Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 178: Play big hair

Just as the Frozen Banshees were driven out of the line of defense, the strategic magic on our side was finally completed. (Qihang Novel ~ Net Watch Novel) However, unlike most direct-kill magic, the magic we release is called "Season of Love". Listening to the name, we know that this spell is quite "loveful".

As the preparation of the entire spell was completed, more than 2,000 senior players around me in the guild suddenly raised their staff at the same time, and then a white light began to gather at the tip of their staff. When those rays were fully lit, the rest player immediately began to point the staff to the node mage responsible for their area, and with their guidance, the light they had gathered before began to quickly gather in the hands of those node mage. The node mages responsible for gathering energy immediately pointed their staff to one of the few conversion mages in the array after receiving the energy from nearby people.

The energy gathered by the node mage began to be transmitted to the few conversion mages, and the wands in the hands of these conversion mages gradually began to shine a layer of red light. Yes, it is indeed a red light. Unlike the previous white light, the light on these conversion mage's staff is red. Regardless of whether they are ordinary mages or node mages, their work actually serves as an energy battery, and they pass up the layers of pure magic energy, which is not an attack swear. But transforming mages is different. Their job is to transform basic magical energy into real magical magic. In fact, at this time, if the conversion mage does not pass the magic power on his hand outwards, but throws it towards the target point, then it can already work, but the power and coverage must be greatly reduced. In fact, from the perspective of the principle of magic, the formation of each conversion mage and the mages responsible for providing energy can be regarded as a simplified strategic magic formation. Of course, the second-level magnified strategic magic is much more powerful than this simplified version of the magic circle.

When the red light in the hands of the conversion mages gradually turned on and reached a dazzling level, these mages suddenly pointed the staff in their hands to the center of the entire magic army, which is where I am. At this time, I am preparing a set of magic that is different from everyone nearby, because my job is not to gather magic nor change magic attributes, but to release magic directly, so what I do is done by everyone in the battle. Are different.

Just after the conversion mages pointed the staff at me, a beam of red light suddenly shot directly at my body and instantly connected a chain of red light in the entire magic circle, and as the core of all light chains Me, at this time, the whole person has become a huge red light ball. After this condition lasted for about ten seconds, the top of the huge red light sphere that had expanded to a few meters in diameter suddenly shot a thick energy ray toward the sky, and with the release of the energy ray, my The photosphere also fades quickly until it disappears completely. When the light ball completely disappeared, all the members of the mage who participated in the strategic magic release suddenly fell down in order like dominoes, but I was still standing in the center of the field as if nothing was happening.

Watching the huge pillar of light disappear into the sky, the entire battlefield was completely frozen as if freezed. Everyone was waiting for the upcoming strategic magic, but this tranquility lasted for nearly two minutes. At the scene, the situation remained the same, and nothing happened at all.

"What's the situation now?" A Russian player asked the people next to him a little bit more than two minutes later.

The person asked also shook his head. "Unclear. Isn't it over?"

"It's over?" Another Russian player asked in amazement immediately after hearing their conversation. "That's it? I didn't feel right?"

"Yeah! I didn't feel what's wrong?" The nearby people started to talk to each other with the help of these people, and soon the whole battlefield gradually resumed vitality. Everyone was asking each other why the strategic magic didn't work. appear.

Although in "Zero" as long as the people who came out of the Great Guild, few have never heard of strategic magic. But everyone's understanding of strategic magic is really just heard of it. With regard to strategic magic, most players may understand it as much as nuclear weapons, knowing how it works and its general power, and others really do n’t know. Moreover, strategic spells are not nuclear weapons after all. Compared to nuclear weapons that can only generate a few fixed injuries, the effects of strategic magic are various.

The Frozen Banshee stood in front of the sky and looked at the sky without any changes. She asked the people around her in confusion: "Did you see any changes?"

The person asked also answered with a question mark on his face: "I don't know, but it feels like magic has passed."

"Passed? Did the cast fail?"

The words of the Frozen Banshee reminded the majority of Russian players. Before, they were still guessing what the situation was, and now everyone heard that the Frozen Banshee's guess was reliable, and from the high-altitude reconnaissance of the rear air cavalry, the collective fall of the mage who participated in the casting may be a strategy One of the manifestations of failed magic cast. However, just as the Russian players were arguing about what happened, suddenly a red beam of light burst down from the sky at a lightning speed, and a lot of Russian players flew to the ground in an instant to prepare to avoid it. Situations like explosions. However, unlike the imagination, the beam did not cause an explosion, nor did it fall into the Russian player's camp, but fell on me who was still posing in the field.

