Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 61: Drawing in hand

"" Trapped? " "The **** will just give me a scornful look, and then say," This is just a gadget to prevent you from running away. " You don't think that if you kill a few low-level protoss, you really consider yourself a protoss nemesis. To tell you the truth, the ones you encountered above are only the weakest members of the Northern Protoss. The real masters have all been concentrated here. If you think that you can still kill the Protoss as if you were outside, you are wrong. Every protoss member here is not something you can handle. "I shrugged indifferently." It's you who say it's amazing or not. It's really amazing or fake. You only know it if you try it. If you think you're awesome, just let it go. "If I can be scared by a few words, then I will not be Ziri. Although this guy vowed, but the actual situation is only proven by practice. Believing the enemy ’s words is not as good as guessing, Because it is impossible for the enemy to think of you well, even if he is telling the truth, you must do the opposite, because when the enemy is telling the truth, it must be when the truth is not good for you.

After hearing my words, the protoss immediately felt that his face was a bit lost, because not only did he not scare me with his harsh words, but he was criticized by me. The protoss in shame and anger didn't care what it was about three or seven or two, and reached out to take out the huge sword with a slanting back from the back and rushed over.

"Oh, fire?" I saw 120,000 attention immediately after seeing the guy rushing over. Although I am not convinced by my mouth, I also know that the protoss are not easy to mess with, and naturally I should pay attention to it tactically.

The silver armor protoss rushed a few meters in front of me and jumped up suddenly, followed by a slash in the volley and smashed down. Seeing that the guy fell from mid-air, I did not step back, but instead took a step forward, followed by the lifting of my right foot and kicked my head. Because I took a step forward, the epee that the guy originally aimed for had lost its target, and my raised feet hit the guy's belly exactly, relying almost on the impact of his own fall to almost knock him Spit it out overnight. At first glance, the impact of the jump chop was not too great. The problem is that it is neither the epee or the powerful legs that bear this intermediate force, but the soft abdomen. The weight of the whole body plus the inertia generated by the fall must be borne by the soft muscles of the abdomen. This small blow is absolutely not light, even if it is not a vital attack. Besides, my attribute has the suppression of the protoss, so I can't protect myself with my divine power by hitting the opponent at this moment. It is because of my own body that I bear the damage stiffly.

After hitting the other's belly with one foot, I pressed my toes down, hooked the guy from the air to the ground, and then stood on his stomach with one foot, and the other one threw the ice skate at the bottom of the boot. Come out, and then quickly top the guy's throat. "Tell you something that is very popular in China now that impulsiveness is the devil!"

Although I don't fully understand the meaning of my words, this does not affect the other party to hear the irony in my language. This thing itself cannot be understood. He just finished talking and rushed forward, but I was stopped by a move, and what made him most unacceptable was that I did n’t even have a hand in the whole process.

Seeing that guy stubbornly turned his head to look like a killer, I smiled coldly, and then said: "What hero is it now? The real hero is not like you, you are a silly hat, but also Want to be a hero? I don't want you to be a hero. "I said, and then suddenly moved under my feet, the ice skate scratched the guy's neck instantly, but I deliberately controlled the intensity, so the opening was shallow. But this is a critical attack after all, especially when I use it, the power is even more terrible. Bloody water spewed out of his throat like a fountain, and the guy was nervous on the ground with his legs kicked around and couldn't get up. In fact, that injury didn't pay off his life at all, but it was still possible for him to recover the combat power in the throne of Sigil for a short time, and I just want to kill the other protoss here when he can't move, let He became the only survivor, not a hero.

After solving this guy, I walked over to others. When they saw me, they capped their captain, and the protoss soldiers who had rushed out began to slowly back away.

Although they still stopped me from getting close to that line of defense, they didn't dare to bump into me, only to shrink back and follow my pace. "Are you planning to just stay behind the line of defense?"

My words made all the protoss present stupefied. Yes! No matter how afraid you can't retreat to the line of defense? The death order was issued above. If they can't stop me here, they won't have to mix in the protoss in the future.

The protoss who were present after thinking about the powerful relationship no longer hesitated. They screamed and rushed up, but because there were no high-level protoss in town, they behaved very cluttered and were quickly broken by me. After all the enemies at the scene fell, the previously isolated barrier was automatically disappeared. I guess that thing is actually a magic ball that is closed for a duel, as long as one side in the closed area is completely defeated. The protective barrier will naturally disappear.

