Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 50: Good in or bad out

It ’s impossible to say that the Protoss stronghold is actually not concave from where we are doing the experiment: ... In a single point, the two small local networks are on both sides of a mountain. Because the rear of the temple is a forbidden ground and a powerful detection array is set up outside, it is definitely impossible to enter from the back. However, although Qianshan cannot set up a vigilante circle because of people coming and going, similarly, the flow of people will also increase the difficulty for us to dive in. As for killing Jiang, unless I was beaten silly, I would never think about that. I'm really strong, but I also know that I have a few pounds or two. It is possible to kill a protoss to earn some experience and take the initiative to challenge the protoss gathering place. That is suicide, not leveling.

Because I am now interested in bringing Solo to our guild to help me, I can't count on him for the next dangerous operation. After taking me in place and introducing some of the information he knew, I sent him to the City of Hope and waited for me. As to whether this would threaten Celia's safety, I was not worried about this. In the past, Solo was backed by a Valkyrie, so it would be more arrogant, but now he has not stabilized himself, and he will never do anything extraordinary with his wisdom.

After hitting Solo, I squatted on the outskirts of the Protoss gathering ground and carefully studied the situation in this place.

This place where the gods gather is basically built in the mountains. Although the entire building complex still maintains the structure of the temple, it is trapped in the mountain. Except for the front door, the rear of the temple and the roof are covered. The mountain is wrapped. If it weren't for the opening, it would be a bomb shelter.

There is only one road to this gathering area, and it is a long step with at least a few thousand steps. It is simply impossible to run from this place without going up, because every step of the long step is inscribed With golden runes, obviously not ordinary steps. I estimate that at least there will be skills such as limiting flight and detecting stealth, as to whether there are other ones, it is uncertain.

Looking at the long steps and the eight Protoss guards on the mountain, I suddenly felt like a tiger and a hedgehog. It ’s completely impossible to look at things! After thinking about it for a long time, I finally sent out a large number of ghost worms and rose vines together. In any case, get a clear picture of Zhou Zai's environment first, maybe you can get unexpected gains. The ghost worms scatter away as soon as they are released. Millions of worms scattered all over the mountain, turning almost every turf, and the result was nothing but bad news. Now it is. As for the bad news, this entire seat has been attacked by an attacking magic protection array. Any alien creatures except the one who walks that step will be attacked by the magic array no matter where they touch the mountain from anywhere else. In order to test whether there is a loophole in this thing, I even sacrificed thousands of ghost worms, and it turned out that the thing was basically indifferent protection, and even the ground was lined up densely. It does n’t matter if it ’s small in size like a ghost worm. The other party just thinks it ’s a wild bug that hits the magic circle. If I force a breakthrough, I will immediately raise an alarm. When the mountain becomes a honeycomb, hundreds of thousands of protoss will rush out together. And for another 100, I have to explain everything here. However, I was lucky. Compared to the protective array that the Ghost Worm showed, the invasion of Rose Vine was much smoother.

In a forest full of plants, as long as the rose vine does not make too obvious actions, it can be perfectly integrated into nature. After all, it is a plant itself, and it is normal to see plants in the forest. Relying on this innate advantage, the rose vines slowly swam from the weeds to the steps below. Although the alarm array is buried under the ground, as long as the ground is not drilled, it will be fine. Because the protoss often enters and exits on the ground, it is impossible to set up the alarm array. Besides, the bare one here has only a layer of weeds slightly higher than the feet, and it is unlikely that ordinary people lurk underneath the steps from here, so the Russian protoss No more work was done in this place.

After successfully lurking under the steps, the rose vine first tried to drill under the steps, and it turned out that the Russian Protoss' alert array was omnipresent, but the rose vines could not climb over the steps. Although he is a plant, it is difficult to be found in the grass, but once he climbs on the smooth steps, it is almost a lice on the bald head.

Seeing the rose vines in the distance couldn't get into the ground, and I couldn't let the steps, I became anxious. But after thinking about it for a while, I suddenly lighted up, and quickly contacted him with my heart to inform him to climb to the flower garden next to him. Probably for the sake of beauty, a large number of beautiful flowers were planted on both sides of those two steps, and it often looked pruned because it looked quite neat. Because this flower garden often needs to be pruned, and because it is not high enough to hide people, it is likely that there is no magic cordon.