At this time, I was present in the field with a silver moon posture. I was stretching my arms and wings to the sky, posing a posture to embrace the sky, and the red light beam hit me exactly and disappeared. In my body. As the beam of light continued to shine, the wings behind me began to become more and more red, and finally turned completely red, and my hair and the equipment on my body also began to turn red. The back face even the eyes became red. In the end, except for the skin color, it was normal. Almost everywhere on my body became a gorgeous blood red.

"Damn, that magic hasn't failed at all." As a leader of a powerful guild, the Frozen Banshee's insight is better than the average person. After seeing the blood-red me in the field, she finally guessed the situation now. "That's not a spell failure at all, they're using a powerful auxiliary magic at all!"

In fact, the Frozen Banshee's guess is not accurate. The strategic magic of "season of love" cannot be regarded as pure auxiliary magic. From the perspective of its killing method, it should be regarded as a mind-control spell, and from its release method, it can be regarded as a gain-type auxiliary spell. In short, its attribute span is relatively large and cannot be purely Categorized into the category of a certain type of spell.

With the beam of light falling from the sky, the red on my body gradually reached its peak state, and then the beam of light falling from the sky also began to shrink and thinn, and finally became an intermittent fine broken light band disappeared into the air. At this time, not only did my whole body except the skin become a bright red, even the air around me seemed to have a seemingly pink aperture, and there seemed to be a lot of red in this aperture. Small particles are moving fast.

"Flick off, flash off, hurry off." The Frozen Banshee was still there, and suddenly heard a shout from the line of defense on our side, and then I saw the fighters forming the line of defense on both sides like ebb A ten-meter-wide channel was conceded separately, and many people in the rear rushed into the strategic mage group to pull the mage who had collapsed and could not move to the side. After the passage was completely cleared, the fiery red I slowly walked along the passage.

Originally, even if I didn't add anything, I was already an extremely horrible being. Now I have just received a complete state of strategic auxiliary magic, and it looks like this is a super-enhanced magic only for a single person. Although many Russian players are confused, it does not make sense to spend so much power to strengthen this super soldier who is already an enemy, but this does not hinder their fear of me. If before they just heard that I was the number one in the world and felt they could not beat me, now they have no idea that the number of people hurt me. The strategic magic that cost more than two thousand mages to jointly cast has been strengthened to me alone. How much magical strength is this? Even if this spell can only transfer one-tenth of the power of those mages to me, then my current combat power is at least equivalent to the sum of the combat power of more than 200 people. This value plus my own combat attributes, my entire combat value has not yet been added to the sky?

With speculation about my possible combat power, Russian players in front of our defense line started to instinctively recede after seeing me out of the line of defense. Many people even dropped their weapons and turned to escape, but now they are in On the battlefield, no one wants to be the first one to run away, because even if everyone runs away later, the first person to run will definitely bear the heaviest punishment.

"Don't be afraid. It's just a death. A few people go up and try the magic."

After all, there are a lot of Russians at the scene. Even if most people are scared, there are at least some people who understand. With their reminders, several players who were not afraid of death rushed to me immediately, but the results were unexpected. These people should have rushed in front of me and immediately launched a tentative attack on me. The Russian players around them were also ready to observe the magic effect, but what they saw was those who rushed to me. People moved more and more slowly, and finally stopped completely in front of me a few steps away.

Just when the Russian players didn't know what these guys were doing, those people suddenly gave me a salute. Although they have different etiquettes due to their different professions, the beginning and end of salute itself are unusually neat. Immediately after the ceremony, these people said to me very neatly, "Master of omnipotence, please forgive our previous disrespect for you, let us use this sinful body to work for you! Let us repay what we have Mistakes made! "

"Ah?" Hearing the words of these people, the jaws of nearby Russian players almost fell off. After all, the actual situation and the expected contrast were too great, which made them temporarily unacceptable. It was not surprising whether these people could defeat me at first, but now these people have not launched any attacks on me at all, but what is the collective demand for me to accept their allegiance?

When the Russian players nearby were confused, I suddenly said to the Russian players who rushed to me: "I forgive your crimes, but you must use your actions to confirm your determination to me. Now Go and destroy those who are guilty of me who are disrespectful to me! Kill them all. "

"Yes, my master." The suddenly nervous Russian players saluted me again after listening to my words, and then suddenly turned around and waved their weapons towards other Russian players nearby.