After leaving the protective barrier, I rushed into the wall that blocked the passage before, but there was no guard, and the sword's wall was just a wall, which delayed me for a long time The United Ship broke through at the bottom, and during that time I killed a dozen protoss in a row. The experience value soared like a rocket. If it weren't for the protoss who killed all groups like a wasp, I would like to upgrade by killing the protoss in the future. Unfortunately, this wish is probably not realized.

After crossing that line of defense, the road below became a completely unguarded passage as before, but after walking another half of the passage, a bright light and noisy sound suddenly came in front.

Seeing this, I didn't dare to rush forward directly on the flying bird, but changed to the night shadow and approached the source of the sound silently. In this dark passage, our shadow-traveling ability can almost fully exert its full power. As long as you don't want to be shown, no one wants to find us. However, this kind of good thing can also be used in the passage. When the source of the sound is reached, the magic lights all over the passage will almost shine here as noon on the ground. No, it's worse than noon on the ground. The sun on the ground is coming from one direction. It will form a shadow area behind the object to some extent, but the light source here is distributed on the top of the entire crypt. Just like the shadowless lamp used in the operating room, there is no shadow on the ground. Nothing can be projected, so our shadow crossing will not be useful.

After carefully approaching the last area that the shadow can reach, I put away the night shadow, and then asked Emmys to add a whole-body illusion, and finally relied on the stealth property of the phantom cloak to move behind the pile of boxes in front. Stealth and the double camouflage of illusion can fully cover my shape, and I also use obstacles to cover my body so carefully. Even if there are masters who can recognize the illusion and invisibility on the scene, I will not show up.

After finally lurking behind the boxes stacked at the exit of the aisle, I carefully climbed to the top of the box, and then looked out through the gap between the top two boxes.

In front of the passage I'm hiding now is a huge magic array that looks exactly like the magic array below the city of Hope. I just hope that the city has been completed, and this one is still under construction. Four broad magic links on the ground have been connected together. Most of the outer magic circle frame has been completed, and several crystal mosaic slots are empty. Some members of the Russian Protoss are carefully installing magic stones, and Others gathered near the unfinished magic lines and slowly connected the magic lines on the ground with divine power.

"A protoss of Ivanovic suddenly stood up and stood up, and as he shouted, a protoss who had been instructing several mage-type protoss to paint magic circles suddenly jumped from the ground.

"What?" The protoss, called Ivanovic, called unpleasantly.

The man who called him before beckoned and said, "Come here, come here, my law team here doesn't seem right."

"No?" When I heard that there was a problem with the French array, Ivanovic ran over nervously and then didn't talk to the other party. First, he squatted down and touched the lines of the magic array with his hands, and then frowned. Standing up, I opened a large folder behind me and flipped a few pages inside, and finally compared the magic array on the ground with the magic array drawn on the documents in his hand according to one of the pages. what's the difference. After watching it for about ten seconds, Ivanovic suddenly called out, "Sharif, you idiot, who asked you to install the magic micro-control valve here? Here is a high-magic self-limiting magic circuit. I'll replace it. I'm sorry that I haven't connected to the Internet, otherwise we, a large group of people, will have to bury you as an idiot! "

"I didn't do it on purpose. What fierce you are? Sherif said quite angrily. But he didn't dare to speak too loud. After all, Ivanovic is the highest-level protoss here. That is, their boss. They can be dissatisfied, but they can't really show it. Even if they talk back like this. That can only be mumbled. Although Ivanovic may not be able to hear, but as long as you do n’t come off the stage, he generally does n’t. Will compete with these ordinary protoss.

After reading the Magic Array issue here, Ivanovic held the big folder and started to turn around, and corrected some omissions and errors during the construction process from time to time. Although this process is already commonplace at this construction site, I just saw it before, because the folder he held in his hand was not the drawing I needed? Now that the goal appears, it's easy to handle. I hid behind the box and stared at the guy's every move. As a result, he now generally moves in a circle in the direction of the magic circle, and if someone calls him halfway, he will go and look at it. When you are done, return to the position you checked earlier and continue down. This rule seems simple, but there is one place that can be used, that is, one of the places he needs to observe is very close to the location where I am hiding, and the protoss fighting skills like him should not be too much Gao, as long as I can find the right opportunity, I will be able to grab the folder from the throne of the Seal of God for the first time.

