Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 51: Forcibly enter

It's quite big. I glanced at the old god-fashioned figure behind me. I don't know if I play hard and win me, there are only a few people left behind. "

"You care about your own safety. It's not ours." The Protoss suddenly waved forward. The guards behind him immediately rushed over to us over him.

In this narrow passage, don't say that my large magic pet cannot be used. Even if it can be used, we are definitely not our opponents. These are protoss, not the miscellaneous soldiers of the player's guild. My magic pets and their one-on-one singles are sure to win, but two-to-one is a bit troublesome. Besides, the number of enemies here is at least compared to us. Four to one five to one ratio. The odds are exactly zero. After thinking about these things, I didn't even think about it, and summoned the gate of the earth directly to the middle of the passage. The guy who rushed to the front among the protoss on the opposite side was immediately stunned and braked suddenly. Supporting the wall with both hands desperately stopped at the door.

The team stopped suddenly, and the senior protoss who led the team immediately yelled, "Why stop?"

"Boss, there is a portal here!" The one in front was the guard collar who had rushed into the Mother Earth Temple. He naturally knew what space was in front of him. He didn't want to go in the second place. Times. Last time he could come back alive, he already felt that his soul was almost scared. Once again, he will be scared to death directly. The one behind the team apparently didn't know the power of this earth gate. When I heard that it was just a portal that filed a lawsuit, he shouted, "Are you stupid? A portal. It's just broken."

"Master Judgment, this portal is not an ordinary portal, we can't help it!"

"What broken portal, even you can't be broken?" The protoss said as he walked to the front, taking a sigh of relief after seeing the door in front of him. Although he had not yet entered the back garden of the Mother of Earth, the faint power of the light gate had made him feel like he was about to collapse. "This this this" Is this connected to the upper God space? "

"Probably!" A protoss standing next to him shivered. "We better not destroy it. This space channel is based on the opposite **** space. The space we are It's unbreakable! Besides, even if you have the ability to blast that space, the one inside will probably come out to trouble us, right? "

Before he said that, the young and arrogant guy was dumb. However, when they caught me through the door of the earth, I was studying how to open the door behind me.

Now Ling and I are terrorized by the gate of the earth and the gate made by that **** stone. The middle of the passage. I can close the gate of the earth behind me at any time, but the problem is that the Russian protoss at the gate of the earth will not let me go. and so. There is only one way left for me to go right now, which is through the door in front of me. Of course, I didn't intend to find my way out through this door. Before that, the Protoss had already said, this is the cell of the Protoss. And places like cells are definitely not going to have too many exits. So you can only go into a dead end, and you have to plan from the back if you want to go out. The reason why I want to go down is mainly to see who is locked below. Now that these people are locked up by the Russian Protoss, it means that these people and the Russian Protoss are hostile, at least not good for them, and the architectural features here indicate that the prisoners here will not be general, so if I can Release these guys, maybe you can rush out with them. Take a step back and say, even if I can't follow them out. It's also good to make a prison riot nauseous and disgusting Russian protoss.

Although I thought about it, the implementation was not so smooth, mainly because the door in front of us caused us great trouble. The characteristics of this door determine that brute force cracking is impossible. If you want to open the door, you must rely on the key, but the key of this door is divided into three types. The first one is a mechanical keyhole, this one. Relatively simple, eternity can be transformed into any form, so the form of the key is not a big problem.

However, the second key and the third key are unusually troublesome. The second key is a password, and there are even as many as ten digits. All of them must be turned to the right, and the mechanical key can be twisted. After turning the key, there is one last problem, which is a magic identification matrix. If you want to open the door, you must first choose a small password and then turn the key. Finally, enter a specific wave of magic into the key handle. When the institution inside the door receives this special magic, the door will open, otherwise the door will not Will open.

The mechanical key can be simulated forever, and the password can be guessed slowly. But what about this special magic? Everyone's magic is different. This thing is like a fingerprint, it can't be exactly the same. Magic masters like Ling can master the magic of others. It ’s just that there are too many types of magic. If you try one by one, there are more possibilities than the ten-digit password, and the possibility of both being correct at the same time, let alone think about it. It is impossible for us to try it for a lifetime. finished.

Originally thought that the gate of the earth blocked the protoss outside. We can open this stone gate after a circle of the Seal of the Throne of Seals. Who knows that after researching for a long time, this gate cannot be opened at all. We were stuck here and couldn't get out at all.

