Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 205: Reading the data wrong?

With the sound of the cue, this duel is considered to be officially in effect. (

(Reading Net) But I did n’t rush to fight with the girls as soon as I came up, but I jumped up two times in the same place, then threw the power sword hanging on my waist and jumped up to catch it in the air. After it hit the ground, he suddenly turned around and made a cross.

This series of movements is not meaningless disturbances. In fact, I am just testing the attributes of this body. Although this system is said to copy its own attributes in reality, but I am a dragon, after all, there is a difference in physical fitness from normal people, so I am afraid that there will be some gaps in copying attributes. In order to ensure the understanding of my own attributes, I first performed a jump-up exercise to test the leg muscle strength, and then the throwing weapon movement was used to test the hand-eye coordination and the strength of the upper limbs. Test for power and body flexibility.

Facts have proven that the physical properties of the Dragons will cause system errors when they are collected and set using the system. This **** system failed to copy my actual physical properties.

In reality, the combined thrust of my legs is between 1,000 tons and 1,500 tons, and the explosive output can be about 1,300 tons of force. Although I did not use full force during the jump just now, The Ministry's strength was obviously not so abnormal. In fact, if I judge well, the actual output of these legs is only about two to three tons, which is about two-thousandths of the actual level, and the explosive power seems to be two and a half tons, which is also reduced by the same proportion. .

The test results when throwing the weapon were similar to those of the lower limbs, and the strength was reduced to two thousandths of that in reality. Fortunately, there is no problem with the coordination of the limbs. It still perfectly inherits the strong coordination of movement in reality, and because the power has become much smaller, the accuracy of the hand control has increased a lot. Subsequent explosive power and flexibility tests were also considered to be reasonable. In terms of explosive power, the main force output became smaller and decreased proportionally, but the explosive ratio did not change. (Human explosive power output, if you do n’t believe it, you can find a super heavy thing to push away. The thing that ca n’t be pushed initially may be pushed after holding your teeth for a few seconds. This shows that the maximum output of human power needs one In addition, the flexibility of this body seems to be slightly lower than in reality, but the decline rate is not large, and about 90% of the flexibility in reality can be maintained.

According to my guess, the reason why this physical attribute is wrong may be related to my body being changed. Originally as a dragon family, I was born on the basis of the B13 factor as an artificial life form. After adolescents, I always used the human gene shell as a model to grow, that is to say, the large part of my DNA in the throne of God during that time. Some gene fragments are actually dormant. Although I had shown some physical characteristics beyond the human level at that time, it was actually only a side effect of my DNA. The real Dragon physiological characteristics had not yet erupted. Later, when I accidentally contacted the secrets of Plan B at the Longyuan base, my dad really let me start to contact the core secrets of the Dragon clan, and then because of my genetic awakening, the body could not meet the requirements at that time, so I used in vitro The recultivation method has remade a body for me. And in reality, my body is implanted with a type 11 dynamic skeletal system, so my power output in reality should be the sum of the power in current reality plus the power of dynamic bones. However, although the body has evolved, the memory information stored in my brain obviously does not keep up with the speed of evolution, so that when the system reads the physical characteristics, it actually reads out the data before I changed the body, so this body is only Will be so different from the actual data, the reason is that this is basically the data of two different bodies.

Although the physical properties were inexplicably reduced due to system reading errors, I didn't have any worries about this duel. For one thing, even if I used the attributes of my former body, now my strength is six to more than that of ordinary people. Even a special trained professional can at most reach two thirds of me. I fight for physical fitness, as long as it is human, don't expect a chance. Besides, even if my physical fitness is comparable to mine? My specialty is not physical fitness, but fighting skills and nerve response speed. When my brain is fully activated, other people ’s actions will become slow-moving things for me. Even if the other party is a master of martial arts, once he slows down each of his actions to one-eighth or even normal speed One-eighth, can I still be hit? Therefore, even with my current body, I am still invincible. Of course, the other party cannot use too exaggerated weapons. After all, all I can rely on now is reaction speed, fighting skills, and a slight physical advantage, which can't be compared with me in a complete physical state. At present, I can't reach the level of dropping ten sessions, but it is definitely no problem to deal with three or five masters or a bunch of ordinary people.