After thinking about the solution, the next step is how to execute it. Obviously grabbing things directly is unlikely. The number of protoss here is more than that of the previous defensive perimeter, and I have seen several masters here that are more powerful than the previous silver armor protoss. It ’s too dangerous to grab things directly in the patch, and after thinking about it for a while, I ’ll be better off

Taking advantage of the fact that no one is paying attention now, I quietly retreated back into the passage, and then backed away a little distance, then summoned the trailblazers and rose vines. Although they are all excavators, the pioneers and the rose vines are not the same. This time, the purpose of summoning two magic pets at the same time is naturally different. First I asked the trailblazers to dig two tunnels to connect the two tunnels on the other side of the crypt. A thin layer of soil was not dug through. After completing these projects, we dug a channel from the channel we are now under to the ground near the location where Ivanovic needs to patrol. Of course, we also left a thin layer of map in the end, and Let the rose vine support the floor with its own branches below to prevent it from collapsing in advance.

After making these preparations, the next task is simple. I first let Ling and Xiaochun run down the tunnel to the other two passages respectively, and then I lurked to the entrance of the tunnel here. As I ordered in my contact. At the same time, Ling and Xiaochun blasted off the wall with only one layer of soil in front of them, then rushed into the passage.

Two consecutive explosions immediately attracted the attention of all the protoss present. Among them, the more capable protoss rushed to the two channels quickly, but the person was smashed by a dense magic before they entered. Although they have retired, Ling and Xiaochun were goddesses before, and now I have gained a lot of improvements in attributes, and their strength is almost the same as before the retirement. In the case of not needing to fight for a long time, the two people did not feel any magic. They directly threw out the high-output magic that they usually do not use, and the big group of protoss at the door was afraid to take the lead. .

Although the dense magic explosions in the two channels seem to be very powerful, they did not cause any casualties because they were completely misaligned, but I do n’t expect them to kill a few protoss anyway. What I need them to do is now complete Already. Their magic attack successfully divided the protoss in the crypt into two waves. All the hits gathered at the entrance of the passage. Those who couldn't hit all retreated to my side and to the side of another unattended entrance.

Seeing that the time was almost up, I suddenly withdrew myself from the passage where I came from.

As soon as Net saw that I was there, the members of the Protoss didn't respond, but when one of them recognized me, the scene was immediately confused. Protoss are also divided into fighting protoss and auxiliary protoss, so it cannot be said that it is a **** who can fight well. Now the protoss who can fight in the crypt are attracted to the two tunnel entrances where Ling and Xiaochun are located, and the rest are civilians that cannot fight. The channel I came up with is now behind them, but the protoss who can protect them are all concentrated in front of them, and it is too late to save them.

After confirming my identity, the auxiliary protoss on the scene suddenly started running crazy towards the nobody's passage. After all, the four lanes are now safer. Ivanovic is naturally the owner who runs in the crowd, but he doesn't know that I made such a big movement for him, so he is convinced that he can run away. However, just as he passed by the ground where he had walked countless times before, the ground suddenly burst upwards, accompanied by flying gravel, and dozens of thick rattan spouts from the hole at once After coming out, he was instantly rolled up and pulled into the tunnel ~ ~ Because the fleeing crowd was too flustered, Ivanovic was dragged into the cave. In addition to alarming the nearby A few Protoss made them run faster, but they were not seen by more people. On the other side, some of the fighting Protoss who had planned to deal with Ling and Xiaochun quickly separated some of them and rushed towards me. .

It's meaningless now that things have arrived. I took out a magic crystal steam bomb neatly from my body and threw it into the magic circle in the center, then turned and ran. Almost at the same time as I ran away, Xiaochun and Ling instantly returned to the training space. The group of protoss who had originally planned to come over to me was startled when they saw what I threw out. One of the protoss flew to the rescue with a quick eye, and finally caught the bomb without letting it fall to the ground, while other protoss I was relieved at the same time. The magic circle under their feet was repaired with an old nose. If it was blown up, it is not yet known how long it will take to rebuild the Throne of Seals. However, for this delay, I have run deep into the passage. The tunnel that had been dug on the ground suddenly opened, and the rose vine threw out the gray-faced Ivanovic and returned to the training space by myself. I scowled Ivanovic and turned to the next flying bird. Throwing it on his back, then he jumped up and directed Asuka to leave the passage.

Now that I have the magic array drawing in hand, it is probably meaningless to investigate this magic array. It is better to go back and let the **** of war calculate the use of the magic array. After all, such a large thing must be extraordinary and powerful. It ’s bad for us, so we should prepare early?

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