"right now

I shook my head and said, "There is a protective array on the wall, and it can't be dug at all. The door in the front is more troublesome. There are a lot of protoss behind it. I think we are completely trapped this time."

"It may not come suddenly," Ling said, "Although all three directions seem to be dead ends, they are not completely hopeless. "

"How to say?"

Ling explained: "The front door looks like it can't be opened. But think about it, it's just that the password is hard to understand, it's not really open. As for the violent cracking, this door is indeed a seal of magic and magic. But it is not really invincible. If you use the eternal sword to slowly tongue it, you can still pass through it. Although the side wall has a protective matrix, it is not very powerful. As long as you are not afraid of concussion, I can use it. Magic blasts out a passage, but the movement will be a little big. In the end is the back side. Although the protoss are powerful, but the aisle is narrow, they can't rush up together. If you use the ultimate fit, then rush out, at least There is a 70% certainty that you can leave safely. So on the surface, this is the way to kill, but in fact we are the way to live. "

"I wasn't rushed by you when I said that, I thought about it again and again:" But I decided to open the door in front of me before I say it. Even if I want to rush out, it's easier for more companions to rush out than me. "

"That is too

After thinking about the solution, I took out eternity and turned it into a sharp lancet, then slammed it into the door. Although the door's solidity is quite exaggerated, the eternal sharpness is not ordinary. Just listen to the ding, and the eternally changing fine needle is inserted into the door an inch deep. After successfully inserting a small hole in the door, I let Eternal turn the outer part into a wide plane, and then turned the sledgehammer out of Fenglong space to start ramming Yongzhen's tail. With the eternal sharpness and the special attributes of this hammer, I can make eternity nearly an inch deep into the door with each strike. After dozens of consecutive knocks, Eternal suddenly changed its shape. This is what we agreed in advance. As long as the eternal deformation indicates that the opposite side has been punctured.

Of course, to wear 咋. The eye of the needle does not affect the overall structure of the door, but the perforation indicates that the door can be destroyed. All I need now is to expand this hole. However, the work of opening holes is not my specialty, but I have a magic pet suitable for opening holes.

"What did the host ask Evrit to appear beside me and ask.

I handed Eiffel's hand directly into the shape of a little bit. Then he pointed to the front door: "Help me open a hole."

Glitter, you just have to wait. Everett quickly turned the palm into a fixed clip, just docking with the eternal tail, and then put the eternal tip on the eye of the hole, followed by only a harsh sound, Everett's palm suddenly turned high, and even the eternal drill in front of him began to fly. Everett is a living creature, that is, a mechanical living body. His hands can rotate unlimitedly like a robot. It only has a high rotation and is actually no different from an electric drill. Plus the eternal drill bit. Punching is not a problem at all.

On the other side of the passage, the original gods were studying how to get around the gate of the earth and grab me, and suddenly heard a harsh, sharp chirping sound inside. One of the Protoss quickly looked inside the gap between the wall and the door of the earth, and it turned out not to look good, but it was startled. "Master God of Judgment. Zi Ri is destroying the gate of forbidden!"

"What? How could he have broken it?" The **** of judgment asked in surprise.

Another protoss said: "I heard that the sword in Ziri's hand is a high-level magical weapon with more ordinary artifacts. It also has" cut. " With the power of this rule, if I use that weapon, I guess it should still be able to destroy the "Do What?" The ruling God was even more anxious when he heard it. "These guys are closed inside! If this is exposed, the consequences will be unthinkable!"

A Protoss guard advised: "If we turn off the protective array and then forcefully bombard the wall with magic. It should still be possible to detour the channel, but this defensive array has the feature of automatically storing energy, and it is estimated that it will be turned off The energy source, if you want to blow away, it will take a lot of time to seal the throne.

"What are you waiting for? Get it done now. Be sure to rush in and grab him before Ziri opens the door."

With the order of the ruling god, a violent relocation contest was launched on both sides of the gate of the earth. It's just a professional and an amateur. Everett's humanoid electric drill is fast. Within three minutes, the hole on the door was enlarged into a cave two centimeters in diameter, while the other side was still smashing the wall. I looked at the size of the hole. Let Everett retreat temporarily. Then I found out a magic crystal steam bomb from Fenglong space and compared it with the hole, but it turned out to be a little bigger, and I had to let Everett continue to expand the hole. After Ivrit repaired it again, I finally put the bomb in, and then recovered all the pets, and then summoned Jingjing holding the Holy Shield with me and leaning on the corner of the other side to shield us. body of. With the loud noise, the entire small passageway was shaking, and even the Protoss guards on the other side of the earth gate were shaken, and several of them moved in a hurry to swim into the edge of the wall to look inside. But only the smoke and dust that filled the aisle were seen. The concave. The public things were invisible.