After knowing my intention, the rose vine stretched out a branch and tried to test it. The result was very simple and he got into it. It turned out that my guess was completely correct. After confirming that there was no alarm array in the flower garden, the rose vine started to move up the flower garden quickly, and then gradually decreased the degree until it was close to the eight Protoss guards.

Because the plant is generally lush with branches and leaves on the top, the rose vine passing through the flowers against the ground is completely blocked by the flower group until he climbs to a place less than one meter away from the outermost Protoss None were spotted.

Although successfully lurking to the entrance area of ​​this gathering place, Rose Vine didn't know what to do next, so he had to come back and ask me for information. After I transferred the information to Ling and other magic pets, everyone began to think together. After analysis, Ling gave two options.

The first option is covert entry. Through the observation of the rose vine, the top of our current flowerbed is less than ten centimeters away from the flower bed outside the temple. If the rose vine can slowly extend its branches into the flower bed at a slower degree, then the eight protoss may simply Not now. After all, if you are too slow, the unnoticed person will not see that he is moving, and if you only glance at it, normal people will not notice a stick protruding from the flower bed.

As long as you enter the flower bed, you can lurk all the way to the bottom of the temple wall, and there is also a large wall climbing tiger planted there. In the shape of a rose vine, it is too easy to mix into the wall climbing tiger. As long as we are on the wall, we want to enter the temple from where we are happy. The advantage of this method is that it is concealed enough, even if it lurks in, it will not alarm anyone. The disadvantage is that it takes too much time to seal the throne, and the process is a bit risky. After the last time, after the rose vine enters, I have to start the ultimate skill and harmony, and then pull myself in with the goal of rose vine, and this The process will actually produce a relatively strong magic explosion. Based on the magic of the Protoss, there will definitely be some abnormalities, but they can't determine my location.

The second option is a violent one. This method is to activate the fit skill at the position where the rose vine is now, and then pull myself to the top of the step instantly, and follow the high damage output in the fit state to instantly kill the eight Protoss guards, and then immediately rush into the temple and cancel the fit Find a way to hide. This method is obviously better than the first method ... The curse problem is also a lot of killing eight protoss after being combined. This Ganlianxing is taking some risks. Even with the attributes after I enter the state of fit, killing eight Protoss in an instant is a great adventure. My own greatest confidence is to drop the five Protoss in seconds while the other party is not paying attention. Liusuke. Seven words may be a bit mysterious. Although eight are not impossible, I am totally unsure. In addition, even if eight protoss can be dropped instantly, rushing into the temple will inevitably cause relatively large movements, and it is quite difficult to hide it.

Overall it is a lot more dangerous.

Neither scheme is perfect, but there seems to be no other way. After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to use the safer method, which is the first method. Although there are risks, at least the success rate will be higher. In contrast, the second option is completely gambling.

After I decided, I started to inform Rose Vine to get started. After receiving the order, the rose vine rose to the rear of the flowerbed and slowly extended a branch to the flowerbed slowly and slowly, because the degree of the whole process was too slow, and most people could not see him at all. It's just that it's really hard to move such a degree, after all, it takes too much time to seal the throne.

We waited anxiously under the mountain for nearly half an hour before the rose vine finally rose the front end of the branch to the edge of the flower bed, but the next thing was much simpler. As long as the branches are placed on the flower bed, the movement of the rose vine will become less obvious. At this time, even the acceleration will not attract people's attention. Moreover, the protoss will not think that they are less than one meter away. There is a bully vine trying to invade the temple.

It took almost ten minutes to move most of my body into the flower bed. After that, the rose vine had to start to slowly retract its branches into the flower bed with the slow motion before. Tossing back and forth for more than an hour, the rose vine was finally completely moved. Arrived inside the flower bed. After trying the dirt under the flower bed and there are also alarm arrays, the rose vine carefully passed through the gap between the flowers and trees, moved to the base of the wall in front of the temple, and quickly swam into the pile of wall climbing tigers.

