy, it ’s better to do this: As long as you execute according to my plan, I guarantee that your guild war loss ratio will be less than one thousandth Fifty. If the final result is really lower than this value, then I win, otherwise you win. "

"The losing side must pay the winning side millions of crystal coins, and on this basis, every one thousandth of an increase in the difference between the war loss ratio and the predetermined value, the losing side pays 500,000 more. How about it? Someone dare Play?"

For a moment, the chairpersons who had amused thoughts were a little difficult to follow. It would be unavoidable to be timid if she did not gamble with her, but it seemed inappropriate to gamble with her. If they lose, they will lose money. If they win, do they really want money from the little girl? In short, they and Sumei gambled no matter what the outcome was, so everyone didn't know what to do.

"Okay, what are the children's gambling?" I broke the embarrassing situation at the scene. After talking about Sumei, he pretended to reprimand those presidents: "You too, are you okay? What are the children doing? Are you ashamed? Come on and listen to the strategies of our little military division."

I was so interrupted that everyone was ready to step down. Su Mei, the villain, also understood that I would not let her offend these people, and she did not do more entanglement, but talked directly about her plan. "Actually, we got it wrong from the beginning. The national channel is really the main channel connecting two countries, so the location is very important. But the important location does not mean that it is the only way to Japan. The meeting still holds the fulcrum city, which means that we still have a forward base in Japan. Although this channel must be snatched, we have no need to die here with the Japanese? Since they are now concentrated in the army Here, then why don't we go the other way and expand outwards from the Fulcrum City to turn away the Japanese player base at the other end of the national channel? "

"This ...?" Everyone was stunned by Su Mei's novel ideas. Everyone has been thinking about how to break through the large row of city walls built by the Japanese, so everyone's thinking is equivalent to entering a fixed pattern. Now Su Mei suddenly proposed to conduct a reverse assault, which is equivalent to opening up a new one for us. Door, everyone's thoughts were pulled back in an instant.

"Reverse attack can avoid directly responding to the blockage of the two national city walls, but the distance between the fulcrum city and the national passageway is not too close. How many cities must be broken on this way to reach the entrance of the passageway? How to calculate this loss? ? "Asked a careful chairman.

"This shouldn't be considered a loss." Somei corrected: "What is the purpose of our attack on the national channel? Isn't it just to occupy those Japanese cities? Now we have our Frost Rose Alliance to help you bring most of the power of the Japanese guild Being dragged here, the defense on this way will become very fragile. You are skipping the most troublesome part of the country ’s wall and directly attacking the city you want. Do you still hesitate for such a good thing? Moreover, in the end, if we can control both ends of the national channel in our hands because of the occupied city, then we can completely avoid attacking the national channel. The internal channel of the national channel is forbidden to transmit. As long as we plug the two ends, we can live. Starve the people inside and force them to come out and fight us.

"Zero" has introduced a food system from the first upgrade. Both the magic pet and the player have to eat. Except for some special species that are not eating themselves, there are basically no creatures that do not consume food at all. Because there is a lot of freedom in the game to transport food, and then assist the teleportation system, generally no one cares about the issue of food and grass. After all, players in the game basically have storage space. In addition, players use the teleportation array and other tools to move very much. Strong, so most people ignore the food and grass issue that is very important in reality. However, the national channel is a special area. In order to make use of system loopholes, some people use the transmission array in the national channel for three-step transnational transmission. Therefore, the system simply forbids the space transmission capacity of the entire channel, that is to say, this national channel is the same as the reality, as long as it is sealed at both ends, its material supply can be completely cut off. There is no food source in the channel itself. Once the food of the large troops is consumed, the combat effectiveness of players and players will start to decline. If there is no food for five days, some people will starve to death. At that time, we will not even need to attack. Just wait a week and go in to collect the corpse.

After thinking about the key points, the presidents started a heated discussion, but in the end, it was nothing more than the distribution of benefits. After the fraudulent division of the areas in which they were responsible, the issues were thrown back to us.

"Although we can rob Japanese cities over there, what if the Japanese in turn reinforce those cities?" Feng Yinhua asked the presidents of other Chinese guilds present.

