Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 179: Loose Guild Aggregation

"Hey, what's the situation now?" Zhenhong asked a group of senior players in the guild with a look of somehow shaking to the side of the Russian players who were running away in front of them. (Qihang Fiction ~ Fiction from the Internet)

"This ... I don't know what the situation is now, but I know one thing is for sure."


"I was busy before!"


I shrugged helplessly, and then started the communicator to connect to the communication network of God of War. "Hey, God of War. I think we have a big time this time!"

"I saw."

"What should we do now?"

"Do you want to hear my advice or your staff's advice?"

"All talk."

"My suggestion is to immediately lead the whole army to start the pursuit and follow the Russians all the way to the past, not only to recover the lost land, but also to enter Russia's native land along the way."

"So what did our guild staff say?"

"They said that they should let the whole army prepare for the pursuit, but don't really catch up. The rear must quietly strengthen the defense and prepare for the Russian counterattack."

After listening to the report of the **** of war, I immediately lost my thoughts. It can be said that both methods are feasible. After all, whether it is the army **** or the think tank of our guild, they are all outstanding decision-makers. The suggestions they give cannot be invalid, but it is because Their plans are all very good, so I didn't know who to listen to for a while.

Now that the Russians are scared by our strategic magic, it is just because they face a temporary mental breakdown in the face of an invincible enemy. It is not a rational decision made by the main force of the Russian army. If we now start chasing immediately according to the plan of the **** of war, then because of our continuous pressure and continuous killing, the Russians cannot stop to rectify the troops, so that their collapse state will be difficult to recover, and we are just all the way They drove them back to Russia. However, although this method looks good, it has many problems.

First of all, immediately launching a chase means that we have to switch from a defensive state to an offensive state instantly. At present, except for our guild, no other guild has such an ability to adjust, so if a chase is launched, only those who can participate in the chase We have the Frost Rose Alliance, and other guilds can't be expected, at least for a short time. In addition, in addition to the problem of switching offensive and defensive states, chase is itself a gamble. Because the main force of our guild actually hasn't reached the battlefield at this time, only some of them are here. If we only chase with such a few people, in case the Russians have the ability to adjust the state in the movement and suddenly kill the carbine, then we will face the calamity. After all, defense and offense are two concepts. We have no problem defending people. It may not be enough to think about offense. Finally, even if we launch a chase and successfully start to expel Russian players, what do we do when we get to Russia? The semi-attack plan previously developed is actually a large-scale annihilation plan. The goal is to consume a large amount of the living power of the Russians, thereby playing a role in damaging the strength of Russian players and preventing them from being formed in subsequent anti-invasion operations against Russia. Effective defense. But if we start pursuing it now, it means that although we can drive the Russians out of the country, we cannot consume a lot of their strength. At that time, they will enjoy the defense bonus in the country. We want to occupy those resource areas. Becomes extremely difficult.

Of course, apart from the plan of the army god, the plan of the think tank is not perfect. The think tank's plan is to make chase illusions, but don't really chase them. The Russians have not suffered much damage now, they are just scared, so if we can't press them in time to make a continuous retreat, they should soon come over and stop to regroup. The advantage of this is that the Russians will return to the frontal battlefield again, and then as long as we seduce them to advance forward, everything will return to the previous plan.

The benefits of the plan of the think tanks are very obvious. Any shortcomings in the plan formulated by the **** of war are just advantages in this plan. However, this plan is also flawed. When the Russians retreated, we would not pursue them, so what if they really ran away?

We are not Russians, we can predict their actions, but that is only prediction, the ghosts know what they will really do. In case they are less courageous, even if we do n’t chase them, they still run all the way back to China and stick to it. Then our plans afterwards are all finished, and the plans we completed before will be finished together.

At the beginning, our plan for suffering from two-line operations was to deal with Russia first, and then to solve Russia. In order to extend the Russian army's invasion of the Seal of Time, we used the strategic decision of changing space for the Seal of Time. But the territory abandoned in this decision is not ours, but the Northern Alliance and some small guilds in the north. At the beginning, we persuaded them to agree to this plan on the premise that we have a plan to counterattack Russia. According to this plan, the Northern Alliance and these small guilds have sacrificed their own interests and made time for our guilds all over China. The Seal of the Seal of God, and after attacking Russia and occupying the mining area, their guilds who had made sacrifices will receive priority compensation. This compensation is the motivation of the Northern Alliance and those small guilds that give up their own interests.