There is no window on the front of this temple of the Russian Protoss, but there is a relatively obvious skylight on the roof. The rose vine moved to the skylight on the top of the wall at an extremely fast speed, and then planned to drill into the window. Who knows that Ling suddenly yelled through the contact with the mind: "Don't move." Rose Vine was suddenly given a message by us, and it was this meal that let us escape. Less than a second after the rose vine stopped, a faint magical shadow suddenly appeared on the window in front of him. We all saw the magic circle just now through mind sharing, and Ling immediately recognized that it was an alarm magic circle. As soon as you touch it, a huge audible alarm will be issued, and it will still be a bit offensive. It can be said that it is a fairly advanced alert matrix.

"I trust, thanks to your presence, otherwise we have been waiting for the Seal of Throne for so long!" I asked with regret, "How did you find that thing just now?"

Ling also said a little later: "I didn't see it at all, I guessed it!"

"Ah? Can you guess that?"

Ling explained: "Because the design outside this temple is very strange, in general, the protoss have a relatively obvious sense of superiority, they think they are very strong, and they generally do not design so many alarm arrays in the places where they live, which is ordinary. Things that talents love to do. But this temple is protected by layers of police law, it feels very strange, and I think that since they are struggling with magic circles even under the ground, it makes no sense to just leave the windows out! I didn't expect that it really made me guess! "

"Huh, it was really dangerous just now." I thought about it and said to the rose vine with my heart contact: "You find a way to find a crack in the wall, and try to burn a hole with the corrosive solution and drill it in."

The rose vine returned a pound; after a positive answer, the cube moved on the wall. Naturally, it is naturally impossible for such a large building to be tightly connected. Soon, a crack was found on the wall by the rose vine. However, the crack did not penetrate deep into the building, but there was such a crack. Sewing is enough. As a plant specifically for making holes in the ground, rose vines can also deal with particularly hard walls, but they are not as quick to break as the pioneers.

After carefully adsorbing herself near the crack, the rose vine stretched a flower branch onto the crack, and then saw a dark green juice gradually leak out from the tip of the flower branch. When the original hard granite wall touched the green liquid, it was like pouring boiling water on the snow, and a large hole was burned in an instant, and the gap on the wall continued to expand outward along the gap for almost half a foot. Gradually stop the corrosion, and see how corrosive this liquid is to the wall.

With the gap left, it's easy to handle. Quickly reached into a rattan with crystal eyes to check the environment inside the room, and after confirming that it was safe, the rose rattan quickly entered the room.

I have been watching Rose Vine's actions outside the temple through personal contact. Now he enters the room and immediately activates his skills. "The ultimate realm of the Divine Realm." My whole body quickly disappeared in the flicker of the shadow. At the same time I activated the skills, the eight protoss who were keeping the gate all turned to the position where the rose vine was surprised, because they all just felt that there was a wave of extremely powerful magic burst in that place, and its horror level even passed. Their strength. However, although the fluctuation was very strong, it was unusually abrupt and almost ended at the moment it appeared.

In fact, I started the ultimate complete body just to teleport myself into the room, and this time, the ultimate complete body would produce a state of weakness, so I didn't dare to stay any longer, and the teleportation network was completed as soon as it was released. Although the state of fit in less than a second will also produce side effects, but it is weak and can be ignored.

Although it was not clear why the magic burst lasted for less than a second, the eight protoss who kept the gate cubed four people and rushed into the temple. Halfway along, they encountered another few who felt the fluctuation. The guards who rushed over had already gathered more than 20 Protoss guards when they finally rushed out of the room. At first a protoss guard didn't care about any temple property. He went up and kicked the door open, then rushed in. However, just after he entered the room, he was completely stupid.

"Who are you? How did you run into my garden?" A pretty little girl, who looked only eleven or twelve years old, was holding a watering can and watering flowers there, and asked the Protoss guard who broke in.

In fact, the Protoss guard was more depressed. He clearly remembered that there should be a utility room behind the door. But after opening the door with one foot, he stepped into a huge garden, not to mention that the utility room itself is one of the smallest rooms in the temple. Even the entire temple cannot keep up with the large area! However, even if he breaks into someone else's garden, the spirit of the protoss should not be tense, but the power fluctuations from the little girl in front of him are already scaring the protoss, and he even feels that I have n’t urinated my pants yet, it ’s considered to be my willpower.