"Ah! Are you crazy?" "What are you doing?" "Well ... you bastard, why did you chop me up?" ... All kinds of screams were quickly nearby. The Russian player camp broke out. Although it was obvious that those people reacted abnormally, after all, they were all their comrades-in-arms. Looking at these comrades-in-arms suddenly rushing back towards themselves, most of them could not react for a while. But they couldn't react, and those crazy players didn't hesitate at all. Their crazy launching skills slashed their former comrades to the ground, and then rushed wildly towards other people around. A large area near me was quickly disturbed by these people. The crazy people attacked like crazy with rabies, and their fighting methods did not consider their own safety at all. The way of fighting is fighting. Some people even have their eyes red and want to bite after being cut off by their reacting companions. The kind of crazy energy is obviously not a rebellious behavior, but some kind of control spell. To.

"Damn, the strategic magic on Yinyue can control our mutiny!" Someone finally reacted to guess the true use of strategic magic, but it is a pity that if strategic magic is not interrupted during the release process, once it is When it's done, there will be almost no solution. Someone said this before: "Only those who can fight strategic magic can deal with strategic magic on a larger scale." Although this is not true, at least most of it is correct.

Although the crazy guys are dead because of their own style of play, and other Russian players are less concerned about their own relationships, they have created quite horrible results, but they are only a few people. Even if you go crazy, you can't fight too many people. Soon those crazy guys were either killed or caught alive and lost their combat power, and at this time the Russian players were extremely jealous of me.

"Don't approach him, use long-range attacks. The melee class moves backwards!" With the cry of the Frozen Banshee, the Russian players around seemed to find the backbone and started to move, but they didn't want to think about it, strategic magic is so simple. ? If I can avoid its harm as long as I am not close, then this strategic magic is a bit too garbage?

As the long-range attackers of those Russian players rushed forward to launch an attack on me, there was a sudden scream and scream from the nearby crowd. The long-range attackers heard the sound and looked at it in the direction of the sound. They saw that the companions who had just been killed by the crazy people actually stood up shaking. Those who were killed had some incomplete limbs, and some bodies were not even on their heads, but they still got up and picked up the cut off limbs from the ground and put them back in their original positions. Then they immediately turned towards their fellows. Pounced.

"What's the situation? Zombie resurrection?" Some Russian players exclaimed, "Is that crazy disease contagious?"

The player's question had not been answered yet, and a new round of confusion broke out in the Russian player crowd, and the reason was the injured players. Although many people died in the process of suppressing those crazy players just now, more were injured. Although these people have received various types of treatments, the results are no exception. Even if the people who were just scratched at the beginning were collectively starting to kill the people around them, their fighting style was no exception. All of them are exactly the same as those who were crazy before. They are all crazy attacking people around them regardless of their lives.

If the madness that these dead and injured people turn into is just zombies, that's fine. There are zombies in the game, and there are not many undead creatures who are useless except for their defenses, and few people will be really scared. At most, some people think that zombies are more disgusting. But these crazy people are not in the form of zombies at all. Regardless of whether they died before, they are the same now. Except for the blood redness of the two eyes, their bodies have not changed. Not only their defense is still normal, but their flexibility is perfectly inherited from their normal time. State, even because of their madness, many people's speed has improved.

Because of the sudden counterattack of these dead or injured people, the Russian player camp that has just restored a little order again has chaos. Many of the comrades-in-arms around him suddenly caught off guard, and many people were chopped to death in a split second, and all of them climbed up again soon to join the ranks of mad patients.

In fact, it is not a big deal if it is just such a biochemical virus infection. After all, this is not a metropolis of peace, but a battlefield. Here are all combatants. They have relatively good psychological qualities and confrontational abilities, so as long as they have gone through the initial chaos, it is not difficult to control those who are crazy. After all, the uninjured people account for the vast majority. The small number of infected people is not a big deal. However, the chaotic Russian players patronized solving the problem of madness of their companions, but forgotten their biggest enemy-my source of infection.

Just as the Russian players struggled to suppress the infected companions, I suddenly rushed towards the crowd. Nearby Russian players did n’t see any response when I rushed over, but some people reminded them that they also remembered, as soon as they approached me, they might be controlled, so they immediately ran away from me and ran away, but unfortunately came Their speed is not as fast as mine. In the second place, how can they all hide away when they are so crowded together?

As I ran around in the crowd, more and more people entered the red aperture range around me, and everyone who was not covered by the aperture understood it, that thing was the magic range, as long as it was enveloped by the aperture, Even if it is rubbed, it will be controlled by me, and the time from the rubbing to the beginning of calculation to the complete control is only about a few seconds.