But now the situation is different, what if the Russians ran straight back to China and stayed there? If we continue to fight in the past, in the face of a large number of defensive forces, plus the advantage of defending the soil, how much will we have to pay to complete this invasion? At that time, it may not be enough to earn back the war. What else do you use to compensate for the losses of the Northern Alliance and those small guilds? Of course, there are more problems if you don't fight. Although we can recover the lost and return it to the Northern Alliance and those small guilds, how exaggerated is the cost of the overall relocation? When they left, they left a whole city, but when they returned, they were a pile of rubble. Who will pay for the losses? Of course, we can also be unreasonable and tell them who's responsible for the loss. If the city is out of your mind, you will be unlucky. Who will bring you close to the Russian border? But even so, although we do n’t have to pay for war damages, the China ’s domestic guild alliance, which we managed to unify, will certainly fall apart completely, at least in the future the Northern Alliance will definitely not cooperate with us again. Therefore, this plan is actually more risky than the War God.

Of course, the Russians may not run all the way home, even if we have more than 80% confidence that they will return, but we cannot afford the possibility of more than 10% failure. Small things can be used to gamble, and national events also dare to bet that it is the Japanese habit. We Chinese pay attention to peace and integrity, and everything comes first. Putting our hopes on the Russians, this kind of gambling we can't do it.

In fact, even if the Russians don't run, even if they return as we hope, the next plan will be very troublesome. Before, the Russians were equal to successive victories. It was easy to seduce them southward. After all, they were proud soldiers and it was easy to seduce them. But it's different now. Being hit to the collapse of the entire army, such a large psychological trauma will inevitably make the Russian invasion regiment cautious and careful. Even after they return to kill, I doubt whether they will have the courage to defend our area from the guild. Rush over. What if they turned halfway towards the areas where the little guilds defended?

"God of War."


"Immediately call for chase preparations."

"Then what? Chase or not?"


"Does this work?"

"Hurry up."


After sending the **** of war, I said, "Notify all think tanks and leaders of the main guilds to communicate, and we will have a conference call."

"Already connected."

Soon, the main members of the guild and the members of the think tanks all connected to the communication line, and even the presidents of some major guilds were also brought into the communication range.

"Hello everyone, I'm Ziri. This is the situation now." I quickly said about the battlefield situation and the possible crisis caused by the two decisions, and then asked: "What do you think we should do?"

"Actually, I think it depends on what you think." I just said after the rain and rain: "Supposedly, this time our Northern Alliance lost the most, but President Ziri knows that you didn't intentionally pit us, so just in case I do n’t deserve it if something unexpected happened, you can rest assured. ”

"Long live!"

"Okay, you don't have to be polite with me." Yan Yu continued: "I still say the same thing, it depends on your own ideas to decide which option to choose."

"Why is my thought? This is of vital interest to thousands of guilds of all sizes in the country!"

"No, although this is directly related to our immediate interests, the decision is still up to you." Yan Yu said very surely: "Since we decided to listen to your dispatch, it is that we believe in your ability, if you do not allow us to gain The benefit is the loss to everyone, it is not your fault, it is our misunderstanding. So no matter how you decide, it is your business. Do not consider our feelings at this time. The king made the holy king to kill the gods of the night and seal the throne to seek the magic and proud of the world ’s strongest. The throne asks the demon to be the strongest in the world, and it is the strongest to abandon Shao Da Zhou the royal family to make a **** to kill the night. Yes, that is the greatest harm to our interests. "

"Yanyu, you are pushing me!"

On the surface, the words of Yu Yu seem to be supporting me and establishing my authority, but in fact he is forcing me to choose the plan of the think tank, because the plan of the military **** is a conservative plan.

According to the plan of the military god, there will be no accidents. If we really decide to implement that plan, then I can actually predict the future gains and losses. The final result of this scheme will not be unexpected, it can only be a small loss or a small profit, in short, it is basically equal to busy work. Whether it is a loss or a profit, the value will be very low.

Compared to the proposal of the **** of war, the solution chosen by our think tank is more dangerous, but it is also more operable. If you play it well, the benefits will be very large, and once you play it, the loss is absolutely It's enough for us to regret that we want to commit suicide.

Yan Yu said that their Northern Alliance did not care about gains and losses, but later said that if they lost something, it was not my fault that they did not choose the right person. This is already telling me that if we cannot get enough benefits to compensate them this time, they Don't mix with me later. Because the reason for their loss is that I have chosen the wrong boss, then the mistake must be corrected, no matter who they are changed to or become the boss, in short, I will not be their boss anymore, this is certain. So saying "Yan Yu" is Jinli Tibetan needle, in fact, it is forcing me to make a decision.

