Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 62: Strategic Realignment

It took no trouble to return to Isinger with the drawings. The Russian Protoss side "Yes, part of their manpower was concentrated by them to repair that level of magic formation, so no one was free to intercept me, and it was very smooth. I left the Russian **** world.

After returning to Isinger, I first brought Solo to the City of Discipline. The purpose of keeping him before was to let him contact the representatives of the various Protoss on my behalf. The smooth character of this guy is absolutely competent for such things. Immediately after scheduling Soro's affairs, I immediately returned to Isinger, and ran to the command center of the **** of war with the drawing.

"You're back?" As soon as I entered the control room, I heard the greeting of the army god.

"Where has the war gone now ?.

"Our Japanese troops have begun to counterattack. Most of the guilds that are convenient for Japan are currently posing under the control of Masamoto Matsumoto, so the progress is very fast. It is estimated that in another two days, we can completely control the entire territory of Japan. After the three-day system recognizes that the Seal of Throne has arrived, Japan can declare the country's destruction.

I nodded and asked, "What about the Russians?"

"The situation here in Russia is a little more complicated. The God of War said he drew a few virtual strokes in front of his hand, and a few crystals suddenly lighted up. Then he flew in front of us and landed on the console of the God of War, followed by projection on the main screen There is a huge map and a lot of scrolling pictures. "You see, this is the actual line of control between China and Russia. The red is our control area and the white is Russian.

"Ah? The white ones are Russian? How come they are so big? The white areas on the map obviously have gone beyond the three eastern provinces, which means that the Russians have jumped out of the Northern Alliance's original territory into the inland areas.

This clearly differs greatly from our original plan. "Why did the Russians jump out of our defense ?, Xiao

God of War first displayed a profile on the main screen after I asked, and then said, "The reason is on him. Watching the latest chapters of this book, Bo Qiuzhong's female net snarled.

"Who is this?" Although the information shown on the screen is complete, I don't know this guy. "He's just one of the backbone of the League of Blood. Little

"People in the blood league? Why is it disrupting our plan? How did he do it?"

"This person is mainly responsible for the liaison between our guild and the League of Blood, so he can get a lot of information before Feng Yin Piao Miao, but this person has finally tampered with some of the information in the data. This is not counted, He also forged communications privately, misleading our troops to appear in places that should not have appeared, causing us to lose a lot of manpower. At the same time, he also sold a lot of intelligence to the Russians, so that we Many Russian action plans were known in advance by the Russians. "

I looked at the inconspicuous guy in the picture and asked, half puzzled and annoyed, "why did he do this?"

"I was also very surprised why he did this. To be honest, my battlefield analysis is continued, there is no information about such behavior at all, so I was in a hurry to lose a lot of troops when this happened. But Thanks to this person, I finally perfected the procedures in this area and created a special database, and I will have a way to deal with similar situations in the future. "

"You still didn't say why he did it.

"Oh, it's like this," said God of War. "I judged his behavior with a logic judgment program after presenting his behavior. As a result, his behavior was totally illogical. In the end, I could only attribute it. The category is a special mental illness, so I used Longyuan's internal network to contact several psychologists to analyze his behavior. The experts gave the conclusion that this person has a very serious mental illness. The illness is somewhat Psychological characteristics similar to masochism, except that masochism gains psychological comfort and sexual pleasure through direct behavioral abuse such as body and language, but this person uses a macro view of being defeated, conquered, and exiled To get pleasure from the situation. Those experts say that the disease is very rare, and its main manifestation is to get pleasure by intentionally or unintentionally betraying his collective organization. When he is in a commercial company, his performance is to hope to serve himself Company ’s company goes out of business, turning itself into an unemployed and then getting pleasure. For the country, he wants the country to be conquered by another country. Then Had become a conquered people to enjoy the thrill of entering the game as for the performance, nature is to destroy the guild and the group of countries where their pleasure to get up. "

"I rely, why are there people with such abnormal diseases?"

"If you gather all the non-pervasive behaviors of all human beings, you will see that, in fact, humans are a fairly complex group, and their behavior can be said to be diverse. For some of these individuals, it is a matter of course that they take for granted. The group seems unacceptable. In fact, according to an internal investigation report of Longyuan Group, at least 90% of normal humans have one or two special agreements that most people do not have. The behavior is not only to discuss the special Shanmen Liu "

"Okay, I'm a long-sighted!" I was defeated after listening to the report of the military god, this guy's behavior is so different, he can do such things! "Now that this person's behavior has had bad consequences, how do you cope?"