Seeing that the little guy just rushed into the room, he didn't move. The Yuanpei guards thought he was in trouble. So he quickly pushed him away and ding Yadi together. As a result, all the people who came in were stupid on the spot, and while they were standing at a loss with expressions that were uglier than crying, I was laughing while directing the rose vine with acid on the floor of the room. Open the hole.

In fact, I didn't leave the room at all. The reaction of the protoss was class fast. I wanted to run as soon as I came in. Unfortunately, those guys were too fast and didn't give me a chance to transfer. Seeing that the other party rushed to the door, I suddenly anxiously opened the door of the earth to the door of the room, so that the door of the room was facing the door of the earth. As soon as someone crossed the door, they would step into the mother earth's garden. Although the garden of Mother Earth is just a garden, it is the garden of Mother Earth after all. It's almost the same as the emperor's royal garden. Without the emperor's permission, what did you want to do when a farmer ran in? Looking for death?

The protoss who rushed into the room were protoss, but they were just the next god. Regardless of the high-level protoss or the low-level protoss, they were all sealed by themselves, and even the title of the next **** was the name of the upper gods for our convenience. According to the mother of the earth, regardless of the gods of heaven. Still Anubis or Di Tans, in fact, all can only be regarded as advanced creatures, and only the top ten gods can truly be called gods. In the eyes of the last god, the difference between these so-called lower gods and ordinary people is equivalent to the difference between ants and anteaters. The anteater can be said to be a gram of ants, but the strongest anteater is just an ordinary animal. Compared with a hunter, it is a dish. For a higher god, killing a lower **** is less trouble than killing an ordinary person, it's just a matter of thought.

Looking at the mother of the earth in front of them, the guards of the gods did not dare to say any intruders. A brief introduction, desperately wanted to step back, and the people behind them simply turned around and ran away. The mother of the earth just smiled at them. In her eyes, the battle between these protoss and me was just a cat and dog fight. When ordinary people saw cats and dogs fighting, they laughed at best. I never heard of anyone rushing to help one side fight the other.

After finally running out of the Mother Earth's garden, all the guards of the gods had no image of falling to the ground and could no longer climb. One of the guards desperately rubbed his sweat and said, "My heaven and earth! Was that just the upper god? I even forgot to jump in my heart!"

"I trust, I now know how those ordinary people feel about us, that is, the ants have encountered the dragon." Another protoss net sighed and suddenly asked: "It's wrong! Isn't this a miscellaneous thing? How could we rush into the higher God's domain?" "Fuck, do the trick! The other party must have modified the big The spatial coordinates of the doorway directly connected the gate to the last **** space. Quickly, who can quickly move into the wall and find out the intruders? " Said a slightly higher level guardian.

The Protoss guard next to him immediately begged for mercy: "No, boss, my legs are soft. You let me breathe out before I even talk!"

Although the slightly higher level of the Protoss guards desperately urged, the guards could not climb up and down. In the end, he barely supported the climber after resting for nearly two minutes, so his legs were still trembling there. Other Protoss guards are even more unbearable. But they were lucky to say that, thanks to their paralysis in the aisle outside the door for a while, if they rushed in directly, I would definitely take the opportunity to kill them all. After all, so many weak protoss gatherings are rare, this is all experience! It ’s a pity that I was running away and did n’t think about it, and they rushed in a bit too late. When they smashed through the wall and entered the room, I already ran down the big hole on the ground for a while. Already.

Just now the team of Protoss guards resting outside. I have successfully entered the room on the lower floor, and then penetrated two rooms horizontally before entering the aisle. Following the passage, I left the office area in the front of the temple and entered the rear. Real core area.

Speaking of temples around the world, although the architectural styles are different, the internal architectural layout is similar. The main hall in the front looks large but not the core. Generally, it is responsible for external public affairs. Simply speaking, it is a In the large reception area, only the rear apse is the real important area. There are usually the residences of gods or places to study things, and there is usually a garden or something to separate between the front hall and the back hall. This is basically the standard temple building style. The temple here is embedded in the mountain, so there is no separate garden in the middle, but the front and apse are still clearly separated. Although there is no flower in the central area, a lot of open space is left, and here is also It's not empty, but there is a huge deep well that leads to the ground, and there is a circle of rotating steps on the periphery of the deep well that rotates down the edge of that big hole.