"Your rain is really realistic enough." Rose interjected suddenly: "Okay, don't play the mystery here. Everyone on the line, except our Frost Rose Alliance, is a large guild. The head and face people are all people who understand, and going around will only waste our time, the throne of the Seal of God. We now say clearly, do you want us to gamble? "

"Okay, sister-in-law is also straight-headed." A president of a large guild called the Dark League said, "Since everything is so straightforward, then I also say what I mean. The first plan does not make money, if you really press That job is equivalent to doing white labor in the later period. I do n’t know what others think. Anyway, I know that I will definitely quit early. If others are like me, the result will be the disintegration of the alliance. If you count it, you will disband the army in advance , And it is estimated that it will be difficult for your Frost Rose League to bring everyone together again. "

"Sorry, can we discuss it within the guild?" Su Mei's voice suddenly interjected.


After getting permission, Su Mei immediately shouted to the army Shinto: "God of the army, open a channel for the meeting staff of our guild to temporarily block other signals."

"Already done."

"Ok." Su Mei said, "Now only we are here. The words of the boss of the Dark League just inspired me. I used to think that the plan of the God of War was flawed, but I couldn't find the problem. Now I am Finally figure out what's wrong. "

Before we asked questions, the God of War suddenly inserted himself and said, "I also know where my problem lies. I previously ignored the relationship between the domestic guilds. I planned the strategy in the way of the army under the country. Deployment, but the domestic guilds do not cooperate as well as the army. Even in the army, even if you know that you are cannon fodder, for the victory of the overall battle, a certain army will still sacrifice. But we are now at In a guild alliance, when there is interest, everyone can twist into a rope. Once the interest disappears and is accompanied by a loss, the alliance will immediately disintegrate. There is no cohesion between us, and it is impossible to sacrifice local achievements as a whole. So ... "

"So the plan is negated, God of War, you immediately begin to calculate the feasible plan of Su Mei's plan. I ask you to fill me in the planning gap in the throne of the Seal of God in the shortest time. We need a comprehensive and detailed plan."

"During the calculation, please wait a moment." After a pause of more than a minute, the army **** said again: "The result came out. The success rate of the initial plan of the think tank is about 83%. Operation and adjustment of the pace of war, and the use of President Ziri's super-strike ability as a means of suppression, the probability of success exceeds 97%. "

"Such a high success rate should be enough." I asked, "What are the details of the plan?"

"The revised plan and the plan of the think tank are quite different, and we cannot borrow the previous crossing plan. In addition, according to this plan, our guild may need to increase investment, and in order to ensure post-war benefits, we may have to Expand the area occupied by Russia. "

"Isn't that making the whole plan bigger?"

"Not only will it become larger, but the plan will become more complex, and the number of things involved will also increase. As the planning time for the Seal of the Throne becomes longer, we may need to use some unconventional means."

"What is the use of unconventional means?" Zhenhong asked.

"First, Essinger must join the war, and second, we need foreign aid."

"Foreign Aid?" I asked curiously, "The army is all over the country, so what foreign aid is there?"

"Because the soldiers all over the country are here, I say that it is foreign aid rather than internal staff."

"You mean the Protoss?" I'm not stupid. The God of War said that, of course, the first time the Seal of the Seal of God had guessed what he was talking about.

Sure enough, the God of War immediately confirmed my guess. "No matter what method you use, you must let some protoss fight, not necessarily in the name of the protoss, as long as they second some of their power ~ ~ In addition, if possible, you can use the commandments The ring is even better. "

"No, the ring of commandments cannot move." I had an argument with the various protoss for the benefit distribution of the Russian Protoss. At that time, the relationship was relatively rigid, and I also tried to abandon the management of the ring of commandments to persecute them. Over all protoss. In this case, if we propose to use the ring of commandments, it is not just a matter of slapping ourselves, it will cause us to lose our position. At that time, even if the Russian battle is a complete victory, those who are cheap will also do it with us. For other Chinese guilds, we ourselves have to withstand the extortion of the Protoss side. Therefore, the ring of commandments is now the nuclear weapon on the shelf, just put it there to scare and scare people, really launching it will cause trouble for yourself.

"It doesn't matter if the ring of commandments cannot move. What about the Protoss?"

"Protoss can be considered. They were not very happy with me before. This may be looking for a chance to repair our relationship with us. If I would go to them on their own initiative, they should be able to exchange for some troops based on understanding. Right of use. But do you think it's better to be an ordinary service or a superior armed force? "

"The top force with deterrent effect is needed, and the quantity is not a problem."

"Okay, then I'll have it."

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