No way, who said that this time it was our self-confidence in order to restore the Chinese guild. We have to deal with all the losses! "Even though you can rest assured, the Frost Rose Alliance has been keeping an eye on this side of the national corridor. Once we are now trying to deploy troops from here to reinforce your cities, we will speed up the pace of attack and drag the Japanese troops Come back. If they don't care about this, we will turn the attack into a full-scale attack, and pierce through the national channel in a flash. "

"It is indeed China's first guild, and doing things is capable." The surrounding presidents gave us thumbs up and praised us, making us extremely depressed. At this time, I would rather be a bit brave, but unfortunately the name of this first guild is there. It's so cold at height!

The coalition forces moved immediately after the plan was made, and the troops originally belonging to the major guilds suddenly turned around and lined up in a neat line at the same time and began to run backwards. Their vacated positions were quickly filled by our guild troops. But when it comes to changing the army, in fact the United States and Europe seem so simple. After the guild's withdrawal, we did send people out of the gap, but the new ones were not ordinary combat troops, but the most elite Frost Army of the guild.

This Frost Legion is a unit that our Frost Rose League has just formed a while ago. The members are all the top players and senior members of the guild. Basically, no one of them is a good unit to deal with. Of course, in the characteristics of the Frost Rose League. The equipment of this unit is also exaggerated. Just like every country has one of the strongest lancet forces, this Frost Legion is our lancet force of the Frost Rose Alliance, which is specially used to pinch bones. In the beginning, Rose was very distressed to form this army. Do not look at the number of this army is only about three-fifths of other troops, but the cost is more than three times that of ordinary troops. Good troops are piled up with money. This is true.

If it is a general guild to carry out such a withdrawal, the enemy on the opposite side will definitely behave abnormally and guess the movement of the opponent, but because of our perfect operation, the Japanese side ’s guess is completely contrary to the actual situation.

"Chairman, the Chinese on the opposite side seem to be retreating?" A commander said loudly.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga stared at the moving army on the opposite side. After watching for a while, his brows became more and more frowning, knowing that the people next to him thought he hadn't heard the quasi-text to remind him again, and said, " They are not retreating, they are adjusting troops. "

"Adjust the troops?" The men looked at the team in doubt.

Seeing that his men did not understand, Nobunaga's hand explained again: "Did you see? The newly transferred troops are obviously elite. It seems that the Chinese are planning to storm."

The surrounding staff of the ghost-handed Nobunaga concurred: "Yes, the chairman is right. The country ’s passage is restricted, and there are invincible city walls and passage structures. Their air force cannot respond. It has some effect. There is no other way than to attack. Speculation does not work here. "

It was said by other staff members that other people also made sense to cater to them, but the ghost-handed Nobunaga was not as excited as them, because although we guessed that we might not play tricks, even if we storm, it is not fun. The previous three fortresses did not play the role of consuming our army at all, but now the top one is the elite of the guild. The ghost-handed Nobunaga knows how powerful this sharp knife department is. Rising, Nobunaga's hand is very doubtful whether the morale of the Japanese players can stop the first wave of attacks. In case the first wave is penetrated by the opponent, even if there are still twelve walls, it is useless ~ ~ morale is lost and it is not easy to recover.

"Well, don't be too happy, even if there are no tricks available, the strength of the Frost Rose Alliance should not be underestimated. You immediately order the people below to cheer me up. If anyone's defense sector is first Each was broken, I want him to look good when I go back. "

"Yes." The ghost-hand Nobunaga spoke directly, others naturally did not dare to say anything, and promised to continue to convey orders. but. Compared to the mood of these commanders, frontline Japanese players are not very optimistic. They also saw the change of the opposite lineup. It ’s no wonder that Japanese players who are standing on the city walls who are obviously a lot more elite than before can be happy, but now the battle is inevitable. There is no other way but to hope that your side can hold on for a while.

When everyone around them left to transmit the order, Nobunaga's hand found a huge purple pearl from his body. This thing is not the same as the ordinary night pearl, except that its size is much larger, and its surface is not smooth. The pothole surface looks like a meteorite burned by the atmosphere. However, this thing is extremely precious to Nobunaga, because this is where his confidence lies in this battle.

"As long as you are there, our battle will hit Frost Rose Alliance." Nobunaga Guishou said to himself while stroking the pearl.

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