I hesitated to see this hole. According to the general structure, the apse is the core of the temple, but this temple has a deep well. So is the most important thing behind or below? After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to go down and take a look first. Although the apse is generally the core area of ​​the temple, this introduction. The shape of the temple is strange, and a deep hole has been added, and we have previously confirmed that the underground of the temple is all protected. I didn't notice it at the beginning, but now I want to make sure that the protective arrays are not used as alarms at all. It is simply a protective layer added for this hole. If you think about it, there may be important things in the hole. Sex is even higher.

After deciding on the direction, I quickly touched the outside of the big hole. Because most of the guards were attracted away in the room above, there are only two protoss left here to guard the entrance of the cave, and because of the diameter of the hole Thirty meters have passed, so the guards on both sides are actually very far apart.

When I ran out of the front hall suddenly, only one of the two guards showed me up, and the other one did n’t notice my presence at all because I was facing away. I did n’t show up until I heard the shout of this Protoss guard here, just At this point he was too late to rush over again.

It was 20 meters away from the entrance of the front hall to the entrance of the underground cave. When the two protoss noticed me, I had already traversed half the distance, and the protoss guard who was facing me first took out his match. The sword was ready to meet, and I had already jumped, and my body crashed into the guy's arms with great inertia, hugged the two of them, and rolled down from the edge of the big pit. The opposite Protoss guard saw us rolling down and then jumped down, but his net jumped into the big hole and he caught it, because he suddenly appeared in front of him a structure creature.

I released Evrit while holding the guard who was facing me and rolled down the burrow. Ivrit also quickly re-energized the weapon in hand, waiting for another Protoss guard to jump down. Just in time to meet the new weapons in the state of Everett. I saw a flash of Wuguang, and the Protoss guard who jumped down was hit without even being able to react. Following him, he just felt like he was being used by a big man, but should be the second one, and then he turned his ears around in an instant. Om Zuozhen, just said fighting. I can't even figure out the direction.

Looking at the protoss who was almost stunned by death rays, Efrieit showed no mercy. After the ray was shot, the wrist moved, and the lance-like death ray launcher immediately retracted into his arm, followed by a click of a red flame blade, and slid out of his arm, taking advantage of the name The protoss consciously rushed up almost fiercely. With the inertia of the opponent's falling and the kinetic energy of his own rushing, he easily stabbed the protoss guard against the constitution.

"Woo" The Protoss guard who was pierced in the abdomen had not died immediately, but the pain just made him quickly regain consciousness, but just before he responded, Everett suddenly waved his hand away from his knife. He flung out, and in the direction he flew out, a wide open mouth had been waiting for a long time.

After swallowing the Protoss guard, Hei Yan retreated into the training space contentedly, Evrit rushed in and closed the entrance. The next second, the scraping space suddenly opened in the middle of the deep well. There was a seam, and the protoss who had been hit by me and I just fell from above. The two of us who had hugged each other suddenly kicked each other in the air and then separated. Just after the separation, the protoss was surprised to discover that he actually had a layer of ice crystals hanging on his body, and this layer of ice looked very thin, but the hardness was strong. Even with his protoss system, he could not sacrifice in a short time. The Indian throne broke free, but soon he no longer had to worry about the problem of ice crystals, because a greedy mouth was waiting for him below.

After swallowing two Protoss, Heiyan's body has obviously increased one more circle. If you continue to grow at this level, it is estimated that it won't be long before he can pass the Dragon Girl to become the largest one among all my summoned creatures.

After killing the two guards, I opened my wings and adjusted my falling posture. Then it landed smoothly at the bottom of the pit. Originally, I planned to fight a battle with the guards here after landing. Who knew that there wasn't even a guard here. There are only two doors at the bottom of the huge pit. And it looks like this is an ordinary door, not a protective door.

After seeing those two doors, I didn't hesitate too much. Anyway, both sides looked the same. Which side I was walking was actually trying my luck. Instead of slowly guessing, I could choose one casually. Although I killed the two channel guards, the above Protoss guards were only temporarily led away, and sooner or later they will be chased down, so I must find out what exactly is here, or wait for the guards Even if I can fight so many protoss, I'm afraid I can't continue to investigate.

I pushed in quickly after opening the selected door. The inside and outside of the gate are just two worlds. The deep well outside is completely hard-digged in the mountain. The wall is the original shape of the rock and the edges and corners have not been polished, but the door is a neat passage. The wall seems to be It seems to have been strengthened with soil-based spells, not only neat and abnormal, but also waves of magic wave spread out.