Jun Shenxun switched the picture displayed on the main screen to the strategic map state, and then explained to the map: "After the current behavior of this person, the Blood Alliance has kicked him out of the guild and dispatched special personnel to hunt him down. He. Without his airy message. The performance of the Russian army immediately hit a half-fold. However, the line of defense we originally set up has collapsed, and it will take time for the Seal of Throne and more manpower and resources to rebuild the line of defense on a large scale. We do not consume There was no time to prepare for the throne of the Seal of God. "

"Then what do you do?"

"I still use the previous concept of the time of the Seal of the Seal of God, and dismantled the troops originally used to build the line of defense into a number of larger mobile units, relying on our guild's strong movement and ability to exchange space for the Seal of Time. . Try to consume as much as possible to delay the offensive of the Russian army. As soon as the battle over Japan is over, our main force can quickly withdraw from the country to participate in the war against Russia. "

"The plan is good. The difference is that you are sure that it will work. Even if we consciously guide them to counterattack after Japan's extinction, we can't do it too fake? Anyway, we have to leave some troops to fight with them? In this case, we can withdraw. There must not be too many troops coming in. Are you sure those troops are enough to turn the tide? "

God of War explained: "I'm pretty sure that the troops withdrawn are enough to reverse the war. In fact, the troops we withdraw from Japan will only account for one-third of our current troops in Japan, but I plan to take that one-third. All the core combat powers are adjusted, so that this one-third of the troops can produce about two-thirds of the total combat power, and this combat power has actually exceeded the Russian local power in our country. "

"Ah? Isn't it? I clearly remembered that the Russians had a large number of troops! How could they rely on such a force to bypass their local combat power?"

"This is the benefit of a large country." God of War said: "Our tactics of changing the space and time for the Seal of the Throne. Although the tactics of the immortal betrayal were broken, the area of ​​the occupied area expanded, which was harmful to the Russians themselves. It is also a burden.

It is true that to block this large area, we need more troops to form a new line of defense, but again, the Russians have also added a large area of ​​occupation, and all these areas need to be occupied by people. This has led to the Russian army. Its military strength has been diluted by the huge land area of ​​our country. At the same time, as the small elite units we formed penetrated behind the Russian army, the casualties of the Russian army outside the battle were terrifying. The direct result of this loss was that the commanders of the Russian army had to increase the combat effectiveness of the garrison forces in the occupied territories, which further exacerbated the downsizing of the Russian army's offensive forces. In addition, as the theater became larger, the Russians could no longer rely on an independent large group army to fight. Now they have split offensive forces into three, and none of them is as powerful as our rescue forces. As long as we can transfer some of the troops that were originally used to build the room to this elite army ~ ~ soon we can form a huge team with the ability to directly defeat any of the three teams As long as we can completely defeat one of them, the other two detachments will immediately switch from offensive state to standstill to Nasuke. At that time, we can hold one of them with a small number of troops, and then you will lead the team to destroy the other one directly. By the time there are only one of the three detachments, we can play as many as we want. Even without a tactical plan, "should we win steadily?"

After listening to the introduction of the military god, I immediately clapped and said, "Yes, this plan is very suitable. What step have you taken now?" "I'm still reorganizing the army." The military **** said: "Because the Russian army rushed out of our encirclement The situation was relatively sudden, so we were not prepared, and many of the defense forces were still behind the Russians. But fortunately, the Russians also knew that they rushed too fast. They were afraid that they would be cut off by the road after being cut off, so they stopped. I am currently mobilizing the elite units to harass the Russian offensive forces, forcing their tactical response to slow down. At the same time, our own defensive forces are gradually disengaging from the Russian army and are conducting a distance from the battlefield. Reorganize. Once the organization is completed, you can immediately go to the battlefield to contain the three invading forces. "

"Very good. Just do what you say. But during this time, the God of the Seal of the Seal, you better help me study this thing and tell me what effect this magic circle will have." I said before The resulting drawings were handed to the **** of war.

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