"Haha, now that there are no advanced skills and powerful attributes, let's see how you die." A few little sisters saw that I hadn't flew anything like sword qi and so on for a long time, and they were timid at first Just disappeared.

"It's easy to make me die." I pointed to my throat and heart. "Here and here, just stab in with a sword. But only if you can touch me."

"Huh, the dead duck has a hard mouth, to see how the sisters ruined you." The little sisters of the Shannan Sisters Association rushed up as soon as they finished speaking.

Looking at the many little maids rushing towards me, I did not step back, but instead rushed to meet them, and at the same time, the surface of the right sword in my hand was lit with blue runes. Honestly, I'm really not used to this thing, but I'm a dual-professional now, and this thing is the only primary equipment that has dual attacks on physical law, so my weapon can only be used This is the thing, after all, the general sword or staff is mainly aimed at a single combat attribute. Of course, in the later period, some advanced swords can also be used as wands, and some advanced wands can also be used as sticks or even tomahawks, but those are advanced equipment in the later stages. We are currently using whiteboard equipment, which is the most basic basic equipment. So unless I am willing to give up an offensive ability, I can only use the power sword.

Wielding a sword with a blade almost the same length as the hilt, I shot a white light fiercely when I was seven or eight meters away from the little maids. But the light beam didn't fly towards the other side, but shot directly into the sky, but soon the light beam fell again and hit me exactly. This is the "intensification" of the summoner's skills. Its main role is to comprehensively strengthen all the attributes of the magic pet, but mainly to strengthen the two intuitive attributes of attack and defense. In the past, because there was a fully assisted magic pet like colored **** in my magic pet, my own auxiliary attributes would be covered, so I rarely use auxiliary skills to help the magic pet in battle. But now I am alone, and the attributes are weakened so much, so it is necessary to add attributes to myself.

The other party saw that I had no reaction to my casting, and still rushed towards me, but just before we were three or four meters away, my second spell was completed.

With the sudden lifting of my power sword, a small light spot suddenly lighted up at the point of the sword, but in just less than 0.1 second, the throne of the Seal of God, that light spot suddenly burst out than the sun. Even more intense light, the surrounding area instantly turned into a dazzling bright white, while the members of the Shannan Sisters Club on the opposite side screamed collectively and desperately covered their eyes.

Just when they were desperately covering their eyes to avoid the glare, I had rushed over the distance of three or four meters and reached the people in front. Although the other party was covering their eyes, their bodies could not stop immediately due to the influence of inertia, and they were still rushing forward, while I flashed past them, but those who rushed past me were released at the same time. His eyes were changed to cover his throat with both hands, but he still couldn't suppress the blood spurting from the throat.

Although the right sword is very suitable for chopping because of its long handle and short blade structure, I am not used to it after all. Besides, I do n’t have time to chop the Seal of the Throne. When my sisters ran by, they used this thing as a spear, and everyone who passed by me clicked on their throats. Although the right sword is a weapon suitable for hacking, its tip is pointed after all, so it can be used as a spear to make it nothing short except that it is slightly shorter.

The little girls who had my throat choked had already lost seven or eight people before they responded. ~ When the rest of the people reacted, I was too late to cover their eyes with bright light. Because, although they loosened their hands covering their eyes, they could not see anything except white.

The skill I used just now is actually flashing, a spell similar to flashing bullets, which belongs to the general skills of the mage department. However, there is a problem with this skill, that is, the effect will decrease when the level is higher. When the players' level exceeds 800, the blinding effect caused by strong light can only be maintained for a few tenths of a second. Although the master can still use it in the battle, it has basically become dispensable for ordinary players. Something out. However, the little sisters of the Shannan Sisters Club obviously forgot that their current attributes are based on real data, and the actual human attributes are at most equivalent to players within level 10 in the game, even in the novice village. Nope. Such properties are naturally extremely weak in resistance to flashes, and it is impossible to miss them.

"Everyone, don't mess, stand still and prevent accidental injuries." Just as the people of the Shannan Sisters Club were in chaos because of the flash, a shout made everyone quiet. I followed the voice and immediately found out that the shouting was the chairman of the Shannan Sisters' Association. The so-called snake has no head, a group of people who are not easy to manage. As long as I kill her, no one can direct the rest. How can I kill them? Just think of it, I kicked away a little girl in front of the road and rushed towards the president of the Shannan Sisters Association.

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