"Ling, help me look at these walls." I quickly called Ling out to help.

As soon as Ling Wang appeared, he put his hand on the wall, and then closed his eyes to feel the martial arts. The sacred king made the sacred king to kill the **** and the seal of the throne. Seeking the Demon King of the Ninth Heaven Strongest to Abandon the Young Da Zhou Emperor's Martial Forces to Kill the Throne of God Seal in the Night and Seeking Demon King of the Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoning the King Dao Zhou to Make the God and Killing the Throne of the Night God in the Night After abandoning the Royal Family of Shao Dazhou for two seconds, he opened his eyes and said, "The wall has been strengthened with earth elements, and the wall is buried with a layer of two-way isolation matrix."

"Isolated legal array?"

"It's the kind of magic array used by the magic power test area to protect the wall. It is equivalent to a high-level protective cover, but it requires a lot of energy to start up, and it is slow to respond, so it is not suitable for use on the battlefield."

After listening to it, I asked, "You just said two-way, is there still an insider in this legal array?"

Ling nodded and said, "Not only are there internal but also stronger than external."

"Isn't it possible to have a weapon test field here?" Generally speaking, the protective law formations are external. It is mainly to prevent the enemy from forcibly destroying the building wall from the outside and entering the building.

Of course, internal defense arrays are also common, such as cells for holding dangerous creatures, and experimental fields in magic level test areas. But since this is the temple of the Protoss, why should we set up an internal defense matrix? Even if it is used to study secret weapons, you don't even need to add protection magic to the aisle! Who would be stupid enough to test weapons in the aisle?

Unable to figure out these problems, we can only continue to search forward, but we ca n’t go without two steps, because a door suddenly appeared in front. If there was just an ordinary door in the aisle, I wouldn't be so fussed. The key problem is that this door is made of a whole **** stone.

In terms of physical properties, the **** stone is no different from ordinary stones. Its real speciality is that it can suppress the divine power, which means that the next **** will become an ordinary creature as soon as it approaches the **** stone. With the power of the Protoss, it is not surprising that I can get the Divine Stone, but this is the place where the Protoss gather. The head of the Russian Protoss made the donkey kick and put a **** stone in his own house to play masochistic? Does this obviously make no sense?

Ling walked to the door and touched the **** stone on that door, then wrinkled his shoulders and said, "No, this thing is not completely **** stone yet? The face seems to be holding the magic core powder of Divine Beast."

"What is a Divine Beast?"

"The Divine Beast is a very rare and rare World of Warcraft, but it does not have any magic. The only strength is its strength. But he has a very abnormal characteristic, that is, he cannot use it within a radius of 500 meters around him. Magic, to put it bluntly, it is a forbidden magic ball that can only walk, and his forbidden magic characteristic comes from its magic core. I have seen this kind of thing before in the dark temple, but we all grinded it at that time The powder 搀 is made into tools such as shackles in molten steel ~ ~ It is specially used to tie those powerful Warcraft. "" Do you mean this powder can make the item have anti-magic properties? "

"It's not anti-magic, it's totally forbidden. This door not only contains this powder, but also a lot of weight. I estimate that unless it is a higher god, even if the boss in heaven comes, don't try to destroy the door. .Fengshen is forbidden again, this thing is just used for "Speaking here suddenly stopped. "Willn't it be here, right?"

I looked at Ling and nodded, indicating that I was like him. "Even the passages are equipped with protective arrays. Obviously it will not be necessary for weapon experiments, and this door is so modified. In addition to that kind of place, I really can't think of anything else that needs to be done like this."

"Hahahaha, what you guess is not bad, here is a prison, a prison dedicated to the Protoss." A burst of arrogant laughter suddenly appeared in the passage where we came in before the arrogant language, and then we Then they saw a protoss with a golden armor appearing in the passage with a large number of guards. "It turned out to be President Ziri! I should have guessed it was yours. The Chinese protoss signed an agreement with us to not participate in this battle, and you are the only mortal in China who can kill the protoss. However, your good luck is now over. If you enter this prison of gods, you should not expect to go out again. "For more information about the future, please log in. More chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!

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