The madness patients who were directly infected by me and the patients who were indirectly infected have turned the Russian player crowd upside down, and the source of my infection is constantly running around, so that the scope of infection is getting larger and larger.

"This will not work. I will immediately assemble a long-range attacker and concentrate on killing Ziri. Don't be afraid to injure yourself by accident. He will also be manipulated if he encounters it.

Hearing the cry of the Frozen Banshee, the nearby long-range attackers immediately gathered at me to launch a covert attack, but just before they were ready, I raised the staff to them. "Group Blessing."

I just heard the name of the skill I was shouting, and the Russian players on the other side were stunned. Mass blessing is not an advanced skill. On the contrary, this skill is basically an entry-level spell for clerics, nurses of light, and masters of water. Of course, it's not the level of this spell that made Russian players frustrated, but I used this spell to deal with them and made them a bit incomprehensible. In any case, the group blessing is also a secondary spell, and it is also a positive enhanced secondary spell. Of course, this kind of thing is only used on my own people, but I threw it on their enemies. This is not Is there something wrong with your brain?

Of course, no fool at the scene would really think that I had a problem in my head, and their first reaction was that there was fraud in it. Yes, there are problems in this, and the reason lies in that strategic magic. The "season of love" strategy magic is not thrown directly at the enemy, but used to use it in order to create a source of infection to infect the enemy. However, it has a side effect, that is, as the direct recipient of the spell, that is, the guide wizard of strategic magic, after the magic takes effect, it will lose all the ability to release, that is to say, this master can release except for ordinary attacks. Any skill will lose its lethality. However, this does not mean that these skills can no longer be used, such as the blessing I just used, it is still launched. However, although the light and shadow effects appearing after launching these skills are still the same as the original magic, they will not blow up or hurt the enemy, only they will be infected, and the infected area depends entirely on the previously released basic skill. Coverage.

The blessing of group magic is indeed an auxiliary spell, but now that I am the source of the infection, my skills have become infection skills. Now whether I throw a blessing or a curse on others, the result is the same, that is to make the other person my infected, and the group blessing is just a spell with a large coverage area, so I just throw it to those Ranged attackers are overhead.

Looking at the falling white light particles, those Russian players are all confused, because under normal circumstances, whoever drops these things will be blessed, and then their attributes will be slightly strengthened. However, now the effect of these light particles falling on their heads is-crazy.

Immediately after being blessed, those long-range attackers turned around collectively, and then magic and Feiya flew around, followed by a large group of their companions falling under their attack. Of course, as long as these attacked people are not bombless, even half of the corpses will be quickly resurrected to participate in the attack on their companions, and the people they injured will become the same as them.

In fact, this is the first time that I have experimented with the effect of this strategic magic. When our guild just researched it, we only experimented with a small array to test the release process, but because I could n’t find the enemy to do the experiment, I myself It's not clear what the power of this spell is. Now I find that using a large range of skills seems to be faster than running from someone else. I immediately started to throw a large area of ​​magic around me. What fire wall, sea of ​​fire, large-scale blessings, curses, and even heavy rain I tried, and the results were all effective without exception. And after testing, I finally selected the strongest infectious skill-Chunyushu.

Spring rain is a semi-healing and half-dispelling spell of the water system ~ ~ The main role is to remove toxins and a few common negative effects, and it can restore life, magic and physical strength in a small amount. Battlefield support spells. However, what I am looking at now is nothing else, but the super-long release distance and the large coverage area of ​​this spell. Compared to the release distance of other spells, this spring rain can directly release 200 meters away, and its coverage is a circle with a radius of ten meters, which can cover a large group of people at once. What's more interesting is that this magic can still move. After the release of Spring Rain, as long as you do not actively cut off the magic output, it will always exist, and you can move according to your intentions. Although the movement speed is not very fast, at least it can still cover many people on the chaotic battlefield of.

Just before indirectly infecting the Russians, I can barely resist it. When I tried spring rain, a large-scale infection method, the psychological endurance of Russian players finally reached the upper limit. I do n’t know who was the first to run away. Anyway, the Russian players on the battlefield began to retreat in a large area, and the escape of the elite players affected the ordinary players and formations that followed them. As a result, a comprehensive collapse It happened, but at this time I was ... with a look of surprise.

Why should I be stunned? Fuck, our goal is to force the Russians to cross the Yellow River, and then we hit half again. Now they directly give me a big retreat. What about the next plan?

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