The hardness of the forbidden door can be said to be quite scary, but the harder the explosive, the more powerful it is. After the first magic crystal steam bomb exploded, I knocked on the door a few times with the nails on my fist, and the sound did change slightly. Jingjing asked a little puzzlingly: "Does the host knock on the door like this, would anyone still open the door for us?"

"I'm not calling, why would anyone open the door?"

"Then you are?" "

"I'm listening to a crack in the door."

"Is that also heard?"

"Of course I released Eiffel after I said it, and then gave him the eternally changing drill again and pointed at a few points on the door:" Here, open holes for me here, here, here, and here Just like that. Same size


With previous experience, Everett opened holes faster and faster, and soon four new holes were completed. These four holes are connected with the previous hole, and the net forms a semicircle to trim the keyhole. Wrapped in a semicircle inner circle. After watching the holes, I once again took out five magic crystal steam bombs and stuffed them into the holes. After setting the explosion time, I hid behind the shield and immediately hid.

The cave where the previous bomb trembled was shaking. This time, the power of the five bombs was even more amazing, especially in this close-closed environment, where the shock wave was released nowhere, and echoes would form repeated collisions, until The wall will completely disappear before it is absorbed. This is equivalent to repeating the lethality several times. Even with the protection of the dragon armor and the shield blocking it, my head is still exploding. On the other hand, the Protoss on the other side is not necessarily much better than me, one by one with a shivering headache and almost syncope.

After all the thunderous noise disappeared, I went back to the door to check again. Although the door is still there, the five holes in the door have been connected by dense cracks, and there are also a lot of cracks in other parts nearby. It looks as if the entire door is about to fall apart. . Of course, the door's shock resistance is quite good. Don't think that the door will crack when it looks like there are many cracks on the outside. It will never crack without sufficient strike force. But I don't care about it, after I have determined that the direction and density of the cracks are OK. I turned Yongdan into a sledgehammer, and then smashed it according to the position of the door lock. The first few hammers were okay, and the door lock didn't move, but starting from the eighth hammer, the cracks around the door lock began to gradually increase with each hammer. Later, a lot of fine fragments appeared and were recorded until the twenty hammer The entire area where the door lock was located suddenly snapped along the five cymbals I typed. The semi-circle formed by the hole was completely cracked. Seeing this, I immediately put away Eternal and reached out and pulled back and forth a few times on the cracked part, and finally I was dragged down. Without the locks that fixed the gates, even the sturdy ones were scrap. As I pushed harder. The door that blocked me for nearly half an hour was finally opened by me.

Just as I opened the door, there was a booming noise just behind me, and the boss suddenly recorded a rock on the passage wall. An arm stuck out of the hole. After breaking through the wall, the hand was retracted immediately, and then a face came up to the hole and looked inside. But this guy was also unlucky. Before he could see the situation clearly, Everett faced him with a death ray, and immediately beat the guy back.

I glanced back at the guy and ignored him. I just took back Evert and Jingjing, and only walked through the door with Ling. After walking through that door, I closed the earth door again. The protoss on the opposite side saw that the door blocking the road was gone, and immediately wanted to rush over, just for the next second. The gate suddenly appeared behind the forbidden gate that I just smashed, and the four caves that the group of protoss dug on the wall were dug for nothing, and I gave it directly.

Seeing that I actually blocked them in such a rogue way ~ ~ The protoss almost exploded with their lungs, but now they have no other way but to continue digging. Fortunately, they have been banging for so long, and now the Magic Array has used up its energy reserves, and dig it up again than before. The hole has to save a lot of work, but I was very angry because I wanted to play.

As the guys were busy digging the walls, I had taken Ling to the depths of the prison.

A few meters forward after going through that door is a downward staircase, and after descending down the stairs for about seven or eight meters, there is a ten-square-meter room. A row of shelves is placed on the left side of the room, and there is a hanging Many keys. And there is a number under each key. On the right side of the room, there is a row of strangely shaped objects corresponding to the row of key holders. It looks like a large water gun like a child's play, but the tip is thin like a needle. I don't know what to do. But surely that is not a weapon.

Opposite the room, opposite to the step we came in, was a straight passage that stretched forward for a few kilometers and the passage was lined with stone doors. Each door has a number that corresponds to the key number on the left shelf.

"Looks like this is the cell

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